People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 81 The Curse of Immortality

As Voldemort said, after the Sleeping Curse was broken, the curse of immortality followed.

But this was not true immortality.

It was a product of black magic similar to the Inferi.

The attacked Acromanthus spiders were like lifeless mechanical dolls.

Except for the wounds hit by the sacred magic of the unicorn.

The rest were restored after a flash of black light.

Dumbledore turned his head and looked at the source of the spiders, the habitat of the Acromanthus spiders.

At the cost of other magical creatures sleeping, Slytherin's authority was linked, and the powerful hypnotic power brought by "burning" Malfoy's body did not disappear after the Sleeping Curse was broken.

It was more like a terrifying chain reaction.

It was just a dreamlike magic magnetic field that hypnotized their minds, but now it became gloomy and evil.

It was transmitted to each Acromanthus spider from the concave ground covered with spider webs-the Acromanthus nest.

Just at that moment, all the spiders were cursed to death.

The magnetic field that was originally full of vitality on them has also become dead.

Most of the students on the field have returned to the castle.

With the defense line set up by Dumbledore, there is little use for them to stay here.

But the Weasley twins who are keen on adventure, as well as Basil and his group, still stayed where they were.

The professors in the castle gathered the students in the auditorium.

In order to avoid Hermione's mistake during Christmas, they deliberately asked the supervisors to count the number of people one by one.

They knew that someone had set their sights on the Philosopher's Stone, and this person had even broken into Gringotts for this purpose.

The troll on Christmas, all this today should have been done by that person.

According to Dumbledore's instructions, that person should also have gone to the restricted area on the fourth floor.

Snape was sent there for this reason.

And Dumbledore's other instruction - to protect the students.

This shows that the dark wizard may have other ways to buy himself time, through terrorist attacks.

So the idea of ​​sending the students back to the common room and stationing them in the three tallest towers - Ravenclaw, Astronomy and Gryffindor - to cast spells and observe was rejected.

Instead, the choice was to use the Great Hall as a base and build fortifications.

Professor Flitwick pointed his wand at the open castle gate and whispered a very complicated spell.

Everyone heard a strange whirring sound, as if he had released the power of the wind onto the playground.

"Hogwarts is threatened!" Professor McGonagall shouted, "Hold the borders, defend us, and do your duty to the school!"

With a clatter and shout, a group of moving statues swarmed out of the Great Hall, some smaller, some larger than life, and some animals.

Those clanging armor brandished swords and chained maces.

Professor Sprout went to the greenhouse, waved his magic, and placed all kinds of dangerous magical plants on the ground, such as poisonous tentacles, devil's webs, and pods of knotty vines.

"Do you want to play so big?" Bagel looked at everything around him helplessly.

He still wanted to show off.

In his imagination, he would put down his wand.

He walked into the spider group and said, "Harry, Ron, how did my parents die, do you remember?"

"I said I didn't care at the time, but it was not entirely because I had never seen them alive."

"But that Death Eater was also killed by my father. I don't have any enemies alive."

"In the forest, even Granger, who was dying and about to die, was terrifying."

Then he waved his hand, and thousands of branches and silky green grass listened to the order and attacked the spider group.

But now, he had no eggs.

Hermione, Harry, Ron around him. And the Weasley twins also thought so.

If I had known this, I might as well go back to the castle.

In front of them was Dumbledore's golden line, Flitwick's defense looked around, statues and armor guarded the perimeter, and various magical plants were looming in the gaps and on the lawn.

With this comprehensive defense and deployment of troops, they even dared to camp and sleep here directly.

According to Dumbledore, there were only cursed Acromanthus.

If there was no curse, and only Dumbledore could remove it, I'm afraid he could handle it with a Divine Fire Curse. Just like Dumbledore's lover Grindelwald could burn the whole of Paris with a Fiendish Fire.

But the next second, Basil, who had been watching Voldemort Quirrell break through the level, couldn't hold his expression.

Is Narcissa okay? ! ! !

He heard the news of Lucius Malfoy's death and the even more terrifying news of the Undead Curse.

Sure enough, Voldemort had just finished speaking.

The Acromanthus, with black light all over their bodies, passed through the golden line directly.

The damaged limbs that were not burned began to gather automatically, and the eight-eyed giant spiders reappeared one by one.

The wind in front of Bajir and the others became cruel, tearing apart the approaching spiders one by one.

The statues, armors, and spiders that were torn and reassembled collided with each other.

The poisonous plants that should have been the most dangerous among the magical plants posed the least threat to these dead things, and could only rely on the power of vines and branches to do some auxiliary work.

Some strange plants that Bajir didn't know the effect of, but instead made great contributions.

For example, the one-foot-tall plant with pink branches and a lollipop-shaped plant wrapped in cotton balls at the front left.

Once a spider approaches, the cotton ball will be ejected, expanding in the process, and finally wrapping the giant spider the size of a horse.

Others secrete a transparent, gelatinous liquid, which is projected through branches that swing by themselves, and sticks the attacking eight-eyed giant spider to the spot.

What's even more amazing is that these plants seem to have their own consciousness, avoiding Basil and others who are still on the field, and only attacking spiders.

Basil suspects that Professor Sprout knows the predecessor of the Granger family's [Plant Affinity] talent - the spell to control plants. After all, she is the head of Hufflepuff. Among the four giants, Helga Hufflepuff is the most proficient in herbology and good at earth magic. For example, the Hufflepuff lounge is full of various plants.

In short, the immortal eight-eyed spider group brought by the immortal curse has not yet broken through the defense line.

Basil and others still have nothing to do.

Hagrid, who should have discovered everything on the field, is still fishing in the box and teasing the dragon.

Dumbledore also walked into the dark and deep spider nest. The silver Phoenix Patronus and Fawkes merged into one, turning the giant spiders who wanted to bypass Dumbledore and go to the castle into ashes.

The sacred magic of the Patronus dispelled the undead curse spreading on these spiders.

This is why the defense line on the field has not been breached.

More eight-eyed giant spiders were here, illuminated by the sacred light released by Fawkes, scattered into dust, and merged with dead branches and rotten leaves.

The old and dead Aragog, as the source of the undead curse, retreated deeper into the forbidden forest with the help of his equally dead descendants.

Although they are dead, the instincts left in their bodies intertwined with the undead curse make them subconsciously want to stay away from the sacred magic and the magical magnetic field next to them that cannot be ignored, as hot as fire, loving everything but not loving themselves, and only bathing in fire without rebirth.

But everything is in vain.

As Dumbledore, who had fully revealed himself, approached, the giant spiders in the depths of the nest also slowed down.

Light descended on the dark hollow, and black smoke and flying sand disappeared into the air.

The solution to the curse of immortality was only a matter of time.

On the other side, in the restricted area on the fourth floor, in the last room under the trap door, Quirrell lifted his turban and turned his back to the Mirror of Erised.

"I am not reflecting your face, but the wishes in your heart. Ridiculous trick." The cold voice said in a sarcastic tone.

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