People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 428

Chapter 219: Kind Of Magic

“There’s something wrong with this Dracula.”

Dracula City, on the mountain on the right.

Gu Qing and Otto watched the battle while sitting on a boulder on the top of the mountain. On the slate were peanuts, braised beef and other snacks and drinks, as if they were coming to a summer camp.

They have been watching the battle here for a long time.

From the beginning of the test outside the city, to the more intense the fight, various methods were used frequently, from outside the city to the city, from the calm like water at the beginning to the violent wind and rain… Gu Qing watched the battle between the two.


Although Dracula showed a level of super strength commensurate with his status, it always gave him a feeling of being deliberately clumsy.

Why do you feel this way?

Gu Qing was a little puzzled.

The level of strength Dracula showed at this time was completely worthy of his boss status… After all, it was in the Muc universe, not other comic universes.

This strength is already strong.

But it is clear that there is no problem with rational judgment, but intuitively, Dracula feels that Dracula is hiding his strength and planning something.

“I think this level is enough to win!” Otto said aside.

Indeed, at the level of Vlad III’s performance, as long as Dracula continues to maintain such an offensive rhythm, victory is only a matter of time.

There is no need to come up with a stronger level at all.


“No, absolutely not for that reason.”

Gu Qing rejected this reason.

“His current enemy is not only Vlad III, but also Akado. If we don’t take advantage of the one-on-one time to deal with Vlad III, do we have to wait for Akado to come over and besiege him together?

In other words, does he think that his subordinates can solve Arkado, or does he think that Arkado will not join forces with Vlad III?

No matter what kind of judgment, the reason is too far-fetched, he must be planning something! ”


Otto said indifferently: “No matter what, when the ending comes out, it will naturally become clear.”

“Is it the end…”

Gu Qing murmured, but his mind was searching for information about Dracula.

In the book “Earth Origin” that he exchanged, there are also records about Dracula’s deeds… Well, it is not quite correct to say that the records are not correct, it should be mentioned by the way.

The original words above are: All the gods, legendary characters, and monsters on the earth are derived from human legends, and the famous Dracula is like this.

“Is Dracula’s conspiracy related to this?”

Gu Qing suddenly had this idea.


Swords and guns intersect, and thunder bursts out.

The magic power of blood and purple collided, setting off a hurricane, and all the houses and buildings around dozens of meters were destroyed and rolled up.

In the splash of rocks, Vlad III wielded a long spear, roaring like a giant dragon, and the spear was deadly.

Dracula was also not cowardly, and greeted him with his sword.

The collision of the sword and the spear burst out air waves, making the surrounding area almost a vacuum.

They are faster than a knife, and a shot is faster than a shot.

The sky is full of sword shadows and gun rain, which is dazzling.


Although it seems that the two are on a par, but if someone who has reached a certain level watches the battle, they will find that Dracula has an absolute advantage.

Dracula shot decisively and casually, and every knife forced Vlad III to waste a lot of energy to remove it, but he was able to easily catch Vlad III’s gun.

Their faces were all relaxed, as if they were walking in the courtyard.

One person has a solemn face, as if facing an enemy.

The difference between the two is obvious in the details.

But even so, Vlad III was still as calm as Mount Tai, and he did not shake the victory in the slightest.

“Do you only have this level?”

At this time, Dracula said with a smile, his expression and tone full of ridicule.

Vlad III was unmoved and stabbed with a gun.

Dracula threw the knife away and continued to laugh: “You want to kill all the vampires in the world to change the world’s perception of Dracula, so as to change the legend of being misunderstood as a vampire… I don’t know what your world is. What is the situation, but in this world, it is absolutely unworkable.”


Vlad III’s movements were slightly stagnant, and then he swept away thousands of troops and forced Dracula to retreat. He raised his head and asked, “Why?”

“Because you absolutely can’t beat Dracula!”


Vlad III couldn’t help sneering.

“I thought you would say something amazing, but I didn’t expect it was just blind confidence in yourself.”

“This is not blind confidence in myself, but Dracula.” Dracula said incomprehensible words.

Vlad III was slightly startled, and then he stopped thinking about it, and said, “You are running out of means, do you want to use words to shake my resolve?”

“…If you think so, that’s it!”

“If you only have this ability, then the legend of Dracula will be cut off today!” Vlad III said, and a violent magic burst out from his body.

He explained: “Heroic spirits are different from normal humans or creatures. Our body is still on the throne of heroic spirits. What came to the world is a spirit body composed of magic power, whose strength is far less than one ten thousandth of the body. But if magic power is sufficient, Even if it is a clone, it can become strong enough.”

“That’s the case, but if you can increase your magic power without limit, then you won’t create a clone that is weaker than your main body, right? Wouldn’t it be better to be just as strong?” Dracula looked at the rising aura of Fu. Rad III, could not help but say.

“Of course not!”

Vlad III admitted: “In fact, our heroic spirits have no magic power themselves, and must rely on contracts with other creatures to obtain magic power. Of course, there are other ways to obtain magic power.”

Dracula stared at Vlad III’s eyes, seemed to understand something, and slowly exhaled: “…Sacrifice!”

In Marvel, magic refers to the use of certain specific or peripheral energies whose properties are beyond the scientific confines of all known scientifically oriented intelligent races.

And there are five sources of this energy.

The first is the magic of using one’s own spiritual power, which is mostly reflected in the medium’s eyes, soul art, mind control, and mind manipulation.

The second is the life force from living things.

Such as Kunlun Qi.

The third is to use the energy of the surrounding environment.

Marvel’s world does not only have special energies in the exotic dimension. Around the reality of every living being, it is surrounded by various energies.

A skilled mage can use these powerful energies to use magic, the most typical of which is the shaping magic of Kama Taj.

It’s just that the energy that exists around the environment is very unstable and may disappear at any time.

Therefore, the magical effect of this energy cannot be maintained for a long time.

The fourth is to use the special energy of exotic latitudes.

Very experienced mages are mostly able to communicate with powerful mystical beings who inhabit other dimensions and ask for their help.

For example, the crimson chains, the wind of Vatum, and the shape of Aiken used by Doctor Strange in Avengers III are the powers borrowed from the latitudes where the three gods, Saito Lak, Vatum, and Aiken are located. .

There is another type that can be grouped into the fourth, but a different type of “witchcraft”.

This is a gift from the evil god.

It is given to others by the evil god’s own power and used by others.

The most typical of them is the Dark God Book.

Because it borrows the power of the evil **** itself rather than the energy of the latitude where the evil **** is located, it is slightly different from the fourth type, but it can also be classified as one.

Then there is the sacrifice.

This is a kind of magic that obtains special energy by sacrificing life.

There is magic in the human spirit and life.

Therefore, sacrificing it can also be used to cast magic, which is an evil ritual.

“…That’s right?”

Vlad III smiled, “Although I think the sacrifice in your mouth is different from what I said, it should all mean the same thing. The lives of those five vampires last night are comparable to tens of thousands. Ordinary people.”

“But aren’t they all killed by you?”

Dracula frowned.

“We’re standing under a forest of guns…”

Vlad III smiled and said: “This oil painting left by my legend was born mysterious and has incredible power. That is, the audience is praying, and the person hanging on the gun forest is a sacrifice… In When I kill them, the sacrifice is already complete. I’m just on the safe side, I want to test out your trump card and then catch you by I didn’t expect that your level is only like this!”

The moment the words fell, the majestic magic spread out, and a huge pit was blown out under the feet like a Saiyan burst out of breath.

“Dracula, today, you will be buried here!”

ps: I’m really not talking about the types of magic here.

Many people think that Marvel magic is to borrow from the gods of foreign latitudes, but in fact it is not the case. Even if you do not ask for loans from gods of foreign latitudes, you can still use magic.

As for the high-level magic that is very exquisite in borrowing, ordinary mages do not at all. Only after reaching a certain level and able to communicate with the gods of foreign latitudes can they borrow money.

Finally, the rest will continue to update to go.

Salted fish for a long time, a little not used to it.


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