People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 89: Evolving Dragon Wings! The Meaning Of The Word Invincible!

In the process of sleeping.

Brother Reiss gradually realized something:

Any pain is essentially powerlessness against oneself.

In this different world where the strong are respected, there is always only one Fu.

standing alone.

Others have to kneel.

Whether it is the Apostle of the Dragon King, the Extreme Dragon or the Ratman, Chef Reiss has a deep understanding of the experience during this period.

The fate of the weak is in the hands of the strong.

So he needs stronger power, strong enough to make people tremble, strong enough to make people frightened, strong enough to not need to think at all, strong enough to become an ultimate creature without excessive power!

Thus, the evolution began——

What kind of terrifying monster is that?

In the depths of the dark underground, as if in a sea of ​​symbionts, there are densely packed hundreds of millions of organisms forming terrifying waves that are constantly rolling. In the south, there are ten wriggling indescribable behemoths.

That's an evolving monster!

Its body no longer has any complete parts, as if the cells of the whole body have begun to reorganize, and began to absorb natural radioactive substances crazily.

A large amount of radioactive material is covered with black magma-like life fluid, like layers of black mud, which is creepy and terrifying. Countless black mud rolls and surges on the mineral surface, like an ocean.

Cells are mutating, rapidly dividing, proliferating!

In the black giant group, there is a bright furnace heart, which flashes and flashes "six five seven" with the rhythm of the giant's breathing, and keeps repeating.

After an unknown amount of time, another faint spot of light appeared in the darkness.

It split out from the side of the huge atomic furnace, like another heart, approximately conical, emitting a blue light that is completely opposite to red.

Huge red dots, faint blue dots...

The two rays of light flickered alternately, sometimes merging into a bewildering deep purple or blue-red light.

The second core plasma furnace was born!

Its appearance caused the temperature of the underground abyss full of high temperature to drop suddenly.

It wasn't that the outside world had become colder, but that the plasma converter was crazily absorbing the heat from the outside world, reabsorbing all the energy into the handle of the black behemoth.

I do not know how long it has been.

I only know that the sun and the moon in the outside world are changing, and the seasons are changing. The Naga guards walked back and forth, changing batch after batch of people.

And in this process,

Located near the first core biological atomic furnace, the size of the second core plasma conversion furnace is getting bigger and bigger, and the blue light gradually grows to a state that is almost the same as the red light.

At this point, the plasma converter has finally been completely evolved.

at this time,



A huge heart beating sound came from the ground.

A large amount of water vapor in the deep underground pit has been evaporated, and a huge amount of radiation has long been absorbed.



Like a rushing waterfall and river, the huge black monster's heart beats, its blood circulates, and its muscles roar like an engine.


At the moment when everything was silent, the giant pupils filled with poisonous gas, majesty and destruction suddenly opened!

With a strong sense of oppression,

The embodiment of destruction is waking up,

The giant pupils glowing with indifference and animality lit up in the darkness, focusing on the front.


The long tail woven with pitch-black intertwined cells lifted up, and a giant black monster—a creature called a "dragon" followed the dazzling blue light from its dorsal fin, and slowly opened a huge shadow behind it, sending out a resounding sound. The domineering roar of the underground abyss.


Under that loud roar, the entire ground shook violently.

The bottom of the abyss no one can see,

A pair of eye-catching huge wings overturned the earth covered with black iron, and the endless rocks were quickly destroyed!


The bottom of the abyss was shaken, and then the dragon's roar tore apart the surrounding things, as if expressing its excitement and excitement.

An incomprehensible terrifying force shattered the surrounding land.

Finally, when the ground completely collapsed into a huge pit, a huge bright black monster appeared above the pit.

Its body length exceeds 120 meters, 60 meters when standing upright, and its wing length reaches a terrifying 90 meters!

Its appearance as a giant dragon has become more slender, and it is completely different from the previous bloated and deformed monster body.

However, in order to be able to support two atomic furnaces, its huge body is not too big, it looks full of power and has a strong combat effectiveness.

Because brother Reiss is still a "monster" no matter how you say it. Although the breath has been strengthened, the already strong body will only become stronger after evolution!

[Thermal energy conversion plasma (plasma): The heat energy absorbed by the whole body from flames, lightning, and nuclear fuel fuses with electrons, ions, and atomic nuclei in the blood to generate plasma energy. Plasma energy can be obtained using plasma fireballs, breath breaths, or power jets that explode while flying. 】

[Atomic Energy Conversion Furnace (Nuclear Energy): When the breath energy is charged through the body, the dorsal fin will ionize the air, and the blue nuclear reaction will flash. The breath burst state will turn red, and then it will cool down. 】

Physical strength increased by 150%!

The intensity of the light is increased by 300%!

Its body has become stronger, and it still has a sense of oppressive power. From the appearance, most people will think that it is a monster that is good at physical combat, but they ignore the huge body that is almost twice the length Tail.

Tail, this is the focus of this evolution, even more important than dragon wings.

[Tail Radiation Flow]: Concentrate the 'radiation heat rays' into a slender light-like radiation flow, which is released from the end of the tail to turn the target into ashes. The "maximum" temperature can reach 500,000 degrees, and it can melt and evaporate almost any substance.

[Plasma cutting]: The tail can be stretched freely, and the speed of the tip swing is as high as Mach 2. With the ultra-high-power plasma generated by the dorsal fin, it can throw a plasma cutting up to 120 meters long and explode everything. The upper limit of plasma cutting temperature is extremely high, but the lower limit is also very low, depending on the host itself.

Then there are the wings that have evolved the most in this "appearance".

Today's brother Reiss has a streamlined body covered with dark steel-colored shining scales, powerful limbs, and eye-catching wings.

But his wings are completely different from the "meat wings" of other giant dragons, but formed a unique shape, such as overlapping huge blades, wings and claws.

At takeoff, it's more like the Mach ring of flames spewing out from the tail of a jet.

Because of the structure of its wings, Tall Reiss cannot fly by flapping its wings.

Instead, it uses the openings at the end of its wings to spray out blue or red "Dragon Qi (nuclear power energy)", and uses the reaction force generated by its violent eruption reaction to fly into the sky, or obtain explosive flying speed.

When moving at high speed, it emits a strong brilliance like a "blue-red comet".

The tail flame is blue after the air is ionized.

And when it accelerates suddenly, it will turn red at high temperature,

Under full output, it may turn into purple red mixed with lightning.

Although it is very domineering, the design is full of sense of technology, and it is also very cool, but...

Can fly, but only a little.

Under normal circumstances, 2 minutes is the limit, and if you move forward at full speed for 30 seconds, you have to find a place to land to recover your strength, and the energy in Reiss' body will also be exhausted quickly.

Because the current brother, Reiss, weighs 98,000 tons!

With a weight of nearly 100,000 tons, flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters at twice the speed of Mach, is it a bit too far-fetched?

Because flying at this speed, the range of damage is ridiculously large, and all the ground below its wings will suffer when it flies. Wherever it flies, geological activities will become active, and the earth will directly fission. 0

After all, the size and wingspan are there, and the airflow during flight is very large.

The ability to wake up an extinct volcano and cause it to erupt is a breeze when passing through an area.

However, is the 'Dragon Wing' that has finally evolved just a decoration?

of course not.

Besides flight, this wing has many important uses.

[Active Dragon Wing Cooling System]: The energy generated by the biological atomic furnace in the heart causes all parts of the body to generate terrifying high temperatures. It must rely on blood circulation and dorsal fin heat dissipation to prevent overheating. However, the existence of jet dragon wings can transform the heat in the dorsal fin into high-temperature air and eject it out of the body, which can quickly help the dorsal fin dissipate heat.

[Jet Combat Skills]: There are rich muscle and tendon structures in your wings, allowing you to change the shape of your wings as you like. In the combat state, the nozzles of the gun wings are backwards. At this time, you can use the terrifying power erupted from the wings to burst out with super mobility and deal a fatal blow to the enemy. Or with the help of propulsion, instantly distance yourself from the enemy, and then jump to a safe area.

[Dragon Qi Bomb: Full Firepower]: The gun wing deforms, and the nozzle turns to the front. At this time, you are like a mobile turret. Not only can you use breath and tail radiation stream to destroy the enemy, but also the thermonuclear reaction will charge the plasma conversion furnace, thereby generating dragon energy to eject shells from a long distance to consume the enemy. It can also let all the nozzles at the end of the dragon wings burst out powerful dragon energy at a short distance, blasting close enemies like a shotgun.

[Dorsal Fins with Wing Blades: Comet Falling]: In melee mode, you can transform the wings into blades, transform the gun wings into sharp blades to penetrate the front, or connect with the dorsal fins to perform a wide-range sweeping attack. Or, when running, dragon energy erupts, rushes into the air, accelerates for a few seconds, and then swoops down to bombard the enemy like a meteorite, showing an extremely shocking appearance.

This wing, when fighting.

Simply invincible!

Brother Reiss turned his head to look at his own wings, feeling extremely excited.

The newly evolved gun wing is like its own arm, becoming flexible and free, but it still takes a while to get used to its operation.

The only regret is that the flight time is too short to travel long distances.

But the improvement in combat is huge!

Another disadvantage is that the long-term burning of the dragon energy will turn the tip of the gun wing red, and the power and maneuverability will be reduced at that time. If it is not cooled, it will be burnt and melted, and it will regenerate after a period of time.

all in all.

The current self has become very powerful.

Even against the dragon mentor, brother Reiss is confident in defeating him.

Level: Adolescence (juvenile).

Height: 60.5 meters,

Overall length: 122 meters.

Wing length: 95 meters (in the non-combat state, it is merged with the dorsal fin, which looks like a huge dorsal fin. When fighting, the dorsal fin is spread out to both sides and turned into a pair of guns).

Age: 3 years old.

Atomic Furnace: Dual Core.

Breath: radiant heat, radiation flow, plasma (plasma) series.

Good attributes: fire, thunder.

Defensive skin and scale armor: magic resistance, magic absorption, large-scale magic elimination field, physical resistance, fire absorption, lightning absorption.

"It turns out that a year has passed."

When brother Reiss looked up to the outside of the pit, the outside world was already dark.

The moon and stars are rare.

Witnessing the passage of time and the changes in the world, Reiss now feels lost.

"Huh, it's time to leave here!"

Brother Reiss started walking outside.

Now, the adolescent monsters in full bloom are awakened.

And he has taken another step towards becoming the future king of monsters!

(The main storyline will start next. The wings refer to Tianhuilong, as shown in the picture.).

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