People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 459

Chapter 249: Siege Surtur

, the fastest update in the latest chapter of Manwei, the mastermind behind the scenes!

Odin the dog thief wants to hurt me…

Of course, Gu Qing would not have such an idea after listening to Hela’s words.

It’s not that Hela is lying to him, but Odin is now a tyrant, but he doesn’t have the nerve to murder someone who doesn’t have any benefits to deliver, and doesn’t have any dislikes.

What’s more, they are still in a cooperative relationship.

For Odin and even the gods of Asgard, they are more eager to kill Surtur than Gu Qing, and it is absolutely impossible to stab in the back in such a matter.

But Odin still gave the cursed sword,

That can only show that Surtur is really powerful. Even with the help of two Heavenly Father-level masters like Escanor and Hela, they still need the help of this sword to kill the ancient demon god.

“Tell me more about Odin’s Divine Sword.” Gu Qing mmp in his heart, but a chatty and indifferent expression on his face.

Hela was a little surprised and smiled, “This is the doomsday prophecy about the snake that devoured the world. It requires my unborn brother Thor to kill him with the sword of Odin. But after killing the snake of the world. , my brother will die too.”

After listening, Gu Qing was silent for a while and sighed: “…you have so many doomsday prophecies in Asgard.”


Hela was speechless.

If the content of the prophecy can be changed by her will, she has long predicted that the future goddess of death Hela will conquer the universe and rule the world.

Between the words, everyone has walked out of the latitude passage.

This is the world of fire.

The earth poured by lava, the river where the magma gathers, the air full of gunpowder and sulphur, and the **** where fire demons scream recklessly.

As soon as everyone came out of the latitude channel, they felt the overwhelming heat wave. After being stunned for a short time, countless fire demons came waving cold weapons such as tines and knives.

Hela smiled confidently, took a step forward, and the endless cold air erupted, and the death cloak stirred with the wind. “The bugs of Muspelheim, your queen is here, and you don’t kneel down and surrender!”

Facing this terrifying aura, the fire demons were not only not afraid, but roared excitedly, “Daughter of Odin, it’s great that you can come to die!”

Gu Qing also sighed silently.

As the party who predicted the end in Ragnarok, you are still thinking of the party who used your own aura to shock the terminator. Thinking too much!

“court death!”

Hai La Mian was like frost, and when he flipped his right hand, Thor’s Hammer appeared in his palm, and then he swung towards the sky.


Thunderclouds surging, Razers running.

“Lei Ying!”

Hela slammed the hammer, and the thunder with the thickness of the bucket was led down, and suddenly a group of fire demons were split, and even the lava land was split open, and billowing magma emerged.

“This is the palace of Surtur, the Terminator of All Things. Who dares to be unrestrained here.” A 20-meter-tall flame giant stood up from the magma in the center of the earth, and his thick voice resounded throughout the nine days.


A sword light flashed, and the flame giant instantly collapsed.

“It’s arrogant to stand so high in front of me!” Escanor shook off the lava blood on the Sword God and carried it on his shoulders, “However, he is indeed better than that Aiglas.”

“These are all small characters, don’t waste your energy too much.” Morgan raised his staff with both hands, the tip of the staff shone dazzlingly, and shouted loudly: “The end of winter!”

Suddenly, the endless cold burst out, turning the entire flame world into a frost world.

This guy isn’t a good guy either.

Hela glanced at Morgan fearfully and nodded, “It’s true that you shouldn’t waste your energy on these small roles, Surter is not a role that can be solved casually.”

“Any solution?”

“No, you are all going to die!”

The thick voice seemed to come from above the nine heavens, with special magic power, causing the air to hum.

The silent flame world rioted again.

Underground magma erupts, melting glaciers.

Just breathing and seeing, the frost world was replaced by the flame world again.

“I am the Terminator of all things, I am Surtur, the end of the gods.” The mountain-like flame giant stood up between the mountains, and the raging fire waves burned all things, as if the sky was blackened. .

“Is this the prophesied Terminator?”

Hella’s face was serious, and the Thor’s Hammer and the Sword of the Night Sky had already appeared in both hands.

“It’s really oppressive.”

Gu Qing’s face was also solemn, and the right hand holding Odin’s Divine Sword tightened and tightened.

No matter what kind of hunting plan was made in advance, only when facing the oldest demon **** would he feel the difficulty of hunting him, which was an almost impossible task.

“That’s natural, this is the prophecy of the Terminator of All Things!” Morgan’s indifferent face also appeared solemn, even Escanor, who has always despised all living beings.

Gein, Surtur is so powerful.

“Daughter of Odin, Savior of Doomsday, Princess Sun, unknown knight, I don’t care what you do here, but if you dare to offend my majesty, you can only use death to wash away the crime!” Surtur’s strong voice spread throughout the whole world. The planet made countless strong people look at it, and it also made countless weak people tremble.

Between the words, a terrifying flame rose to the sky.

The sword of twilight, which is like a pillar of the sky, is inserted with the tendency to penetrate the sky and the earth.

“It will be you who will die!”

Hela’s hair was automatically tied back into the shape of Death’s Touch. And she used this to burst out countless great swords like a shuttle-shaped battleship.

Bang bang bang! !

The black great sword collapsed when it touched it.

The Sword of Twilight, like the origin of destruction, is unstoppable.

Gu Qing’s eyes were calm, and Odin drew his sword.

At this moment, with the blessing of the legendary power, qi, hellfire, body strength, breathing technique… everything he knows has increased exponentially.

At this moment, he turned into the protagonist of the prophecy, slaughtering the hero of the snake who devoured the world, with a dazzling brilliance all over his body.


Hellfire entwines the Divine Sword.

Gu Qing headed up with an ‘ant’-sized body, and Odin’s divine sword exploded with terrifying power and collided with it.

Buzz! !

The small body blocked the Sword of Heaven.

The contact point between the sword tip and the sword tip swayed circles of terrifying ripples, and the surrounding mountains and rivers couldn’t bear the pressure and burst open one after another.


Morgan shouted, waving his staff in his hand.

Suddenly, the weather changed, and the sun went straight into the middle of the sky.

Escanor’s body swelled sharply, and the monstrous magic power continued to explode, and it became stronger and stronger with the position of the sun.

Until the last minute of noon.

His body has grown to three or four meters, UU reading www. monstrous magic turned into golden flames lingering and burning, turning the already scorching world of flames into hell.

I am the only one in the sky and the world!

At this moment, Escanor is like an invincible incarnation, and the power spreads all over the earth.

Can this guy be this strong?

Hela cast a horrified look.

When he was in Asgard, this man’s aura was slightly weaker than his own, but he had far surpassed him and had reached the strength of a veteran heavenly father.

Morgan held the glowing staff high, and shouted with some difficulty: “Escanor, I will keep the sun at the last minute of noon, you let go and do it.”

“No need, one minute is enough!”

Escanor leaped high, and the sword of corruption swung down surrounded by the magic of the sun.

Suddenly, the world melted.

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