People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 49 Ron's Goal

The thought of how much of his money would be wasted on Lockhart.

Bajir, who had only managed to escape the poverty line by selling unicorn tail hair, became very uncomfortable not long after.

He also suddenly remembered that he had another goal this school year: to expose the truth about Lockhart!

Ron was also determined.

But his goals are different from Bagir's.

"I have decided! I want Professor Quirrell to spend this school year smoothly!"

"I'm going to make him the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for the longest career!"

Hermione, who still had some thoughts on Lockhart taking the position, poured cold water on it: "You decide? Even Dumbledore can't help it. How can you decide?"

Then, she saw Ron looking at Bagir with hopeful eyes.

Bagir spread his hands, "I can't help it. Let me give you a suggestion. I have heard a rumor. Although what Lockhart writes in every book has happened in the real world. And he personally The travel trajectories are also consistent. But every time he leaves, a wizard will appear in the local area who has lost part of his memory and is in a trance. "

"You mean, the stories in Lockhart's books all come from other people?" Harry was shocked.

The same goes for Hermione. There was no hysteria when hearing the doubts about Lockhart like in the original novel.

Maybe it's because she hasn't read Lockhart's book yet, plus this is what Bargeer said.

Ron rubbed his hands excitedly, "If this is true, haha! I want to investigate it carefully!"

"How do you investigate? Are you at school?" Hermione asked curiously.

Because she noticed that neither Harry nor Bagir was very surprised when faced with Ron's words.

It seems that Ron can really investigate this information in school.

Faced with this, Ron just smiled mysteriously, "Lockhart has more fans than you think."

At the same time, he secretly said to himself: "My mother is one of them. Some of them even know what underwear Lockhart wore to sleep last night. As long as you know the direction, the rest is investigation."

"What's going on?" Seeing that Ron was unwilling to say more, Hermione focused on Bargeer again.

"I wonder if you have heard of the six degrees of separation theory." Bagir pretended to be profound.

Because Riddle, who was far away in the secret room under Loch Ness, was sending news.

He was going to find a theory that was authoritative enough in Hermione's eyes to fool her.

"Have you ever heard of Harvard University?"

"Yeah. It's considered one of the top schools." Hermione's ears perked up immediately.

"This theory was proposed by Stanley Milgram, a famous psychologist at Harvard University, decades ago. To put it simply, there will be no more than six people between you and any stranger. That is Say, you can get to know any stranger through up to six people.”

Bajier directly stated the theory.

Because as long as the speaker is authoritative enough, Hermione will always convince herself to accept a theory that sounds fantastic.

And Hermione accepted it smoothly and began to think seriously.

"The distance between Ron and Lockhart is obviously not as much as six. Lockhart is an outstanding graduate of Ravenclaw. There are so few wizards in the UK. Maybe Ron is among his fans. Well known!”

Bagir nodded.

At the same time, he replied to Riddle in his mind.

"You can start over there."

In a luxurious room, the ceiling and walls are inlaid with emeralds, and the gems are connected by flowing mercury. There is a huge mercury pool and a statue of a snake.

Riddle replied: "My Lord, please check. This room is the most valuable place in Safe House No. 7."

"The flowing mercury and emeralds form a magic circle, connecting the magnetic field of the entire safe house to Loch Ness. This makes the safe house as light as dust, making it difficult to detect traces of magic."

"Also serves as the power source for the magical traps in the safe house."

"The mercury pool also absorbs the essence of the water. As long as a verified wizard enters it, physical damage and mental fatigue can be healed and driven away."

"So," Bagir's face fell, "there's no cash here."

"Yes," Riddle nodded, "Does Voldemort need Galleons to buy something?"

"Where's the horse-shaped water monster?"

"Never showed up."

October is quickly coming to an end.

That's Halloween.

Today is Thursday.

When Bagir woke up early in the morning, he smelled the sweet and cloying smell of pumpkin.

You know, this is in a tower.

Until now, he still couldn't understand that there were so many pumpkin elements in the Hogwarts menu.

Pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin juice.

Even to this day, he still can't accept it.

After taking the 'risk' to face Voldemort, all he got in the end was a house elf who was completely subordinate to him and a property.

And the property can only be used until the fourth grade.

What if Voldemort was resurrected in fourth grade?

In that day's Charms class, Professor Flitwick announced that today's content was the Levitation Charm.

This made other students very excited.

They had been eager to try this skill ever since they saw Professor Flitwick sending Neville's toad flying around the classroom.

But Bagir didn't.

It's just a floating spell, he has already mastered it.

Now, his primary goal is to conquer the Killing Curse.

It's not that he has not thought about getting started through the monkey version of Voldemort, or directly feeling the youth version of Voldemort casting the Killing Curse.

But Riddle warned him that in the introductory stage, it is best to rely on himself.

Let the entire framework of the spell be his own.

It's like laying a foundation.

The foundation laid entirely by oneself is flat and smooth.

And the foundation laid under the influence of others will have a subtle tilt.

When the spell progresses to the deepest realm, this "tilt" will be particularly obvious.

So, until today, he has not really started with the Killing Curse.

It can only emit a green light that can barely kill people.

But this is only because of his high magic power.

If it is replaced by an ordinary little wizard with a magic power of 3-5.

This green light can only make people bleed from the nose at most.

Therefore, he did not choose to make a spell card with this level of Killing Curse.

Riddle said it was a mentality problem.

It's not that you can learn the Killing Curse by killing someone.

Instead, you need to have a true killing intention, without hesitation, and fully committed killing intention to truly get started with this spell.

This is why it is classified as an unforgivable curse.

Those who can successfully use this spell are, without exception, truly bad guys.

In this regard, Bajir was also puzzled, "Doesn't the killing curse driven by hatred and sense of justice count? I remember that during the First Wizarding War, Aurors were allowed to use the killing curse."

At that time, Riddle shook his head, "This spell can corrupt a person's soul. Its horror is not getting started or using it. It is the shift in the world and mind after successfully killing someone. And the high-quality, powerful magic that comes after the shift. A righteous soul, using it, will only cause mental confusion. Mad-Eye is so crazy, I'm afraid he is affected by this spell."

Although there is no holiday, I will still release another chapter of the draft.

Originally, I was going to use it as a basis for continuous updates and occasional explosions after it was put on the shelves.

But after all, it was pushed, and several people voted for the monthly ticket yesterday.

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