People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen: Teaching Yi Jin Jing (Dragon Tiger Gate Edition)!

That night, in Lin’s Manor.

The butler Lin Shuhao came to the study and reported with an incredulous expression on his face.

“My lord, the man who followed Mithburn is back, and those two Yankees turned into bats and flew away on the way!”

“The lads who came back were frightened, and now Lin Hao is comforting him!”

Lin Feng nodded and said to Lin Shuhao.

“The Legendary of vampires has been around for a long time. This time I have seen the real existence. The Lin family needs to prepare early. Ordinary firearms will not be very effective against this extraordinary creature.”

“You tell those old guys that tomorrow I will teach the really advanced martial arts, the kind that can cultivate true energy.”

Lin Shuhao’s whole body was shaken, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

Men in the Great Xia Kingdom had a dream of being a martial artist when they were young, but in reality they only saw internal boxing and external boxing.

More than 20 members of the Lin family are practicing Wuxingquan taught by Master, and Wuxingquan belongs to the internal family boxing.

Whether it is internal boxing or external boxing, the division of realms is basically the same.

Ming Jin is the first state, to achieve the external three-in-one, that is, shoulders and hips, elbows and knees, hands and feet to perfectly control the muscles of one’s body, and the whole body’s strength is integrated as one. Burst sound, that is, the so-called ‘a sound that can’t be bought with a thousand dollars’.

The dark energy is different from the bright energy. This realm emphasizes the internal three-in-one, that is, the heart and the mind, the mind and the qi, and the qi and the force. By adjusting the center of gravity of the spine dragon, you can find the feeling similar to the cat’s “fried hair”. Lock the whole body pore to grasp the power of qi and blood generated during cultivation, and explode this power of qi and blood from the contact part of the body when hitting the opponent. Once the force is released, it is huge and penetrating, and the internal injuries caused are difficult to recover.

Huajin means that when the dark energy spreads all over the body and reaches the four ends, a feather cannot be added and a fly or insect cannot fall, and the energy can control the subtleties of the body through the internal and external.

Eliminate the residual poison and pollution in the body, the internal organs are strong, the muscles and bones are tough, and the strength can hit the void three inches away. The strength of At the moment has reached the limit of human body function.

As for Dan Jin and Gang Jin above Hua Jin, it is difficult to see in the world, and the higher realm breaks through the void to see the gods, and it is only heard in Legendary, and no one has ever seen it with their own eyes.

What did Lin Shuhao hear now?

The master actually said that he wanted to teach them the martial arts that can cultivate true energy!

There was a gleam in his eyes, and he looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

“Master, are you okay, do you want to see a doctor!”

Lin Feng gave him a hard look.

From the bookshelf, he took out the first two exercises of Yi Jin Jing that he copied earlier, threw it to Lin Shuhao and said solemnly.

“Look carefully, Master can still lie to you!”

“These are just the basics, and the following exercises will be more powerful.”

“Currently, it is only open to old folks. Those guards need to be tested before they can select those who are loyal to the family to teach.”

After Lin Shuhao took it, he took a closer look and was startled.

“Did the master steal the Shaolin Temple? The Yi Jin Jing is a secret they don’t pass on!”

As he kept flipping through it, he gradually became intoxicated with it.

After a long time, after reading the last page, I came back to my senses.

Lin Feng pointed to the secret book in his hand, and said with a slight smile.

“Now I know that the master didn’t lie to you, the Yi Jin Jing in your hand is only the first two exercises.”

“The first level learns to sense the various energies that exist in the universe, and uses the energy of the universe to cultivate and open up the meridians and acupoints of the whole body; the second level is reborn Constitution strengthening, resulting in detoxification, exuberant Qi and blood flow, full energy, and a strong soul.”

“With this exercise to enhance aptitude, in the future, the Lin family will emerge in endlessly with dark energy and strong energy, and even break through the void and see the gods. It may not be impossible to reproduce the world.”

In the study, Lin Shuhao revealed a look of ecstasy.

After the appearance of the vampire, he has always had a sense of precariousness, but with the Yi Jin Jing given by the master, the powerful Lin family will surely emerge continuously.

“My lord’s grace of reinvention, we will remember it in our hearts, and we will go through fire and water without hesitation!”

“I’m going to tell the old guys to gather at the training ground tomorrow and wait for the master to preach!”

Trembling with excitement, he saluted impatiently and left.

Looking at the back of Lin Shuhao going away, Lin Feng also felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

The Lin family seems to be powerful, but the ones who can really be trusted and entrusted with their lives are those old guys who traveled with him across the ocean and made a fortune in Ghana from scratch.

The loyalty of the servants, guards, and gunmen recruited later is far from reaching the point of life and death. It may take three or four generations to cultivate family members who are loyal to the Lin family.

On the Lin family’s martial arts training ground.

More than twenty strong men from the Great Xia Kingdom gathered together, standing in a row with their heads held high and their eyes burning.

James stood at the end of the line, secretly observing everyone from the corner of his eye curiously.

It has been almost a year since he came to Lin’s Manor, and his adoptive father is busy with family affairs, so it is difficult for him to meet each other, and these uncles are the ones he has the most contact with.

I have never seen them so excited on weekdays. How charming is the Yi Jin Jing that the housekeeper said, so that these uncles who don’t change their faces with swords and axes lose their composure.

Lin Shuhao took a look at this group of guys, many of them were stuck in dark strength, and hoped that after practicing the Yi Jin Jing, they could break through Huajin smoothly.

After a while, Lin Feng walked into the martial arts arena, and smiled slightly when he saw James.

He did not arrange for Lin Shuhao to notify James last night, but since this kid appeared in the training ground, his loyalty to the Lin family must have been recognized by everyone.

Wolverine is already very good at martial arts. If she learns Yi Jin Jing, she doesn’t know how far she will grow in the future. The future Marvel world seems to be more and more interesting.

“The purpose of convening everyone today, the steward should have told you all.”

“Before teaching the exercises, there are a few rules you must keep in mind. If someone violates it, you will die!”

“One avoids betraying the family, the second avoids killing each other by the same clan, the third avoids revealing one’s skills privately, and the fourth avoids making trouble out of nothing.”

“have you understood?”

Everyone roared in unison.


The sound is like a bell shaking the sky and the earth.

“very good!”

Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

Under the shroud of Telepathy Ability, everyone has one heart and firm belief.

He walked to the futon in the arena and sat down cross-legged, and began to practice Yi Jin Jing.

The first level of exercises is simple and easy to learn, and there are no too esoteric methods. As long as you can endure the nine movements that break through the limits of human beings, and persevere until you feel the energy of the universe, you will be considered a beginner.

If everyone can pass the first hurdle and greatly improve their aptitude, it will be much easier to practice the second level of skills.

Reborn is miraculous, in fact, it uses cosmic energy to flush the body, expel the residual poison and pollution accumulated in the daily life of the human body, strengthen the muscles, bones, membranes and internal organs, and explain it scientifically is evolution.

Lin Feng made the movements while explaining the tricks.

Everyone imitated them wholeheartedly. With the dedication of their hearts, Lin Feng’s movements were recorded in their minds from beginning to end, as if engraved in their brains, even if they wanted to forget it, they couldn’t do it.

This is naturally Lin Feng’s use of the variant Ability, in a way similar to empowerment, to input his understanding of the exercises into the brains of everyone through Telepathy.

After finishing a set of movements, Lin Feng feels refreshed all over.

The miniature Fixed Star in the brain exudes endless brilliance, constantly penetrating into every part of the body, washing away the already powerful body from the inside out.

Maybe his body is already very pure, without any filth coming out.

It can be felt that the muscles, bones, skin, and internal organs are getting stronger and tougher, and they are getting stronger and stronger as time goes by, as if there is no end to it.

Lin Feng did not expect that the first time he practiced the Yi Jin Jing, there would be significant results.

He originally thought it was due to the exercises, but after scanning the crowd in the training ground, he overturned this guess.

Among the more than twenty people present, except for James, who had the super speed Self-healing Ability, he managed to complete nine movements, and the others only completed three movements at most.

And James, who was the only one who completed the whole set of movements, only had a little more energy and blood, and didn’t even arouse a little bit of cosmic energy.

“Could it be that the miniature Fixed Star in my brain is not the phantom of high-dimensional energy that I guessed before, but a real star?”

“The reason why my cultivation effect is far superior to others is because I have my own energy source, and I don’t need to understand the energy of the universe!”

Lin Feng couldn’t help practicing again.

This time, he didn’t pay attention to other people, but used the microscopic vision of gravitational electromagnetism to observe the situation in his body.

I saw the miniature Fixed Star in the brain, following the changes of the nine movements of the Yijinjing, releasing different energies, each energy is incomparably suitable for the movements at that time, and continuously widening the nourishing points of the meridians along the corresponding exercise route Apertures improve body strength.

I can faintly feel that there is a huge amount of energy hidden in the acupuncture points that the exercise route passes through, which is very similar to but somewhat different from the miniature Fixed Star in the brain.

Lin Feng scanned it again in disbelief, and there is indeed a power similar to a miniature Fixed Star in the acupoint, but At the moment has not yet been aroused.

“Try to open up an acupoint, and you will be able to verify it.”

Mobilizing all the energy in the body, he rushed straight to an acupoint in the palm of his hand.

Before hitting the acupoints, a feeling of imminent disaster appeared, as if the acupoints were opened, there would be a fatal danger.

Lin Feng hastily dissipated his energy, and the sense of crisis disappeared.

“What is the reason for this?”

He took out the Yi Jin Jing from the system space, and he kept looking for the notes of practitioners of all ages in the secret book.

Finally, from the annotations of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng, we found a record of similar events.

The above described a young genius who was eager to advance, and opened more than ten acupuncture points overnight. His physical strength could not withstand the violent influx of cosmic energy, and finally exploded into pieces of flesh and blood.

After finding the problem, Lin Feng felt relieved. Since his body strength is not strong enough, he should not be in a hurry to open up the acupoints.

As long as you persist in practicing Yi Jin Jing, the first level, constantly flushing the physical body with cosmic energy, and supplementing it with the Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover, sooner or later, your body strength will meet the requirements.

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