People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 43 Malfoy is shrouded by the Death Star

The whole topic went off track.

From asking Hermione if she knew the great wizard, to proving that the great wizard really existed.

But until curfew approached, Hermione left the dormitory of Basil and her friends, she still didn't believe the existence of the great wizard Basil said.

You know, Basil racked his brains and found the wave-particle duality of light from his past life memories, and used it as an example.

He said that magic power would be like light, which is both a wave and a particle.

It exists and does not exist.

The wizard is the observer.

The magic power is manifested because the great wizard is a strong observer, which makes it collapse from the state of non-existence and descend into reality, that is, in the wizard's body.

But even at this point.

Hermione just kept saying yes, yes, yes, or nodded occasionally because of Basil.

In this regard, Harry and Ron, as well as Neville and Seamus who came back later.

They all thought that what Basil said was possible.

Because the wave-particle duality mentioned by Basil seemed very profound to them.

Profound and complex things are generally correct.

Plus, they actually didn't like Hermione.

She occupied Bagel all day.

They didn't even have the chance to copy homework, ahem, or even ask questions.

She broke into their dormitories without paying attention to anyone.

She was arrogant and liked to tell tales at every turn.

For example, Seamus exploded the object he was going to transform for the 30th time in Transfiguration class.

He also learned how to reduce the sound and power of the explosion without any teacher.

He made his face no longer black and his hair stand up.

Sometimes, Professor McGonagall would not notice Seamus' explosion.

But Hermione would always point out bluntly, "Professor, Seamus made XX explode again."

In short, they had suffered from Hermione for a long time.

However, in the days that followed.

Everything was beyond their expectations.

In their eyes, this nosy know-it-all, Hermione Granger, actually stopped telling tales.

She no longer pointed out other people's mistakes and violations of school rules.

Of course, these people did not include Ron, Harry, and Bagel.

But in the eyes of others, Hermione was much cuter.

Her roommate also started talking to her.

After all, she had good grades, looked cute, didn't like to talk, added points to the college, and was a copycat of homework. Who wouldn't love her?

But in Ron's eyes.

Hermione's face became uglier.

"She's targeting us!" Ron, who also wanted to copy homework but was rejected, said so.

Harry nodded repeatedly.

For this reason, even the most advanced Nimbus 2000 that was delivered directly to Harry in the dining room this morning was not attractive.

They felt that they were treated differently.

Ron saw that the broom Malfoy received was only the Seven Stars, and he didn't laugh at it.

This surprised Basil.

First, he was surprised that Ron was so obsessed with copying homework.

Second, the Malfoy family couldn't afford the Nimbus 2000 now.

But Basil actually thought wrong.

The Malfoy family is indeed poor now.

But this is relative to their family before.

No one could have imagined that Draco Malfoy chose the Seven Broomsticks.

Lucius Malfoy had spent a lot of Galleons some time ago, and through an intermediary, he found a wizard with superb white magic and customized a book cover made of precious unicorn tail hair.

Therefore, Draco Malfoy's snack supply was relatively reduced.

He guessed from this that his family was relatively poor.

But even so, after Lucius Malfoy knew that his son had become a seeker on his own.

He was also prepared to spend a lot of Galleons to buy the best flying broom.

But this behavior was predicted by Draco Malfoy, who wrote a letter in advance and asked for a Seven Broomsticks, which was enough and considered excellent among the current broomsticks.

In his letter, he persuaded: "The Sweep Broom Company is the ancestor of racing brooms and the oldest racing broom company. The Sweep Seven Stars is also their new broom launched this year. It is good enough. It is also slightly easier to control than the Nimbus 2000. Although the speed is relatively slow, it can also make a 360-degree sharp turn anywhere in the air."

Lucius Malfoy was very moved by this.

But what he didn't know was that Basil was also going to give him a surprise to make him "touched".


Voldemort often wondered if he was old recently.

In addition to Dumbledore, three other people discovered him.

His traces were discovered by Dumbledore.

He was mentally prepared.

After all, Quirrell, the idiot, was not honest.

Still swaying from side to side.

Often tried to hint his existence to Dumbledore.

Hehehe! What an idiot! Just as stupid as the troll that this idiot is best at dealing with!

Do you really think Dumbledore doesn't know?

They have all become one with him, the greatest wizard, the Dark Lord who has gone the furthest on the road of transcending death.

Still expecting to turn back?

However, this ridiculous and naive wavering was completely stopped by Quirrell after the dinner party at the beginning of the school term.

Because, the damn so-called savior who was saved by luck and the sacrifice of his lowly mother - Harry Potter actually pointed out his existence directly!

Harry Potter is one of the people who knew his whereabouts!

Could it be that this kid really has power that he doesn't understand?

Snape, this useless guy!

Why didn't he listen to the prophecy in the first place! !

Quirrell is too useless.

It is possible that Snape was still his spy, but due to Quirrell's weakness.

He, the wizard king who almost ruled the British Peninsula, did not dare to recognize his subordinates!

Snape loved the mudblood very much, but he didn't love her son, and he always targeted him.

What does this mean?

This shows that Snape, no, Severus is still loyal to him!

Severus must have gone to Potter's house afterwards and discovered that he was actually prepared to let the mudblood go.

Ahem! Don’t be careless!

What if Snape is still Dumbledore's man?

Speaking of the people who found his traces.

That wretched Bagir Granger who killed his dog must be among them.

What's even more disgusting is that Granger mocked him in person for not having a nose!

He must wait until he is resurrected. This Granger seems quite friendly.

Hmm, maybe he's very talented.

Still pure blood!

Otherwise, use the Cruciatus Curse to torture him a few times and turn this Granger into his Death Eater?

However, the other guy must not be let go!

Dumbledore's die-hard loyalist, the youngest son of the Weasley family - Ron Weasley!

What this Weasley said about Quirrell is not a bad person, it is the resonance of the power he left behind.

snort! Think he is a fool like Quirrell?

This is intended to paralyze him!

This Weasley is still pretending to be stupid!

He had understood.

Arthur Weasley's sons are all great!

How could Ron Weasley be an exception!

But none of this matters.

Today’s big thing is!

Today, he actually found his diary on Granger, his future Death Eater!

His most precious Horcrux!

"Lucius Malfoy, you have a plan for death!"

"Is this how you keep my Horcrux?"

"Let my Death Eaters be possessed by young me in advance!"

"Abu, for your sake, I will keep little Draco alive. Well, for the sake of Bella... Narcissa, let her go."

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Voldemort, who sensed the Horcrux on the back of Quirrell's head at such a close distance, howled wildly in his heart.

The Ab here refers to Lucius Malfoy's father, Abraxas Malfoy.

He is Voldemort's senior and the first generation Death Eater.

Many fan fiction assumes that he has a good relationship with Voldemort.

But the only information that can be found is this:

[In 1968, the then Minister of Magic, Nobby Leach (the first Muggle-born Minister of Magic in history), was forced to resign due to a mysterious illness. Abraxas Malfoy is believed to have been involved. It's shady, but there's no evidence to prove it.

Sometime before September 1996, Abraxas died of dragon pox, a disease relatively common among the elderly. Horace Slughorn was sorry to hear about this. 】

ps: Thanks to my classmates there, Jun Yu, 20200928174846394, Drifting Snail, Sandao Luo for their monthly tickets and other classmates’ recommendations and follow-up readings

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