People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 The President Personally Welcomes You! Visit White Palace!

“I really miss the high-speed rail and planes before crossing. It actually takes 3 days to travel from Edmond to Washington by boat! If the laboratory wants to speed up the research on the miniaturization of internal combustion engines, at least it will be faster than making a car!”

The internal combustion engine ship is still being built in the shipyard. Lin Feng can only take the steam ship to Meijian. He does not want to experience the steam train, which is not only noisy but also dirty.

After spending a grand Christmas with the concubines and children in Lin’s Manor, Lin Feng took Lin Shuhao and Lin Yuanfeng to Meilijian, and the old men of Shenwuwei rushed to accompany them.

After arriving at Meilijian, the group split into two groups. Lin Yuanfeng was in charge of inspecting the land that had already been bought in various places. If the surrounding land was still vacant, he would buy it in large quantities.

This time, Lin Yuanfeng personally experienced the feeling of spending money like water. For a treasurer who spends millions of pounds with a swipe of a pen on weekdays, he personally spent a lot of pounds in New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, and Philadelphia. It seems very enjoyable to buy a huge amount of land in other places.

Due to the continuous turmoil in Meilijian, the land has become cheaper and cheaper. No one came to compete with Lin Yuanfeng, and the Shenwuwei who protected him had nothing to do.

The experiences of Meilijian along the way let Lin Feng fully understand the Meilijian of this era. No matter how detailed the information is, it is better to come here by himself.

The abolition of slavery has never been a political demand, but a manpower demand of northern industrial factories and mines. They want to free the slaves who are trapped in farms and pastures and engage in low-efficiency farming and animal husbandry, and enrich them into manufacturing, textiles, metallurgy and minerals, etc. , to engage in more efficient industrial production.

The black-skinned slaves took off their handcuffs and shackles in the free state, but they did not get real freedom or equal rights, and there are still remaining black-skinned slaves in the free state.

Those black-skinned slaves who came out of farms and ranches will also be treated differently in cities in free states. All public facilities and various service and entertainment venues will strictly divide and mark the areas that black-skinned people can enter. Anyone who strays into an area where they are prohibited will be arrested by the police.

The most ridiculous thing is that in some places even bathhouses, toilets, and roads are divided into black and white areas, separated by tall and strong railings or cement walls.

The white residential area is much more strict, and the residents with black skin who dare to go in may be killed by the residents who rush out at any time.

Black-skinned people have such a hard time in a free state, it is hard to imagine how miserable life is in a slave state. Human beings have such huge racial prejudices against different skin colors. Lin Feng once again realized that the wave of Mutant mutations will come in the future. It appears that the discrimination or even hatred faced in human society is probably a hundred times better than discrimination by skin color.

Even though he has already done a lot of preparations for this terrible future, trying his best to improve the economic strength of the Lin family, expand the political influence and military strength of the family, he still feels that these are not enough, the Lin family is not strong enough, and the status Not lofty enough Not influential enough Not huge enough.

Lin Feng not only wants the Lin family to have enough political influence to speak out for Mutant in the future, but also to have enough military power to protect them, and to have enough personal strength to lead and restrain them.

As the sixteenth President of Meijian who has just taken office, Abraham Lin* is a mature politician with great courage and skill. Although he was born in a civilian family and suffered many hardships in life and work, all these have made him a success.

Everyone who came into contact with Abraham Lin* praised him as an extremely charismatic and charismatic person.

Those industrial mine owners and factory owners donated large sums of money to support his presidential election, although it was out of their own interests, and they were also moved by the phrase he shouted during the election to make Meijian a great free and democratic country.

This Mr. President, who was born in poverty, was like a tornado from the early stage of the election, destroying all competitors, and with the full support of everyone, he sat on the highest power seat of Meijian.

To the surprise of the guards, the president waited anxiously at the door, ignoring the snowflakes falling in the sky, and not afraid of the freezing cold.

What kind of big shot is it that Meilijian is the first person to welcome it in person?

Not only the guards were puzzled, but also the brains of the White Palace did not understand.

This is the first time that Mr. President refused to accompany them to meet, no, to welcome an unknown visitor.

Abraham Lin* paced uneasily. The person who asked him to greet him in person was strongly recommended by the Holden family, claiming that if war broke out, the Lin family was the only existence that could help him quickly defeat the southern slave owners’ army.

According to the intelligence he sent FBI agents to investigate, the Lin family has only been established for 15 years, but it has already established a large number of farms, pastures, factories, military factories, shipyards, trading companies, banks, etc. in the thirteen provinces and regions of Ghana. Industry, the output value contributed by their family assets alone accounts for one-third of Ghana’s total output value.

What is even more admirable and even frightening is that Ghana became a self-governing dominion, which was also successfully established under the promotion of this family. From the federal government to the provincial and municipal governments, the heads of any important power departments have taken refuge in the Lin family.

It is not modest to say that the Lin family stomped their feet, and the entire political, commercial, and military circles of Ghana would be shaken, and countless people would not be able to sleep in fear.

First Lady Mary Todd Lin* walked out of the White Palace, which was busy preparing for the banquet. A dozen maids in long black dresses, White half hats, and white aprons around their waists were nervously preparing drinks and food. People noticed that there were a few strange tall and thin maids among them.

“Is the guest here yet?”

Mrs. Mary put her arms around Mr. President tenderly, and followed his gaze towards the end of the road.

She is a wealthy daughter who was born as a banker, and her good family education made her a gentle and virtuous woman.

In terms of background, Mary is much better than her husband. When she was young, there was no shortage of rich and powerful children pursuing her. It is really hard to imagine how Abraham Lin*, a poor boy who was still studying law by himself and working part-time at that time, defeated many powerful and powerful children and made this rich family Qianjin accompanied him to start from scratch and now live in the White Palace.

“Oh Mary, you shouldn’t be out, it’s too cold outside!”

Mr. President wrapped his wife’s baby in his arms, using his body heat to dispel the coldness on his slender palms.

“The telegram sent by Mr. Lin said that it will arrive this evening, and it may be delayed by the ice on the road.”

“Is it someone recommended by the Holden family? You really put your hope in the hands of a stranger. This is not the Abraham I know!”

Mary leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder and sighed strangely.

Mr. President smiled sarcasticly, bowed his head and said to his wife.

“No! I’m just planning for the worst, multiple friends are always good!”

Mary nodded. She wanted to go back to see how the banquet preparations were going. Since her husband attached great importance to the guests, she had to help her husband win them over.

Returning to the warm White Palace from the outside, she looked at the maids rushing back and forth, and faintly felt that something was wrong, but she couldn’t remember what was wrong.

At nine o’clock in the evening, a group of mighty knights came galloping and stopped in front of the White Palace.

Lin Feng got off his horse and looked at the same White palace as he remembered before crossing, with a slightly dazed expression.

This is the political center of Meilijian. Countless policies and orders that affect the whole world are issued from here.

However, the White Palace at At the moment belongs to Abraham Lin*, and it has not yet reached the era of invincibility where all men dare to obey orders.

Lin Feng smiled inexplicably, and signaled the housekeeper Lin Shuhao to negotiate with the guards.

Before the guards went in to report, the tall and tall Mr. President had already seen the long-awaited distinguished guest and strode towards the door.

“Dear Mr. Lin, I have to say that I never thought that you are younger than Jimmy said!”

Abraham Lin* stretched out his big hand and praised enthusiastically.

Lin Feng gently shook hands with him, and said calmly.

“Mr. President, I have known you for a long time. I would like to offend you. I didn’t expect you to be so… amiable.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Mr. President took Lin Feng’s hand and walked towards the White Palace side by side.

Before crossing, Lin Feng only saw his photos. At that time, he didn’t believe that he was 193cm tall. Now he walked with him and realized that if his height hadn’t grown a second time after the retreat, he would be a little shorter than him.

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