People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 40: Voldemort’s Teaching

Although Gryffindor is not as united as Hufflepuff, all the internal hatred will be forgotten when facing Slytherin.

Soon, the crowd gathered.

Then the shouting and cursing spread.

Unlike Ron who was a little bit angry.

Basil and Hermione were not infected by the atmosphere.

Hermione thought that the house score was more important.

And Basil.

His expression was very interesting.

Just now, he clearly saw several Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws hiding in the crowd.

Quietly fanning the flames.

Although the Hufflepuffs who fanned the flames acted roughly, they were the most populous and united house.

Under the cover of other Hufflepuff students, even if someone noticed something was wrong, they could not find the target.

The Ravenclaws who fanned the flames acted very carefully.

When almost everyone thought they were nerds, some of them pretended to mutter to themselves and think deeply; some held a book and did not look at the road; some held a peeled potato and observed carefully.

It's just that they just happened to pass by, in the crowd of Slytherin and Gryffindor.

'Accidentally' stepped on someone's foot, bumped someone's head, etc.

At the same time, Snape hid in the shadow of the corner, like a big bat.

Always ready to deduct points - take sides.

Just a useless house cup, is it so dark?

Baqier felt that his three views were about to explode.

No wonder Gryffindor still couldn't get the house cup when all the high-quality students were monopolized by Gryffindor.

It's not just Snape who made trouble.

There are also Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

They certainly don't want Slytherin to be the top, but they don't want Gryffindor to get too many points.

In the end, the fight didn't happen.

Although Flint is despicable, he seems to want to beat Gryffindor in Quidditch more.

He also wants to publicize how excellent their first-year players are.

So, under the constraint of being the elder brothers among elder brothers, the other big and strong Slytherins also stopped fighting.

"Hey! Basil, you noticed it too." At some point, Percy suddenly appeared behind him.

Basil nodded.

Percy: "Are you surprised?"

"Yes," Basil signaled Hermione not to speak, and then said: "I don't understand, from my observation, isn't Slytherin the public enemy of the whole school? As long as Slytherin doesn't win the house cup, it's fine. But today?"

Percy laughed, "This is also targeting Slytherin. Didn't you notice that they are all Slytherin students? If they really fight, they will join in their own school style, so that even Snape can't take sides." He sighed, "It's a pity that such a big showdown last happened two years ago. The protagonists at that time were Fred and George. They had just entered school."

"What a pity?" Hermione began to doubt her ears.

She thought Percy was on her side.

Just one night passed, and by the next day.

Almost all the students and portraits knew that Slytherin and Gryffindor had two youngest seekers.

For a while, the topic in the castle revolved around this.

But no one doubted whether Wood and Flint were crazy.

All the students who witnessed Harry and Malfoy's flying class, competing in the sky, praised their skills.

Their skills were very good, and the fact that Draco Malfoy used a female sitting posture spread throughout Hogwarts.

Even Rita Skeeter joined in the fun and published this matter in the Daily Prophet.

But Basil didn't have time to care about these.

He was humbly asking for advice from the young version of Voldemort in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

The summoning card [Horcrux·Sealed Diary] summoned the young version of Voldemort, although the data panel only had a bright suffix of [Dark Magic Mastery·Strong] talent.

But there is a premise.

His system is the realization of the pig farm game.

The pig farm game is very attentive in clothing and various krypton gold channels.

But its data panel is relatively simple.

The player's magic resistance, physical defense, agility, strength, constitution, etc. are all covered by a life value.

And there is no more vivid marking of the wizard's magic skills.

So, even if the youth version of Voldemort has the same magic skills and combat experience as the seventeen-year-old Voldemort.

In terms of pure data, there is no difference between him and other outstanding students of the same grade.

It would be great if the black magic level and the transfiguration level could be marked.

Bajir couldn't help sighing again.

In the secret room, Riddle, who borrowed a worn-out wand found in the Room of Requirement, showed extremely wonderful combat skills.

One spell leads to another spell.

The previous spell must have an amplification and foreshadowing for the next spell.

The wand seemed to aim automatically, destroying the tables and chairs that Bajir suddenly moved to the secret room in the air one by one.

Even more powerful was Riddle's killing curse.

When facing the killing curse of the Boggart version of Voldemort summoned by Basil, he did not even look.

He just closed his eyes, and the wand spun automatically in his palm, finding the green light.

The same killing curse, brighter, accompanied by the sound of an unknown behemoth passing through the air, shot out from the tip of the worn hawthorn wand.

The Boggart version of Voldemort's Killing Curse was defeated.

Taking himself with him.

In the end, there were left incomplete benches and table legs everywhere.

There is no other way, the training ground is included in the [Duel Component], so I can only study hard in school.

Just think of it as the interest he got from giving Hogwarts Castle to the school.

Afterwards, Riddle explained this.

"My lord. There are three ways you can cast spells."

"What I'm referring to here is not magic and 'magic'. But the three methods brought by the wand and [magic book]."

"Spells released simply from [Magic Book], if you don't use spiritual power to guide them, their performance is just the description on the panel."

"The Stunning Curse can only stun, and the Killing Curse can only kill. If you 'consume' more magic power, it will only cause additional damage. It's just flying bricks. The nature of the power of the spell itself has not changed."

"But on the other hand, you don't need to recite the incantation. As long as you have a thought, there is almost no need to expend mental or physical strength to 'punch'."

"And with a wand. That's traditional wizard casting. When you're not familiar with it, you need to concentrate and use up your energy."

"But you don't really combine them. If you use the wand and [Magic Book] at the same time, you just enjoy the bonuses of both at the same time."

"In fact, you should also have discovered that the card levels in the [Magic Book] currently do not range from one to two."

"This is because when you use the card, you almost never use your mental power to use it."

"This way you can only exercise the 'muscle', which is the magic power itself. It will not improve your magic skills."

"You may have used the summoning card to peek at the secondary [Devil's Net] created by using two powers at the same time."

"But the level 2 spell is definitely not a simple increase in damage."

"The level 4 spell you created with the echo bonus is not really level 4."

"The level of your card is definitely not capped at level 15 like in the game."

"Actually, level one spells are actually at the level of ordinary wizards."

"A true secondary spell will produce special effects in addition to the spell or enhanced on the original basis according to your wishes."

"Just like my killing curse, it can also kill. This is something that the original killing curse does not have."

"That's what Ron calls it personal."

Bagir was a little confused.

He was lying in the dormitory bedroom, his mouth opened but no sound came out.

The sound was displaced to Riddle's ears in the secret room connected to Myrtle's bathroom on the third floor.

"Then what exactly is a second-level spell? According to you, the stun spell that had the properties of a banishing spell when I beat Malfoy and his two followers was a second-level spell."

Riddle denied, "This is a first-level spell with the nature of a second-level spell."

"A true second-level spell is more powerful when you use the same magic power, and at the same time has different characteristics according to your personal wishes."

"There is no need for you to inject additional mental power to restrain and impose special characteristics."

"It's like being alive."

"At that time, your wand will also change and become more spiritual."

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