People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 47 Exploring the Safe House

At this time, Basil was breaking into the safe house No. 7 left by Voldemort.

Seven, Voldemort's most obsessed and most magical number.

His original plan also prepared to create 7 Horcruxes.

What about safe house No. 7?

So, after meeting Quirrell, even if the next class was Transfiguration.

Basil still didn't have the patience to wait.

He teleported directly to the statue of Slytherin and called Lai Lai.

He asked Lai Lai to send his diary to the safe house.

And he himself also projected part of his attention on the diary.

For the summoning card, the creature and prop card in it, Basil did not have the extraordinary control over the plant card.

But he could also project his consciousness into it and be immersed in it.

Just like when he reproduced Harry's inner fear before, he merged with Boggart, read the image of fear through his eyes, and put it into Harry's mind.

At present, although he is in the Transfiguration class.

But in his consciousness, another self seemed to spin in place with the house-elf Lalai and Apparated away from the statue of Slytherin.

This feeling was extremely special.

He didn't know what the difference was between the house-elf's Apparition and the wizard's.

Maybe it was because the Apparition distance was too far.

Before Apparition.

That is, the feeling in the middle stage between disappearing in the original place - Apparition, and appearing in a different place - Apparition was very wonderful.

The surroundings became pitch black, and there was a strong sense of squeezing in every house up and down, left and right, front and back.

Unable to breathe.

The chest seemed to be tightly strangled by several iron hoops, the eyeballs seemed to be squeezed back into the head, and the eardrums were pressed deep into the head.

Although this feeling lasted only a moment, it seemed like a century had passed.

It was a strong test of mental and physical strength.

I don't know if the Apparition of wizards will be less uncomfortable after becoming proficient, or if it will be less uncomfortable.

Then what appeared in his eyes was a narrow and cramped little room.

The walls were inlaid with green, cold gems.

The ceiling was enchanted.

You can clearly see the scenery above - it is a dark, deep riverbed covered with water plants.

It is dotted with snow-white gravel.

Judging from the Scottish salmon swimming at the bottom of the river from time to time, it should not have left Scotland yet.

This lake is connected to the sea.

Moreover, the eels here are very huge, each of which is 7 to 8 meters long.

Once upon a time, in order to pick up a British backpacker girl who came to China for tourism.

He specially learned about the famous attractions near her home.

So, this is Loch Ness?

Under normal circumstances, eels will leave Loch Ness at around 10 years old and go to the Atlantic Ocean and Florida, where they will mate and lay eggs and then grow old silently.

But since there are no natural enemies in the lake.

A large number of eels will stay here against their nature.

In addition, the water temperature here is low, they move less, and they will grow bigger and bigger.

The Loch Ness Monster is actually a giant eel here.

Of course, this is a Muggle, or what he said in his previous life.

In fact, this is not a secret in the magic world.

The Loch Ness Monster is actually the world's largest horse-shaped monster.

The kelp is a shape-shifting monster found in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Although they can take on a variety of shapes, the most common is the form of a horse, with broad-leaved cattails as a mane. It lures unwary people to ride on its back, then dives into the bottom of a river or lake, devours them, and lets their organs float to the surface.

The favorite image of Loch Ness is a sea serpent.

Wizard observers of the International Confederation of Wizards identified the creature as a kelp after seeing it transform into an otter when approaching a team of Muggle investigators, and then transform back into a sea serpent after the people left.

The Office of Misinformation worked hard to convince Muggles that all photographic evidence of the "Loch Ness Monster" was fake.

So, in this world.

The Loch Ness Monster is not considered a giant eel.

It is a product of sensationalism.

"So, you want to make a new summoning card? Kelpie?" Riddle emerged from the diary and talked to Basil in his mind.

Just now, while Basil was thinking, he dealt with the trap left by Voldemort.

Those glowing emeralds.

If it wasn't the house elves, but Voldemort himself or someone he cast a spell to break the spell.

These lights would turn into threads and penetrate the body of the intruder.

Control the intruder and send a message to the creator of the magic trap.

But it was Riddle who came.

He was almost the same person as Voldemort.

So he just released an illumination spell, and after the magnetic field matched, the trap was automatically quenched.

On the other side, Basil, who was pretending to instruct Ron on the key points of transformation, also replied in his mind: "Of course, this is the largest water horse in the world. The creature summoned by the summoning card is the original body engraved. In this way, the water horse I summon is also the largest and most powerful. Not to mention that it can be upgraded in the future!"

With Riddle's advice, he understood the essence of the card and can now take pictures through the eyes of the summoned creature.

"But you should count the safe house first. I wonder what treasures will be inside?" Basil rubbed his hands.

"Mr. Granger, what are you doing?" Professor McGonagall, who was a little uncomfortable that Basil did not look for her, picked a quarrel.

"Professor, Basil is teaching me Transfiguration." Ron explained hurriedly, "Add an extra step to the steps you teach: before casting, silently recite the product to be transformed three times in your mind. This will increase the success rate of transformation."

"This is indeed a good idea." Professor McGonagall nodded, "But in a duel, no one will wait for you to recite it three times. This is just a simple test-taking skill. After success, I suggest that you gradually reduce the number of times you recite it. Gryffindor plus 5 points!"

She paused again, "But that's not what I asked just now. I mean Mr. Granger's strange movements."

Damn! Are you looking for trouble?

Bagir's eyes rolled and he found an excuse, "This is my movement to concentrate. Friction makes the palm of my hand hot. To feel the subtle changes in the palm of my hand."

"Oh?" McGonagall pursed her lips, "Have you read the book of the Philosophical School?"

"What is the Philosophical School?" Basil was surprised.

He was also a blind cat that bumped into a dead mouse?

The students who were practicing around stopped their movements.

They all looked at Professor McGonagall curiously.

McGonagall looked around and said helplessly, "I didn't want to mention it. The theory of this school is too fantastic. Or it will lead you astray."

"The founder of this school, Benjamin Modern, believes that the best way for wizards to strengthen themselves is to look inward. He claims that every wizard is a strong person who determines how the world is by himself. Instead of learning theories, knowledge, and observing how the world is weak."

"Wizards only need to close their eyes and rest all day, and use their perception to detect subtle changes in themselves. If they persist, all kinds of supernatural powers will automatically emerge."

"Is this true?" Ron raised his right hand impatiently.

The surrounding Seamus and Neville also showed eager expressions.

Professor McGonagall shook her head. "This school was very popular in Yorkshire in the 17th century. The best among them only mastered the levitation spell that does not require a wand, spells, or gestures (also refers to the trajectory of the wand swinging), that is, it does not require a casting medium or a casting action. Their leader's most powerful method is just to condense a fireball in the palm of his hand out of thin air."

Thanks to jeffths for his monthly ticket and other classmates for their recommendations and follow-up reading.

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