People Are In Konoha, Devouring Uchiha Shisui At The Beginning

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: New Maid, Using The Strongest Illusion For The First Time Distinguished Heavenly Gods

When the three of Liu Sheng got closer, Liu Sheng found that the escort team of Cloud Shinobi Village was indeed the Samui team he knew, and the leader was also the number one boss in the ninja world… Samui.

Like most men, Liu Sheng likes big ones.

So for female characters with big capital, Liu Sheng will be very impressed.

Such as Hinata, such as Tsunade, such as Terumi Mei, such as… Samui.

But among these four female characters, who has the most capital?

Then Liu Sheng can only think of one, and that is… Samuy.

Yes, there are not many roles in this role, but Samuel, who amazed Liu Sheng as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Just like in a certain star-spangled country in the previous life, most people liked blondes.

In this world where English is also available, the Kingdom of Thunder·Cloud Shinobi Village is similar to a certain star-spangled country in the previous life, and the image of Samui is the blonde girl in the Hokage world.

Short blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, big enough to make Sam Yi feel sore shoulders, exquisite facial features, and indifferent expression… Such a beautiful iceberg, It is also in line with Liu Sheng’s hobby.

Yes, although Samuel is not in the list of Liu Sheng’s three favorite female characters, it does not prevent her from meeting Liu Sheng’s hobbies.

Therefore, Liu Sheng is going to turn her into his collection like Xianglin, that is, one of the maids.

But it’s not the same as using a gentle offensive to slowly train Xianglin to become her own maid.

This time, Liu Sheng planned to use a brutal and direct method to turn this woman who belonged to the ninja of the enemy country into his maid and undercover agent.

By the way, let’s take a look at the cooldown time of the strongest ‘skill’ under the Xueji snare.

Click “Four Two Seven”——

“Leave that blond girl to me, and you kill all the other three.”

So, Liu Sheng whispered something to Hinata and Xianglin.

Then gently broke off the chin part of the cat face mask, and the palm hidden in the cuff quickly formed a seal, and then a body appeared in the sky in an instant, facing the Samui team below and one of the targets of this mission, Spit out the stream of water from the giant star.

Water Style·Explosive water blast!

A huge amount of water flowed into a huge lake, smashing down from top to bottom.

“Get out of the way!”

Liu Sheng’s behavior was immediately noticed by Samyi and the others.

Seeing the water falling down like covering the sky and covering the sun, Samyi, who had always been expressionless, suddenly changed his expression slightly, and then escaped from the range of the lake attack without saying a word

Omoi and Karui in the Samui team also abandoned the panic-stricken senior management of Ninja Village without hesitation, and avoided the lake that fell from the sky in an instant.

Only half a day ago, the chains that restrained Chakra were pulled out, and the senior management of Xiaonin Village, who had not yet fully regained his strength, was smashed by the lake formed by the bursting water.

The water flowed down like a lake, and the weight smashed down the senior management of Xiaoren Village in an instant, causing serious internal injuries. If it is not treated in time, it is believed that they will die soon.

After the lake hit the ground, a huge amount of water rose into the sky like a fountain, turned into waves several meters high, and spread towards the surroundings.

Samyi, who had just escaped from the falling area of ​​the lake, jumped back again and again to avoid it.


Just when Samoy and Karuy jumped out of the attacking range of the waves, the sound of chains being pulled suddenly entered their ears.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw four chains, connected with kunai-like spearheads, stabbing towards them.


Seeing this scene, Omoi and Karui immediately pulled out the short swords behind them, and a blue and white current flashed across the blade.

Immediately, at an overwhelming speed, they dodged the stabbing chains in an instant, and followed the direction of the chains, towards the man standing on a rock, wearing a black cloak and a white cat face mask , the figure of Anbu from an unknown Ninja Village rushed towards him.


At this moment, a figure who was also wearing a Black cloak, but was still petite from his figure, and wearing an Anbu mask, jumped up from behind that Anbu, with a black glove that did not miss any fingers, five fingers He clenched his fist and punched Shi Weiyi.

The fist is covered with Blue’s Chakra arrogance, which also distorts the air, and it can be seen at a glance that it is an astonishingly powerful steel fist.

And I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or an illusion… The timing of this figure’s attack is just when Omoi’s attack is charging, and it’s too late to change his attack.

Therefore, Omoi could only interrupt the attack and dodge the attack of the figure in an instant.

With an instinctive warning, Karui also chose to retreat instantly.


When the person in the figure, that is, Hinata’s fist landed on the ground, the ground more than ten meters away from Fang Yuan suddenly sank several times, and shattered like falling glass, with a large number of cracks appearing, spreading towards the surroundings like a spider’s web.

Seeing this scene, Omoi and Karui were not startled to widen their eyes. Standing behind Hinata, they were quickly withdrawing the incense of Adamantine Sealing Chains. Their beautiful eyes widened first, looking at Hinata’s back, Full of incredible.

Obviously, Xianglin didn’t expect that Hinata also learned the strange power boxing, and the power is so amazing that it is hardly weaker than her.

Not to mention Xianglin, even Liu Sheng, who had already started fighting with Samyi, was surprised.

He knows that the talents of Hinata and Xianglin are more suitable for cultivating Weiliquan than Haruno Sakura.

But unexpectedly, Hinata also mastered the strange power fist so quickly.

It is understandable for Xianglin to master the strange power fist so quickly. After all, she has nothing to practice hard except for the sealing technique.

Hinata is different, strange power boxing and medical ninjutsu are only secondary, developing white eyes and practicing Gentle Fist method are her main courses.

But I have to say that Hinata, who uses the strange power fist, is exuding a kind of contrasting beauty.

“Adamantine Sealing Chains of the Uzumaki clan, steel fists full of destructive power, and such an exaggerated Water Style…Who the hell are you guys!?”

Samyi, who also saw this scene in his eyes, and was very knowledgeable, knew Xianglin’s ability immediately, looked at Liu Sheng solemnly, and asked in a deep voice.

“…Forget it, I wanted to play with you.”

Liu Sheng pondered for a few seconds, and was finally aroused by Hinata’s growth.

Therefore, Liu Sheng, who originally wanted to appreciate the earth-shaking American capital during the battle of Samyi, slowly took off the cat face mask with one hand, and quickly made a one-handed seal with the other hand: “Wood Style Wood Clone Technique.”

Hearing the name of this technique, Samyi’s face no longer had a cold look, but her beautiful eyes widened for a while.

I saw four Wood Clone extending from Liu Sheng’s body, and then turned into four afterimages and disappeared instantly.

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