People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 448 - 448: Encountering Monsters! (3)

Chapter 448: Encountering Monsters! (3)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

After reached outside the building, few students checked their phone and it still showed that there was no signal.

More and more people ran downstairs to the outside. Soon, only seven or eight timid ones remained, who dared only to peer out of the window.

Nearly a thousand students and teachers gathered outside. Including those who left through the back door, there must be at least two thousand people.

Zhao Yu was no rush to go out instead he enter the classroom opposite, observing the outside world from another side.

It was as lush and green as ever, with no sign of human existence, resembling a primeval forest.

“Could we have traveled back to ancient times?!”

“Oh my god, if possible, I’d love to marry a prince…”

Two girls nearby were excited with their own imagination.

Zhao Yu ignored them and returned to his own classroom.

Liu Shu Hui, who usually loved being in the midst of activity, didn’t follow the crowd downstairs. Instead, she stood by the window.

The moment Zhao Yu entered, Liu Shu Hui turned around, as if she had been waiting for him all along.

“Ah—! Help!!”

A throat-tearing scream came from afar.

Zhao Yu was startled and quickly ran to the window to look outside.

On the lawn downstairs, many people were craning their necks, looking into the forest.

The lush trees obstructed his view, so everyone couldn’t see clearly.

Zhao Yu made up his mind and ran out.

He swiftly reached the stairwell, where he saw a boy also going up.

Zhao Yu didn’t greet him, but instead ran upstairs.

The boy followed closely behind.

Facing unknown dangers, the two instinctively chose the same path.

On the way upstairs, the chaos outside the window escalated.

Zhao Yu faintly heard the word “monster.”

Zhao Yu increased his pace, rushing up to the sixth floor.

He entered the nearest classroom and looked down from the window.

Everyone outside the building were now frantically running for their lives, squeezing towards the entrance of the teaching building.

With two or three thousand people and only two entrances, they couldn’t squeeze in. Everyone was stuck at the doorway, unable to move forward or backward.

Zhao Yu didn’t focus on the crowd at the entrance but instead turned his attention to the distance.

The view from the sixth floor was much broader, allowing some visibility over the tops.

However, Zhao Yu still couldn’t see any anomalies and had to look downwards.

The area around the teaching building was open, possibly intentionally left that way. There was a sizable grassy area without any trees obstructing the view.

At the edge of the grass, many students were scrambling and crawling towards the teaching building.


A moving shadow suddenly burst out from the forest, charged on a student.

In the blink of an eye, blood splattered, and the student was dead on the spot.

Before Zhao Yu could get a clear look at the shadowy figure, more of them surged out from the forest, relentlessly attacking the fleeing students.

On closer inspection, Zhao Yu figured out the creatures.

The creatures has a appearance of apes but with sharp fangs and claws.

Not only were they incredibly fast, but each attack ensured deathly blow.


“I don’t want to die…”

Cries for help and screams continued.

“What on earth are these monsters!”

Voices echoed in the air.

” What should we do now?” it was the boy who had come upstairs with him, his face filled with fear and terror.

“Unite, or we’ll all die!”

Someone in the crowd was attempting to organize resistance.

Zhao Yu noticed a muscular boy in sportswear was not showing fear but rather a hint of excitement.

Around this boy were several similarly well-built students.

After several unsuccessful attempts to squeeze through the door, which only pushed them further out, the director has no choice also began to instruct people around him.

The previously chaotic crowd united to face the monsters now.

With someone leading, many of the boys below mustered up their courage.

“Can anyone in the classroom throw down some weapons!”

“Throw down some chairs if there are any…”

The monsters with their sharp fangs and claws were clearly not something a human body could contend with.

Those who hadn’t yet descended started to throw chairs and tables out.

Being on the sixth floor, Zhao Yu couldn’t throw anything; throwing from this height could kill someone.

Some people downstairs caught the thrown items, while others missed and caught them with theirs head. But at that moment, no one could afford to care about such accidents.

Soon, several dozen stools were in the hands of the students forming the front line.

Those muscular boys naturally became the core of the group.

“We can take them with our numbers, no problem!”

The leading strongman yelled loudly, as if to encourage himself and others. Soon, they charged towards a monster about seven or eight meters away. “Boom-!”

The strongman was holding a stool collided with the spe creature and was pushed back a few steps.


The other muscular guys immediately rushed forward, assaulting the creature.


Someone wasn’t careful and got slashed on the leg, blood gushing out immediately..

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