People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 440

Chapter 230: Why Not Follow The Script?

Since the adult version of Morgan Le Fay does not have the power to solve problems, can the girl version of Morgan Le Fay create a weapon to solve problems?

This is obviously…

Well, it’s really possible.

It’s because I can’t do it myself, so I need the help of making weapons or props.

Then why does Morgan think it can’t be done?

With this question in mind, Gu Qing humbly asked Agomoto for advice.

“It’s not that the power of the sword is not enough, it’s that there is no one who can control the sword.” Agamoto sighed: “The sword has the ability to devour and purify. You can choose to kill the defeated demon and devour or purify the evil… This is A sword designed to kill evil and save those who are tempted and fallen.”

“Does this sword have any side effects?”

“That’s natural.”

Agamotto nodded slightly and explained: “To become strong by swallowing life is nothing new, many ancient demons and demons are doing it.

Even, the reason why some demon gods invaded the earth was to plunder the life of the earth to become stronger. ”

Set devoured other ancient gods and triggered the battle of the God Eater. In order to devour the earth, Dormammu kept invading the latitude of the earth, and Malekith did not hesitate to borrow the reality gem in order to descend into eternal darkness…

These ancient gods, demon gods or other ancient beings are directly or indirectly consuming other forces to become stronger.

However, only these demon gods are using them.

Moreover, they all have the same quality, which is madness.

I don’t care about others at all.

“How complicated is the mystery of the universe, the forces that exist in the universe itself are as numerous as stars, and the exotic latitudes attached to the universe are as tangled as threads.”

Agamoto explained like a teacher, “Each power has its own characteristics, and there may be many similarities, but they are also different attributes. The power that is swallowed is too much, too complicated, it will be affected by itself, and finally Become irrational like a demon, become crazy.

At least, it will be completely different from the original you.

Originally, Princess Sun thought that people couldn’t bear so many complicated powers, so she would replace it with tools without thinking, so she forged the sword. ”

“The results of it?”

Hawke asked impatiently.

Actually, here it comes.

Everyone basically knew the ending.

But Hawke couldn’t help wanting to hear the answer himself.

And the result, as everyone guessed, failed.

“The sword was fine at first, but as more and more demon gods were beheaded, the sword became stronger and stronger, and finally began to affect the user, causing him to degenerate into a demon.”

When Agomoto said this, he seemed to recall something, and he couldn’t help feeling sigh.

“The dragon slayer finally becomes a dragon…”

Gu Qing was speechless.

How do you feel, there are all these things there?

“Is there no solution?”

Hawke asked.

Hearing this, Gu Qing also looked at Agamamoto looking forward to it.

“No, at least not that I know of.”

Agamotto sighed: “This sword has had an unknown number of owners, including the elder brother of Princess Sun, the man whose sunshine is upright and who was hailed as a perfect knight by the world, and finally degenerated into a demon.”

Hearing this, Gu Qing fell silent.

Hawke also rarely spoke, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

After a long time, Gu Qing sighed.

Said: “…That’s it!”

Immediately afterwards, he fell silent again.

He is thinking.

Since it’s a trial, it’s impossible not to have a way.

Gu Yi also admitted this.

Agamotto didn’t know, maybe it was one of the tests.

Or maybe it’s someone else’s way.


There is a way to pass the test, and I have my way to pass it.

Gu Qing glanced at Hawke, who was a little depressed, then looked at Agamato, and bowed slightly, “Thank you for your guidance, I know what to do.”

Agamotto was stunned for a moment, and immediately resumed his smile, “No thanks, as long as it is for the sake of the earth’s creatures, I have no shirk.”

“Then say goodbye.”

“Goodbye by fate.”

Gu Qing took Hawke out of the temple.

Agamotto rubbed his chin in thought.

Suddenly, a woman’s voice rang in his ear.

“How are things going?”

Agamotto came back to his senses a little, bowed slightly beside him, and asked, “Ms. Death, why did you come here?”

“This matter is very important, and the ontology let me personally follow.”

“I see.”

Agamotto thought thoughtfully.

Death continued to ask, “So what’s the situation?”

“The progress is somewhat deviated from the script.”

“Where did it go wrong?”

“According to the script, he should ask me for advice on how to master the sword, and then I will give him guidance… On his way to find a way, he will experience all kinds of hardships, adventures, and then grow, and finally master the sword, Kill all demon gods, but…”

“He didn’t ask, did he?”

“Yes, Lady Death.”

Agamotto nodded slightly, and said helplessly: “That child seems to have found a way to master the sword by himself, and his predictive ability may be stronger than we imagined.”

“The condition for mastering the sword is that I grant permission!”

Death couldn’t help snorting coldly, “There is no such thing as a sword that kills the devil. The method of mastering the sword is also made up to test him. It is impossible for him to find a way to master the sword.”

“No, the sword is real.”

After Agomoto finished speaking, the air suddenly quieted down.

After a while, Death asked, “Isn’t that made up?”

“Not everyone is good at telling stories.”

Agomoto spread his hands helplessly and sighed: “The child has the ability to predict, and it is very difficult to weave a lie to deceive him, so he used a ready-made story and planned to replace the sword at the end. ”


Death is a little If you don’t follow the content of the trial, you won’t be able to test his character. How can I dare to authorize that sword to him? ”

The muc universe is the weakened universe.

In this universe, there are almost no people or objects that can compete with Sithone, even if there is destiny, there is no way.

Therefore, Eternal said that there are still them.

As abstract entities of the universe, they have too many cards.

Take out some ruthlessness, and then use the destiny.

Then it is possible to completely kill Sithorn, who none of them could kill.

But the more powerful something is, the more careful you need to be when giving it away. If you don’t know the person, the other party gets something, turns around and kills you with a stick, then go cry!

And now, the script is messed up.

Death was dumbfounded.

“You don’t have to worry, ma’am!”

Agamoto comforted: “Even if the little guy didn’t follow the script, if he can devour many evil lives without falling, it is enough to prove that his will is firm and he will not fall into evil.”

“I hope so!”


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