People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 38 Flying Lesson

After Mrs. Huo Qi left, the students all put down their brooms.

A discussion began about the swiftness of Malfoy's movements and the accuracy of his spell casting.

Many people said that if it were them, they probably wouldn't be able to react.

But not everyone is self-aware.

Ron was very unconvinced.

"What's so great about it, isn't it just a curse?"

Then he beamed again, "Haha, will he be expelled like this? The evil curse has a little bit of black magic, and the target is still a classmate. Not to mention that he is the son of a Death Eater, and his family is not the school director now. "

Hermione stretched out her index finger and shook it from side to side, "But according to Professor Flitwick, jinxes can be considered the simplest advanced spells. When we are seniors, some jinxes will be taught in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. For example, the Obstacle Spell, [Many Obstacles] is much simpler than the Iron Armor Spell cast by Bajir last time.”

"This spell is very interesting. When used on a living body, it will produce a freezing effect. Miranda Gorshak's "Standard Spell" states that this spell can briefly freeze the attacker (about 10 seconds). In a duel , is an indispensable and important weapon.”

"If it is purely applied to spells or air, and used as a shield, it will turn the area you want into an invisible 'quagmire', slowing down the life or attacks that break into this 'quagmire'."

Ron's face drooped, and he also pulled out his wand and pointed it at the grass.

"Isn't it just a curse? Who can't do it?"

"There are worms in my belly!"

A green beam of light shot straight towards the grass.

Harry subconsciously took a step back, "Are you kidding me?"

It reminded him of the green light.

Bajir squatted down and observed the grass that was hit.

On the blade of grass, a crystal clear slug appeared.

He asked with great interest: "What is this spell?"

Ron became proud, "The slug curse makes people vomit all the time and vomit out shiny slugs."

Hermione pursed her lips, "yio, it's so disgusting!"

Harry shook his head, "No, this spell works."

"Especially the color." Bagir and Harry looked at each other and smiled.

Fifteen minutes later, Mrs. Hooch came back with an indifferent Malfoy.

Ron made a sound of disappointment.

Harry was inexplicably relieved.

Bagir felt that this might be because Malfoy did not go crazy to trouble him as in the original plot, but was instead coldly beaten by his Slytherin classmates.

Draco returned to the queue, and Goyle quickly changed positions and stood at the back left, like a follower.

Everything after that was smooth sailing.

Mrs. Huo Qi taught them that when the broom is placed under their crotch, they can fly by simply glaring at the ground with their legs.

To fall back to the ground, you only need to lean forward slightly to fall vertically back to the ground.

In the same way, if you lean to the left, you will lean to the left, and if you go upward, your center of gravity will be backward.

The greater the inclination, the greater the turning angle in the corresponding direction.

Bagir found that it was actually like a more comfortable and advanced skateboard.

He soon got the hang of it and was flying smoothly.

Although not as good as Harry, it is similar to Ron.

And Neville.

This time, maybe it was because Bagir was watching, and he no longer felt fear in his heart.

He flew smoothly.

Although some of them fly very slowly and crookedly, they are already very good.

The voice of receiving 300 gems that then sounded in Bagir's mind further proved this point.

Harry was still flying well.

After being praised by Mrs. Hooch, "I knew it! You are as good as your father! There is also a trophy with the name 'James Potter' written on it in the trophy display room!"

Harry's smile fell.

He reluctantly said thanks.

After learning that his father is the combined version of Dudley and the Weasley twins.

Harry was reluctant to hear the similarities between himself and his father.

So he was both proud and ashamed just now.

However, this was misunderstood by Draco Malfoy as showing off.

He flew to Harry's side in a very smooth curve and looked at him provocatively.

Ron, who landed on the ground, became angry instantly, "Show him something! Harry!"

Harry didn't really want to accept the challenge.

But the students below all booed.

"Teach that Slytherin a lesson!"

"Malfoy is born evil!"

"Show them what Slytherin technology is!"

Malfoy also mistakenly thought that Harry agreed.

He leaned forward so that the broom shot towards Harry like a javelin.

Harry dodged easily, but seemed aroused.

He also tightened his grip on the broom handle and hit it.

The two of them went back and forth, showing off their superb flying skills.

Surprisingly, Mrs. Hooch did not interfere.

Just said be careful.

Let other students who are still flying come down and say that their skills are not up to par.

Leave room for Harry and Malfoy.

Hermione was very dissatisfied with this.

She thought it was too unclassy.

Bajir served his own purpose - to delay Harry's entry into the Quidditch team in order to obtain the gem.

Under Hermione's delighted eyes, she asked Mrs. Hooch, "Don't you need to worry about it? What if you get hurt?"

Mrs. Huo Qi shook her head, "Both of them are good enough to join the school team. (Bajier's heart skipped a beat)"

"And Gryffindor and Slytherin. This is normal."

"Previous years were even more extreme."

"I tried to manage it before, but Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape didn't care, and almost didn't deduct points."

She pointed to the window on the second floor, "You may not see it. But my eyes are much sharper than most people. Professor McGonagall is standing by the window. She is very excited now!"

"Believe it or not, after class, she will definitely come to the door and ask Potter to participate in Quidditch training!"

Bajiel's heart sank.

He shook his head.

Madam Hooch is still too conservative.

It is estimated that Harry will directly join the Gryffindor Quidditch team like in the original book.

Hermione was also in a low mood.

She was like a little fan who witnessed the collapse of her idol at this moment.

She finally understood how indulgent Professor McGonagall was when Nick, who was almost headless, said that he was very indulgent in the field of Quidditch.

Sure enough, when the bell rang.

Harry and Malfoy had returned to the ground.

Professor McGonagall hurried out of the castle.

She was followed by a tall and strong senior student.

After the fierce battle with Malfoy, Harry, who had expressed his frustration and smiled, froze.

Ron was also very worried.

Only Basil and Hermione heard what Madam Hooch said just now.

The other students were cheering.

However, Ron recognized the identity of the senior student at a glance.

"That's Wood! Oliver Wood! Captain and goalkeeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Why is he here?"

He quickly observed Professor McGonagall's expression.

Finally he breathed a sigh of relief.

He nudged Harry with his elbow, "Don't be nervous! Didn't you see that Madam Hooch didn't say anything? And Wood is here too."

"Maybe you will be allowed to train with the Gryffindor Quidditch team!"

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