People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 95 Two Different People

Bajir didn't want to say your daughter was stupid. She could have known Rafael's real purpose by asking professors from other colleges - to completely destroy the two colleges.

But she mistakenly thought that she wanted to help Rafael train excellent villain students and let evil defeat good.

So, a story that was 70% true and 30% false began to appear in Bajir's mouth.

"I did come from the Good Demon Law School. But I didn't really get there."

"My mentor is Ryan, the dean of the Good School."

"Hush, you might want to say that the storybook records that the younger twin brother Rafar was unwilling to be lonely and wanted to kill his brother."

"In the end, Ryan survived and became the dean of the Good Demon Law School."

"But history is written by the victors."

"The one who survived was Rafar. He thought Ryan was completely dead. So he corrupted the Good School from within the school as his brother Ryan."

"But Ryan didn't die completely. He fell into the real world. His residual soul remained in a tattered diary."

"After telling me my origins, he completely disappeared."

"But as the former dean of the Good School, he still has contact with the [Storyteller]."

"So, in the diary, you can see the stories it wrote."

"Including everything that is happening in the school now."

"Also including my daughter!" The shopkeeper interrupted, "Is she okay, even though she is in the Good School."

Hearing that her daughter would go to school in the evil Rafar school, she could no longer listen quietly.

Bajir shrugged, "The Good House is not that good now. If you fail three times, you will be turned into a talking teapot, a mouse, or even worse."

The shopkeeper covered his mouth, tears about to overflow.

The worry for his daughter burst out, and for a moment even surpassed Bajir's [Encouragement] talent.

"But fortunately, she entered the Evil House." Bajir comforted, "The Evil House is not that cruel. You are not allowed to kill before graduation. And the humans in the real world are called readers in the fairy tale world. They are all very talented."

"Your daughter is very good, and now she has become the dean of the Evil House."

The shopkeeper gritted his teeth, "It must be that damn Rafar who did it."

But she was a little proud, "It's worthy of Leonora."

Bajir said seriously, "Okay, the story is over. Now you should know my purpose."

The shopkeeper nodded, "You want to go to the Good Demon Law School to set things right."

"You should know the way." Bajir said firmly.

"Three conditions are needed." The shopkeeper said seriously, "First, know the existence of S.G.E. The more detailed the better."

"Second, the location. There is also a distance between the fairy tale world and the real world. And Gavalden, our village, is the closest to S.G.E."

"Third, a strong desire to go to S.G.E., believe in fairy tales, and reject the real world."

"As long as these three conditions are met. One day you will find that the sky will turn blood red. A black fog with scarlet eyes will take you away from home and go to the magic academy."

"In fact, a girl named Sophie in our village is about to meet the conditions. Just wait for me to tell her about the existence of S.G.E."

"I wanted to contact my daughter through her."

"But now, I don't need it."

Bajir suddenly thought, "If it was Hermione, she probably wouldn't meet this condition."

"The first thing she would think of must be denial."

"Why did I suddenly think of her?"

He rubbed his hair and stood up.

He said to the woman in front of him: "Okay. Do you need me to tell your daughter something?"

"Tell her that I love her. She is my most proud treasure." The shopkeeper lowered his head to hide the tears that were overflowing.

"Okay." The power of the Disillusionment Spell and the Breathing Spell emerged again.

Covered Bagel's body.

In the eyes of the shopkeeper, he disappeared out of thin air.

"Where on earth will it be?" Bagel said to himself.

Could it be with Sophie, the silly girl?

Her stepmother was actually good enough to her. With two biological sons, she still tolerated Sophie's hobbies of spending money. When there was a vacancy in the factory, she thought of letting her go first.

But she always remembered her mother's last words, "Always remember how special you are. You will change the world one day. You will live a happy life."

She shouted that she wanted to do great things, and she was unwilling to drop out of school and work in the factory.

Then she ran away from home in a fit of anger.

Agatha cried and begged her to give up her bottom line - promised Sophie to make up for her and help her talk to her stepmother, but she couldn't stop it.

If she hadn't been lucky, she would have been taken away by the Black Mist Wolf and the Hairy Skeleton Bird sent by S.G.E.

For a girl like her who is fair-skinned and beautiful but has no power to protect herself, her fate is predictable.

In the basement, Aheiyan and Biye still had a good ending.

"My lord, don't forget your biggest advantage." The system elf Riddle saw the master's worries and appeared at the right time to remind him.

"Yes." Bajir flicked his index finger, and the water vapor condensed into a mirror. Inside was a young man with red lips and white teeth, who was a hundred times more handsome than King Arthur's son Tedros.

If the system component was on her, it might be a good thing.

I'm afraid that if he asked a few questions casually, she would confess everything truthfully.


"I'm going to find him! He is my prince!" Sophie looked at the photo on the top of the sky blue tapestry in the club space, her eyes almost blurring.

A week ago, she was just a fool who spent her whole day enjoying being a brave man with extreme beauty and elegance who was destined to change the world.

But she has no goals, is mediocre, and has no ambition to make progress.

Not working hard for his dreams.

I just spent the whole day with Agatha, while completing my studies, I taught myself fashion design and makeup.

But on an ordinary night, in his sleep, wearing a gorgeous dress, and a large number of soldiers below looked at him with scorching eyes, the whole world collapsed.

The luxurious dome shattered, and white mist poured in.

She suddenly realized that she was in a dream but did not wake up.

After realizing this, the fog gradually faded, and a large circular room appeared in front of her.

Stars are painted on the domed ceiling, and the dark blue carpet below is also dotted with stars.

The windows are arched and the walls are hung with blue and bronze silks.

On the load-bearing pillars close to the wall, there are statues of eagles with lit candles on their heads.

The cabinets and bookshelves placed against the wall are also carved with eagles.

In the middle of the house, on a round carpet, there are two sofas with the same color pattern as the carpet and a high-backed chair. There are two low tables next to the sofa.

In the center is an octagonal table, with an exquisite teapot, a chessboard, and a strange prop made of many copper-yellow metal circles that rotate erratically with a blue ball in the middle.

Directly in front of her was a fireplace burning with bright yellow flames.

Behind her, there is a huge alcove, almost as high as the room. Inside is a marble statue of a woman with a crown on her head and wearing a flowing robe.

There is also an exquisitely crafted piano on the lower right side of the statue.

Looking at the book "History of Magic" by Bathilda Bagshot on the bookshelf.

"This is definitely not something I can imagine." Sophie confirmed, "Bathilda Bagshot, Bagshot, this weird surname is more like Agatha made it up."

"Although I don't know who Agatha is, I'm very interested in you. My vice president." A woman who looked like a bitch appeared on the sofa out of thin air.

But her voice was very soft, like a little girl's pretentious speech.

"You don't seem to understand magic. How could the Witch Society choose you to be the vice president? Have you not awakened the blood of a witch yet?"

"My name is Madison, and welcome to Hogwarts, well, although it's only the Ravenclaw common room."

Sophie was very excited: "I'm not a witch! I'm a princess! Let's put it this way, I'm a good person, you know what I mean!"

"I have golden and fluffy hair and a beautiful face. Of course, you are not bad either. How can we be witches?"

"The little girl who is still reading fairy tales." Madison rolled her eyes, an expression that would be ugly on ordinary people, but made her even more charming.

Her face seemed to be born for bad expressions. Full of aggression.

"The witch I'm talking about doesn't mean the old witch with a hunchback, a long nose, a pimple face, and thin hair in fairy tales. I mean a woman who can do magic. In your words, she is a princess."

"I knew it!" Sophie waved her fist happily, "I was born to do great things!"

"Do you also know how to design clothes? Your clothes are very beautiful. I have never seen such style. It just reveals too much."

"Design?" Madison rolled her eyes again, "I'm a star. I'm from Hollywood. I don't need to compete with designers for jobs."

"Hollywood? Star? What is that?" Sophie was curious.

Madison said with a stinky face, "Let's not talk about this for now. You are the vice president. Start the club activities for me quickly."

"Remember not to choose Quidditch. You are a Muggle. I don't know if I am a wizard."

"Answer the questions, dance, and herbs will be fine."

"Herbs won't do either. What if it's mandrake? The sound can kill someone."

Sophie was puzzled: "What are club activities? I'm not stupid (muggle means stupid). What is Quidditch?"

"That's it!" Madison stretched out her hand, and a book flew into her hand.

She thrust the book hard into Sophie's hands.

"It's the heart of this lounge. Show me!"

"You must know that I have longed for the magic in Harry Potter for a long time. But only the president and vice president can start club activities. Once club activities are started, there will be club coins. With club coins, you can buy magic."

It looked like she had been enduring this for a long time. He was so good-tempered before, but he only wanted to ask Sophie.

However, Sophie was not angry, "Really? You can buy magic!"

She also began to look through it eagerly.

"What's this!"

A screen of light appeared in front of her.

Madison urged, "The book is just a medium. It is only needed for the first time. You turn the pages directly to the screen in front of you. Whether it is with your hands or your mind, hurry up! I have been waiting for 5 years. Since I Started as a little girl.”

"I read Harry Potter like crazy because of this, and I didn't even have time to find a boyfriend!"

Sophie curled her lips: "Neither did I. Okay, let me see."

"I really just had to think about it."

"Is this the store that sells magic? Legendary cards, epic cards, gold coins, fog cards, Buffy Brain Refresher (Medium), Weasley Fireworks Blind Box. What are these?"

"1,000 gold coins for only 40 club badges? What are club coins (Madison: Club badges are club coins, idiot!)?"

"Let me see, club activities: herbs, dances, Quidditch, answering questions. Choose to answer questions, right?"

After Sophie "pressed" the button to start the club activities, the two of them disappeared.

Appeared in an empty classroom.

Before she could prepare, the questions and options automatically appeared on the blackboard.


1. Which of the following is not Voldemort's Horcrux.

A. Nagini

B. Slytherin's Locket

C. Elder Wand

D. Ravenclaw's Diadem

"Choose C!" Madison prompted.

"C." Sophie followed. On option C, a photo of her and Madison flashed by.

After answering 20 questions.

They returned to the dome room.

Each person received 60 club badges.

Madison spent 60 directly and exchanged for an epic card with a purple glow.

The card merged into her body.

"What kind of magic is this?" Sophie was a little excited.

"Summon a unicorn." Madison waved her hand, and it seemed that a bright moonlight was sprinkled on the room.

A tall, snow-white horse with a silver glow and a horn on its forehead appeared in the original place.

"It's so beautiful!" Sophie couldn't help but step forward.

"It's a pity that it's not magic." Madison said with a smile.

Next, Sophie also exchanged an epic card.

But what she got was magic.

The real kind.

Hurricane spell.

"What's going on?" Sophie was surprised to find that the tip of her right index finger was glowing red.

It seemed that she could create a storm just by waving it.

But Madison's fingers didn't glow.

Completely different from her, even though they exchanged the same cards.

"Yes, we are completely different." Madison narrowed her eyes. "In the novel, beginners like us should need a wand to cast spells. There are indeed unicorns in it, but the Summoning Spell (Summoning Spell, translated differently) generally cannot summon living objects. The only magical creatures that can be summoned are non-intelligent ones like Flobberworm and Horkrup."

"The only exception is Newt summoning the Niffler. There is no one in the novel who summons unicorns like me, in my form."

"When I summon, it feels the same as when I use my mind to control objects."

"What novels are you talking about? Fairy tales? Who is Harry Potter? Is he famous?" Sophie was puzzled.

"You haven't read Harry Potter?" Madison was shocked. "Which remote village are you from? Don't you even have the Internet?"

"Internet?" Sophie bit her lip. "Fishing? Our Gavalden is not a fishing village. I haven't seen it yet."

"Even third world countries have the Internet! I'm talking about computers, a kind of machine--" Madison wanted to describe it, but she didn't know how to say it. "What's wrong with you!"

"Wait, are we in different worlds?" Sophie's eyes seemed to light up. "Since you read books, you must have read The Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan. Maybe there is a world like Emerald City and Neverland in you and me."

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