People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 72: Bagir's Troubles

Bajir knew that [Killing Intent] was a combination of will and magic, a kind of magic that was most suitable for [Killing Curse].

It had an upper limit, and the capacity of a wizard itself determined the amount of [Killing Intent] that could be contained.

[Killing Curse] was just an accelerator to reach the upper limit of one's own capacity faster.

Normal wizards could reach the limit of their capacity by practicing on their own and growing older.

Next, unless the magic was transformed and the mind broke through, this limit would not be loosened.

But even so, there was a limit.

And great wizards had no limit.

Because their magic became real, they were no longer restricted by the limits of their bodies and minds.

They would grow slowly and continuously as they grew older.

It could be said that the only thing that limited great wizards was their limited lifespan.

When Bajir learned this from Riddle, he was very worried.

"Voldemort is also a great wizard, and he is not reluctant to use the Killing Curse. With no limits, he can be invincible by killing people, right?"

Riddle denied this, "The magic of great wizards is born from their truest selves. The 'intention' brought by the Killing Curse cannot be combined with their magic and degraded to [Killing Intention]."

And before Bagel's [Killing Intention] was 74.4.

After killing the priest, it was 75.4.

In the card data, the player unit is a wizard, and the [Killing Intention] "obtained" by killing the player unit is 1 point, which means that killing Muggles and wizards is equivalent.

In this case, the data collected by Slytherin, that is, the number of people killed by dark wizards with the Killing Curse, and no feedback after killing, does not need to be converted into wizards and Muggles.

The conclusion can be easily drawn: the upper limit of the carrying capacity of dark wizards for [Killing Intention] is about 7 to 13.

But because of [Killing Intention], he can carry [Killing Intention] without limit.

"So, I am really a great wizard. I have the talent of [Killing Intention]."

Bajir couldn't help thinking.

At this time, Hermione came over, "Bajir, we should go. Why did you take so long in the bathroom?"

"I just went to kill a bad guy." Bajir said the truth in a joking way.

Hermione rolled her eyes, she didn't believe it at all.

"The Quidditch game will start in an hour. We have to reserve a seat in advance."

"Find a remote one." Hermione looked at Bajir's profile, "especially since you are so popular now."

"Yeah." Bajir sighed.

This kind of happiness will come when he is an adult.

It's too early now.

If he didn't have the vision of seeing the whole map, he could teleport at any time.

He was afraid that he would have lost his innocence long ago.

These senior girls and boys at Hogwarts are too wild.

Love potion is just a small case.

Various unpopular and hard to guard against confusion spells.

And those who tried every means to collect his hair, dandruff, and nails, and used Polyjuice Potion to play real-life one-to-one cosplay.

So recently, in his eyes, little girls like Hermione who don't know much about human affairs have become much cuter.

At least they just want to kiss, cuddle, and hold hands with Basil.

"Make way, make way." Hermione led the way in front, shuttling through the crowd, "Ron is waving to us, he has taken a seat. It's in the corner, in the first row."

"Go, I've been noticed." Basil said helplessly.

He tried his best to control himself from teleporting and disappearing on the spot.

Ignore the burning eyes around him as he arrived.

And those outrageous whispers.

"Ah, what should I do, I like a Gryffindor!"

"Dad, I want to confess that I can't continue the family line!"

"I want to get his hair!"

Fortunately, King Arthur's kingly demeanor and the leadership of the young Voldemort attracted people while making them dare not offend.

Otherwise, I can't be sure that my clothes will remain intact when I walk to the front row of the stands.

"You are finally here!" Ron breathed a sigh of relief, "Just now a big Hufflepuff wanted to sit here. I had to work hard to drive him away. I reserved this place for you."

"After all." Ron looked at Basil, "You have looked much better recently. Have you really not developed an epoch-making beauty potion for yourself? I mean, you are so good at potions. You also have a channel to get unicorn tail hair (one of the important materials for beauty potions is unicorn hair). You are often missing recently."

"You can talk about it, but don't spread it." Basil said unhappily.

Now Ron, if he wants, can spread an absurd news throughout the school overnight.

Basil thought that it was wrong to let Ron discover his talent in gossip media.

But he didn't think much about it.

To get to the corner, you need to go around some students in the front row.

"Neville, move aside. And you, Seamus, put down your wand, I'm scared. Dean, I don't like football, no need to introduce it to me."

Finally, he sat at the innermost seat, next to Hermione and behind him was the wall.

"This seat is really good."

Ron nodded, "Of course. We can enjoy Harry's game later."

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the green crowd on the other side of the stands.

"Malfoy will understand after watching this, hard work can't beat genius."

"I don't think this game is worth watching." Basil shrugged, "It's not that I underestimate the Hufflepuff team. But with their performance, Harry estimates that they will be able to finish the game soon."

He sighed and glanced at the boy who was three times as handsome as him in the khaki crowd - Cedric Diggory.

This third-year Hufflepuff student who entered the school in the same year as the Weasley twins.

He is still not a member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Although he flew very well, he became a member of the team when Harry was in the fourth year and he was in the sixth year. He was the Hufflepuff Seeker and Captain.

Basil had observed the characters with important roles in the original book.

For example, he had seen Qiu Zhang, who is now a second-year Ravenclaw, many times.

Diggory was no exception. He had seen him several times in flying classes and on the court.

It can be said that Diggory's level is much higher than that of the current Hufflepuff Seeker.

But the Hufflepuff Quidditch team has a state-owned enterprise style.

One carrot, one pit.

The next carrot cannot enter the pit until the previous one graduates and leaves the pit.

"What are you looking at?" Hermione waved her little hand in front of Basil's eyes.

"The game is about to start." Ron pointed to the field.

The two teams, as well as Madam Hooch, were flying in the air on broomsticks, waiting for Madam Hooch's whistle to start the game.

When the whistle sounded, Harry flew high into the sky.

He circled around the field like an eagle, looking for the golden snitch.

"Basil, you guessed it right." Ron pointed to Hufflepuff's seeker Anderson.

He was flying around like a headless fly.

The commentator Lee Jordan ignored him and kept talking about how beautiful Angelina's flying posture was.

"No, I guessed wrong." Basil shook his head, "Not very fast, but very fast."

The golden snitch stopped beside Anderson's ear, but he followed Lee Jordan's gaze and kept looking at Angelina.

Harry suddenly made a beautiful dive, his hand passed Anderson's ear.

The game was over.

The audience exclaimed and cheered.

Bajir's right index finger suddenly pointed into the air.

"Unbelievable! In less than a minute, the youngest Seeker in Hogwarts ended the game, from the ear of the fourth-year Seeker Anderson!" Lee Jordan shouted.

The captain of the Hufflepuff team stared at Anderson, and strode towards him after landing on the ground.

After a fierce quarrel, the captain of the Hufflepuff team walked towards the audience.

Diggory, who was looking down with envy and loss in his eyes, suddenly raised his head.

Bajir's mouth curled up slightly, and the number of the gem on his retina changed.

Gem: 45773.451 (+3000)

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