People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 132: Guide Fleur Delacour

Chapter 132 Guide Fleur Delacour

The chat group is now very lively, as if a firecracker was thrown into a gunpowder barrel.

Just now, Basil did not speak, but was broadcasting everything in the castle.

In other words, not only Aberforth, who was racking his brains to think of a gift for his sister, but everyone else also saw Dumbledore holding Ariana's hand and saying that he would give her this castle.

Then he looked at Aberforth proudly, "Anna (nickname), are you satisfied with my little gift?"

Madison: "Is this Dumbledore?"

Beatrice: "How did his skin become so tight and smooth? Did he drink the elixir of immortality?"

The reason why she was so suspicious was because Basil had put a batch of it on the shelves in the [Group Store].

She had drunk it before, and her skin condition was indeed better after drinking it. It was useful for her who had the [Glorious Radiance] talent.

Sophie: "A castle of my own? How great it would be if I were Ariana!"

She dreams of becoming a real princess, and she really wants to go to Basil's world the next second.

Bella: "Is this the power of magic?"

She was a little depressed. Because she was worried about vampires, she did not accumulate badges to exchange for gold cards.

Instead, she directly exchanged for 10 mist cards.

The result was three spells [Misty] [Clear Water Like a Spring] [Fluorescent Flashing].

The only purple card was to summon the Niffler.

It was enough for magic, but for vampires?

Or the most powerful type in all the group members' worlds.

Zoe: "Oh."

She was the only one who didn't care about these, but was briefly surprised.

Ariana: "After Basil helps me check the castle, everyone is welcome to come and play."

Basil didn't bubble.

The conversation was also fleeting.

Dumbledore didn't give them much time.

Aberforth's face twisted again, Dumbledore's eyes dropped to the ground, and Basil held Ariana's hand again.

The four of them stood on the light blue floor that looked like plastic and was close to marble when they stepped on it, and the pink light enveloped the entire hall.

The sky spun, and the eyes were pink. A second later, they appeared in an unfamiliar mountain range.

Dumbledore said: "Welcome to the Pyrenees. There are glaciers, snow, verdant mountains, and hot springs everywhere."

Aberforth frowned, "I know that Beauxbatons Castle is a beautiful French palace located in the Pyrenees, surrounded by majestic gardens and fountains built with magic, and has stood there for more than 700 years."

"But why don't I see any traces? And according to your previous introduction, we should go directly to Nick Flamel's house."

He didn't want his sister's delicate feet to be worn out by the steep mountain road, nor did he want the Granger kid to take this opportunity to carry her on his back.

He and Albus can use magic, but Ariana will definitely take the initiative to ask this little brat to carry it.

Dumbledore understood Aberforth's implication in seconds.

"Because the travel castle already belongs to Ariana. The teleportation array has also been cleared and rewritten."

"So, we can only reach France through it."

"In fact, our current location is the gate of Beauxbatons."

"Every magic school has its own means of concealing itself. Hogwarts, like Castellobus, is a ruin in the eyes of Muggles. There is a sign hanging at the entrance, saying dangerous, no entry, unsafe."

"And Beauxbatons, its means are the most interesting." At this point, Dumbledore came to a huge granite that was as smooth as a mirror.

He pressed his palm on it, and instantly a series of water lines appeared on the stone wall.

Then his palm sank into it, "Beauxbatons is not between the mountains, but in a mountain range."

"You go in first, this portal only records my palm prints."

Dumbledore wanted to say a few more words.

But his lovely sister did not hesitate. She took Basil's hand and said, "Well, well, let's go, Basil."

Watching them sink into the rock wall.

Aberforth patted his shoulder and sighed with him.

On the other side.

"Is this really inside the mountain?" Ariana's mouth turned into an O shape, and her beautiful face made such an expression, which gave people a special sense of contrast.

They were now on a cobblestone paved road, with a sea of ​​flowers on both sides.

Tulips, roses, carnations, lilies, jasmine, and many flowers she couldn't name.

Countless butterflies danced in it, and their beautiful wings reflected colorful lights in the sun.

Yes, there is even the sun here.

But the sun is purple, so that the sky has also turned into a charming lavender.

"I can take you to see it." Basil smiled, showing his eight neat teeth, and hugged Ariana while she blushed and lost her mind.

Well, let Sophie have a sense of participation this time.

Sophie's Knight Card was activated, and the force of the wind swept the two of them up into the sky.

Then, the entire Beauxbatons was visible to the two of them.

Behind the sea of ​​flowers is a blue forest; the forest is close to a glacier and a steep slope covered with white snow. From time to time, wisps of hot air gush out from the glacier. If you look closely, you will see irregular hot spring pools; behind the steep slope is a Golden leaves such as ginkgo, sycamore, golden-leaf privet, locust tree, and poplar trees cover the entire land; and at the end is a French palace made of white ivory and gold, filled with fountains and gardens. Color it in the colors of the rainbow.

The Dumbledore brothers who entered this space next were stunned.

Aberforth: "They flew?"

Dumbledore got into his old habit. He looked at the two of them up and down and said, "Well, it's not dark magic."

Aberforth's question mark face, the point is black magic or not black magic! ! It was the Granger brat who took Ariana away! What if Anna hurts a hair? This old fool!

"We should go down." Under the lavender sky, smelling the fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose, Bajir blew hot air into Ariana's ear.

"Oh." Ariana lowered her head like a quail, "Did Albus and the others come in too?"

"No," Bagir just landed on the ground at this time. He looked ahead, "Someone is coming to pick us up."

"Where?" Ariana looked forward while dealing with the physical examination of her two brothers.

But soon, she realized that she didn’t need to see with the naked eye.

Suddenly, a sharp and piercing sound came from the air 30 inches above their heads.

Like a hacksaw cutting through metal.

There is a round object hovering on the cobblestone ground 200 feet away.

It is entirely silver, with no traces of welding visible, just like two silver plates stacked face to face.

Then, a burst of golden magic text appeared on its surface, and its upper part suddenly became transparent.

It began to move towards them, but this time very slowly and without any sound.

If you close your eyes, you won't notice it approaching at all.

Just when Ariana was wondering what this was, a curse word in the chat group revealed the answer.

Madison: "Holy shit! Flying saucer!"

This also attracted the attention of Zoe and Bella in modern society.

Bella: "Is this the origin of UFOs?"

Zoe: "UFO? But this doesn't add up. Although "Research on Muggle Suspicion of Magic" mentioned that many things that Muggles think are alien works are the work of wizards. But it also clearly states that crop circles are the work of wizards. The so-called UFOs seen by Muggles in the sky were actually escaped quaffles from witches and wizards who participated in the International Wizarding Annual Gardening Competition when they used crop-related spells.

Sophie, who knows Madison best: "You are Zoe? It couldn't be Madison who logged in to your account, right?"

Madison: "Stupid and naive country girl. You also forgot that Zoe likes to read."

"However, she is still not as professional as me."

"This is from the Daily Prophet newsletter and was written by Rowling herself. However, since it was published before some of the Harry Potter novels, some of the terminology and events that occurred do not exactly match up with later storylines. ”

"For example, the crop circles are derived from the Moon-Crazy Beast in the latest setting."

"As soon as the Moon Chimera comes into the moonlight, it will stand on its two hind legs and start to dance a very complicated dance. This is part of the Moon Chima beast's mating ritual, but at the same time, they will also leave complex geometric patterns in the wheat fields as an afterthought. Traces. The crop circles that confuse Muggles.”

"But this does not conflict with the setting. Because "A Study of Muggle Suspicion of Magic" is not a setting directly posted by Rowling, but was written based on the report of Phoebus Penrose, the British Ministry of Magic's Commission of Inquiry."

"I don't need to tell you what the officials of the British Ministry of Magic are like. Most of them are fat-headed bureaucrats who talk nonsense. Their reports are naturally of little value."

Sophie: "You know better than Rowling?"

Madison: "What does Rowling know about Harry Potter? Do I know more than she does? Can she summon a unicorn? The Golden Snitch?"

Sophie: "Then can you explain what is in front of Ariana and the others?"

Madison: "Idiot! Watch the live broadcast. Someone. Siha, this is Furong~"

As Madison said, someone was introducing this strange aircraft.

".It is also very famous in the Muggle world. The protagonist of the Valensole UFO landing incident on July 1, 1965 was that it had the same idea as the Muggles. It could really fly into space. That Muggle Miles M. What he saw at that time was a house elf wearing Professor Flamel's special aviation suit. Therefore, the 'person' he saw was very short, with a big head, a strange face, and clothes similar to a diving suit. "

The guide was wearing a sky blue flowing robe, with long waterfall-like silver hair hanging down to her waist. She was also very beautiful: a pair of big, bright, light blue eyes and white and neat teeth.

When she came down from the silver stairs extending from the flying saucer, she even showed off her exquisite and graceful lines.

However, she is not as elegant as she appears.

Now, for the first time, she understood how boys felt when they saw her lost her mind and making a fool of herself.

She did a lot of homework after somehow being chosen as a guide by the great Nick Flamel.

She knew the origin of this aircraft and the history of Beauxbatons by heart.

But unexpectedly, she fell down in front of a strange young man.

Before this, she had never thought that there was such an extraordinary beauty in the world.

Eyebrows, skin, high nose bridge, slightly upturned thin lips, blue eyes, neat teeth, perfect physique.

She looked at everything about him from head to toe, but could not find any flaws.

It was not the effect of any magic, but a work of art made up of his facial features.

Compared with him, even the rare mixed-blood male Veela pales in comparison.

But what is more outstanding than his beauty is his temperament that is like the sun, making people want to do the French military salute.

She did not stutter, but at the moment she only had eyes for this boy, so she ignored everyone else.

Her mind clearly understood this, but she just couldn't control it.

On the other side, Nick Flamel, who saw this scene by some means, said, "Damn Dumbledore! Why didn't you say that he was so handsome in person!"

He hurried to the alchemy room and tried to make a pair of glasses-a pair of glasses that distorted the handsome face of the handsome guy and degraded it to the retina.

Suddenly, sparks flew in the alchemy.

And Dumbledore also cursed inwardly: "Damn Nick!"

When preparing Ariana's gift, he also complained to Nick.

So the guide was changed from the alchemy doll to Fleur Delacour. She can become a school beauty just by her appearance, and she is also a witch with veela blood.

Let Bajir fall in love with her and be just friends with Ariana.

Get Bajir's power that can stabilize Ariana's body without Ariana.


The beauty sent by Nick fell in love with Bajir instantly after seeing him.

And forgot all of them.

And Aberforth was happy to see the scene. In his heart, his sister is undoubtedly an angel.

But even he had to admit that the girl in front of him was simply a beauty on earth.

That weird, soul-stirring charm further proved that she had veela blood, and it was incomparable to human girls in terms of use.

This is why, although French wizards also discriminate against half-blood wizards (here half-blood refers to those with other humanoid blood), humanoids. But they only give Veela and Veela half-blood a break.

No man can refuse Veela.

The existence of half-blood Veela makes some old stubborn people ecstatic.

The lecherous kid of Granger's family is definitely no exception.

Ariana, who can't compete with this French girl, can only cry and return to the arms of her dearest brother.

But thinking of this, Aberforth felt inexplicably sad.

"It's crazy! Do I have to help Ariana guard this lecherous kid?"

The heart of a good brother finally defeated jealousy.

So, Aberforth stood up and blocked in front of Basil.

"What are you looking at? This is my sister's boyfriend!"

"What are you talking about!" Ariana pretended to be angry, but the corners of her mouth were almost grinning to the back of her ears.

"You are crazy!" It was Dumbledore who said this, and he was really angry.

Although he accepted that Basil was close to Ariana, he accepted it faster than Aberforth.

But he had not yet accepted that Basil was Ariana's boyfriend.

At least, they had to wait until they were both adults!

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