People Are In Konoha, Devouring Uchiha Shisui At The Beginning

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Story Of Boruto, I Will End It!

The snow is coming, coming faster than Liu Sheng imagined.

Just as night fell, countless goose feathers fell from the sky.

After waking up from sleep, the outside world has turned into a piece of silver.

Every family got up early to shovel the snow, and the children were all wearing thick clothes, playing snowball fights and playing ninja games.

There was still a happy smile on the faces of the common people.

They seem to have no idea how humiliating their respected Master Hokage has done a while ago.

“December 30th, the day after tomorrow is the new year.”

Liu Sheng also got up early today, took a pen and crossed out the number 29 on the date sheet, talking to himself while recalling the plot in his mind.

Uchiha’s filial son, when Uchiha Sasuke was 7 years old, he and Uchiha Obito wiped out the Uchiha clan together, that is, one year after entering the ninja school.

In fact, the coup d’etat of the Uchiha clan was prepared to launch two years before the night of the genocide.

But the death of Uchiha Shisui delayed this plan for two years.

In other words, Uchiha Shisui died when Uchiha Sasuke was five years old, and Liu Sheng was also five years old.

As for when he was five years old, Liu Sheng didn’t know.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as I know and find the Nanga River cliff where Uchiha Shisui committed suicide, I can pick up the corpse below.

“The current clan of the Uchiha clan is near the Nanhe River. It is not an easy task for me to sneak in there to pick up the corpses in advance.”

Liu Sheng thought to himself: “Before that, I must learn the Three Body Technique, and even the Shadow Clone Technique.”

Liu Sheng, who has the “swallowing body”, has refined Chakra in the past half a year, which is far superior to his peers by many times.

He has also memorized all the twelve seal gestures.

The thinking of an adult also endows him with strong self-learning ability.

Through the inheritance left by his parents, Liu Sheng can now mobilize the Chakra in his body.

As long as you control the balance and learn more, I believe you will be able to master the Three Body Technique soon.

After the amount of Chakra is satisfied, the Shadow Clone Technique may also be mastered.

As long as he has mastered the Transformation Technique and Shadow Clone Technique, Liu Sheng will dare to go to the cliff of Nanhe River, and then he has been waiting there every day since he was five years old.

After the memories were over, Liu Sheng began to wash up, and then went out to buy groceries.

This time, Liu Sheng spent much more time shopping for groceries than usual.

Because grocery shopping is only secondary, the main thing is to inquire about news.

Soon, Liu Sheng learned that Hyuga Hizashi’s funeral was on December 31st, the last day of the year.

After confirming this time, Liu Sheng just went home to cook, and started to practice after eating.

The biggest advantage of the devouring body is that it can transform all the things it eats into energy to strengthen itself, without wasting anything.

For example, when others eat medicinal materials, the body can only absorb part of the medicinal materials at most.

However, when Liu Sheng took the medicinal materials, he would convert all the medicinal materials into energy and completely absorb the efficacy of the medicinal materials.

As a result, Liu Sheng’s physical energy and mental energy are steadily increasing every day, and a certain amount of Chakra can be extracted every day.

This kind of extraction accumulated over time, sooner or later, there will be a day of quantitative change.

At that time, those who can see the amount of Chakra, or perceive the amount of Chakra, will find that Liu Sheng is also an amazing existence of Chakra.

In this regard, Liu Sheng is not afraid of being discovered.

Because although the Senju family is gone, starting from Senju Hashirama’s generation, this family began to be fragmented and integrated into every household.

Many people may have elements of the Senju family in their blood.

Even if the astonishing secret of his future Chakra is discovered, Konoha executives will only think that Liu Sheng’s parents may be descendants of the Senju clan.

After all, Liu Sheng’s parents did not have surnames.

Not to mention the amazing amount of Chakra, even if Liu Sheng awakens Wood Style, Konoha’s senior management will not doubt it, but will only feel ecstatic.

Because Liu Sheng’s background is too innocent.

Of course, even if Liu Sheng got the Wood Style, he wouldn’t be exposed.

At least until Third Hokage dies, or until he has Kage-level strength, Liu Sheng will not choose to expose.

But right now, it’s useless to say that.

Before reborn, let’s practice hard first.

The time came to December 31.

On this day, is the funeral of Hyuga Hizashi.

Ironically, even though it was a funeral, there was no body buried, so only a photo of Hyuga Hizashi was placed in the coffin.

In the evening, in the dead of night.

Liu Sheng put on a thick cotton coat and went out to wander around the Hyuga clan.

There are electrical appliances in this world, and there are things like street lights on the street.

So Liu Sheng is not playing in the dark.

After wandering around for a while, Liu Sheng finally saw a short figure, rushing out of the gate of the Hyuga clan, and ran towards a certain direction while crying.

And the person in this figure is the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, and also the princess of the original novel——Hyūga Hinata.

Liu Sheng also likes this character who doesn’t have many roles in the original work, but whose popularity surpasses that of the female lead by countless times.

The status of a wealthy daughter, the character of Yamato Nadeko, and the figure of Oho who can float on the water…

Hyūga Hinata is one of Liu Sheng’s three favorite female characters in the Hokage world.

Therefore, after Liu Sheng realized that he was in the same class as Naruto, he decided to cut off his husband.

As for cutting off Hinata, what about Naruto?

He just has Sasuke!

And Liu Sheng has the mission to intercept Hu Hinata.

Stupid Boruto biography, he will end it!

Watching Hinata’s back, Liu Sheng followed quickly.

I don’t know how long I cried, and I don’t know how far I ran, before Hinata stopped.

Then the young girl, who had just passed her third birthday, began to panic.

It was the first time she went out alone, and she didn’t know where this place was or how to get home.

As a result, the tears that had just stopped burst out again.

“Are you OK?”

Just when Hinata was feeling terrified, a childish voice suddenly came from beside her ear.

Turning around, I saw a boy who was a little taller than her, with short silver hair and nice red eyes, who looked like a rabbit, walking towards her.

“I see you were running away crying just now, did you have a conflict with your family?”

Coming in front of Hinata, Liu Sheng looked at Hinata whose face was flushed from crying, but whose pure white eyes were not bloodshot, and asked knowingly.


It was the first time for Hinata to meet a stranger other than his clan and also his peers other than Neji big brother. He didn’t dare to look directly at Liu Sheng at all, lowered his head and twirled his fingers in light reply.

Liu Sheng didn’t expect that Hinata would have the habit of turning her fingers at such a young age.

But now, it’s not the time to brush up on favors.

“It’s such a cold day, and it’s so late, let’s go home quickly.”

Liu Sheng didn’t take the initiative to send Hinata home, but reminded him.


Hearing this, Hinata suddenly looked at a loss.

“I said…you can’t find your way home, can you?” Liu Sheng said with a smile on his face.


Hinata lowered her head, her face, which was already flushed from crying, became even redder.

“Looking at your eyes, you should be from the Hyuga clan, follow me.”

Liu Sheng put his hands in his pockets, turned around and returned along the same road.

“Thank… thank you.”

Looking up at Liu Sheng’s back, Hinata said as thin as a mosquito.

If it weren’t for the dead of night, Liu Sheng wouldn’t even have heard her thank you.

The corner of Liu Sheng’s mouth raised slightly, and he urged, “Hurry up and follow.”

Hearing this, Hinata hurriedly trotted behind, but did not dare to walk shoulder to shoulder with Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng could only slow down, looking at the young girl beside her with her head down, and didn’t find a topic to talk to her.

Now is not the time to brush up on favors.

Just make a first impression.

After entering the ninja school, spend a lot of time giving him a good impression.

And Hinata’s character, as long as you gain her favor, you can basically capture her heart.

This is a very loveless girl.

“…Here we are, let’s go home quickly.”

Soon, Liu Sheng sent Hinata back to the gate of the Hyuga clan.

“Thank… thank you.”

Hinata still didn’t dare to look directly at Liu Sheng, bowed her head and thanked Liu Sheng in a tone as small as a mosquito.

“You’re welcome, girls should go out less at night.”

Liu Sheng also returned towards home, raised his hand with his back to Hinata.

Looking at Liu Sheng’s handsome back, Hinata’s eyes were full of admiration and envy.

Worship is that the other party is as small as oneself, but so powerful.

Envy is that the other party is so late, and can go out alone, so free.

But they don’t know that the other party is so free, and there is no family member at all.

At this time, on a certain street in Zhongxin Street, there was also a little golden boy, who was left alone like Liu Sheng, wandering around.

It was also at this time that he would not be stared at and bullied when he went out.

Back home, Liu Sheng simply washed up, then lay down and went to sleep.

Now is the stage of growing your body, can you stay up late.

If it wasn’t for cutting off Hu, Liu Sheng would have fallen asleep at this point.

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