People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 503

Chapter 292: Loki And Thor

, the fastest update in the latest chapter of Manwei, the mastermind behind the scenes!

“No wonder Loki didn’t arrive, it turned out to be stopped by Genos.”

Looking at the two confronting each other in the ruins, Gu Qing was stunned.

According to the original plot, and even Loki’s character.

When Thor came to the labyrinth and wanted to prove that he had the qualifications to become king, Loki couldn’t sit still.

He will definitely catch up to stop it.

But in the maze, he didn’t find Loki.

This made him a fortune in vain.


Gerros, who has an etheric gear, fights Asgard’s strongest weapon destroyer… This must be a wonderful battle.

I don’t know if it can make up for the loss of Loki’s absence.

“Loki! Loki! Loki!”

“I know you’re here, come out for me!”

Saul held Mjolnir and yelled at the surrounding air.

But after waiting for a while, there was no response.

“very good.”

Sol took a breath, nodded and said, “You dare to do such a rebellious thing, but you dare not come out and face me, right?”

“Then I’ll pull you out!”

The voice fell, and Saul suddenly shook his hand.

Mjolnir let go and smashed to the back.


Accompanied by the sound of Jin Ming, sparks splashed everywhere.

Mjolnir flew ten meters away, and bounced back as if hitting something in the air.

Then, the air surged.

Wearing a gorgeous robe, wearing a horned helmet, and holding the spear of eternity, Loki showed his figure.

Sol caught Miaornier who flew back, looked at Loki who was showing his body, and couldn’t help laughing, “Are you finally willing to come out?”

“If you don’t come out again, you will land a thunderbolt and slash this square without any dead ends.” Loki raised the corner of his mouth and replied sarcastically.

“Stop talking nonsense, why do you do such a thing?”

Saul knew that Loki was better at sophistry, and he was too lazy to gossip and questioned directly.

“What’s up?”

“Stop pretending to be garlic here, Sif told me everything.” Thor pointed at Loki and said, “Stolenly released the Frost Giant into the treasury, which almost caused a war between the two worlds, and then even covered the Frost Giant from entering the king’s father. In the bedroom, the father and the king went into a deep sleep in advance.

Loki, what are you trying to do? ”

“doing what?”

Hearing Sol’s questioning, Loki couldn’t help laughing, “What are you asking me to do? I want to ask you, what do you want me to do?”

Hearing this, Sol and the others in Asgard were stunned.

Loki ignored Sol and others, and continued to laugh: “I’m a brother with you, and no matter what you do, you will be compared to you. But we have achieved the same achievements, and even I have turned the tide several times. , but they only see you, and they treat me with disdain.

You and I are brothers, sons of Odin.

But except for the mother, everyone sees only you!

When it comes to the sons of Odin, people praise Thor’s bravery and serve as an example. Then belittle Loki’s insidiousness and cunning, he will only stab in the back, and learn from it! ”


The more Loki spoke, the more excited he became, and finally he couldn’t help opening his hands and asked loudly, “My father said since childhood that we were both born to be kings, but when he chose Wang Xu, he didn’t even look at me.

Why is this?

Obviously my achievements are not lost to you, but he gave Wang Xu to you without even thinking about it! ”

When Loki said this, he suddenly calmed down and asked, “Brother, why are you trying to prove yourself?”

Hearing this, Sol fell silent.

He suddenly understood why Loki did it.

When a person’s everything is denied, all he wants to do is to prove himself.

“That’s right, it’s exactly what you think it is!”

Loki knew Thor very well. Seeing his reaction, he immediately understood what he was thinking, “As a king, I will lead Asgard to an unprecedented peak, so as to prove to the world that I am stronger than you!”

“…you’re right.”

Sol said after a moment of silence.

Then, the conversation changed and he continued: “But you shouldn’t use the life and death of your family and country to accomplish your goals.”

“life and death?”

Loki laughed like he heard the funniest joke in the world, “Brother, do you think I’m you?”

“I have calculated everything in advance.”

“Everything continues to develop in Anbu, there will be no accidents, and no one will die.”


Sol twirled Mjolnir and looked at Loki with a smile, “What about me?”

Hearing this, Loki’s face sank.

“Only you are an accident!”

“Brother, why can’t you be your own mortal at ease?”

“If you keep yourselves safe, when I succeed, you will definitely give back everything that your father deprived you of, but why are you unwilling to keep yourselves safe?”

“I believe it.”

Sol chuckled and said, “But I don’t like others arranging my fate.”

Saying that, he suddenly threw Maurnier out.

This move was very sudden, and Miaolnir’s speed was astonishingly fast. Before Loki could react, he was smashed through with a hammer.

That’s it?

Everyone was stunned.

Only Sol, who knew Loki, and the powerful Gu Qing, Irene and others, remained unchanged.

Sure enough, the next second.

Loki, whose chest was smashed through, vanished into a bubble, and the real body appeared behind Thor, stabbing him in the kidney with a knife.

But Thor seemed to be a prophet.

Before Mjolnir could fly back, he punched behind him with a backhand.


The fist wind whizzed past.

Loki’s body was like a cloud, split in two by his fist from his chest.

But these two bodies evolved rapidly, one grew out of the lower body and the other grew out of the upper body, turning into two Loki.

Sol and Loki, as brothers, are already familiar with each other’s methods, and he is not surprised. Catching the flying back Miaolnir with his backhand, a lightning bolt blasted out.

Thunder pierced through both Loki’s bodies.

As a result, the two Loki split again, changing from two to four, and divided into four corners to surround Thor.

“Brother, just being reckless can’t beat me!”

Loki smiled proudly.


Sol smiled lightly and led a bolt of lightning toward the open space in the distance, blasting out the Loki body that had been hidden from the beginning of the battle.

“Loki, put away your little tricks!”

“I’m not really smart, but we’re all too familiar with each other,” Saul said.

“It seems that there is no way to move a real sword and a real Loki’s face was gloomy, and he immediately raised the spear of eternity, and the majestic energy spurted out.

Sol subconsciously raised Mauernier.


The laser hits Maulnir.

Soldi felt an indescribable force coming from him, his right hand could no longer hold the handle of the hammer, and the hammer came out of his hand.

Sol didn’t panic, as he stretched out his right hand, he was about to recall the hammer.

But just as the hammer flew up, the spear of eternity flew diagonally, and the spear head passed through Conte, nailing Maurnir to the ground.

“Brother, come and learn from it for a long time!”

Loki held one of his hands, a dagger appeared in each, and slowly walked towards Sol, “I will remind you of the pain of being stabbed as a child.”

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