People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 510

Chapter 298: System Potential

In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D. has never been hidden behind the scenes.

However, in the past few years, extraordinary events were rare, and they all happened in places far from the public eye.

In addition, S.H.I.E.L.D. itself is low-key.

So much so that officials from many countries are unaware of the existence of such a global organization.

And now, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been pushed to the front.

People’s panic was relieved immediately.

After all, this is a professional organization that has been established since the end of World War II, and has rich experience in dealing with extraordinary events.

In particular, the launch of the Avengers, an extraordinary team targeting super criminals, has revived people’s confidence and trust in public institutions.

But in fact, the real culprit of this series of incidents [Gu Qing] is at large at the moment, without any responsibility.

The murderer [Loki], who destroyed Times Square and killed the American Major General, Secretary of State and thousands of American soldiers, was brought back to Asgard by Thor for trial.

The Order of the Dark Mages, who killed thousands of American soldiers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in confusion, is still at large.

This series of things come down.

The United States and “SHIELD” not only did not gain the slightest benefit, but suffered heavy losses.

Even the murderer can’t be apprehended.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army.

But this has also made all countries in the world pay more attention to the extraordinary.

Even the world’s hegemon, the United States, has ended up in this situation. If they meet, I am afraid it will only get worse.

Therefore, when Fury came to the headquarters of the Security Council, ready to accept accountability for this incident, and at the same time asked for funds to rebuild and even strengthen S.H.I.E.L.D., the five council members of the Security Council offered to increase funding for S.H.I.E.L.D.

This made Fury, who had prepared a lot of rhetoric and materials, stunned, and smiled happily at the same time.

S.H.I.E.L.D. now really needs money.

Recruiting agents, researching the cube of the universe, expanding the organization, manufacturing aerospace aircraft carriers, and event funding…

Everything needs money.


Looking at the golden light group in her hand, Irene couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

This is the force of life.

It looks unremarkable and does not feel the power in it at all.

But that’s what makes it terrifying.

Irene is a high-ranking magister who can add attributes to anything, but no matter what she does, she cannot cause the slightest reaction to this energy.

It’s like the things in the painting, no matter how brilliant, can’t correctly affect the person in front of the painting.

This is not a dimension at all.

Irene grabbed this energy, carefully came to Gu Qing’s room, and asked solemnly: “Master Gu Qing, how should we deal with this?”

“Leave it to me.”

Gu Qing also had a solemn expression on his face.

The essence of life force is too strong, they can’t understand or use it at this level, not even Escanor, who has become the **** of the single universe.

This is all-around power.

Gu Qing carefully took the life force, and then tried to put it into the system space.

After seeing the success, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“It seems that the system is at least at the all-around level.”

The Marvel universe is big and the water is deep.

Gu Qing never felt how amazing his system was.

After all, on plug-ins.

Where does it compare to Marvel?

Infinity Stones, Infinity Sword, Cosmic Cube, Controller, Cosmic Heart…

The power of the phoenix, the power of the fairy, the power of dreams…

From various artifacts to various powers, whether it is at the level of the single universe or the level of the omnipotent universe – as long as you get these things, you can get them at your fingertips.

It’s just artifacts and power.

Those super hookers in Marvel are even more inappropriate.

The sentinel can obtain the power of millions of stars with one potion, the incredible person can directly copy your power and ability, and the disciples also increase the power tenfold under the premise of copying…

There are too many similar hangs.

Gu Qing’s plug-in system has been acquired for more than a year, and he is only A-level – although this is related to the fact that he mainly uses his resources to summon dolls and expand the earning of prayer points.

But even if he spends his resources mainly on upgrading. Nor will it exceed the s-class.

This kind of performance is simply weaker than those who are hung up.

But now, the system space can accommodate the power of life… This proves that its upper limit is at least the all-powerful level.

“Master Gu Qing, what should we do next?”


Irene’s words made Gu Qing come back to his senses a little, and he replied with a simple and clear word.


“Yes, just wait.”

Gu Qing smiled slightly.

Wait for Fury to come to the door to deliver the super soldier serum, wait for Fury to come to the door to inquire about the news of the last Avenger, wait for Pym to complete the quantum channel, wait for the arrival of Thanos’ army, and wait for Sithone to come.

Gu Qing didn’t wait long.

In the afternoon, Fury came to the door.

He directly handed a small silver box and said straight to the point: “This is the super soldier serum you want.”

“I thought it would be delivered in two days!”

Gu Qing joked, took the box, and opened it directly in front of Fury. There was a transparent vessel with blue liquid inside.

“I don’t dare to neglect your business.”

Fury said pointedly.

“Hehe, is there anything in this world that you dare not do?” Gu Qing couldn’t help laughing, then took out the utensils and looked at it.


After a while, he breathed a deep sigh of relief.

asked, “What was that thing you got in the labyrinth?”

Gu Qing was stunned for a while, with a look of astonishment, “Will you tell me your secret without reservation?”

“Ok, when I didn’t ask!”

Fury waved his hand and continued: “Did you mean the God you said earlier about that Thor?”

“That’s right.”

“But he is the prince of Asgard, and he is about to inherit the throne. How can he come here as an avenger?”

“Why can’t the king be the avenger?”

Gu Qing’s rhetorical question stopped Fury.

He smiled and continued: “And, with so many things happening, Sol will not immediately inherit the throne.”

“You even know about aliens?”


Gu Qing couldn’t help laughing, he put down the utensil in his hand and looked at Fury seriously, “As a frequent visitor, I’d better give you a This universe has reality and non-reality, if you put everything The aliens will die miserably as ordinary aliens.”

Hearing this, Fury was silent again.

He naturally knew that there was an unreal existence in this world – the existence of Kama Taj’s mage, the Dark Mage Order, had given him a great wake-up call.

But human habitual thinking is very powerful.

I am accustomed to the existence of science in the world, so I subconsciously think that the so-called myth is just a wonderful misunderstanding caused by the ancients’ lack of understanding of high technology.

But now it seems that it is not.

“Sir, do you have anything to do with me?”

At this time, Xu Qishi pushed the door and walked in.


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