People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 79: Acromanthus

In the afternoon, the tests were on Herbal Medicine, Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and History of Magic.

But afternoon and morning are in reverse order.

Practical practice first, then written test.

The first practical test is the herbal medicine class. Use a shovel to transplant the jumping pods into another pot intact in the greenhouse. After transplantation, the more energetic the jumping pods are and the more complete they are, the higher the score.

Next was Defense Against Dark Arts. Quirrell asked them to enter the classroom one by one and release the red spark spell in the chaotic magic magnetic field he created.

This took a total of 40 minutes, of which 10 minutes were spent leaving the castle to the greenhouse.

Then came the written exams, first-year astronomy, and history of magic, which had no practical part.

After spending an hour writing papers with relatively few questions on herbal medicine, astronomy, defense against the dark arts and so on.

Now comes the final highlight, the last exam - History of Magic.

The exam time is one hour.

The invigilator is the ghost of Professor Binns.

Bagir felt it was outrageous.

If it was Professor Binns who was invigilating the exam, he probably wouldn't react even if he opened the book and copied it.

But sure enough, the school also thought of this.

Special supervisors were sent to collect all their belongings except their wands, anti-cheating quills, and ink.

"This exam question is really outrageous. It actually tests who invented the automatic stirring crucible, instead of the more important 'Werewolf Code of Conduct of 1637' and the history of the elf rebellion." After the History of Magic exam, outside the castle, Hermione faced the sunshine and leaned against Bagir, tilting her head and saying.

In this hot weather, the temperature of Bagir's body surface was extremely low, which made Ron next to him a little greedy and wanted to imitate Hermione and move closer.

The crowd around them who had finished their exams and walked out of the castle to the cooler shade of the trees and to the lake thought the same thing. They were attracted by Bagir's magnanimity and appearance.

But under the gaze of Bagir's terrifying and beautiful golden beast eyes, Ron and others subconsciously moved away from him.

So Bagir was free and undisturbed. He slowly walked down the slope, came to the lake, and sat down under the tree with a plop.

Over there, a giant squid lay basking in the warm shallow water, while the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan gently fiddled with its tentacles.

"Haha, is that the squid that rescued poor little Draco from the water?" Ron pointed at the squid and smiled.

He still wasn't willing to let go of a place where he could mock Draco Malfoy, even if he wasn't in front of him.

Ron let out a cheerful breath and stretched out on the grass.

"My dad," Harry became melancholy again, "When I was looking for portraits to learn about my parents' stories, one portrait said that when my mother was fifteen years old, her answer to my father's invitation was:' If I had to choose between you and a giant squid, I wouldn't hang out with you.'"

However, the next second, Harry covered his forehead again.

"Ugh, it hurts!"

"What's going on? The last time this happened was when school just started. It's been almost a year!"

Harry was annoyed and a little confused.

"Isn't it—" Ron stood up and took a breath of air.

He looked towards the third floor of the castle, in the direction of the Defense Against the Dark Arts offices.

"Voldemort's curse broke out?"

Bagir's eyes narrowed to a slit. In his field of vision, Quirrell was grading homework like a normal professor.

He looked pale and coughed from time to time, but he still tried hard to complete his job.

Anyone who sees this scene will think that he is a good teacher.

But Bagir is not someone who doesn't know the inside story.

Quirrell should have stolen the Philosopher's Stone.

Also, a feeling of calm before the storm began to emerge in Bagir's mind.

In addition to the golden eyes, the dragon scales under the skin gradually emerged.

Something seems to be invading his territory?

The castle belonging to Bajir, the village of Hogsmeade, and the magnetic field of London all echo him.

Bajir tried his best to suppress it, but he could only confine it to the castle.

The shadow of a majestic and beautiful red dragon appeared above the castle, and it roared as if it was offended.

The students, professors, and ghosts who saw this scene instantly thought of the Hogwarts school motto: Leave the dragon alone.

Then there was a rustling sound, and the sound of something crawling out came from the forbidden forest.

The sound grew louder and louder until it turned into a loud clicking sound.

"What's that?"


"No, Acromantula!"

That's a swarm of spiders!

Each of them is as big as a horse, with eight absurdly long, hairy legs, a pair of large shiny black stingers, and eight large red eyes.

The students' screams and fear made them particularly excited, and they moved their big claws and made a clicking sound.

The black tide is coming towards them!

Gem: 60413.463 (+25000)

The sound of more and more gems was heard in Bagir's ears, but it could no longer make him smile.

The world line is deflected!

When will it be counted on him?

Why the Forbidden Forest? Where he couldn't look.

And twenty-five thousand, what kind of development is it that will lead to such a big change?

Regardless, Voldemort cannot be resurrected now.

Bagir's mind moved, and in the distant Diagon Alley in London, a red stone suddenly appeared in his vault at Gringotts.

Not counting life, Riddle in the Slytherin Chamber also appeared where the stone should be.

Bagir looked around.

The black and red turbid current lingered, and the [Dragon Rider] appeared.

The field was now in chaos.

Fortunately, the first-year students who didn't know any magic had just finished their exams and were not far from the castle.

There was enough time to retreat.

The rest were senior students.

They had not yet entered society, and they were at the age when they had the most knowledge and the most spells in their lives.

"Armor protection!"

"Protect everything!"

"Shatter into pieces!"

"Many obstacles!"

"Shatter to pieces!"

One by one, protective spells, poison spells, and evil spells poured out from their wands.

Fred and George roared, jumped out of the lake, and joined the battlefield without even wearing shoes.

"Spider! Spider!" Ron was pale and sweating.

But he still pulled out his wand like Harry and Hermione.

Not to be outdone, he shot beams of light at the spiders.

Seamus created explosions among the spiders, leaving the spiders' broken limbs and green blood on the spot.

"Haha, who said my explosion skill is useless!"

"Hey!" Neville picked up a stick and waved it under the protection of the protection spell.

He repelled the giant spiders that attacked one by one. His skills gradually became more skilled in the process, and he could always hit the spiders' fragile abdomen and the nodes of their hairy legs just right. Like a knight with superb swordsmanship.

"Now, I deserve the title you said, Basil!"

On the friend column, the pre-made echo at Neville's avatar began to flash with gold edges.

From blue to gold.

〖Dark Magic Boy·Knight Commander〗 On this echo, the number of knights became 2.

In Neville's data in the friend column, the word "awakening" was added after the talent [Swordsmanship Mastery].

But Basil did not rush into the battlefield.

First, he was a little surprised that as long as the intimacy reached the level of gold and no echo was created, it would meet the definition of the Echo Knight of "Dark Magic Boy·Knight Commander".

The first to reach gold was Neville.

Not Harry or Ron.

The intimacy between Neville and him has always been maintained at blue, but it was because Neville was inferior.

He thought he was not worthy of Basil's words, "You are the real hero."

Second, he was a little worried that Hagrid would appear now.

So, he glanced at the cabin.

It was at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and no spider approached it.

"Great, Hagrid is in the box and didn't pay attention."

Basil whispered.

If Hagrid found out, he would probably pounce into the spider group, shouting don't hurt them, Aragog and the like.

Although the spider's mouthparts can't bite Hagrid's skin, the students' spells may accidentally hurt him.

"That's it, I'm relieved."

Basil jumped slightly and jumped into the spider group.

No longer suppressing the will to fight in his heart. What Riddle said was true, [Dragon Knight] did affect him at the spiritual level.

However, he liked the impact this time.

The fiery red tornado surged out from the tip of the strange magic wand, burning the approaching spiders one by one, bypassing the students, grass, and trees.

At this moment, Bajir was like the king of fire, and the flames that burned the sky and the earth in front of him restrained all the violence and united against the outside world.

With his participation, the students who were a little soft in swinging the magic wands were greatly relieved.

They began to subconsciously follow Bajir's rhythm and began to attack and defend.

No longer fighting alone.

Like a neat army.

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