People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 481

Chapter 270: Sea ​​Of ​​Fire

“You are going to another planet…”

Outside the tower, Fury looked at the Avengers who came, with a solemn face, “To find something on a planet, it won’t work with just a few people, I was planning to let more people act together.

But an unexpected enemy appeared.

Although they don’t know who they are, they are vicious and ignore life. If the treasure is obtained by them, they don’t know what will happen.

Therefore, you are called in advance.

Do not seek to find treasure, but must prevent them from getting treasure.

I will send reinforcements later. ”

“Is the background setting finished?”

Tony spread his hands and said with a smile, “If you’re done talking, act quickly!

In addition, reinforcements are unnecessary.

Since it is a trial for the successor, there must be a reminder to guide the trial person forward. Even if the trial site is a planet, it is bound to find a route to the treasure. ”

Hearing this, Steve frowned.

Tony’s tone was frivolous and casual.

It’s not like going on a mission of unknown life and death at all, but like going on a field trip.

This rich second generation is here to play!

Or like the officials who let him put on a show and let the people buy government bonds during World War II, they acted purely for their own interests.

Such a person deserves to be a superhero?

And that Banner, Tina…

A scientist who is so thin, whose physical strength is not as good as that of ordinary soldiers; a little girl who has not yet developed her body and can fall asleep while standing… Although she is carrying a very intimidating sniper rifle on her back.

But are you sure it’s not a toy?

Although I don’t know the specific caliber of the gun, it can be estimated by looking at the barrel and size of the gun.

Ordinary soldiers would have their arms broken by shock!

Is this Fury’s Avengers?

“Captain, captain?”

Fury’s voice brought Steve back to his senses a little.

He looked up and found that everyone was looking at him.

“Any questions?”

Fury asked.

“It won’t be 60 years of sleep, it’s Alzheimer’s!” Tony couldn’t help teasing.

Steve frowned and said displeasedly: “Even if it’s Alzheimer’s, I can hit you…”

“All day.”

Tony whistled, “Cool, I actually heard myself say the lines in this movie. I just don’t know if I can see the captain’s performance in the movie.”

“then you……”

“If you keep arguing, those people will come out with their treasures.”

Fury’s words made Steve shut his mouth.

Tony is no longer yin and yang strange.

Upon seeing this, Fury returned to the topic, “Captain, I repeat the plan.”

“I don’t know how the people who enter will enter, and I don’t know what’s waiting for us. But a planet cannot be searched by a few people in a short period of time, so this time there will be many US soldiers and agents together. action.”

“I do not think so.”

Tony said: “Since it is a trial for the successor, there must be a reminder to guide the testers to participate. Otherwise, if you can’t even find the test level, what else is there to test?”

“You’re right.”

Fury first agreed with Tony’s statement, and then changed his words: “But no matter how correct the idea is, it’s just an idea. What’s really going on can only be known by trying it.”

“Ok, listen to you.”

Tony nodded and said no more.

Upon seeing this, Fury continued to explain the tactics, “The door is only so big that not everyone can enter at the same time. Therefore, you should enter first. If there are any traps, you can also exclude them for the later ones. After all, you are so extraordinary. ”

“I love hearing that.”

Dr. Banner couldn’t help laughing.

Fury nodded and said, “The soldiers and agents are all ready, let’s go!”

Hearing the words, the Avengers face each other.

After confirming that there is no problem, go up the stairs leading to the tower together.

clap clap clap…

The ladder is not high, only a dozen steps.

Several people quickly came to the front of the tower.

When they looked back, the soldiers and agents were already ready to go.

“Let’s go!”

Steve said something and stretched his right hand forward.

The rest followed suit.

The hand touches the light curtain, and ripples appear.

Suddenly, a huge suction came.

Before the Avengers could react, they were sucked in.

Suddenly, the world turned around.

Colored light fills the world.

They were on a roller coaster, zipping down a rainbow tunnel.


Dr. Banner grabbed Tina’s forearm and screamed.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took.

The sense of inversion disappears.

Everyone looked up and couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

“We are… in the universe?!”

Dr. Banner asked in disbelief.

They are now floating in a world with no end in sight, no gravity, no direction, starry world.

Right in front of them, there is an azure planet.

Much like Earth.

But before they could think deeply, a huge suction force came from the planet again, sucking them over.


The sound of dripping water gradually became clearer.

Water, the sound of water?

Suddenly, I realized something.

Steve snapped his eyes open and stood up.

He put on a defensive posture and looked around vigilantly… It was pitch black all around, and if you were a little further away, you could only faintly see the outlines of objects.

It seems to be a large karst cave, and the outlines of jagged rocks can be seen in the distance and overhead, like rock walls and cave roofs.

And myself, in a pond.

The pool is not deep, only up to the waist.

But the area is very large, and there are also soldiers and agents who follow up floating around.

“You have to wake people up.”

Steve made an immediate judgment.

Although the water is not deep, an unconscious person will still drown if they fall into it.

But as soon as he took a step, he realized that something was wrong.

The resistance of the water is too great, as if it is not a puddle, but a quagmire.

“No, it’s not mud, it’s oil.”

Because I just woke up and my consciousness is still unclear, I have not noticed things at this moment.

Steve’s face changed drastically as if he had thought of something.

And as if in response to his thoughts, fire snakes rose from the edge of the rock wall.

“Run, run, run!”

Steve hissed and swam with all his strength to the nearby soldier, picked him up and threw him on the shore.

Tick, tick…

The water droplets are as bright as the countdown to More and more fire snakes rise from far to near, and they will spread into the oil pool within five seconds at most.

Because of Steve’s shouting, many soldiers woke up.

They noticed the situation around them and hurriedly fled to the shore.

Steve glanced at the location of the fire snake, grabbed a soldier next to him, and ran to the shore with all his might.


The fire snake swam, and the flames rose.

The oil pool instantly turned into a sea of fire, illuminating the entire cave.

“Ah ah ah…”

The terrifying screams were endless.


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