People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 134: Ancient Magic That Disappeared from History

Boom boom boom boom.

Harry rubbed his hair and picked up the glasses on the table.

"This damn ghoul!" Ron on the side buried his face into the pillow and said angrily.

The sloping ceiling of Ron's bedroom was the attic.

There's a ghoul inside. Whenever the house feels too quiet, he will howl loudly and bang the pipes.

"It's really time for us to get up, right?" There was a hint of pleasure in Harry's words.

Because he had long been fed up with the orderliness of the Dursley family.

It can be said that he is obsessed with these surprises and accidents in the Weasley family.

The mirror that shouts "Tuck your shirt in, you're sloppy!"; the Fred and George bedroom that occasionally makes explosion sounds as if there's a Seamus hiding there; the gnomes in the garden that look like potatoes; And everyone here loves him.

Of course, this does not include Bill and Charlie, who only heard about Ron and others, and they have no chance of liking Harry.

After Percy finished previewing his homework, he would take the initiative to take him for a walk on Stoat Mountain. Say this is another tip for practicing magic. Hone your willpower through physical exercise. This is why Quidditch players' spell skills aren't too low.

Fred and George allowed him into their bedroom to view various inventions. This is an honor that even Ron can't get.

Mrs. Weasley darned his socks and made him refill them four times at every meal.

Mr. Weasley liked to have Harry sit next to him at meals and kept asking Harry about Muggle life, asking him about plugs and the post office. Sometimes I would ask him about Bagir.

Mr. Weasley once exclaimed: "His little tips for saving money are so useful! Now we can take every member of our family on a family trip, once every three months!"

Harry: "."

As for Ginny, they only met in the kitchen, and every time he entered the room, Ginny always knocked something over. She got under the table to pick up the bowl, and when she came out her face was as red as the sunset.

I guess I like it. He was familiar with it, but in the past, this person had always been Bagir. Every time Bagir appears, something unexpected happens. Girls always want this to get his attention.

Thinking of Bajir, Harry sighed, "It would be great if Bajir could also come to your house."

Ron yawned, "And then my sister likes him and stops making a fuss about you? I don't want that."

"Although you are excellent, Ginny can still find someone better. But if it is Bajir Ginny, it will be over."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Why can't you find someone better than me? Draco?"

"Ouch!" The frightened Ron bumped his head against the ceiling, "Why would you think of him? I have also seen Romeo and Juliet! If it were him, their story would be played out in our house!"

Harry teased: "Why, don't you deny that he is excellent?"

Ron's ears turned red, "He's really good at Quidditch, isn't he? And old Malfoy is dead. Now he's close to your godfather again."

"That's enough! Let's change the subject! Do you think Bagir really went to France's Nick Flamel?"

"But this is Rita Skeeter's reporting. It's better to trust her reporting than to trust Snape to wash his hair."

"But wouldn't it be too dangerous? Not to mention Voldemort. I heard from my father that when the Philosopher's Stone was in Dumbledore's hands, many wizards took risks."

"If they hadn't all disappeared in Hogsmeade for no reason, Hogwarts might have been temporarily closed."

"Ever since the invention of Nick Flamel's Philosopher's Stone, whenever there is news related to him, there will always be a swarm of wizards surrounding it like flies smelling carrion."

"Many wizarding families even left their hometowns and moved to France. Beauxbatons also went from being unknown to becoming one of the top three in Europe."

"I'm worried now that Bajir has something to do with him."

"Bajir is indeed very powerful, but he is just a student, isn't he?"

Harry also frowned, "But there is Dumbledore, right? He will not let his students be in danger. And if Nick Flamel really accepted Bargeer as his student, he would have lived for more than six hundred years. He definitely thought of everything.”

"Bajir will not be in danger, but he will stay in France and not come back. For safety reasons."

On the other side, there is a vast expanse of grass.

Nick Flamel was also saying to Bagir: "Why don't you stay in France for safety."

Furong: Such a good thing!

"What?" Ariana, who was squatting on the grass playing with ants, exclaimed, dropped the branch in her hand, and looked at her brother, "Albus, is it you again!" She pounced on him.

Dumbledore frowned, "What do you mean?"

He was happy to be close to his sister, but he couldn't be happy when he thought about who it was for.

Bagir waved his hand, "Okay, Ariana. I know what's going on. You should know that this is just a small problem for me."

Nick Flamel looked at Bagir with interest, "You know again? You can know about things in England thousands of miles away in France? Is this also through dreams?"

"Now -" Bagir said in a long tone, "perhaps everyone knows that I came to study with you."

"Combined with the future master of the British wizarding world you mentioned before, is this Dumbledore warming me up in advance?"

"By the way, attract a group of unstable factors in advance and remove or conquer them."

"Make my future road smoother."

Everyone around looked at him in surprise.

Dumbledore's blue eyes flickered: "You haven't entered my dream, have you?"

Aberforth frowned: "I think Ariana's husband should be more ordinary."

Fleur: Is this what I can hear? !!!∑(Дノ)ノ

Ariana(*︾▽︾): “Husband or something.”

Nico Flamel's gray eyes showed emotion for the first time, no longer like a cold and heartless robot.

The look in his eyes when he was in the wooden house before was an illusion of the warm light lingering inside, matching his vivid expression.

But now, he is alive, "You actually know! Then do you know what purpose he has in bringing you to me?"

Others around him kept quiet when they saw that the teaching seemed to have officially begun.

Bagir touched his chin, "As a king, especially a king of wizards, you must have the power to overwhelm all wizards. And for wizards, knowledge is power. And you are the most knowledgeable wizard in the world."

Nick Flamel smiled, "That's not entirely true. After all, if true knowledge is power. The most powerful wizard is Ravenclaw."

"Our racial characteristics are destined for one thing. The strength of the mind is far more important than any knowledge."

"Hardening the body, self-contemplation, learning, and even falling in love are all ways to strengthen the mind, which is the willpower."

"Only in this way can a wizard become a great wizard."

"The mind is so powerful that the magic power turns into substance, so that it truly exists, and can surpass the capacity of the body and soul and continue to grow."

"Unlike me, my magic reached its upper limit at the age of 237."

Dumbledore smiled bitterly: "Growing beyond capacity just sounds beautiful. The lifespans of normal wizards and great wizards are the same."

"Most wizards die early before their magic power reaches its upper limit."

Flamel retorted: "The life span of wizards is about 150 years old. As long as their minds are pure, they still want to live."

"Most wizards are mediocre. They are not good enough to expand their abilities."

"So, most of them will hit the ceiling when they are 50 to 60 years old, and their magic power will never improve."

"The magic power of the great wizard is not simple. The same spell uses the same amount of magic power, but the magic power of the great wizard is more personalized and powerful."

"It's also easier to personalize the spell itself, that is, to spell it."

He looked at Bagir: "You should feel it. You can master any spell as soon as you learn it."

"After studying a spell deeply, you will find that it will come alive on its own and develop in the direction you want."

The fake great wizard Bajir: Damn, I’m no different from the real one now!

Seeing that Bagir didn't answer, Flamel continued: "For a wizard, the stronger the mind, the stronger the magic power."

Bajir: So as my spirituality increases, my magic power will also increase.

"So, wizards with strong magic power are truly powerful. Even if you don't understand a single spell, a simple emotional outburst is better than a well-trained wizard with low magic power."

"Spells and magical knowledge themselves are magical, and they will actively pursue wizards with powerful magic."

"As long as you know a spell, it's a disarming spell."

"Facing a low-magic wizard who has learned more spells than you, as long as you don't give up, your chances of victory are far greater than his."

Bajir suddenly thought of Harry in the original novel, was he like this?

Flamel continued: "Magic is not a separate supernatural energy in fantasy novels. It is just the imagination of Muggles."

"It lasts forever and does not wear out."

"Its increase is not simply an accumulation of energy."

"The more it, the more efficient you are in learning magic, your affinity for spells, and the stronger your magic resistance."

"Bajir, as a great wizard, it is not difficult for you to increase your magic power."

"As long as you want, you can speed up the process of magic accumulation through the killing curse."

Dumbledore: "Nick! This is not what you should teach him!"

Flamel shook his head: "The killing magic brought by the Killing Curse is not a problem for the great wizard."

"You don't have to worry about him indulging in bloodlust."

"And the killing magic power is not as useful to great wizards as it is to ordinary wizards."

"Otherwise, Voldemort, who has no upper limit to his magic power and is also a great wizard, would be invincible."

"Knowledge itself is without error."

"Albus, hiding it like this will only make people curious and lead them astray."

Ariana lasts: "Yeah, it's bad to be the Riddler."

She has always had the feeling after reading the novel that if Albus and others were honest and didn't become the Riddler, there would be no seven Harry Potter series.

Dumbledore shut his mouth. His sister's last hit hit him hard.

Aberforth gloated.

Bagir asked: "Then what are you going to teach me today? Take advantage of my high magic power? Also, why did you choose this place?"

Flamel laughed, "I'm going to teach you some ancient magic. It's what Durmstrang calls war magic, and it's what modern magic throws into the trash."

"If it goes well, you're going to create an unprecedented storm here."

"Test your magic power by the way."

Seeing Furong's eyes looking worried.

He added: "Don't worry, I contacted the Meteorological Office in advance - through the French Ministry of Magic."

"It is necessary and common practice to inform Muggle governments of the power of wizards."

"Durmstrang does the same thing when he teaches war magic."

"Let them know how powerful wizards are, and mistakenly think that wizards are so powerful and walking natural disasters, so as to prevent them from targeting wizards in a hot head."

"That's why the Muggle Protection Act exists. It's not to protect Muggles, and it's not to protect wizards."

"To prevent those lame wizards who are not skilled in armor spells and disembodiment from appearing in front of Muggles."

"Although you don't have this in the UK, those who have contact with the Muggle world are often elite wizards who can transform at will, transform space, and understand Muggle society. This is also very common among Muggles. It is called military exercises."

Bajir frowned: "According to what you said, ancient magic can cause natural disasters. Then what will happen to it and it will no longer be popular?"

"How does modern magic defeat it?"

Flamel replied: "It's all down to one person, Elizabeth Smachlin."

"She was born in England, so she was my contemporary."

"In 1379, when I was in my fifties, I participated in a dueling tournament held on Dartmoor that attracted witches and wizards from all over Europe."

"She also participated at that time and was only in her twenties."

"I'm ashamed to say it. Among the four wizards who reached the semi-finals, including Smachlin, I was not included."

"The first two wizards were both Animagus."

"The wizard who turned into a snake defeated the witch whose Animagus was a bull. By biting her leg."

"And the third wizard. You also know her. She is my lover - Perenal."

"She's very good at ancient magic."

"The poisonous snake Animagus conjured a huge storm cloud in the sky, leaving her soaked in the freezing rain and having to avoid the lightning strikes."

"But that didn't bother her. She conjured up a powerful whirlwind that blew away not only the storm, but also the judges, most of the audience and several trees."

"That includes me, and Smachlin."

"Fortunately, everyone here is a wizard and no one died."

"It took hours for people to regroup."

"Almost everyone agrees that the title of 'Best Duelist' should belong to Perenaar."

"They were also afraid that she would do what she did before. Even the judges tried to persuade Smachlin not to challenge him again, telling her that it would be easier to just give the third person the trophy before more people were injured."

"But Smachlin refused."

"The final showdown began. On the count of three, Perenal began to recite a long and complex incantation."

"If she had the chance to finish it, the spell would make a mountain rise from the ground and land on top of Smachlin's head."

"But Smachlin struck first and quickly uttered the Disarming Charm, causing the opponent's wand to fly out."

"As a result, she won the title of 'Best Duelist', and the disarming spell became one of the duelist's practical spells."

"All subsequent spells have also developed in a short and concise direction. Ancient magic with long spells is no longer favored by duelists and has gradually withdrawn from history."

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