People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 38

Chapter Thirty-Eight Master, I Have Had A Hard Day, So I Can’T Enjoy It!

It was the early morning of the second day when Lin Feng left the White Palace. He negotiated with Abraham Lin* until early morning, and finally persuaded the other party to fully accept the agreement with the reason that the southern slave owners had the support of vampires.

How to deal with the threat of vampires participating in the war, the distribution of benefits after the war, and the terms of the strategic cooperation between Meijian and Ghana were all determined after dozens of extreme pulls.

Abraham Lynn was overwhelmed. He had never met a young man with such insight and insight.

With nearly 200 years of historical development memory in another world, Lin Feng revealed in the negotiations that he has a unique and forward-looking view of the future of Meilijian.

The greatest president in the history of Merician even proposed that he hoped that he could immigrate to Merician instead of letting his talents be wasted in Ghana, which is vast and sparsely populated.

Lin Feng sneered at this, he lived comfortably in Ghana than the emperor, and only went to Meijian to be a dog for others when he was crazy.

Sternly rejected Mr. President’s outrageous request, after receiving the agreement signed by both parties, he left 4 guards to protect the safety of Abraham Lin* and his wife, and left the White Palace.

“Master, you, your guess is really accurate!”

In the early morning of this day, the housekeeper Lin Shuhao suddenly hurried to find Lin Feng, holding a telegram in his hand.

“What is my guess accurate? I had a drink with Lin Hao and the others yesterday and said you like younger ones?”

Lin Feng put down the milk in his hand, he didn’t understand what the butler said.

Since his return from White Palace, his life has been enriched.

Casey is worthy of being the president’s niece, and she has learned many beautiful and firm postures unique to the upper class.

Lin Shuhao looked around, then leaned closer and said in a low voice.

“The blue bird sent a message from Washington, the civil war in Meijian that you told everyone before has broken out!”

After he finished speaking, he slapped his forehead, took out a slightly wrinkled telegram and put it on the table.

Lin Feng picked up the telegram and read it quickly.

“I’m really not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!”

“I spoiled the actions of the slave states in the South, and Abraham Lynn agreed with me, but his proposal was rejected by Congress.”

Lin Shuhao knew why the master was angry. It was because those beautiful and strong members of Congress were too useless and missed the best time to start the war, which led to the southern slave owners successfully grabbing the upper hand.

Eleven slave-holding states, including Louis Anna and Virginia, seceded from the Union and established the so-called American Confederacy. They played the banner of protecting sacred private property from infringement, and launched a massive anti-slavery war.

“Should we follow the plan and send the Fox Hunting Corps to intervene now, while training soldiers and taking away the wealth of those southern slave owners, the bearded man can’t eat all the benefits!”

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, then frowned and said.

“Don’t send troops to intervene for the time being, otherwise it will give the south an excuse, and the northerners may not be willing at that time. My original plan was to let Abraham use the two captured blood slaves to persuade Congress to take the initiative in the name of eliminating human traitors colluding with vampires.” attack.”

“In this case, there is a reason for us to send troops, but those idiots screwed up! It will not be so effective to use this method once the war starts. The southern slave owners can say that we are slandering, so it is difficult to find out one by one. The vampire hiding in it, to explain to the soldiers who were instigated and blinded?”

If the north can take the initiative and label the southern slave owners as human traitors before the war breaks out, Lin Feng will definitely send troops immediately without saying a word.

But the At the moment war has already started, and if you want to intervene, you must choose the timing carefully.

Both the north and the south of Meilijian are fighting in full swing, and they will not easily agree to a third party to intervene in their own country’s war, unless one side’s power is at the end of its rope or the two sides are in an anxious stalemate, then they will have the opportunity to participate.

He didn’t want to make a fuss if he didn’t eat the meat, wait a minute, with those idiots in Congress, the north still suffers.

Sooner or later Abraham Lynn would convince Congress that he could justifiably break into the estates of southern slaveholders and take all the wealth they had amassed over decades.

August 1862.

It has been a year since the American Civil War officially started. During this period, Abraham Lin*, who advocated launching a tougher and more active war, was assassinated many times. There were dead soldiers of southern slave owners and vampires mixed in. Under the protection of Mingshen Wuwei, there is no danger.

However, the combat situation of the Northern Army on the battlefield is not optimistic. The combat effectiveness of the Southern Alliance army is still very strong despite the backwardness of weapons and equipment.

Compared with the Taiping soldiers in a stable environment in the north, the Confederate army is a group of veterans who have just experienced the baptism of war. Their commander is General Robert, who shined in the Mexican-American War. situation, a targeted strategy has been formulated.

General Robert commanded veterans with rich combat experience, disguised as the main force with a small team, fought against the southern army on the plain, and retreated into the jungle after pretending to be defeated, so that the excellent weapons and equipment of the northern army could not be fully utilized.

After many times of using offense instead of defense to lure the enemy into deep, they concentrated their forces to wipe out the northern army that fell into the trap. The southern army seized a large number of new weapons and equipment. State-of-the-art new guns and artillery.

After the change, the southern army was even more invincible, and the balance of war was gradually tilting towards the south.

The Northern Federation was not only insufficiently prepared for the war, but under the restraint of stupid members of Congress, General W. Scott, who insisted on a conservative strategy, was appointed as the commander. Under his command, the Northern Army adopted the designated “Long Snake Plan”. The Navy blocked the southern coast to cut off the Confederacy from Europe, and the Army moved south along the Mississippi River to control important towns along the river.

The 150,000 army was scattered on a long front of nearly 8,000 kilometers. In addition, the front-line commander McClelland did not agree with the abolition of slavery in his heart, and adopted very negative tactics. As a result, the northern army suffered repeated defeats and lost many important forces. strategic location.

“My lord, if things go on like this, the north can’t beat the south. Isn’t our previous investment in vain?”

Lin Shuhao looked at Lin Feng who was reading the newspaper, and said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, the master is not in a hurry, why should we be in a hurry!”

“Let them fight, the harder the better! There are too many obsolete guns in the military factory. Take this opportunity to clear the inventory and sell it to the northern army. It’s not bad for us to make money lying down!”

Lin Feng poured a cup of coffee and drank it slowly, his mentality had already changed.

The Northern Federation Congress had dragged its feet several times, and his patience had been worn out.

It’s not about buying and selling, this time he has to wait for Abraham Lin* to visit the thatched cottage for the third time before making a move.

Glancing at the worried Lin Shuhao, Lin Feng pointed to the opposite chair and continued.

“The composition of the federal government organized by Abraham Lin* is very complicated. In order to expand his political influence in the early stage, many senior officials he appointed were conservatives. These fools are still delusional to suppress the rebellion and restore national unity without touching slavery in the south .fearing that they would drive the frontier slave states to the Confederacy, they were slow to agree to Abraham Lynn’s openly proclaimed emancipation war propaganda.”

Lin Shuhao was confused, he was just a native of the Common world, but he didn’t have the ability to see the future through the long river of history like a traveler.

Lin Feng continued talking while drinking coffee.

“We don’t need to wait too long. That Mr. President is not an indecisive person. He is also waiting for an opportunity. As long as the northern army loses another battle and the losses are large enough, he will use the opportunity to clean up the waste that is holding back.”

“Perhaps Abraham Lin’s call for help will be sent soon. You ask Shenwuwei to leave 100 people to garrison the manor, and the rest are ready to fight in the south of Meijian with the Fox Hunting Corps.”

After speaking, Lin Feng put down the coffee cup, put away the telegram and locked it in the safe.

“Master, I’m done with today’s work, so I can’t keep Xinna’s concubine waiting!”

Stretched, all the muscles and bones cracked.

He was just about to leave the study and go to Daming Palace to love the beauty, Lin Shuhao said hesitantly.

“My lord, don’t be indulging in beauty, it’s still broad daylight, it won’t be good to spread the word!”

Hearing his words, Lin Feng’s expression was gloomy.

“I overcame obstacles and led you to create a great foundation. Now the whole of Ghana is dominated by the Lin family, and soon I will hunt down southern slave owners with President Meijian.”

“Your master, I have worked hard all day, so can’t I enjoy it?”

After the words fell, Lin Shuhao remained silent.

Lin Feng ignored him, turned around and walked out of the study, towards An Le Palace.

A few days ago, Xinna’s concubine was in her boudoir, so she didn’t have time to argue with this rough guy.

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