People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 448

Chapter 238: He Is Cheating On You

“Isn’t the lesson enough?”

The two ceremonies were stunned.

Although there were a lot of gangsters and robbers in that area, and I might not have met a group of people, but after so long, I basically learned the lesson two or three times.

In this case, no matter how stupid you are, you can realize something is wrong.

Is it because I started too lightly?

Thinking like this, the two rituals prepare to open the door.

But the door lock turned and opened first.

The two ceremonies were stunned for a moment, then narrowed their eyes.

This is a single apartment, about fifty square meters.


Although the area is quite large, it is very empty. Except for a simple bed, there are no other facilities.

In the house, there are three people.

A middle-aged black man with bald head, wearing a blindfold, sitting cross-legged on a wooden board.

Behind him, stood two women.

A blonde with a **** body.

A black hair and black eyes, an Asian face.

It was Nick Fury.

The other two are May and Barbara.

They are all top-notch agents in S.H.I.E.L.D., and it is no exaggeration to say that they are the real peak of ordinary people.

Fury took them with him, just in case.

“I’m rashly visiting, please forgive me.”

When Fury saw the two ceremonies, he first apologized, and then introduced himself, “I’m Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD, and they are the agents who protect me.”

The two rituals didn’t speak, they just looked at them indifferently.

Fury chuckled lightly and continued, “I was introduced by Mr. Gu Qing.”

The two ritual eyebrows twitched and then stretched out.

She took out a dagger and lightly tapped it on the door lock.

Suddenly, with a ‘click’, the door lock fell to the ground.

Fury and the others immediately turned pale.

The two ceremonies didn’t seem to be seen. He walked back to the room as if nothing had happened, took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, opened it and took a few sips before speaking.

“Is there a problem?”

“…I formed a team.”

Fury recovered from the bizarre behavior of the two rituals and explained: “Because of all kinds of supernatural events in the world, people need a team of super power to protect, but there is still a lack of power, so I want to invite you join in.”

“Is it Gu Qing who asked you to come to me?”

The two rituals glanced at Fury, then put the unfinished mineral water back in the refrigerator, and walked straight into the house without taking off his coat, not to mention that there were three strangers, and lay down directly on the bed.

The three of Fury were a little speechless.

But fortunately, the behavior patterns of the two rituals have been investigated in advance, and I learned from Gu Qing that the two rituals are a dual personality, and they are a bit abnormal.

So, I didn’t particularly care.

“Yes, he said you have great power.”

“Then you’d better cut off contact with him as soon as possible!”

Fury: “…”

“I’m only good at destroying, denying, killing, but not protecting and loving. So, if you recommend you come to me to join the team of protecting the world, then he must have no good intentions.”

The two ceremonies continued.

“This point, Mr. Gu Qing told me.”


The two ceremonies were a little surprised, and turned to look at Fury. The beautiful face made both Mei and Barbara, who were women, lost for a moment.

“If that’s the case, why are you still looking for me?”

The sound of the two ceremonies brought Fury back to his senses. He smiled and said, “Although Gu Qing said that you are a dangerous person, I also think so, but as long as you choose the right path, the danger will also help the world.”

“…Do you think so?”

The two ceremony was stunned for a moment, then laughed, “It seems that guy didn’t explain my details to you!”

No explanation?

Fury was stunned and thought subconsciously: Did that guy trick me?

“He should have told you that I am a dual personality!”


Fury nodded.

Upon seeing this, the two ceremonies continued: “But the actual situation is more complicated than this.”

“Gu Qing also said it, but he didn’t elaborate.”

“Then let me tell you.”

The two rituals may have felt uncomfortable with their head tilted, so they turned over and lay on the bed, writing on the sheets with their left hand, and said, “In simple terms, it is not a dual personality, but a dissociative identity disorder.”

“Suffering from dissociative identity disorder?”

Fury looked at May and Barbara behind him, both of them also shook their heads blankly after thinking for a while.

“That is, dissociative identity disorder. It’s okay to say that it is a dual personality, but it is not just a dual personality.” The two rituals added an explanation.

But the three of Fury were still confused.

So, he took out his tablet, searched on Google, and immediately understood.

The difference between suffering from dissociative identity disorder and dual personality lies in the lack of identification and control of the patient’s sense of self, and the lack of consistency and continuity in all aspects of time and place in their confirmation and identification of self.

Is this why she is sane?

After reading the information about this disease, Fury was stunned.

Generally speaking, dual personalities will have conflicts and doubts about each other’s existence, which will make them crazy.

But there are no two rituals, as if living like a normal person.

“If you want to think that I am a normal person, you are very wrong.” The two rituals seemed to know that Fury would think this way, and said: “This disease is not an accident, but my family deliberately caused it. How to be perfect, but only one thing in a lifetime, they try to create a so-called omnipotent, and endow a body with countless personalities… Through the manipulation and control of blood, the descendants of the family will have a high probability of being born with this kind of disease. symptomatic.”


Barbara couldn’t help cursing.

Everyone’s eyes suddenly shifted to her, and Fury even cast a questioning gaze.

In any case, it was also a family of two rituals.

Before knowing the specific situation, to speak ill of her family, wouldn’t this spoil the other party’s goodwill?

But the two ceremonies smiled.

“Well, in the eyes of people in normal society, it is indeed like a madman. But the Liangyi family is a demon family. Although they are not like those magicians who abandon human nature in pursuit of their roots, they are also different from ordinary people.”

“Can other people in Liangyi’s family with this symptom live as normal as you do?”

“No, most of them went mad before they reached adulthood.”

The two rituals shook their heads lightly and said, “A body has different personalities. Although it can show excellent abilities in different aspects, it is quite dangerous… Conflicts between personalities and blurring of reality will all lead to Insanity and suicide.”

“then you?”

“Because Ori and I ignored each other and tried our best to avoid contact with reality, we were able to stay away from contradictions.”

Speaking of which, Shiji wrote the two Chinese characters ‘shi” and “weaving” on the bed.

In order to deal with Gu Qing, Fury also made up for Chinese for a while. Although he couldn’t have a quick conversation, he could understand Chinese.

“Shi is me, representing feminine, feminine. Weaving is another me, representing masculine, masculine.” The two ceremonies continued: “Weaving is my proxy personality, we have always existed at the same time, and know each other’s existence, including the action itself It’s the same with consensual conflict, so we can avoid a situation of insanity.”

Fury frowned.

He didn’t understand these things very well, and he was a little confused.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked straightforwardly, “But what does it have to do with your refusal… not being able to help others?”

The two rituals looked at Fury and sighed after a while, “You didn’t understand after talking so much.”

“Please be more straightforward.”

“Then keep it simple!”

After the two ceremonies were finished, he considered for a moment and continued, “People can only express the feelings they have felt.”


A question mark appeared in Fury’s head.

Why didn’t I ask you to be more straightforward?

Why can’t you understand more and more?

“Because of the existence of Zhi, I have known the existence of others and others since I was born. There is no ordinary person’s ignorant childhood.”

“But you know what?”

“The ignorance of childhood is necessary.”

“They take it for granted that the people they meet and the world around them will love them unconditionally. If they like each other, the other party will inevitably like them.

Although this is ignorant, it is very important.

Because only after feeling the true feeling of being loved can you treat others tenderly, and human beings can only express the feelings they have. ”

Hearing this, Fury was silent.

He probably understood what the two ceremonies were like.

Not only him, but May and Barbara as well. UU Reading

“But because of weaving, I knew from a young age that the world is not centered on myself, and no one will love me unconditionally.

After thinking about all kinds of things, you can realize how ugly human beings are.

and can no longer love others.

Unconsciously, even the consciousness of caring disappeared.

Weaving is the same.

So, agree on refusing contact and affection with others. And being away from others and connecting reduces our perception of things, so we can always be there.

I have no will to protect others.

I can’t even protect it.

Because, once you have too many connections and feelings with others, you will have different views and conflicts with others. ”

“Also, Ori itself is my impulsive and destructive side, and it also represents the negative side. Once I have connections and feelings with others, Ori will appear and kill each other.

It is precisely because I don’t care about anyone that I stay away from this contradiction. ”

Speaking of this, the corners of the two ceremony’s mouth rose slightly, “So, Gu Qing recommended you to come to me, just to kill you. Once I accept your invitation, Zhi will definitely come out and kill you.”


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