People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 More Children, More Blessings, Jenny Is Pregnant! The Dark Tide Is Raging And Decisively Counterattacks!

Lin’s Manor is full of joy today.

Red hangings were hung everywhere, and a red carpet was spread from the door to the hall of the manor.

After more than a month of careful teaching, James has also learned a lot of etiquette and knowledge of the Great Summer, and understands that today is the happy day of his adoptive father.

After Awakening Mutant Ability, his height has increased again, and he is now about 1.6 meters. The muscles on his body are clearly defined without being too thick and cumbersome.

At the moment James was dressed in a red Tang suit, holding a bouquet of roses and standing at the door, acting as a bouquet boy for his adoptive father.

Lin Feng was wearing the traditional wedding dress of Daxia, with a big red flower on his chest, beaming.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he was finally about to take a concubine.

It has been a month since the news was released. From the dark tide but no one came to the door, until a few days ago, a down-and-out nobleman, Jibb Fuller, came to the manor to make a secret marriage contract.

The ancestors of the Fuller family were also wealthy. The great-grandfather made great contributions in the Hundred Years War, and the British royal family conferred the title of Viscount on him.

However, there was a mistake when the heir of the royal family stood in line. After the new king ascended the throne, his fiefdom was eliminated, leaving only an empty title for the Fuller family.

Originally, Lin Feng didn’t need to welcome a concubine in person, but this was his first time taking a concubine, and since the bride was a nobleman after all, the housekeeper consulted his opinion and used the standard of marrying a wife to marry the bride through the door.

Taking a concubine is not allowed in the Islamic law, so naturally it cannot be held in a church. After much discussion, the wedding format combining Chinese and Western elements was decided.

The bride is sent to the manor by her father, and worships heaven and earth in the auditorium.

Without waiting for too long, a luxurious carriage drove up and stopped at the gate of the manor.

Gibb Fuller, with a beer belly, got out of the carriage first, and helped his daughter in a white wedding dress onto the red carpet with one hand.

Looking at the musketeers lined up neatly on both sides of the red carpet, he nodded with satisfaction, and the guilt in his heart slightly dissipated.

“Baby Jenny, Mr. Lin still attaches great importance to you. Such a grand occasion is more grand than the Earl’s marriage. From now on, you must take good care of your husband!”

The bride nodded and hummed softly.

It seems that she hasn’t recovered from the shock of her father giving her away as a lover.

Jenny, who was wearing a veil, couldn’t see her face clearly, but her slender waist and plump crescent were very sexy and enchanting.

As soon as the two stepped into the gate of the manor, the musketeers lined up on both sides of the red carpet fired into the sky.

bang bang bang!

The deafening continuous gunshots are more shocking than the sound of firecrackers.

The many guests at the banquet were all dumbfounded. When the red carpet less than a kilometer was over, 300 musketeers fired at least 3,000 rounds of bullets.

What is rich and powerful?

This is rich and powerful!

Some well-informed guests even recognized the firearms used by the musketeers, which are new types of firearms that are still being researched secretly by the militaries of various countries, so they couldn’t help but feel even more afraid of the Lin family.

Gibb Fuller came to the door of the auditorium with a complex expression, and handed his precious daughter to Lin Feng.

“Dear Lin, please treat my daughter well!”

His tone was solemn and sincere, as if he was very reluctant to part with his precious daughter.

But Lin Feng, who had investigated his details earlier, secretly despised this old guy.

A rotten gambler owed the bank 1,000 pounds, and sold out his daughter in desperation, in exchange for the Lin family to help him pay off the debt, and pretended to be affectionate.

But in the end it is the father of the bride, and I still have to give some face.

“Please rest assured, Mr. Gibb, Jenny will be my woman from now on, so naturally I won’t treat her badly.”

“Please take your seat, we are about to start worshiping and getting married.”

Gibb Fuller was a mature man, so he declined it sensibly.

So Lin Feng took Jenny to worship the sky and the earth facing north first, then worshiped the high hall facing the empty seats, and then the husband and wife worshiped each other.

After the ceremony, butler Lin Shuhao entertained the guests.

Lin Feng entered the wedding room with Jenny and took off the tulle on her face.

Jenny’s figure is very good, big where it should be, and thin where it should be.

Moreover, the pelvis of Caucasian women is larger than that of Daxia women, and their life channels are also longer, which is just suitable for Lin Feng’s specialty.

Jenny became pregnant after just one month of singing and singing every night.

“Haha, master, I finally have a child of my own!”

“Lin Shuhao, tell me to go down and ask the kitchen to get some black-bone chicken with ginseng to nourish my wife’s body!”

“And in the future, Jenny’s treatment will be doubled, so I can’t treat the child in her belly badly!”

Lin Shuhao is just a housekeeper. According to the rules, a housekeeper doesn’t care about money, so he can only bite the bullet and interrupt his master’s interest.

“Master, Lin Yuanfeng is the accountant, and he is in charge of the manor’s finances!”

Lin Feng slapped his forehead, suddenly he was going to become a father, he was so happy that he carried himself away.

Fang Yuan is nothing without rules. If he breaks the rules at will, the people below will follow suit. In the future, it will be difficult to lead the team if people lose their minds.

“Blame me, blame me! Just forget about it when you’re happy, and call Lin Yuanfeng!”

Lin Shuhao took the order and returned with a gentle man after a while.

Lin Yuanfeng pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and bowed respectfully.


As one of Lin Feng’s longest-serving old buddies, he once witnessed his own lord’s murderous power in the Bank of Songjiang Mansion, and he was extremely reverent and awed in his heart.

“You don’t need to be too polite, it’s not a big deal. Just remember, the wife’s salary will be doubled from now on.”

Lin Feng waved his hand, motioning for him to get up.

“Yes, sir!”

Still sternly saluting again, Lin Yuanfeng didn’t take the polite words seriously.

After arranging the housework, Lin Feng glanced at the butler and financial manager who were hesitant to talk, and led them to the study.

Jenny stroked her still smooth and flat stomach without saying a word, she knew that there were some things she was not qualified to intervene in right now.

In the study, Lin Feng leaned on the chair, crossing his legs.

“Penicillin has been produced in the master’s laboratory, but it is troublesome to acquire pharmaceutical factories and pharmaceutical companies!”

“The largest pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical companies all have official backgrounds. Not only do they not accept acquisitions, they also want to pry into our secrets.”

“Five thieves have been caught in the laboratory, but there are still people trying to sneak in.”

The situation reported by the housekeeper Lin Shuhao did not exceed Lin Feng’s expectations.

Since defeating the bandit Allison many times, the relationship between him and the Governor’s Mansion of Ghana has been delicate.

The Governor’s Mansion is not only reluctant to part with a large amount of tax and gray income, but also guards against the continued expansion of the strength of the Lin family. The two sides are at the end of the honeymoon period, but they don’t know when they will turn their faces.

“Hang those dirty thieves on the main road!”

Lin Feng’s understatement decided the tragic fate of those thieves.

After Lin Shuhao went out to deliver the order, he turned to Lin Yuanfeng and said.

“Those officials and masters are too idle. You should find something for them to do. Yuanfeng, you go and inform the Fox Hunting Team to make a big commotion!”

Lin Yuanfeng nodded and saluted respectfully.

“Good sir, it happens that Chadson and the others are bored, it’s time for them to exercise their muscles!”

Following Lin Feng’s order, within a few days, several decorations were hung on the main road lights in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Ottawa.

It’s just that the faces of the officials coming and going are ashen, and they don’t seem to like this decoration style very much.

In the Office of the Chief of the Security Council.

Chief Howell patted the table and yelled harshly.

“You idiots, don’t you have any brains?”

“Who gave you the right to investigate a knight’s business secrets?”

“The speaker of Edmond City called to protest, saying that we have destroyed the economic development of the city, and demanded that the security committee apologize to the Lin family.”

All the security officers were silent, their heads almost stuck in their crotches.

Seeing the disappointing performance of his subordinates, Howell pressed his temple with a headache.

He knew that there was an intricate relationship behind these guys, maybe it was a relative of a local rich man who took a fancy to the Lin family’s property and resorted to such indecent means.

If these idiots hadn’t screwed things up, Howell would have been happy to see the Lim family fall.

Lin’s military factory occupies a third of Ghana’s arms share. Once they close down, the military factory under the name of his brother-in-law can replace it.

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