People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 515

Chapter 303: What The People Want

The reporters swarmed up, besieging DC’s representatives and lawyers.

“How does your company feel about being taken to court by Superman for copyright infringement?”

“Your company even violates the interests of superheroes. Is your conscience black?”

“May I ask your company’s chances of winning this trial?”

“Excuse me……”

A bunch of questions from reporters made the representatives of dc company dizzy.

He raised his hands for silence.

Then they responded uniformly: “Before you ask questions, you must first consider whether your question is true?”

“As we all know, Superman is the first and the world’s first superhero created by our company in 1936. He is not like Captain America, which is based on real deeds and is a complete virtual character.”

“So no Superman sued dc at all, just a brazen person trying to blackmail us.”

“As a representative of dc, I will never allow this to happen.”

clap clap clap…

The speech of the representative of dc company drew a round of applause.

At this time, there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

Everyone heard the sound and saw that Superman was slowly descending from the sky.

A kind of reporter immediately ditched the DC representative and flocked to Superman.

“Superman, are you really Superman?”

“The dc company said that you are a shameless person who wants to blackmail other people’s money. You are not a superman at all. How do you feel about Superman?”

“Superman, may I ask…”

A long list of questions from reporters can stun people.

But fortunately, Superman is used to being surrounded by reporters in his own world, so he doesn’t panic, showing a calm smile, “Everyone has the right to speak, I have no right to stop others from speaking. But these have no effect on me, The truth will prove everything.”

After speaking, the biological stand pushed the crowd away.

He walked towards the court in a generous manner.

“As we all know, Superman is the No. 1 superhero created by our company in 1936 and the No. 1 superhero in the world, and he existed 70 years ago.”

The dc company’s lawyer asked: “70 years, no one has questioned the copyright of Superman for 70 years. But after a few decades, a person dressed as Superman suddenly came out and said that we violated his rights… Could it be that Is it that our dc company will be unpredictable, knowing that there will be a superhero named [Superman] in 70 years, and then squatting copyright in advance?”


The words of the dc company lawyer caused a lot of laughter.

The judge knocked on the wooden hammer, and after calming down, he said, “The defendant’s question is reasonable. Does the plaintiff have anything to say?”

“I am amused by your company’s questioning.”

Matt stood upright and said meticulously: “There is a man with a great reputation on the other side of the world. His deeds were known by a thief on the other side of the world, and then his deeds were taken as Commercial profit in the form of comics.

But because the person involved was far away from the world and didn’t know about it, he didn’t pursue it.

As a result, seventy years later, he came to this world unexpectedly, knew that someone was making money in his name without authorization, and then took it to court.

As a result, the thief said on the grounds that no one has questioned his actions for 70 years: Superman is a fiction of us, and there is no such a person at all…

Hehe, isn’t that funny? ”


Matt’s metaphor also drew laughter.

Although they all knew there was something wrong with the metaphor, this provocative act of mocking DC as a thief still made the onlookers hooked.

“Sophistry, this is sophistry!”

The DC lawyer shouted: “Before you question our violation of Superman’s rights and interests, you must first prove that you are Superman. If you can’t prove it, I will sue you on behalf of DC for illegal use of Superman’s image.”

It seems that he knew that the other party would say this. After hearing the speech of lawyer DC, Matt not only did not panic, but raised the corner of his mouth slightly, “Superman is Superman, how do you prove it?”

“That’s your business, whoever advocates will give evidence!”

Having said this, both the dc lawyer and the dc representative showed a triumphant smile.

Who advocates who gives evidence…

But Superman is just a cartoon character, how can he prove that he is Superman?

Because of superhuman superpowers?


In this era, the number of extraordinary people has gradually increased, and countries around the world are also studying the subject of extraordinary people. Even if a person with superhuman-like superpowers does appear, it is not a big deal.

you can say it this way.

Even if this person really came to reality from the comics, there is no way for him to prove it.

They won.

However, when he heard DC lawyer’s speech, Matt did not panic at all and was still confident.

“You’re right, whoever advocates will give evidence.”

“But before Superman came to our world, no one had seen Superman, and he didn’t know what he looked like and what kind of personality he had. Relying only on the same superpower, it must not be enough to convince the public!”

“That’s right.”

The judge nodded and said, “Before the trial, I thought about this issue carefully. It’s an unsolvable problem.”

“No, it’s not difficult!”

Looking at the stunned crowd, Matt laughed: “We really can’t prove that Mr. Clark is Superman, but the public can. Before the court session, I need to apply to interact with the live audience.”

“… Your request is within reason, granted.”

The judge knocked down the wooden hammer.

Immediately, a projection screen was unfolded behind the court.

There’s a multiple-choice question on it: Do you think Mr. Clark is Superman?

“Dear judges, jurors, audience members, reporters outside the door, and the audience in front of the TV, Hello everyone. Today I want to ask you a question: What kind of person do you think Superman is?”

“Is it a physique that can be strengthened by basking in the sun?”

“Can you fly at 10 times the speed of sound?”

“Is it those laser eyes that can shoot through everything?”

“Or the unparalleled power that can push the continent?”

“Or an invulnerable body of steel?”

“I don’t think so!”

Matt said with a smile: “There are many characters in the comics with the same or similar characteristics, but there is always only one Superman.”

“Then why is Superman a Superman?”

“Because he has great power without bullying the weak.”

“Because he saves all beings without asking for anything in return, even if he is slandered by others, he is only disappointed and sad, and then he saves those who slander him again, instead of taking revenge!”

“Because he is the embodiment of justice!”

“Since Mr. Clark came to this world, he has saved thousands of people, saved several countries from destruction, and the global crime rate has dropped because of him…”

As Matt spoke, the projection screen was fittingly playing news reports of Clark saving people and stats after he came into this world.

When people saw these pictures, they couldn’t help but admire them.

“Mr. Clark sued DC not for himself, but for the people in the disaster area. They need money, not power, that’s why Mr. Clark is thinking about getting his copyright back!”

“Guys, we can’t prove Mr. Clark’s superhuman status, but you can.”

“I ask you, is Mr. Clark a Superman?”




Inside the courtroom, 80 percent chanted.

Outside the court, there was a huge crowd of people shouting.

The whole New York and the whole world is shouting at this moment: Yes.

And the choices on the screen also skyrocketed.

One hundred million, two hundred million, three hundred million…

Soon, yes, the number of options exceeded 500 million, and it is still soaring at an unabated rate.

Instead, there are less than ten thousand options.

“Sophistry, this is sophistry!”

“It doesn’t count, it has no legal effect!”

dc stands for panic and yelling.

But no one paid any attention to him, all cheering loudly.

“Dong Dong Dong!!!”

The judge struck the wooden hammer, “On behalf of the Supreme Court of the United States, I announced the judgment, and Superman won the case. DC will compensate Superman for all the copyright-related proceeds of Superman, and another compensation…”

It doesn’t matter if Clark is Superman or not.

The point is that everyone in the world thinks he is.

This is what the people want.

If the payment is made here and the DC company wins the case, I am afraid that the Supreme Procuratorate will be washed away by the people in the next second.

He dared not bear such consequences.

“Oh oh oh!!!”

Hearing the judge’s verdict the world boiled.

The cheers of the mountain and the tsunami overshadowed it for a while.

“Girls, don’t look down on us. We’re not the brain-dead folks in DC’s comics. How can we persecute heroes?”

“that is!”

“Won’t you persecute heroes?”

Las Vegas.

in a villa.

Jin Hearing the shouts outside, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.


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