People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 91 World Box

"During your long-term betrayal, Ms. Granger was unable to get correct feedback, nor could she think of harming you. The ultimate target was your other women. In your absence, she killed them with the killing curse. "

"This is a very normal and logical trend."

"However, a bad future can be changed starting from now."

"Your system is not subject to mere predictions. The biggest variable is within your body."

"What you need now is to follow my footsteps and measure Gregory's great work - "The World in the Box". Well, let's just call it the World Box."

Hearing this, Bagir breathed a sigh of relief and turned his attention away from the surroundings of the stands. Riddle said it was comparable to Newt's box, what kind of scenery would be inside the box named after the world.

Riddle opened the box and saw a staircase going down.

The bottom of the box appears to be the interior of a log cabin.

He flicked his wand.

All the items collected these days lined up and followed him to the bottom of the box.

The cabin has no windows, just a door.

Push the door open.

The bright sunshine pours in, and the smell of green grass, soil, and flowers flows in.

Take a step forward.

It's a whole world.

The cabin is surrounded by water.

There are also fish, shrimps, colorful pebbles, and mossy square rocks in the clear stream.

There are many unnamed flowers planted around.

After crossing the wooden bridge, there is an endless forest in front of us, and there seems to be mountains towering in the distance.

Walking along the stream, there is a vast reed bush. After pushing aside it, ducks and swans are wandering on the lake.

"Are you satisfied? I searched for it for a long time before I found its whereabouts."

"There is no need to recharge. The streams, flowers, trees, sun, and white clouds in front of you are the source of its energy. The energy circulates among them and increases."

"Your movement in and out, the opening and closing of the box, also adds energy."

Bagir was curious: "What's the principle? I remember that the magnetic field of magic props will weaken. And I have seen it in a biology book. The United States has built a closed ecosystem - Biosphere 2. The final experiment ended in failure. With current human technology, the oxygen content of closed ecological warehouses will be insufficient after a certain period of operation. Therefore, it seems that humans are not yet able to create a permanent closed ecosystem.”

"But according to your statement, the energy in this box will not decay, but will increase. This is not scientific at all."

"Science?" Riddle coughed, "This is magic. The magic magnetic field of this box is always interacting with the magic magnetic field of the outside world."

"I remember this is something you already know. "Magic Theory" mentioned it. The reason why the magic attached to your home in Devon does not require maintenance is because their magic magnetic field will interact with the earth's magnetic field. Combine and promote each other.”

"Brilliant magic props, magic fortifications, and the immortal Gubulai fairy fire were all born based on this principle."

"This box is no exception."

"It is not an isolated system. It is not closed like Biosphere 2, so the ecosystem inside can always maintain operation."

"Gregory's exquisite design and the clever weather spell inside make its magic magnetic field perfectly fit with the external magnetic field. The opening and closing of the box can expand and reduce the degree of interaction with the external magnetic field."

"So, the space and ecosystem inside the box will only tend to become stable as time goes by."

"The entry and exit of the wizard will also make the magic magnetic field of the box more complex and stable."

"Weather spell?" Bagir was a little confused. He hadn't learned this yet.

But it's not that he is ignorant. But this aspect is not an area for him to study in depth.

After completing first grade coursework.

His subsequent research and study directions were all related to the mind - such as confusion spells, oblivion spells, occlumency and other spells in the spiritual field.

He also read the three books from the philosophical school recommended by Professor McGonagall.

After all, great wizards and advanced spells are all related to the progress of the ethereal heart. If magic itself does not consider the magic magnetic field, it also comes from belief.

Riddle nodded, "The weather spell is not simply about releasing thunderclouds overhead. Meteorology refers to wind, clouds, rain, snow, frost, dew, rainbows, halos, lightning, thunder and other atmospheric physical phenomena that occur in the sky. ”

"And the clever weather spell can simulate the complete climate cycle, spring, summer, autumn and winter."

"Like Rubeus's pet box, the weather spell inside it is relatively simple. It can only simulate spring, summer, sunny and rainy seasons."

"That's it." Bagir sighed.

His attention returned to the field.

The stands were filled with people.

Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean were sitting together, lying on the railing, talking to each other.

Sirius and Hagrid sat in the last row.

wisps of colored mist surged from the tip of Sirius's wand, forming clouds above his head that read "Gryffindor wins! Come on Draco Malfoy!"

Hagrid brought binoculars and stared closely at the arena.

Others on the field were very exaggerated.

For the first time, Bagir truly felt how unpopular Slytherin was in the academy.

He came to his senses for a moment - communicating with Riddle.

But in a blink of an eye, almost three-quarters of the crowd took out scarlet roses and flags from nowhere.

The flags also had slogans such as "Gryffindor Success!" and "Lion Wins the Trophy!" written on them.

The rest were Slytherins, who were all sitting behind the Slytherin team's goal, about 200 people.

They all wore green ornaments, and the Slytherin silver snake shone on their flags.

Snape sat in the front row, wearing green ornaments like everyone else, with a sinister smile on his face.

And he kept making rude gestures to Sirius, who was in the last row opposite.

This scared the students behind him, but the next second, they also made gestures with their own head of house.

And Sirius didn't notice this.

On the contrary, the Gryffindor students were angered by these gestures and began to return the gestures.

Some of the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students with Gryffindor decorations on both sides also joined in.

But strangely, Professor McGonagall, who should have reprimanded these rude behaviors, turned a blind eye and acted as if nothing had happened.

Only Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout stood up and restrained the students of their colleges.

Just when Bagel was worried that the students of Slytherin and Gryffindor would stand up and shoot spells passionately across the field, the red and green teams walked out of the locker room with brooms.

They came to the referee Madam Hooch.

Harry and Draco both held the broom handles tightly and looked at each other.

The game was about to begin.

"Captains, shake hands!" Madam Hooch said.

Flint and Wood walked towards each other and shook each other's hands tightly,

as if they wanted to break each other's fingers.

"Get on the flying brooms!" Madam Hooch said, "three... two... one..."

Fourteen brooms flew into the air, and Hooch's whistle was drowned in the roar of the crowd.

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