People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Sabretooth Surrenders! Victor’S Special Mission!

After leaving Howlett Manor, Lin Feng and James rode on their horses and headed directly towards Lin’s Manor.

The musketeers rode behind the two of them, watching both sides of the road nervously.

Although James was sent to sleep and did not hear the conversation between his grandfather and foster father, he could see that the situation had changed from the completely different expressions of the musketeers from when they came.

He is already an adult at the age of sixteen, but his grandfather and adoptive father still treat him as an ignorant child.

But who has seen a child who can fight tigers and leopards with bare hands, who has seen a child with the ability to lift a thousand catties?

Thinking of this, James touched the family emblem on his chest. The front made of pure gold was a lone wolf with its head up and howling, with a clear letter H engraved on it, and a pin for wearing on the back.

Da da da!

The horse’s hooves hit the road, raising a large cloud of sand and dust.

A group of people walked quickly in silence, Lin Feng kept whipping the horse under him with a whip in his hand.

The news he got from the old Howlett aroused his vigilance. The church, which he had always thought was only a secular force, actually possessed Extraordinary power.

He wasn’t worried about his own safety. As he practiced the Yi Jin Jing for a long time, his physical strength increased significantly, and the miniature Fixed Star in his brain released more energy.

Now throwing an energy ball casually can easily blow up a ten-thousand-jin boulder, and once a hundred-meter hill explodes with all its strength, it will be razed to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng’s deep intuition told him that this was far from his limit.

In the future, as his physical strength continues to improve and he can withstand more powerful energy, his mutant Ability will continue to increase.

As for how powerful it can be, he can’t imagine it. After all, it’s just a miniature Fixed Star in his brain, and he hasn’t explored it to the end.

When Lin Feng was practicing the Yi Jin Jing before and tried to open up the acupoints, there was a faint energy induction from the acupoints that was very similar to the miniature Fixed Star.

If there is also a Fixed Star in one of the acupuncture points, according to the number of acupuncture points in the human body, there are a total of 129,600 acupuncture points, then the power hidden in his body is more powerful than the power of a million Fixed Stars. Sentry is not much different.

Possessing increasingly powerful strength and unseen limit potential, Lin Feng himself is not afraid of confronting the church, but most of his concubines and children are from the Common people, and a miniature bomb can kill them all. Life.

In the face of an enemy that threatens the safety of your loved ones, even if it is only a potential threat, you must act first to kill the opponent.

Lin Feng has never been someone who waits for a crisis to come before he rises up and resists. What he has to do is very simple, to erase the source of the crisis from the material level—Governor Edmund and the witcher!

Victor Logan’s life these years is not much different from that at Howlett Manor.

He became the groom of the Lin family, serving the family’s large animals in the stables, carrying fodder to feed the animals.

The master once proposed that he and James should be taught by Lin Youde, and learn the family martial arts of the Lin family, so that he can serve the family when he has achieved something in his studies.

But Victor refused, he just wanted to follow the strongest.

As the half-brother of Wolverine James, Victor also has a mutant Ability, but his Awakening is very slow.

This saves him a lot of trouble, and he will not be weak and sick due to drastic Constitution changes like James did when he was a child.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages. Long-term slow Awakening has made Victor deeply influenced by the mutant Ability. The most intuitive thing is his character thinking. He has a Beast-like tyrannical personality, and he also thinks about problems with Beast thinking.

All species in Beast that live in groups must choose a leader in a duel among the groups, and the members of the group obey and obey the leader.

Victor lives in the Beast way of thinking, so he refuses to learn from Lin Youde. He only obeys the strongest king and will not submit to others.

This is also the reason why Lin Feng was unwilling to accept him into the Lin family before. What he needs is a Warrior who can absolutely obey any order, not a lone wolf who doesn’t fit in.

But at one time and another, it was just right for Victor.

A brutal and cold-blooded character, not bound by humanity and morality, is the perfect killing machine.

After returning to the manor, Lin Feng had someone call Victor.

With a height of over 1.9 meters and muscular body, Victor looks like a brown bear in human skin.

His shoulders were half the width of an ordinary person, his arms were extremely thick and surprisingly long, almost reaching his knees, and his thighs were thicker than a log.

“Victor, you are here, there is something you need to do!”

“And I hate looking up to other people!”

Lin Feng said calmly, and pressed slightly with his left hand in the void.

Before Victor could react, it was as if a mountain was on his shoulders, and with his extremely strong body, he couldn’t resist at all.


He fell to the ground, maintaining a five-body posture, unable to move even a single finger.

“I know you have a peculiar ability, that’s why you are rebellious, and you look down on Lin Youde and others.”

“But for me, obedience and death, I can only choose one!”

An incandescent flame emerged from Lin Feng’s right hand, looking down at the motionless Sabretooth.

“Now tell me, choose death or obey?”

“The temperature of the flame in my hand is as high as 10,000°C. I don’t know if you have not fully Awakened the super-speed Self-healing, can it withstand the flame of 10,000°C and save your life?”

The expected anger and fear did not appear on Victor’s face.

He widened his eyes, trembling with excitement, and shouted excitedly.

“Victor is willing to serve you, my king’s order is my lifelong mission!”

Looking at Victor strangely, Lin Feng really couldn’t understand his brain circuit.

Under the threat and humiliation, instead of being angry, he was excited.

Could it be that Sabretooth is an M?

Fuck! very scary!

Lin Feng shook his head, clearing out the messy thoughts in his mind, dispelling the gravity control.

Victor only felt that the mountainous pressure on his body disappeared, but he didn’t get up, but lay obediently on the ground.

“Get up and remember what you just said!”

“Never question my orders, you just have to carry them out, understand?”

Victor got up from the ground, curled up his body as much as possible, bowed his head very submissively.

“Obey my king!”

Telepathy quietly enveloped him, and Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

This unruly beast surrendered to him from the bottom of his heart.

Beckoning Victor to come closer, Lin Feng lowered his voice and whispered in his ear.

When James came to the study, he just wanted to open the door.


A tall and strong figure had already pushed open the door, and walked out with his head down.

“Victor? Why are you here?”

Victor raised his head, glanced at him, and passed by without saying a word.

James reached out to hold him, and the voice of his adoptive father came from the study.

“I asked Victor to do one thing. If he succeeds, he will be a member of my Lin family from now on.”

“James, you came to see me, what’s the matter?”

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