People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 484

Chapter 273: Eye Of The Sky

“Keep the door.”

As soon as these words came out, the scene became quiet.

Wanda stared at the gatekeeper with an unprecedented dignified expression.

Pietro was surprised.

Since the elder sister put on the Serpent God’s Crown, apart from fighting the existence in the dark, the rest…including SHIELD or the unknown superhuman, all looked down from a high attitude and could easily turn into ashes.

It was the first time I was so nervous.

Is this woman very powerful?

Pietro looked at the gatekeeper suspiciously—it seemed to be between 25 and 30, with a beautiful face and a smile on the corner of his mouth. Although dressed strangely, it gives people the feeling of an intimate big sister.

Such a person will be very powerful?

“…The treasure is behind the door?”

After a long silence, Wanda spoke again.

She still wasn’t sure how to deal with the woman in front of her, so she asked. She definitely didn’t want to be an enemy of it if it wasn’t necessary.

Yes, she has noticed.

His younger brother didn’t even feel the danger of the other party at all—this is what only happens when the gap between the two sides is too huge.

Just like ants crawl on people.

Because they do not perceive the power and danger of human beings at all, they just think that they are ordinary obstacles in front of the road, as long as they are over it.

But usually all that awaits them is a slap in the face.

Wanda didn’t think she would be weaker than this woman, but she didn’t want to hurt anyone casually; secondly, there was a risk of failure.

If it can be avoided, it is naturally the best.

“Well, who knows?”

The gatekeeper had a playful smile on his face.

“……That’s too bad.”

Wanda was stunned and couldn’t help but regret.

Immediately, he raised his hand suddenly.

Emerald green and scarlet brilliance blended in his hands, a terrifying spiritual storm surged, and even the space was constantly distorted.

“Then I can only hit you!”

Wanda shouted loudly, and a terrifying spiritual storm was launched, sweeping everything along the way.

However, in the face of such a powerful attack.

The gatekeeper didn’t see any movement, just stood there smiling.

call out!

The mental storm came in an instant, but it did not devour people as Wanda imagined, but stopped abruptly in front of the opposite method stick like a car that braked sharply.

This is impossible! ?

Wanda and Pietro widened their eyes and looked horrified.

The gatekeeper was not surprised.

She looked at the mental storm in front of the staff with great interest, and said with a smile: “The mental storm that distorts reality, such pure mental power is really rare!”

“younger brother!”

Wanda shouted, and the right hand gathered the mental storm again.

Pietro understood and rushed towards the gatekeeper with a string of afterimages.

However, what shocked him was that even though he had entered a state of supersonic speed more than ten times, the eyes of the other party had been following him.

Her neural responses can keep up with mine!

Pietro reacted suddenly, horrified in his heart. Immediately changed direction, ran to the left, and then circled in a large circle to kill from the opponent’s right.

Wanda also threw a mental storm to cover for his younger brother.

The gatekeeper still didn’t move, and the smile on his face didn’t change at all.

Pietro was vigilant, but not afraid.

When he was five steps away from the opponent, he suddenly accelerated, came to the target in an instant, and punched her cheek with his fist.


At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the ear.

Pietro felt in a trance, and even his vision had a fantasy: there was light in front of him.

No, not a hallucination.

In the field of vision, the light shines brightly.

The air gathers like a liquid, and then bursts.


The violent air wave erupted, swallowing Pietro in an instant, and shrouded it together with the open space hundreds of meters behind.

“younger brother!”

Wanda shouted worriedly, her hands shining brightly.

An invisible force ripped apart the shock wave, and Pietro, covered in blood, flew out.

“Have I asked you to save people?”

The gatekeeper’s aloof tone came, followed by a wave of flames that devoured everything.

Wanda looked at Pietro whose eyelids were ripped open, gritted his teeth, tore off the towel wrapped around him, and stepped out to block Pietro.

“This is?”

The gatekeeper looked surprised for the first time.

The enemy was surprised, Wanda did not.

She drew a circle with her hands in front of her, and the green brilliance formed a passage. A house-sized snake head protruded out, erupting a torrent of water.

Chi Chi Chi! ! ! !

Water and fire confrontation, steam rises.

The fog instantly filled every space.

The gatekeeper looked in the direction where Wanda was standing, hesitant in his eyes.

For a moment, he seemed to have figured out something.

Eyes firmed.


The staff stomped gently, and the wind suddenly rose.

The dense fog was instantly blown away.

However, Wanda and Pietro have long since disappeared.

“Do you think you can escape?”

The corner of the gatekeeper’s mouth twitched.

A mountain stream somewhere.

Wanda descends from the sky with Pietro.

She looked around, and seeing that there was no danger, she hurried to Pietro’s side, shrouding him in her hands with brilliance.

Immediately, the wound healed visibly.

No, not healing.

Rather, it disappears.

Not only the wounds, but also the blood and burn marks were gone, and the tattered clothes were restored.

As if never hurt.

This is exactly Wanda’s ability to modify reality.

With Wanda’s help, Pietro wakes up.


Wanda breathed a sigh of relief.

Pietro lay dumbfounded on the ground. It took a while for him to regain his senses. He sat up suddenly, looked at his sister in disbelief, and asked, “We lost?”


Wanda nodded slightly.


Pietro couldn’t help but yelled, “Why is there such a powerful gatekeeper, isn’t this labyrinth the successor arranged by King Solomon?”

Wanda was silent.

Two hits one, but one is killed in seconds.

The other party didn’t move from the beginning to the end… Although she hadn’t used all her strength, it was obvious that the other party was more at ease.

However, she has to go anyway.

“…Maybe there are other ways in the past.”

After pondering for a while, Wanda said: “Since it is the successor of the selected king, then it should have force, courage, and wisdom at the same time, and the trial may also prepare the answer to rely on three methods to clear the customs.”

“That’s right.”

Pietro nodded in agreement.

But in fact whether there are other customs clearance methods, the two of them have no idea.

After all, no one knows what kind of person that King Solomon was, or what kind of test he will set on his successor.

At this moment, the sky opened his eyes.

That eye is very large, covering the entire mountains, and there is a cross pattern in the pupil, constantly scanning back and forth.

“Sister, these eyes…”

Pietro looked up at the sky and said uncertainly, “Is this look familiar?”

“It’s the gatekeeper!”

The moment the voice fell, the eyes of the sky turned and locked on them.


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