People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 14 Experiments with Malfoy

"What? Everyone knows that Gryffindors are a bunch of brainless idiots."

The compartment door was pushed open.

The person who spoke was a pale-faced, sarcastic kid with light blond hair.

Two tall, fat guys followed behind him, protecting the kid like two door gods.

"Draco Malfoy?"

"Isn't it at the castle gate in the movie? Is it the butterfly effect?"

Bagir wondered in confusion.

However, what surprised him even more was that this Malfoy looked straight at him.

Not Harry?

Is he here to teach him a lesson?

Because Pyfenniel failed to kill him?

Draco Malfoy also knew?

It's possible.

After all, Lucius Malfoy dared to bite the big melon to Harry in front of the headmaster's office (in the movie, Bajir didn't know if it was not in the novel).

Draco Malfoy would become the youngest Death Eater later.

Malfoy just mocked Neville first.

"Oh, Longbottom, you want to go to Gryffindor too?"

He paused again and said slightly formally: "You are the Granger."

"A relative of Finn Granger, the current president of the Extraordinary Apothecary Association."

"Killed the notorious werewolf Greyback."

"He was also in the limelight at the station today."

"Your relationship chart of powerful people is also quite reliable according to research."

"But it's a pity." Malfoy paused again and looked at Ron with disdain.

"You seem to have made the wrong friends. But I believe that some people stick to you like sticky candy."

"I can help you in this regard."

At this point, Malfoy stretched out his right hand, "My name is Draco Malfoy."

Casually pointed out the names of the fat guys with his eyes, "As for them, Crabbe and Goyle."

Faced with Draco Malfoy's provocative self-introduction.

The performances of the several people in the compartment were different.

Hermione, who also did not knock, looked disgusted, "No manners! Don't you know how to knock?"

Harry and Ron stood up suddenly.

Draco Malfoy seemed not to see them.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Hermione shrewdly, "Oh? What's your name?"

Hermione raised her chin and replied proudly, "Hermione Granger!"

Malfoy instantly suppressed the disdain in his eyes and looked at Basil, "Granger? You are relatives."

Ron, who was ignored, took the opportunity to mock, "Hasn't your family always been arrogant?"

"Oh, I see."

"My father said that your family has had several potion shops closed down recently."

"Even the seat of the Hogwarts director was lost."

"Why, are you here? Licking Basil's toes?"

Draco Malfoy's cheeks flushed slightly, "My father also told me that the Weasleys are all red-haired, freckled, and have too many children to raise."

"And you," he seemed to have just seen Harry, "I remember you are also from a wizard family, and staying with people like the Weasleys will affect you."

Harry didn't even look at Draco, "Get out! We don't welcome you here!"

His attention was all attracted by Goyle and Crabbe.

These two little fat guys seemed to remind him of Dudley.

Especially now that the two of them were drooling over the pile of snacks.

The one called Crabbe even reached out to the chocolate frog.

Harry: "Put your hand down!"

The ignored Draco said in an imperative tone: "Ignore him! This is what you deserve!"

Crabbe smiled foolishly and stuffed the chocolate frog into his mouth.

But the next second, Crabbe frowned: "A bit bitter? It seems to be smeared with some sauce."

After watching the show, especially the wonderful scene of Crabbe eating the spotted sauce, Basil also stood up.

[Fainted to the ground]

He casually raised his middle finger, and a red light emerged from the middle finger and split into three.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were blown away by the power of the Stunning Spell.

Bang, bang, bang! With three crisp sounds.

The three of them hit the door of the compartment opposite.

Falling to the ground.

Draco's eyes were full of tears, with crying sounds.

"I want to tell my dad!"

After throwing down this sentence, he and Crabbe and Goyle climbed up and walked away in shame.

Basil touched his chin and thought, "Just a little boy who only knows how to call dad? Outrageous!"

Unlike Ron who gloated over his misfortune, Harry who was trying to hold back his smile, and Neville who smiled secretly.

Hermione frowned.

She ignored Basil's vulgar gestures and the strange spells that interested her most.

She focused all her attention on the fact that Basil might be in trouble.

"Basil, you should be careful. Fighting before entering the school is not a good thing!"

"But. I won't tell the professor this time. We haven't started school yet, right?"

Ron looked incredible, "Who are you! Malfoy insulted our college, and you still want to sue the teacher?"

Harry and Neville also doubted whether the girl in front of them had something wrong with her head.

Basil saw the worry hidden in Hermione's words, "She is just worried about me, afraid that Draco Malfoy will sue the teacher."

"But he doesn't have the courage, not to mention that he is the one being educated."

Then, he looked at Hermione seriously, "Don't tell the teacher about it in the future. We are all classmates, and no one likes to be controlled, even if you have good intentions."

Hermione didn't care.

She only noticed one thing.

Bajiel saw her concern!

This made her heart and expression jump!

Hermione's joyful look made Ron obviously misunderstand.

So, he wanted to say something.

Bajiel interrupted and decided to change the subject.

"Let's introduce ourselves again!"

"You know my name."

Hermione nodded like a garlic, "Yeah, yeah, I just found out that Bajiel's last name is also Granger!"

"But no one in my family knows magic. In fact, Bajiel and I are not related."

Neville, Ron also said his name.

Finally, Harry said: "My name is Harry Potter."

Hermione and Neville took a deep breath.

Hermione: "Is it really you? I know everything about you."

"You are mentioned in "Modern History of Magic", "The Rise and Fall of Dark Magic", and "Important Magical Events of the 20th Century".

"But not only these books, but all the textbooks I have memorized!"

"The only pity is that it was too late when I got Basil's book list."

"I wonder if there will be corresponding books in the library of Hogwarts."

She began to talk endlessly.

Harry and Neville had dull eyes and empty minds.

After wiping his butt with a pot cake, the mouse Scabbers also covered his ears and got into Ron's pocket.

Only, Ron.

While Hermione was talking, she kept inserting her views on Slytherin and the Malfoy family.

And Basil, he was relieved.

He finally had time to think about the numerical changes of the Stunning Spell acting on Malfoy.

In fact, when Draco Malfoy stretched out his right hand, the system recognized him as Basil's friend.

After Malfoy fled in disgrace, he even obtained the blue quality [Echo] to be activated and grown.

Click on the friend bar, click on the avatar, and his data will appear.

[Name: Draco Malfoy]

[Race: Wizard]

[Health: 8]

[Magic: 5]

[Luck: 2~5]

[Family traits: Blond hair and white skin (awakening), self-restraint (awakening), mastery of dark magic]

His data is nothing special.

It is not surprising that there are appearance characteristics in family traits.

In the magic world, some families are like this.

The Weasley family must have red hair and freckles; the Potter family has a chicken coop head and a constant hair length.

As for the self-restraint, Basil also guessed it.

The twin sisters said that Draco Malfoy is particularly good at suppressing his sympathy and bullying others.

Therefore, he was very fast in learning brain block with his aunt Bella later, and his attainments were very high.

Malfoy's magic power and health value are only at the excellent level among normal young wizards.

Bajir collected a lot of data at the station.

The magic power of wizards is 3-7.

Most junior wizards are 3-5, and senior wizards are 4-7.

The health value is 7-10.

This makes Bajir's guess come true.

The size of the health value is limited to the physiological structure.

The health value of the first-level devil's snare is 130.

Because as long as it has a vine left, it can survive.

And if the wizard does not perform magic transformation, most wizards can be killed by a pitchfork without using spell defense.

But if this is calculated, the wizard will be seriously injured if he takes a coma spell.

Because the card data of Bajir's first-level coma spell is as follows.

[Stunning Spell]

[Level: Level 1]

[Magic Consumption: 3]

[Shoots a red beam of light to make the cursed person fall into a coma]

[Damage: 3]

[Effective distance: 10m, after 10m, 1 point of damage is reduced for every 1m]

You should know that the health of the little wizard is only 7 at the lowest.

This time, it is more than one-third.

Not to mention, Bajir can also "consume" several times the magic power and achieve several times the damage.

So, there is this experiment.

For the safety of Malfoy and others, he did not use the wand or the wand appearance.

Just use the [magic book] to cast the spell.

Of course, this is also more flexible.

Silently, without spells, you can consume your energy and split the power of the spell.

If you use magic to drive it, you can produce effects other than the spell according to your will.

Split into three parts, the Stunning Spell with a damage of 1 acted on the three people.

Under Bajir's intention to drive them out of the compartment, they were knocked away.

The Stunning Spell was used like an Expelling Spell.

When Draco was hit by the spell, his health did not change, but a -1 that looked illusory appeared behind his magic value.

But his magic value did not decrease.

From the outside, the three seemed to have just been punched, and felt the pain after being hit by the spell and knocked to the ground.

"My Stunning Spell damage does not exceed his magic power, so I can't make him unconscious?"

"So, magic power is not only magic power, but also magic resistance? Huh? Wizards are all walking little moss girls!??"


"Multiple shots hitting humans at the same time may be life-threatening, how is this calculated?"

"Each minus magic resistance plus?"

"What difference would the data panel of Hagrid, who can withstand multiple spells and escape without injury, make?"

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