People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 75 Dumbledore's Surveillance

Harry and Ron's desire was in vain.

Before the Easter holiday, the teachers worked overtime to assign a lot of homework.

The reason was that the exam was "coming", just like Hermione's idea!

So, in their opinion, the Easter holiday was far less fun than Christmas.

Ron finally understood why his parents didn't write to ask him if he would go home for the holiday.

With so much homework, it would be better not to go home!

At school, at least you can check the library.

Especially with Hermione's presence, although she always recites the twelve uses of dragon's blood or practices the movements of the wand next to you, it is difficult for people to rest easily.

But the reference books and materials for homework she recommended are really very useful.

With her, most of the free time in the first half of the holiday is spent in the library. If you finish your homework early, you can still play later.

"Oh, why did I finish my homework?" When Harry and others were doing their homework, Basil was always flipping through a book and sighing.

Of course, the homework was not done by him. It was Riddle. It was easy for Riddle to imitate handwriting and sentence structure.

But that didn't stop him from showing off.

Seeing Harry and the others study hard and slacking off during the holidays, he felt very happy, just like drinking ice cola in the dog days of summer.

And he was really drinking cola.

He spent 10 gems to light up a Muggle supermarket in London, so he could drink whatever he wanted.

But even Hermione, who was greedy for Basil's body, couldn't stand such behavior.

At first, she would say: "It's worthy of Basil. He easily did what others couldn't do - finish the homework in one day."

But now... she grabbed the still cold cola that Basil had drunk and drank it hard.

"Be quiet, so Harry and the others won't be able to concentrate on their homework." Then she lowered her voice and leaned close to Basil's ear, "Why don't you go to Diagon Alley? I know you must have found a secret passage out of the school. Just like Fred and George can bring back Honeydukes candy on non-Hogsmeade days."

"Forget it." Basil shrugged.

He had long been tired of Diagon Alley. When he first activated it, he often went there in disguise.

He couldn't use his real identity, and he had to go shopping and strolling here at the right time, so he wasn't as excited as he imagined.

And London, it was no different from London before he traveled through time, in terms of the layout of the Muggle world.

As Harry Potter fans, the twin sisters once came to this city with him and lived for a month.

For Basil, Hogwarts was more interesting.

Well, he was afraid of being discovered by old glass Dumbledore.

According to his observation, Dumbledore would use a fog condenser in his free time in the office to review and observe everything that happened in every corner of the castle in real time (there is usually no fog condenser in the bathroom and dormitory), and their dormitory had the most scenes with him and Harry.

Sometimes, the scenes about him even exceeded those of Harry.

So, every time he went to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets for training, Hogsmeade, and London, he would go there between going to the toilet and taking a shower.

Well, it was also okay when he hid himself in the quilt.

But on non-holidays, he would hide in the quilt at night.

There was nothing fun in Hogsmeade and London at this time, and the fun was indescribable, so he could only go to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets for training and classes.

TMD! Is there any law? There is no peace in the dormitory!

Basil didn't even dare to wear something cooler!

But all this - just refers to their dormitory being observed.

It was because Peter Pettigrew, who turned into a mouse, rested on Ron or Harry's bed, sometimes even on the pillow.

In fact, during one of his routine inspections of the territory, when he came to the headmaster's office, he heard such a conversation.

At that time, Dumbledore was looking at the picture in the mist - the night in the dormitory of Basil and his friends.

The picture focused on Harry's cheek.

Just as Basil was thinking about whether to just give Dumbledore, the old pervert, a killing curse, the portraits of former headmasters on the walls and ceilings couldn't help but speak.

One of the fat wizards with a red nose waved his fist and roared, "You have failed this school. The Sorting Hat should have put you in Azkaban at that time!"

"Thank you, Fusco." Dumbledore said with a smile.

At this time, the picture in the silver mist expanded, and the fat rat Banban, who was facing Harry with his butt next to Harry's cheek, appeared in the picture.

"But unfortunately, I have a legitimate reason."

"On Christmas Eve, when I was talking to the boy, I found a strange yet familiar magnetic field and a few strands of gray hair on Harry's pillow. I called up my past memories and finally found the answer in it - Peter Pettigrew."

"A character who should have died long ago and was called a hero." Dumbledore's words were mixed with some shock.

"He is an Animagus? Can I understand that," Phineas Nigellus, the most unpopular headmaster in history, couldn't help but speak, "my great-grandson - the last of the Black family - is innocent?"

Dumbledore raised his eyelids. "During the remaining days of the Christmas holiday, I went to Azkaban many times and tried to talk to Sirius. But he insisted that he was guilty and killed James' family. His mind was very confused. When I used Legilimency, I could only read deep guilt."

"Until I said that a gray mouse with a missing toe was found next to Harry."

"His mind became clear again. Then I saw everything."

"What about my great-grandson?" Phineas walked back and forth in the frame, very anxious.

"I have communicated with the sober Sirius. Although he also understands that he will not stay in prison for long after I know Peter's identity. But he insisted that he had to stay in prison to atone for his sins before I caught Peter and announced the truth."

"He said that if I didn't agree to him, he would immediately find a Dementor to commit suicide." Dumbledore rubbed his eyebrows.

But in fact, he was not as distressed as he looked.

Sirius, who is now in Azkaban, is no longer in human form. His hair is dirty and tangled, hanging down to his elbows, his teeth are yellow, his eye sockets are sunken, and his waxy skin is tightly attached to the skeleton of his face, making him look like a skull.

It is hard to imagine that such a good-looking face would become like this.

Maybe it would be better to take good care of him in prison for a while before meeting Harry.

He has arranged a single room with no Dementors around, a fireplace, a luxurious bed, a bathroom, and meat supply.

Usually, this is where those senior officials of the Ministry of Magic stay for a short period of time in prison.

At this time, a wizard with a pale face and short black bangs raised a question: "I remember that you can't transform yourself in the castle of Hogwarts. Even Animagus can only change its form outside the castle. Your reason for monitoring the students' dormitories is not sufficient."

His eyes were full of scrutiny.

Combined with Dumbledore's sexual orientation, this is not a small problem that can be handled lightly.

"You forgot Voldemort. He was on the back of Quirrell's head and was publicly named by Harry. I am very worried that Peter will take this opportunity to contact Tom. Tom knows Peter's Animagus form. The reason why he didn't act before was because he thought Peter died at the hands of Sirius."

"Just like Sirius thought he killed Peter."

"No one believes that a wizard is willing to play the role of a pet mouse and be played with by others for ten years."

"Then what are you prepared for Peter?" Phineas was very puzzled. "It's easy for you, why haven't you done it until now-instead, you are monitoring."

Dumbledore shook his head: "The timing is not right. Catching Tom is the top priority now."

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