People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 126

Chapter 116: Time Management

Because of the appearance of the giant octopus, the entire villa was smashed. Harry, who waved the tentacles of the tree roots and pulled them to the sky, really covered the sky and closed the moon.

Harry stepped on the aircraft, evaded flexibly, and easily flew to a height that the octopus couldn’t reach.

Just as he was about to throw a few pumpkin grenades, he saw Parker flying up—of course Parker couldn’t fly.

It’s just that the villa was blown up and he lost his footing, so he could only take off with Gwen in his arms.

“Take Gwen to safety.”

The Parker was in the air, shooting spider silk into the sky, sticking to the aircraft under Harry’s feet.

Harry understood and flew Parker into the distance.

“Since you don’t accept that lord’s proposal, then you all die!” The jade pot came out of the bottle on the octopus’s head and looked at them humbly.

Then, he raised his six arms, each holding a porcelain bottle, and poured out an endless stream of water that flew in the air.

The big octopus rode up on the water and chased after it.

But how can the current be comparable to the speed of flight?

I saw that the gap between the two sides was getting farther and farther, and they would soon lose their goals.

“Damn, do you want to fail?”

Looking at the farther and farther target, Yuhu smashed his fist angrily.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the crowd rushing into the street. Immediately, inspiration flashed and he had an idea.

“My darlings, come out and have a carnival!”

The jade pot raised its six arms again, grabbed six bottles, and poured out a huge and strange aquatic fish.


S.H.I.E.L.D., Tri-Wing Building.

Data analysis room.

Fury carried his hands on his back and paced back and forth, waiting for the staff to analyze the power results of Genos’ last shot.

About Genos… Fury never underestimated.

After all, being able to shatter the earth with a diameter of about five meters with one foot, even with the help of the acceleration of falling from a high altitude, is quite powerful.

However, even though he went to a high place to estimate the opponent’s strength, in the end he underestimated the opponent.

One shot knocked Hulk out, and the aftermath spread to Three Streets.

Such firepower is comparable to a small nuclear bomb.

Powerful is nothing, the key is that such a heat cannon is fired from the opponent’s palm cannon.

As we all know, the more powerful the thermal weapon, the greater the required caliber and length, because enough acceleration channels and vents are needed to withstand the corresponding output.

Genos used the palm cannon to fire a shelling of this scale, which fully shows that the technological content of that mechanical body is far beyond this era. Let Fury have to further increase the importance of him.

But what gave him a headache: Tony picked up Genos.

Although Tony and Genos seem to have reached some kind of agreement, considering Genos’ original identity as a superhero, the two may have common topics in some aspects, which can increase the probability of Rajnos joining the Avengers .

But if Genos’ information is true, then the probability of Rajnos joining the Avengers is not low. Tonido’s move is completely unnecessary, but it destroys the “target of contacting Genos, leading to S.H.I.E.L.D. Raiders” plan.

“Fury, emergency!”

Suddenly, the door to the analysis room was opened, and a slender woman with waist-length red hair walked in in a hurry.

Seeing the person coming, Fury frowned.

This person is a rare ninth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Victoria Hand, who belongs to one of the top executives of S.H.I.E.L.D., holds her own independent department, and has the power to handle a certain degree of incidents alone.

In general, she can make the decision by herself, and it is impossible to come to her, let alone in such a hurry.

Immediately, I had a bad feeling in my heart.

“What happened?”

Fury asked.

“On the Gold Coast, there is a supernatural battle, see for yourself!” Hand said, handing over the tablet in his hand.

It was a picture taken by a satellite. Because it was at night, it was a little blurry, but I could vaguely see a large number of large fish-shaped creatures destroying everywhere.

What makes Fury even more unpleasant is that the area where these monsters are ravaged are full of high-end villas.

He immediately frowned and said, “Where is this?”

“Gold Coast!”

Han De said in a hurry: “Many rich and powerful people have already called the White House, and the military is already making preparations. The Security Council let us settle this matter quickly.”

“Those idiots, haven’t they learned enough of the lesson from the day before yesterday?”

Fury has been exposed to countless supernatural or advanced technology events over the years, and he knows that many things cannot be solved by relying on people or firepower.

Especially for some trigger events, if one fails, not only will it not solve the problem, but it will spread the impact and cause disasters of a larger nature.

“Move six special operations teams to go to support, and at the same time call the White House and ask them to stop the army from going.”

After swearing secretly, Fury strode out of the analysis room, and walked outside while giving orders.

Hand took orders to leave.

Fury glanced left and right, and after seeing no one nearby, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


Convenience store.

Gu Qing has already closed the door, ready to go to sleep.

At this moment, the phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that the caller ID was Fury, and suddenly smiled.

“Hello, Director Fury called so late, was it to deliver a late-night snack?” Gu Qing answered the phone and said jokingly.

On the other side, when Fury heard this, the veins on his forehead suddenly jumped, and he asked, “Did you know that I was going to call you at this time?”


“Then you know that at this time, there will be a disaster on the Gold Coast?”

‘so what?”

Gu Qing narrowed his eyes and smiled, “Are you trying to accuse me of not telling you in advance?”


Fury was so angry that he opened his mouth, and subconsciously he was about to squirt.

But thinking of Gu Qing’s character, he immediately changed his mouth: “…No, I just hope that if you predict any disaster, you can inform me in advance, and the price is easy to negotiate.”

“Stop teasing, Fury!”

Gu Qing said with a sneer: “All over the world, various misfortunes happen every day, do I want to observe them one by one and report to you one by one?

For example, if I don’t have the energy to do it, even if I can, I won’t do it.

This is so tiring. ”

“I’m not asking you to observe every disaster, just that if there is…”

“Okay, I won’t do such a thing.”

Gu Qing lay leisurely on the chair and continued: “I recently learned that a department called the “Time Administration” is monitoring the operation of the universe. If things don’t go in the direction they expected, they will come to reset the time, and Catch the culprit who destroyed the timeline.

I don’t want to be taken away as a time criminal. ”


Fury fell silent.

He originally just wanted to ask what was going on on the Gold Coast, but he didn’t expect to get such exciting news.

Time management, established timeline…

There was so much information that Fury’s mind became a little confused.

(No, now is not the time to think about this)

Fury squeezed the Seimei acupoint lightly, emptied his mind as much as possible, and exhaled deeply.

After a while, his head woke up.

He took a deep breath and said: “There is a loophole in what you said. If the established timeline is destroyed, it will be taken away by the people of the Time and Space Administration as a time dealer. Then you traversers have already destroyed us. Timeline of the world. So why haven’t you been caught yet?”

“Don’t you understand?” Gu Qing smiled softly: “We were not arrested by the Time Administration, which means that the insertion of the traversers is the real direction of the correct timeline.”


Fury remained silent.

After a while, he continued: “I will discuss with you about the Time Administration and Timeline later. Now I have a question for you.”

“Are you referring to the situation on the Gold Coast?”

“What are those monsters?”

“One hundred million, make money!”

“Fake, this kind of information that is happening now and can be figured out only in the past, do you want me 100 million?”

“That’s true, but how many people will you die in order to probe this information?”


Fury couldn’t help but swear, and said, “I’m out alone now. I’ll call you when the matter is over.”

“It’s Shang Xian Wu in the twelve ghost months. These monsters were created by his blood ghost technique.”


Fury couldn’t help but swear, and rudely hung up the phone.

In the information about the twelve ghost months purchased by the black widow today, it recorded Shang Xian Wu’s blood ghost technique.

But there is only one sentence above that can create aquatic creatures.

At that time, Fury thought that this guy was the king who made sharks, giant squid and other aquatic creatures, and was invincible in the water. He never imagined that it would be such a deformed big fish that can survive on land and swim flexibly.

So much so that when I saw the deformed fish in the video, I didn’t connect with it.

In the end, even though he already knew the answer, he was extorted $100 million…

That heartache!

That anger!

Fury has raised the idea of letting go of the money several times. But I thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. might rely on Gu Qing’s intelligence many times in the future, so every time the idea of defaulting was put out immediately.

“Forget it, consider it as the money to buy the intelligence of the Time Administration!” Fury took a deep breath and comforted himself.

Then, took out the phone and called Tony.


Convenience store.

Gu Qing sat on the head of the bed, hung up the phone, picked up the comic book on the quilt, and read it with relish.

In the comics, the battle between Thor and Loki is drawn.

Turning the page, there is also a drawing of Time Administration.

Yes, this is the information Gu Qing just sold to Fury.

I didn’t pay attention to the follow-up items anymore because I was drawn to the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, and I went directly to the puppet lottery.

When the puppets finished drawing, and when he went back to count the items, he found this Marvel comic.

It is a manga called Thor.

There is nothing to say about the plot, the only interesting thing is the multiverse force “”Time Administration” that appears in this comic.

Of course, before reading this comic, Gu Qing had already asked the system.

This is not a comic from a previous life.

Rather, it records what happens on each timeline of this multiverse.

Moreover, the content of the comics will never be noticed and discovered by the local people of Marvel.

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