People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 The Woman And The Duck! Sabretooth Awakening!

“It’s been a month! Steward Shu Hao, the master has been in seclusion for a month!”

“That’s right, the food that was sent hasn’t been touched, the master must be starving to death!”

“Just let us go in and take a look. If the master is okay, we can feel at ease, and the children don’t worry about their father anymore!”

“Dad, I want to see Dad!”

“Woo woo woo…”

The housekeeper, Lin Shuhao, was pressing his temples with some headaches. For the past month, he had set up his home at the door of the secret room, and set up a table at the door to deal with all family affairs.

The master’s concubines and children also don’t stop, and they have to visit the master three times a day before coming to the secret room.

After a month of mental and physical torture, thanks to his long-term practice of Wuji True Kungfu, his mental and physical strength has far surpassed that of ordinary people, otherwise he would have collapsed long ago.

“Oh, it’s really hard for me! On the one hand, the master ordered that no one should disturb his practice, and on the other hand, the madam and the young master’s lady love the master deeply. No matter what you do, you are in a dilemma!”

Lin Shuhao was slandering in his heart, his face was expressionless and serious.

“The master had an explanation before retreating, no one should disturb his practice! Ma’am, please take the young master and young lady back, and there is no need to bring food.”

“The subordinates can live without eating or drinking for several days, and they can live and breathe just relying on the intake of cosmic energy. I don’t know how much master’s cultivation is better than me. There will be no problems in a month!”

When the concubines around the door of the secret room heard this, they pursed their lips unwillingly and whispered.

“Master likes delicious food on weekdays. Barbecue, hot pot, hot and sour noodles, meat buns, etc. The dinner changes every day, and a meal of meat costs three or four catties. Now I don’t eat or drink for a month, how can I bear it?” ?”

“Ahem, stop talking about Angela, you think the master is a foodie like you! He eats so much in front of the children because An Ran is too picky about what he eats. He teaches the children not to be picky eaters!”

“Okay, okay, everyone, don’t hang around here, it’s too embarrassing for the butler! From now on, let’s make a rule that one person will come and see it every day. If the master comes out, the person on duty will notify everyone immediately!”

“I agree! I’ll be here today, you all take your children back!”

“No, I want the first one!”

“Why are you? The master married me first…”

It was just a whispered discussion at first, but the concubines all wanted to compete for today’s shift. If the master happened to leave the customs, he would be very touched to see himself guarding the door.

The women got louder and louder, and their voices couldn’t help but get louder. Fortunately, the door and walls of the secret room are made of rocks as thick as one meter, otherwise Lin Feng would not be able to practice with peace of mind.

“Master is right, you must not let women gather together. Otherwise, the noise made by two women is equivalent to the sound made by 1,000 ducks, and I am suffering from the quacking of tens of thousands of ducks!”

Lin Shuhao muttered a few words in a low voice, and continued to deal with the wives, ladies and young masters.

Mr. Housekeeper wanted to hit the wall in pain. Instead of worrying about the safety of the master, he might as well worry about whether he would be tortured into a mental illness.

In the Lin’s manor, except for the master’s concubines and the young master’s ladies, they all performed their duties under his arrangement.

Lin Yuanfeng, the chief financial officer, went to inspect the family property to ensure that those in charge of the property would not have any small thoughts when the master was away.

Lin Yuelong and the others led the Shenwuwei candidates to practice hard to reach the standard as soon as possible. They had already delayed for a month to recover from their injuries, and they had to race against time to recover the lost time.

James recently returned to Howlett Manor because old Mr. Howlett was bedridden. He took care of food and daily life day and night, and occasionally went back to Lin’s Manor to see if his adoptive father was out of customs.

After Victor assassinated Governor Edmund, he officially became a member of the Lin family.

He has been taught the Five Elements Boxing, Promise Stakes, Yijin Jing, Thirteen Taibao Henglian Golden Bell Cover and other exercises. He leaves early and returns late every day. I don’t know what he is busy with. Every time he comes back, he can smell a faint The smell of blood.

In midsummer, the Lagde Forest is lush and lush, with green trees swaying their branches and leaves with the breeze, and flowers and plants in the forest exuding a tangy fragrance.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of heavy footsteps broke the tranquility of the forest, as if a cumbersome bear was chasing its prey, Victor At the moment seemed to lose his mind, his eyes were bloodshot and he rushed into the dense forest panting heavily.

He was once again defeated by his half-brother. James was obviously weaker, taller and physically weaker, but in every martial arts competition, he was the one who lost in the end.


Victor was annoyed by James’ embarrassment, and hated being weak under the opponent’s hands. His eyes were bloodshot when he opened his eyes suddenly, and he rushed towards a huge pine tree that was as thick as two people hugging each other.

bang bang bang!

Punch after punch hit the thick and hard pine tree. The rough bark shattered and burst under the impact of hundreds of kilograms of force. His fist was ripped apart, and bloody fist marks appeared on the surface of White’s trunk. Printed depressions.

He tried his best with every punch, even if the flesh and blood on the fist were flying, and the bones were exposed, he would not stop.

“James, why?”

“I am obviously stronger than you, you should be the one who fails!”

Victor seemed to regard the pine tree as James, wantonly venting his tyrannical emotions, and frantically performed every move of the Five Elements Fist. The five types of punches hit the tree trunk in turn by splitting, collapsing, drilling, cannoning, and horizontally.

Sometimes the air crackled, sometimes it exploded like a thunderbolt, and sometimes it made a tearing sound.

It is hard to buy a sound, which is a symbol of entering Mingjin.

His strikes were as fast as lightning, and the air blast was astonishingly powerful, and he strictly adhered to the main points of boxing at the beginning.

After the beating, the bestiality in the brain broke out, and the shoulder bumps, elbow hits, knees, and leg sweeps all turned into sharp attack weapons, fiercely venting the loss and pain in the heart in crazy attacks.

A fire was burning in Victor’s heart, and his anger was burning with reason, and he became more and more crazy. He often had inexplicable fear of animal tyranny in his mind, and he was defeated by James’ helplessness many times, which became the catalyst of anger. .

He doesn’t know what boxing intention is, but at this moment, the moves are full of true inner expression, and the will to destroy everything with madness and tyranny has turned into boxing intention.

The soaring fist seems to have sprouted long ago, and it didn’t burst out until he faced his heart directly.

After venting wantonly over and over again, all the exercises Victor had learned were righteous, but in his hands they were evil and cruel.

In the end, Wuxingquan is no longer limited to moves and routines, but only the purest killing attack based on instinct, such as the bestial instinct of a beast to hunt and kill prey in order to survive in the cruel nature.

Victor clearly felt that there was a kind of power deep inside his body that would burst out at any time, and his every move followed him. With the last punch, he just put on the posture of the Promise Pile, and the last tailbone of the spine clicked, and the whole body There seems to be an electric current blowing up in each spine, and it flows everywhere along the spine, the muscles, bones, and membranes penetrate everywhere, and the pore is tightly closed to contain the boiling blood.

Fu Zhi’s mind was under his breath, and he slammed a cannon punch.


The exposed fist of the white bones smashed into the hard tree trunk, and penetrated more than three inches into the inside. The bones were safe and sound under the impact of the huge force, but the trunk seemed to be stuffed with explosives, and slowly cracked from the inside.

The bloody hole punched out by the fist was wet, but Victor understood that it was not just blood, but the result of the dark force that just shot out from the body.

Click click click!

The cracks in the trunk grew wider and wider, like the gaping jaws of a demon.

Victor’s lips curled up. Finally practiced dark energy.

“I am indeed better than James. It took him a year or two to enter the dark energy, and I only practiced for a few months!”

“Dear brother, soon you will be able to feel the love of big brother!”

He slowly regained his composure, stroking the cracks in the trunk.

With the frantic destruction of his body, inspired by the increasingly powerful animal nature in his mind, he finally practiced dark energy.

Suddenly, Victor’s expression changed.

It seems that the itching mixed with severe pain from the deepest part of the body diffuses from every cell, muscle, bone, skin, membrane, flesh and blood.

Especially the two palms that were torn apart, and the exposed nails of the ten fingers creaked.


The dark yellow nails became thick and long, and the 20 cm long nails had a faint metallic luster, and the edges and tops looked very sharp.

Victor narrowed his bloodshot eyes slightly, and suddenly stepped forward, with his hands and fingers together, deeply inserted into the gap in the cracked tree trunk, and swept his arms violently.


The sharp nails slashed, and the thick and thin tree trunk they hugged was completely broken, and they fell sideways crookedly.

Victor slowly withdrew his hands, staring obsessively at the indestructible nails, the previous wounds on the fist surface healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“It’s very interesting, my brother James! How can you fight me when I have everything you have?”

Muttering to himself, Victor flicked off the sawdust on his body, and strode towards Lin’s Manor.

He wants to go back to see if the master has passed the customs. There is James in Shenwuwei, how can he not have himself?

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