People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 33 Changes

Draco Malfoy, who used to make faces in front of Harry.

No longer appear in front of them very often.

It seems because of the decline of the Malfoy family.

The change in the attitude of the people around him towards him, especially his two followers - they no longer follow him all day long.

He began to live in seclusion.

Only during Potions class, when he saw Snape mocking Harry, did he show a slight smile.

There is an extra ray of sunshine on the face.

But what surprised Bagir the most was Snape.

Because of the conversation in Hagrid's cabin, Harry no longer cared about Snape's sarcasm.

Instead, he often shows an expression of understanding and even sympathy.

I also worked a lot in Potions class.

But Snape persisted in using his venom at Harry.

For this reason, he even gave up his cold violence against Neville.

Quirrell's influence also began to spread throughout the school.

The Ravenclaw students also began to mention Quirrell's school origin.

In the past they were avoided.

In this century, there are very few outstanding graduates from Ravenclaw who are famous.

Only Lockhart and Rita Skeeter can do it.

Due to Dumbledore's excellence, "Hogwarts: A School History" is biased.

In addition, the sorting hat takes more into account the students' own wishes.

A large number of students who originally qualified for Ravenclaw flowed into Gryffindor.

Only a few students who purely admire wisdom and love reading, and most of the students who think they are smart people and barely meet the standards, enter Ravenclaw.

A minority among them, because they are too simple and enthusiastic, only linger in the fields they love.

They're more like geeks.

Research the magical effects of the Levitation Charm on Troll Boogers.

Days and nights spent in a corner of the common room cracking eggs and jotting down future predictions for how the yolks would fall.

The majority among them is not unintelligent.

But they just fit the criteria.

While all the outstanding students go to Gryffindor, Ravenclaw's academic performance is not superior.

This surprised Bagir who learned this.

Although, this is just like Hufflepuff taking all the students who do not meet the standards and letting other simple badgers learn bad things, be dishonest and like to gossip.

Of course, Bajir didn't care much about these.

He cares more about his own progress and more deflection of the world.

So he boldly asked questions in various courses.

I gained a lot from this.

In the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall finally turned into a cat in front of everyone because of his questions.

He even answered the question he was most concerned about: "Granger, no one can transform or restore in the castle. I can do it because I have Dumbledore's permission. If a wizard who has learned Animagi can also It's Animagus. If he doesn't leave the castle, he will remain in the same state as when he left the castle."

This made Bagir a little disappointed.

He had asked this question on purpose to put Ron in danger because of the danger in his pocket.

Then he directly replaced the space and threw the human Scabbers in front of Dumbledore.

Inside the castle, he is invincible.

In the Charms class, Bagir perfectly demonstrated the softening spell he learned in this class.

The contact surface between the hard wooden chair and the butt is transformed into a sofa-like texture.

After receiving praise from Professor Flitwick and extra points.

He jumped right in and asked two other students questions that might be considered radical.

"Professor, I heard a saying that magic is like a muscle. Ordinary spells can only exercise part of it. Only advanced spells can encompass the whole."

"I have also heard that our own magical magnetic field is as resistant to spells as dragon skin. Then why can some simple evil spells or even magic spells be able to overcome it?"

After hearing the question, Professor Flitwick was so excited that he fell off the stack of books.

Maybe he was scratched, causing him to talk a lot.

"Vivid and vivid metaphor!"

"However, the advanced spells you are referring to, they are not exercises, but changing the properties of 'muscles'."

"In fact, I personally think that it is more appropriate to use our personality, thinking, and the same illusory heart to describe the magic that is also just a concept. No, or they are actually the same thing."

"If you often use spells with positive emotions, you will become sunny and cheerful. If you often use spells with negative emotions, you will become gloomy and autistic. These two are often called white magic or black magic. As your personalities change, your magic power also becomes more biased in the eyes of more discerning wizards. Using spells that correspond to your emotions will be more powerful, but on the contrary, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

"It's just like a dark wizard can't use the Patronus Charm, it will cause backfire, and the summoned bugs will eat the body."

"And when used with non-biased spells, your spells will also change. A harmless coma spell, in the hands of a negative-emotional wizard, can kill people. In the eyes of ordinary wizards, it means becoming stronger. ”

"But in fact, as long as you use spells, whether ordinary or advanced, the progress they bring is equivalent in terms of magic power. Advanced spells will only make you accustomed to and better at using spiritual power. And make it biased. "

"Low-level spells are the conventional ones learned in grades one to three. When you truly understand them, use them with appropriate emotions, or directly use a strong self to drive them, they are equivalent to high-level spells."

"And spiritual power is the answer to your second question."

"The magic magnetic field is also a product of magic, but it is more material. Unless you have mastered the skills to inject spiritual power into it. Otherwise, for simple spells without spiritual power, it will partially or completely offset according to its own strength. (Bajiel: I understand, the magic magnetic field with spiritual power is the real magic resistance)"

"And the evil curse you mentioned, the premise of releasing it is to use pranks in the spell to tease the heart of the spell caster."

Then the bell rang.

Hogwarts teachers do not have the habit of delaying classes. After assigning 3 inches of homework, Professor Flitwick left the classroom.

Leaving only the excited Bajiel, the thoughtful Hermione, and the ignorant other students.

However, to Basil's disappointment, Professor Flitwick didn't talk much about knowledge outside the classroom in the subsequent spells class.

Especially when he asked about the title of great wizard, Professor Flitwick directly said that these were not what he should know.

This was not good for his future magic research and it was easy to fall into the knowledge barrier.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, in front of Quirrell, who was equivalent to the incarnation of Voldemort.

Basil had a different attitude.

Direct and bold.

"Professor, what is the key point of the killing curse?"

"To curse a person, what things are needed, and what is the best way."

"Will baldness and no nose make the skill higher?"

"Can you teach us some useful evil spells? If you don't mind, poisonous curses are fine."

Faced with these questions, Hermione, who indulged Basil as usual, couldn't help but advise him that he was a little out of line.

But Quirrell didn't have any emotional fluctuations.

No points were deducted.

He either avoided these questions.

Or pretended not to understand.

He did recommend the last evil curse.

A curse popular in Hogwarts in the 70s.

Like the Spring Water Curse, it is named after the spell, the Tongue-locking and Throat-locking Curse.

The spell is [Tongue-locking and Throat-locking Curse]

It sticks the tongue to the upper palate, making it impossible to speak.

It is very useful for wizards who can't do silent spells.

It is better than the Tongue-locking Curse.

The Tongue-locking Curse only makes the tongue curl and stutter.

It is used to prevent disputes. Just like Apparition cannot be used in the castle, Animagus cannot change its form.

["He didn't transform!" Snape shouted, his voice was very close, "Inside the castle,

No one can transform or restore! This matter...has...something...with...Potter!\

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