People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 19: Inherited Physical Traits

Born and raised in the magic world, he knew that there were no so-called nobles in the magic world.

The term pure-blood nobles is the same as the Youzhou people with sky-reaching patterns he heard in Youzhou in his previous life.

But, it shouldn't be like this.

Although, he heard the younger sister of the twins say that in the novel, Slytherin is often compared to a troll.

Harry Potter, which is mainly written for children, has very stereotyped characters.

The villain Slytherin is also pale with white skin.

The female students who have appeared are described as either looking like a lion dog or having big shoulders and waists.

The male Slytherin students who have roles, except for a minority like Malfoy, are mostly burly and are compared to trolls.

But before this, Basil never believed this.

In his mind, Slytherin is a model of nobility and elegance.

However, if that's the case, the fact that pure bloods like Malfoy and Black can be enrolled in the pure-blooded 28 holy families is also related to their excellent appearance inheritance.

After all, among the pure-bloods of Slytherin, Crabbe and Goyle are the majority.

Basil guessed that this was related to their pure-blood ancestors.

It seems that due to the influence of magic, the appearance characteristics of wizards, including but not limited to hair color, eye color, facial features, and physique, are more likely to be passed on to their offspring than Muggles.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the protection law had not yet been fully implemented and wizards had not yet disappeared.

Among wizards, those who yearn for power and tend to be Slytherins often have their own upper-class status in the Muggle world.

And their identities are mostly limited to businessmen, priests, and knights.

Only a few people like Malfoy can come into contact with the royal family and nobles, just like court nobles.

The former are often strong or have such luxury as extra fat.

The latter often do not touch the spring water, wind and sun, so that they are pale and thin.

Therefore, the pure-bloods of Slytherin, the long years have brought them not only the family characteristics of magic, such as mastery of black magic.

They also passed down the appearance characteristics of their ancestors due to their affluent life.

"Basil Granger!" The voice of the Sorting Hat woke him up from his meditation.


He missed the Sorting of Hannah Abbott, the Lord of the Iron Throne!

If his life is a fan fiction, then his bloodline is not pure and he is doomed!

He casually put on the hat that almost stuffed his entire head in, without any dialogue.

A voice came to his ear immediately.

However, the first sentence was almost a whisper, and the second sentence suddenly rose, deafening.

"Child, Gryffindor's head is really big."


[Identity correction: Hogwarts, Gryffindor, first-year student (20 gems are issued every day)]

[Fire spell blessing +1%]

He didn't pay attention to the whispering of the students below.

The cheers of the Gryffindors, especially Percy, "I knew it could be any other house!"

Harry and the others behind him, the ghosts who had also finished eating the whole melon, looked at him with admiration.

Bajiel took off his hat and walked to Hermione who was waiting for him to sit down with a little disappointment.

"Only 1%, who wants it?"

"It's still 20!!!"

"Am I not the protagonist?"

"Why did you go straight to Gryffindor!"

"I haven't been reserved yet!"

At this moment, a translucent, pearly white ghost wearing a round ruffled collar, a waisted coat that reaches the knees, and tights came over.

His clothes are almost the same as the costume of [Midnight Phantom] in the game.

It's just that the one in the game is darker blue.

"Kid, you seem a little disappointed."

"But your choice is undoubtedly correct."

Hermione next to him couldn't help but hug Bajiel's left arm again.

Basil pulled his hand out without leaving a trace, and sighed: "I thought Slytherin was very good."

The ghost rolled his eyes: "Although, Slytherin has won the House Cup for 6 consecutive years! Even Quidditch, we haven't won again after Charlie Weasley left! But they are not excellent, but cunning! Insidious!"

Hermione was attracted by the topic: "But "Hogwarts, a History of the School" mentioned that Gryffindor is the best house!"

The ghost was very proud and wanted to raise his neck, but for some reason he stopped.

"The content of this book is completely correct!"

"What do you mean?" "What do you mean?" At some point, Harry and Ron, who had been sorted and sat around, also asked curiously.

Neville didn't speak, and like the first-year students around him, they all pricked up their ears.

The old students glanced at the two red-haired twins and Snape in the guest seat.

The ghost adjusted his collar complacently, "Although there are reasons why our students like to break school rules. But the reason why Slytherin has been able to keep winning is all because of their headmaster and potions professor Severus Snape. He always finds excuses to give extra points to his own house and subtract points from Gryffindor. There has never been a headmaster as biased as him."

"I dare say that Phineas Nigellus Black, the most unpopular headmaster in the history of Hogwarts, would be more popular than him if he were resurrected to this day."

"However, there is nothing surprising about this. After all, his name is Snape (used as a verb, meaning to treat harshly), haha."

"What about our headmaster? Professor McGonagall!" Ron asked quickly.

He didn't understand the ghost's joke.

But Basil thought of more, "snape? It is derived from the Old Norse sneypa, which means 'being insulted, shamed, and defiled.' If I hadn't traveled through time, I, who couldn't even pass the English level 4, probably wouldn't know that the last name foreshadowed the character's experience and personality."

"Just like Professor Cat, Minerva is the Roman name of Athena, who is also known as the goddess of justice."

On the other side, the ghost just said his evaluation, "She? She is an excellent Transfiguration teacher and the vice-principal of Hogwarts."

"Oh? She's not a good dean?" Seamus Finnigan, who had light brown hair, interrupted.

The ghost shook his head, "She's just impartial. Well, not including the Quidditch field."

Hermione nodded confidently, "This is a good dean! With me and Basil, this year's college cup will definitely be ours!"

The students around looked over in surprise, but this did not include the first-year students.

In fact, Hermione had almost searched the entire train by helping Neville find Radford.

Whenever she saw students who looked like freshmen, she would take the opportunity to test their level.

By the way, she would proudly mention that she had successfully cast all the spells in the textbook.

Basil didn't know that Hermione had attracted so much hatred.

In front of some Slytherin snakes, she relied on Granger's surname and arrogant style to scare them away.

He thought that Hermione saw the value of his wandless silent stunning spell.

So, he asked the ghost directly again: "Is there any allusion to this? I mean Quidditch."

The ghost looked at Professor McGonagall in the guest of honor seat a little awkwardly, but the curious and admiring eyes of the students around him made his mouth open and close automatically.

"I know this. In fact, I saw it with my own eyes."

But his voice was covered up.

Because the sorting was over, Professor McGonagall took the sorting hat and left.

Dumbledore stood up, said a short set of words, and the iconic "idiot! Crybaby! Scum! Twist!\

,"After sitting down,

the whole hall immediately burst into thunderous applause.

In the blink of an eye, the empty golden plate on the table was filled with food.

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