People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 83 Snape Shampoo

"Complete? I don't want to become a madman!" Riddle sneered: "Time is the strongest spell. It has made us strangers. Even though each other comes from the same mother body, as time goes by, we who are imprisoned in the instrument , It’s already different from when we split.”

"I don't want to feel the feeling of confinement again. Even if it makes me stronger."

"After all, I'm different from you. In pursuit of immortality, the most powerful person has lost the most important thing - wisdom."

Hearing this, Voldemort's ugly face forced a smile: "That's great. In other words, we have no conflict. You should have just avenged me for sealing you in the diary."

"It's so ugly and stupid." The wand spinning on Riddle's fingertips stopped momentarily, pointing in the direction of Voldemort.

"I remember saying that I am no longer the same person I was at the beginning."

"It's not just about mindset."

"And the properties of the spell."

The green ghost appeared behind Riddle and stretched out his finger.

"Avada eats the big melon!"

Two rays of green light converged and entered Voldemort's body.

Voldemort did not resist or dodge.

Because the winner is Voldemort.

He beat Dumbledore, a big win, a huge win!

What's more, this body only has three minutes, so what if it's early?

Quirrell's body fell, and the fake magic stone rolled out.

He turned into a ball of black smoke and passed through the door made of black flames.

Only a word with a wild laugh was left.

"I thought you could really kill me! Your killing curse is indeed stronger than the 17-year-old me, but it still can't do anything to me with the name Voldemort (Leap to Death)."

"Moreover, we have reached a consensus - there can only be one Voldemort!"

Riddle smiled coldly upon hearing this, took a step, and disappeared.

After taking back the [Shadow of Death], Bajir released the cycle on Snape.

After Snape lay on the fourth floor for a minute, he struggled and ran towards the restricted area.

At this time, among the dead branches and leaves, and layers of spider webs, Dumbledore appeared in front of a spider as big as a small elephant.

Its body and legs were black with gray, and each eye on its ugly head with big pincers was covered with a layer of white.

He looks like a blind man.

"Aragog." Dumbledore sighed.

He had already imagined what Hagrid would look like when he discovered this scene.

At this moment, the patron saint and the phoenix merged into one, and he and Fox were one and the same.

The sacred glow that turns the cursed body into flying ash is controlled by him.

Carefully brushing against every inch of Aragog's body.

On the other side, Dumbledore's sacred magical magnetic field enveloped and maintained it.

It's not that Dumbledore thought Hagrid's mood was more important than Voldemort's.

Instead, while keeping Aragog's body intact, he carefully exorcised the curse to prevent the recurrence of serial curses.

Ten minutes later, with a crisp sound similar to the breaking of bamboo, black smoke no longer poured out of Aragog's body.

The curse was also completely lifted.

"Oh, farewell, farewell."

Dumbledore looked around, his eyes full of compassion.

Behind him is the head of Lucius Malfoy, and in front of him is the body of Aragog.

That not-so-bad Malfoy brat, and Hagrid, would break down, see them.

Golden-red flames ignited from him, the two corpses, and Fox.

Like an eraser, erase them.

The next second, two bodies appeared in the principal's office.

In the room with the Mirror of Erised, Dumbledore and Fawkes emerged in the firelight.

He happened to bump into Snape, who broke out of the loop and ran here non-stop.

The two of them didn't look at each other for the first time.

Instead, he looked at the corpse on the ground and the 'magic stone'.

Snape, who was soaked all over, licked his lower lip and said, "How did he die? Judging from the appearance, his neck was twisted 180 degrees. And there was no smell of dark magic."

Dumbledore waved his hand, and the stone flew into his hand.

"Killing Curse. People killed by the Killing Curse can't see any traces on either the magical level or the physical level. Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, should have the aura of dark magic. It can only mean that he died from death. Killing Curse. When killed, it also kills the negative magnetic field traces on the body. "

Dumbledore closed his eyes, and his magical magnetic field spread, starting from him as the center of the circle, spreading inch by inch.

He was reading traces, recreating in his mind everything that happened in the room.

The fog condenser is built based on this principle.

But everything that appeared in his mind at the moment was blurry.

Just like when the TV signal is not good, the image is blurry and there is no sound.

However, he still got a lot from it.

"This twisted neck should be Voldemort's way of using Quirrell's dead body."

"Someone took away the magic stone in advance."

"Kill Quirrell."

"Kicked out Voldemort."

"The good news is that Voldemort didn't take the Philosopher's Stone."

"The bad news is that the Philosopher's Stone, which was supposed to be destroyed, fell into the hands of a dangerous wizard."

"His killing curse is very fast and extremely powerful. A body like Quirrell's who can only rely on garlic baths to cover up the smell of dark magic can be 'cleaned'."

Although the wizard was said to be dangerous, Dumbledore did not show any caution on his face.

On the contrary, he even had time to tease Snape.

"What's wrong with you? You were splashed with a bowl of oil soup?"

Snape's waxy, greasy face froze, "Shut up! Dumbledore! Who do you think it's because of?"

Dumbledore scratched the tip of his nose and smiled mischievously.

"Since it's all because of me, you're welcome."

A ray of fire ignited from Snape's body, and it exploded at a speed that he couldn't react in time, burning all over his body.

Then it went out again.

Snape was born with a refreshing and oil-free face, flowing hair, and no longer waxy face after exfoliation.

Because the curse disappeared, the spiders that attacked one after another turned into ashes, and Baguirre, who returned to the hall with the large group, was shocked.

Is this little white face Snape?

After removing the greasiness and the skin is no longer dark yellow, it turned out like this?

In addition to the hooked nose, which made his appearance lower, the straight and shiny princess cut, pale skin, and deep eyes made him look like a dark nobleman.

The vampire nobles in fantasy novels have come into reality.

No wonder Hagrid said that Lily had been in a close relationship with Snape before the fifth grade, and only agreed to date James Potter in the seventh grade.

Not only because they were childhood sweethearts, but also because of face?

Dumbledore obviously had the same idea as Basil.

He waved his hand casually, and the water vapor in the air condensed into a mirror.

Sighing, "Look at yourself, what have your bad living habits ruined you into?"

Snape looked in the mirror and wrinkled his nose, "I don't feel any difference."

He touched his dry black hair, "Should I apply some oil? It's a bit too scattered."

Dumbledore was a little skeptical about life, "You don't stop washing your hair because the Potters invented shampoo? But you like to apply oil after washing?"

"Of course," Snape instantly despised Dumbledore's IQ, "I can mix shampoo myself. I just think it's more attractive this way. In Muggle terms, the water in the UK is very hard and can cause baldness, like my father. So I avoided washing my hair since I was a child. After I got a job and had no shortage of money, I used the shampoo I prepared myself to make my hair shiny and smooth and prevent baldness."

"Look at my results, obviously, I am right."

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