People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 139

Chapter 127: Dream Man

People are in Marvel, being the man behind the scenes, Chapter 127, the dream person “Wait a minute!”

Everyone heard the sound and looked at it. Seeing the immortal Kawasaki, he said, “Before we talk about the business, I have a question.”

“Oh, what’s the problem?”

The lord asked with a smile.

“That guy…”

Immortal Chuan Xuanmi stood up and pointed at Furui: “For so many years, in order to eliminate ghosts, I have traveled all over the world, and I have met all kinds of people, even if they are foreigners, I have seen a few, but I have never seen one. So dark, and wearing a one-eye patch, he is not a good person at first glance. Even, is this guy really human?”

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement, and the corners of Fury’s eyes twitched.


The lord hesitated for a moment and said, “I have heard of the African continent overseas, where the people are black-skinned. Your Excellency Fury should be African!”

“No, I’m American.”

Fury corrected and popularized: “This is the American continent, it is the United States, it is a country composed of immigrants from different continents and countries, and there are all kinds of people here. Moreover, blacks are not only found in Africa, there are Latinos and Mexicans. Black people.”


Immortal Chuan Xuanmi scratched his head and looked at the rest of the pillars, only to see them who were just curious, but now they are all sitting upright, staring straight ahead, obviously not wanting to intervene in this topic.

Immediately sighed, “Oh, I don’t understand it at all, but it should be fine!”

After speaking, Immortal Kawasaki sat back on the ground.

“Then, please also ask Mr. Fury to explain the current situation of this world!”

The lord looked at Fury with a smile. The words, tone and body movements made Fury feel at ease.

Fury commented in his heart.

Unlike Sawada Tsunayoshi, although the two are also gentle people, Sawada Tsunayoshi expresses kindness to others through tenderness, making people feel warm and surrendering to the heart.

The lord, on the other hand, is more understanding and makes people feel at ease.

Although they are the same type, there are a few differences.

“This is the 21st century, the world will be a hundred years later, so various technologies have made significant leaps, and…”

Furui swept his thoughts, and began to talk from the background of the world, and then talked about the various cannibal cases caused by ghosts crossing over, and then to the subsequent crossing of the three sisters Zhushi, Yushilang, Xing Shoulang, and Butterfly House, and the twelve sisters. The battle between ghost moons.

“I didn’t expect that you came to this world just a few days ago, and you have experienced the battle with the ghost. It’s no wonder that purgatory will awaken the stripes. What a gorgeous experience!” Yu Sui Tianyuan said with emotion, holding his forehead.

This puzzled Fury.

Generally speaking, don’t you hold your forehead only when you have a headache?

Why is this guy holding his forehead when he is talking about serious business?

And the woman with her hair dyed pink and her clothes scantily clad, isn’t that bad?

Why do you lower your head shyly at every turn?

If you are so shy, why do you dye your hair and dress so revealing?

And that big man, why are you crying all the time?

Also, that guy with a bandage on his face and eyes with different colors, you have been playing with snakes since the meeting, are you really listening?

However, although there are many grooves in my heart that I want to vomit.

But thinking of the business, Fury held back.

He took a deep breath and said: “Everyone, I have learned about you from Xing Shoulang, and I admire your justice from the bottom of my heart. But this era is no better than Taisho. Human technology has developed enough to destroy The world has reached the level of the world, and if we let Wu miserable continue to develop, we still don’t know what it will look like.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} So, we made a battle plan to fight ghosts together. ”

Having said that, he raised his right hand to stop Undead Kawasaki, who was about to say something, and continued: “We have the means to accurately locate the location of Wu Miserable, so don’t worry about not finding him. So, I hope everyone in the Ghost Slayer team can cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D. and participate in this crusade together.”

“If we can kill Oniwu Tsuji no miserable, then you don’t need to say, we are bound to do it. But how do we know your plan will work?” Yihe Xiaobane asked while teasing the snake wrapped around his shoulders.

Fury glanced at him and said, “So, I will tell you the plan.”

Then, Fury reiterated the plan.

“…That’s it.”

Hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought.

After a while, Tian Yuan said, “What kind of plan is this?”

Seeing everyone looking over, Tian Yuan continued: “Isn’t it just accumulating strength and then knocking at the door?”

“It’s not really a plan, but it’s very effective.”

Undying Chuan Xuanmi grinned and said, “Of course, the premise is that the accumulated strength is enough. If the strength is not enough, I will just send rations to Wu Mian.”

Sorrow and Xing Ming added: “In the end, we don’t know anything about the so-called Hulk, Iron Man, Blade, Spider-Man, and Green Goblin, and we can’t judge the feasibility of the plan.”

“Spider-Man is very strong.”

Butterfly Ninja said: “He and the Green Goblin participated in the battle against Shang Xian Wu with us. They are all powerful fighters. As long as they are equipped with weapons that can kill ghosts, it will be a great help.”

“How strong is it?”

“Better than me.”

Butterfly Ren’s generous admission surprised the rest of the pillars.

“But the Hulk is stronger than them all!”

Fury took this opportunity to release even more explosive news, completely dispelling the doubts of the pillars.

“If that’s the case, then the plan is indeed feasible.”

Undying Chuan Xuanmi nodded and said, “With the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., plus us, if we still can’t kill Wu Miserable, then there will be no chance in the future.”


“Namo Amitabha!”

“Then let’s have a great show!”

Seeing that the pillars were all persuaded, a smile appeared on Fury’s face.

Just when everyone was rejoicing that they could finally end without misery, the lord suddenly said, “I’m afraid the plan won’t unfold so smoothly.”


Everyone heard the sound and looked at it, puzzled.

Fury asked, “Is there anything wrong with the plan?”

“No, the plan is very simple, and naturally there will be no mistakes.”


“You guys have forgotten about the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable.”

The lord said slowly, “Kimono Tsuji Wumai is a timid and cautious guy. In order to save his life, he has been hiding for decades. If he knew that his position was exposed, he would definitely not stay where he was.”

“So you are worried about this!”

Fury suddenly realized, and then smiled lightly, “We have a person here who can detect information out of thin air. No matter where Wuxian hides, we will definitely find him.”

“If that’s the case, it’s even worse.”

The lord looked solemn and said, “If he knew that he couldn’t hide no matter what, he would jump over the wall and eliminate all threats.”

“But he doesn’t know…”

The words he knew were not spoken.

Fury suddenly realized that Gu Qing was just an intelligence businessman who would sell intelligence if he was given money.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} Since this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has done a lot of disgusting things to him, but it still doesn’t arouse the anger of the other party, and instead sells intelligence as usual, so that Fury subconsciously regarded him as a greedy but reliable intelligence agent.

Greatly reduced his danger level.

But when you think about it carefully, this idea is too taken for granted.

Perhaps, he has the same attitude towards everyone.

Thinking of this, he moved in his heart and asked, “Do you know the person named?”

“Gu Qing?”

The lord looked contemplative, and so did the pillars.

After a while, everyone shook their heads.

“Sorry, no impression.”

“But he also uses the breathing method, which is called breathing method, and also has the corresponding swordsmanship.”

“The Breath of the Sun…”

The lord was silent for a moment, then said, “The Breath of the Sun was created by the former swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team. No one else has learned it, and there is no inheritance left. There is no chance that outsiders will know it.”

“What if he is a member of the Ghost Killing Team?”

“I can clearly remember the names of every member, including those who died fighting ghosts.”


Fury was silent.

The other party said this, which means that Gu Qing really can’t be a member of the Ghost Killing Team.

But why?

Why does he breathe the sun?

Could it be that you learned secretly by relying on the ability of perhaps intelligence?

But since the breath of the sun is only for a while after the fate of the country, and there is no inheritance left, it is impossible to be discovered!

Could he still spy on other worlds?

“I have a guess.”

Just when Fury was thinking about it, the lord said: “Our world and this world have different time flow rates. Maybe Ji Guoyuanyi also traveled to this world and taught him the breath of the day.”

Hearing this, Fury’s eyes lit up.

Yes, if Jiguoyuanyi had also crossed over, then it would be no surprise that he would breathe the sun.

Whether it was taught to him by Ji Guoyuanyi or what he learned secretly with his ability, he can explain it clearly.

But immediately, his brows furrowed again.

Because it is impossible to understand Gu Qing’s origin, let alone understand his personality, and thus cannot judge whether he is providing information for the ghost party.

Seeming to see through Fury’s thoughts, the lord smiled and said, “It seems that Mr. Fury has also shaken his plans, so you might as well listen to my advice.”

“Oh, talk about it.”

“Instead of coming to the door, it’s better to let Wu Mian take the initiative to come to us.”

The lord said: “We don’t have a deep hatred for Oni Mai Tsuji, so why doesn’t he like us? It’s just that both of us are well hidden, and we have no plan to annihilate each other in one fell swoop. Coming to this world and exposing the position to him, it must be able to attract him.”

“…If it was before, I wouldn’t doubt it at all, but now it’s different.”

Fury frowned and said: “It’s another world now, with highly developed technology, Wumai is likely to have new goals, and will no longer put the elimination of the ghost killing team in the first place. Otherwise, he will not be lurking in Osborn. group.”

“No, he will definitely come, because we have the person he dreams of.”

The lord said confidently.


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