People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 57 I am Voldemort

Bagir's eyes returned to the game.

Harry and Draco simply turned into phantoms.

They're not that much faster than anyone else.

But it's extremely smooth when turning around, and every change of direction is unexpected and impossible to judge.

Malfoy's efforts and competition in flying lessons also made Harry's skills improve.

The Wronsky feint is a specialty of Krum, a world-class Quidditch player.

Lynch, who is also a world-class golfer, cannot do it.

In the original book, Harry can reproduce it perfectly just by looking at it.

This talented golfer, under the competition from Malfoy, finally showed off his jaw-dropping skills.

But what surprised Bagir the most was that Malfoy was not at a disadvantage.

The score between Slytherin and Gryffindor is now 90:100.

As long as the Seeker catches the Snitch, the game will end with a winner.

Flint and the other Slytherin players were trying to do something secretly or even overtly.

But Harry dodged them perfectly.

The same goes for the Weasley twins' sudden attack on Malfoy.

Everyone in the stands held their breath.

As a commentator, Lee Jordan forgot to speak.

They were all immersed in this high-level competition.

Finally, an exclamation from Ron broke the silence.

"Look! The Golden Snitch!"

In the high blue sky, the flight path of the two people was seen in a spiral shape, flying towards the golden light that flashed by in the sun.

As a batter, Bol was momentarily distracted and was hit by a Bludger that came from Fred or George.

But no one cared about him.

Because the two tracks were flying, stability was restored.

Harry Potter waved his right hand, and the golden snitch's silver wings fluttered between his fingers.

Draco Malfoy hovered beside him in despair, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

His broom was still a little slow.

Sweeping Seven Stars is no match for Nimbus 2000.

Lee Jordan was happily shouting the result of the game - Gryffindor won by 250 points to 90 points.

Harry landed on the ground and was surrounded by the rushing crowd.

Malfoy returned to the green team.

"I failed."

he said softly.

Flint's big hand fell on his shoulder, "No, you didn't lose! Look around you!"

Malfoy raised his head, and before he knew it, he was surrounded by students.

Their eyes were full of adoration and they were smiling.

Flint shouted: "Come, applaud the geniuses of our academy!!"

In the crowd on the other side, Ron looked at this scene with confusion.

"Why, I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

When he saw Malfoy's disappointed face just now, he wasn't happy about it either.

His happiness at that time was all because of Gryffindor's victory and Harry catching the Golden Snitch.

"Malfoy's skills have conquered you." Bajir crossed his arms. "You don't need to be surprised. This is entirely because of your love for Quidditch. In addition, Malfoy did not cheat and trained hard all day long."

Hermione chimed in: "It's hard to dislike people who work hard."

"If only I could be like Hagrid!" Ron sighed.

Bajir looked towards Hagrid and saw him murmuring: "The Malfoy brat who is born evil!"

Harry heard none of this, though.

Twenty minutes later, he returned to Hagrid's hut with Bargeer, Hermione, and Ron. The owner was making him a cup of strong tea.

He sighed: "It's great to have an opponent like Malfoy!"


Hagrid placed the teapot heavily on the stove.

"Nonsense! It's all lies!"

"Harry. Don't be fooled!"

"I used to think that there were good people in Slytherin. He was the student supervisor and later became the president of the student union. All the students except Dumbledore liked him. He had excellent grades and got 12 O's in the O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts exams. ”

"He is also very patient with students like me."

"But it was all lies! He framed me! He killed Myrtle! He got me fired! Later he became He Who Must Not Be Named!"

"Harry! You have to remember that there is no wizard or wizard who later turns evil who did not come from Slytherin. Slytherin's are all nasty and bad embryos!"

Hagrid buried his face in his palms as big as cattail leaf fans and sobbed like a child.

He didn't pay any attention to what shocking things he said.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other, unable to digest what they had just heard.

As for Bajir, when Hagrid broke out, he shared everything he saw and heard with Riddle.

In the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, Riddle looked incomprehensible, "Junior Rubeus."

"What? Voldemort still feels guilty?" Bagir couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Yes." Riddle answered resolutely, "This is the margin of the strong. As an immortal, I allow myself to have these weaknesses. Live more myself than anyone else and live forever. This may be the story you are telling me. In "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", why I didn't even choose to kill Hagrid when I captured him in the Forbidden Forest."

In the wooden house, Harry asked stammeringly: "You and Voldemort are classmates? How old are you?"

"62 years old, what's wrong?" Hagrid subconsciously ignored Voldemort's name.

"62?" Harry rubbed his eyes and looked at Hagrid's baby face, which looked at most 30 years old. He couldn't imagine that Hagrid was already that old.

Bagir was not surprised.

Before, he knew that Voldemort was 64 years old, from Riddle's mouth.

But even so, he thought Hagrid was in his fifties. He never imagined that Hagrid and Voldemort were only two years apart in age.

Half a second later, Hagrid came back to his senses and said, "Forget all of you!"

He looked very irritable and ashamed, "This has nothing to do with you! Don't you have any sympathy at all? This is my shame!"

"Oh," Hermione's eyes turned red with emotion, "It's not your fault, Hagrid. There's nothing shameful about knowing Voldemort."

"Then can you please stop repeating that name? Dumbledore said we shouldn't be afraid of it, but who is as great as him? I mean, can you leave me alone for a while?" Hagrid was a little incoherent.

On the way back to the castle, Ron regretted very much, "We actually left like that! Oh Voldemort! Hagrid turned out to be his classmate! And he was deceived by him! Maybe we can get a closer look at what happened when he was a student from Hagrid's own words. Voldemort! How cool is that?”

Bagir shrugged, "Actually, I know. If you know about the prize showroom."

"Inside." Harry suddenly stopped walking, "Inside is the trophy that Voldemort won?"

Bagir nodded, "There is a very rare award inside, the award for special contribution to the school. Hagrid was expelled in June 1942, when he was 13 years old and in the third grade. Myrtle was also in this award. died. At the same time, there was a person who won this award and was framed."

"This man is Voldemort!" Hermione raised her hand to answer.

"Yes, Tom Marvolo Riddle," said Bargeer.

"Voldemort's name is so common?" Ron couldn't believe it.

"Ordinary?" Bajir smiled evilly, "He took out the wand from his pocket,

Draw a few strokes in the air and write three shining names:

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Then he waved his magic wand, and the letters automatically switched positions and became:

I am Voldemort.

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