People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Special Affairs Management Department! Mysterious Intruder!

After Lin Guodong performed the C-level escort mission, he brought the members of the Special Affairs Management Department to a futuristic sci-fi style building in Lin’s Manor.

From the outside, the whole building looks like a spaceship standing upright and ready to take off at any time. Whether it is the external walls or the decoration after entering, the walls mainly made of silver and white metal have a sense of technology. There are no windows on it, only An automatic sensor gate.

And on the left side of the gate hangs a metal sign with the name marked in English and Chinese.

Special Affairs Management Department!

This organization established by the Lin family 50 years ago is a specialized agency responsible for dealing with mutants or other supernatural forces. It is used to deal with special events caused by sudden appearance of mutants or other supernatural creatures, and to protect special family members from traveling.

Lin Guodong pressed his palm on the gate, and the white light wave swept across it.

“Di! Fingerprint verification passed, bone feature verification passed! A-level action team leader Lin Guodong, welcome back to the Special Affairs Management Department!”

Silver White’s door was not opened, and he stood quietly aside, waiting for the team members to pass the verification.

Not long after the 12 team members verified, the door slowly opened, revealing a long corridor inside, and an elevator at the end of the corridor.

In the seemingly monotonous and simple corridor, dozens of detectors are densely covered. Once it detects that there are outsiders disguised as members of the special affairs management team among the passing people, the heavy weapons behind the ceiling and walls will be flipped out, and finally Heavy fire to destroy the invaders.

In the 20 years since moving into the new headquarters so far, no one has been able to enter the hallway, and the verification process of the gate alone has blocked all spies and agents who wanted to sneak in.

Lin Guodong led the team into the corridor and walked all the way to the elevator.

In the middle of the corridor sat a tall and burly man. He was buried in a book, and when he felt someone approaching, he raised his head and said hello.

“Hey Uncle Guodong, have you returned from your mission?”

Lin Guodong nodded to him, looked at the book in his hand, and asked with a smile.

“Victor, you are reading the Book of Changes, tsk tsk, this thing gives me a headache, can you really understand it?”

Victor put down the Book of Changes, scratched his head, and said with a frown.

“I can recognize every word in 27 above, but it’s hard to understand when you put them together! But the master said that if you want to practice the third stage of Wuji True Kungfu, enter the realm of Martial Dao Jindan, and mix the qi to form the innate true qi, you must read the Book of Changes and the Book of Changes. Taoism.”

Lin Guodong shrugged. It is harder for foreigners to understand the Book of Changes than to see Jesus in heaven.

“Okay, I won’t bother you anymore, brothers, let’s go!”

After greeting the team members, he led the people past Victor to the elevator.

“Okay, remember to write an action report and return all the equipment on your body. Well, there are also equipment usage records!”

Victor exhorted a few more words, lowered his head and continued to study the Book of Changes, which seemed to him like a heavenly book.

Lin Guodong raised his hand and waved, indicating that he knew, went to the elevator at the end of the corridor, and pressed the up button of the elevator.

After a while, the elevator doors opened.

After a group of people went in, Lin Guodong pressed the button for the 8th floor, and the screen above the elevator marked the floor quickly changed the number and the elevator door opened again in less than a minute.

What caught everyone’s eyes was a series of closed rooms in silver and white. Each room has an independent security verification program. The material of the room is very special, that is, it is extremely hard and thin, which has a contradictory and soft feeling.

In several of the rooms, a group of scientific researchers in white coats are constantly dismantling some uniquely shaped equipment and facilities on the workbench with a sense of technology, staring at the data on the screen on the workbench from time to time. Variety.

Lin Guodong led his team members to room number 084, put his forehead on the iris verifier at the door, and looked directly at the scanner.

“Di! The iris verification is passed, and the pupil light change verification is passed! Lin Guodong, captain of the A-level action team, please verify the energy characteristics again!”

Below the iris verifier, a crystal ball sticks out.

Lin Guodong held the crystal ball with both hands, and the true qi in his body mixed with the gang qi was injected into it, and the red light was rippling in the crystal ball.

“Energy characteristic verification passed! Welcome to the 084 special equipment warehouse, please go through the equipment storage procedures as soon as possible and fill in the action record and equipment use record!”

A blunt electronic sound came from the speaker at the door, and the door of Room 084 opened.

As soon as they entered the door, all the team members went straight to the fifth equipment display rack in the third row, quickly took off their black suits and sunglasses, hung them on the corresponding positions, and after pressing the button on the rack, a transparent protective cover rose After the equipment is closed, spray out White’s disinfectant mist, and it will automatically clean after standing for 10 minutes.

After the costume change, the team members looked curiously at the densely packed shelves next to them. Most of the weapon shelves were empty, only the fourth shelf in the second row had a few sci-fi firearms!

“Captain, our weapons and equipment haven’t been updated for more than 20 years, right?”

“I don’t know where the master got these things. The family science and technology research office has not cracked it yet. Otherwise, our special affairs management department could have been expanded long ago, so there would be no three teams running around the world!”

Lin Guodong was racking his brains to write an action report, when he heard the words he scolded angrily.

“It’s useless for you to ask me, if you have the ability to ask him in front of the master!”

“Our new headquarters and weapons suddenly appeared in the manor 20 years ago, and only the master knows the origin.

“Besides, considering the emergencies we are facing now, the firearms in the family military factory are enough to deal with them. If it is really impossible, you can apply for the use of small crickets and light guns, or you can choose from Gauss rifles and phase shift shields.”

The team member who asked the question shrank his neck and muttered in a low voice.

“How dare I ask, the master didn’t even mention the housekeeper Brother Shu Hao, how can he give me face!”

“Let’s just chat in private. Alas, those scientists are really useless. They haven’t even cracked a piece of equipment for 20 years.”

Lin Guodong couldn’t bear it anymore, he raised his head and stared at the team member.

“Lin Baoqiang, keep your mouth shut! Don’t make it a habit to be careless outside. When the time comes, you will violate the confidentiality regulations, and you will be wiped out of your memory and locked up in a black prison for seven days. Aren’t you free now? Come and equip the records for you to write!”

He picked up a notebook and threw it in front of the man.

The other team members looked at Lin Baoqiang gloatingly, and all of them held back their laughter and shook their shoulders, not daring to laugh out loud.

After successfully dumping the pot, Lin Guodong looked relaxed, patted him on the shoulder and said.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat first, please write slowly so that you don’t have to rework if you make a mistake!”

After speaking, he took his team members and left, leaving Lin Baoqiang alone in a mess in the wind.

Lin Baoqiang picked up the notebook with a sad face, picked up a pen and filled it carefully.

He wrote down the situation of today’s mission, including escorting and confiscating the equipment in the hands of reporters along the way, and the reason why he had to use amnestics in the end. He wrote a report in detail, and every detail was clearly recorded. .

When Lin Baoqiang finished writing more than ten pages of equipment use records, two hours had passed, and the lessons learned this time will be his painful memories forever.

After finishing writing, he pressed a few times on the screen of a silver white desktop, and the content on the notebook was scanned and entered into the database synchronously, “Hang the notebook on the hook in the filing cabinet and close the door.

Looking at the time, it was already 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and Lin Baoqiang hurriedly left the 084 special equipment warehouse.

After taking the elevator downstairs, Victor greeted him teasingly as he passed the hallway.

“Brother Baoqiang, why did you come down? Uncle Guodong and the others have already left, and now I think they have already eaten their meals!”

Lin Baoqiang smiled wryly, but he was too embarrassed to say so, and waved his hands.

“Nothing, I’m leaving first!”

As soon as he walked out of the gate, he froze for a moment.

Lin Guodong is actually verifying fingerprints and skeletons. How could he return to the Special Affairs Management Department at this time?

In the 20 years of the special affairs management department, the captain has never returned after going out. Could it be that there are new special events happening?

Lin Baoqiang asked subconsciously.

“Captain, why are you back?”

At the moment, the fingerprint and bone verification on the door is completed, and an electronic sound prompts from the speaker.

“Di! Fingerprint verification passed, bone feature verification passed! A-level action team leader Lin Guodong, welcome to the Special Affairs Management Department again!”

Lin Guodong nodded to him, and replied in a calm tone.

“It’s nothing, I just forgot something and need to come back!”

Lin Baoqiang felt a little strange when he heard him say that.

A strong martial arts golden elixir who cultivates an innate true strength, will also suffer from amnesia?

“How about I go up with you and help you find it!”

Lin Guodong waved his hand, rejected his proposal, and walked straight into the door.

Since the captain refused, Lin Baoqiang did not insist, shaking his head and sighing.

“It seems that being the captain of the Special Affairs Management Department is very stressful, and even a warrior as strong as Guodong is beginning to lose everything.

Arriving at the cafeteria with ease, as soon as I entered the door, I heard the noise and booing of the diners inside.

“Captain, come on, our team A can’t lose to team B, or where will you put your old face?”

“Yes, Captain, you must hold on!”

“Tch, your captain is doomed, our team B is the strongest!”

“Guodong, can you do it? If you work harder, maybe you will win!”

“Stop fucking nonsense, men can’t do it! Lin Hao, don’t be complacent, you kid, why don’t you be promoted to the middle stage of Martial Dao Jindan, don’t look down on people like this!”

Captain here?

So who did I just see?

It was as if a grenade had exploded in Lin Baoqiang’s mind, his face was pale and frightening, he didn’t care about going to the window to get food, when he stomped on his feet, there was a loud bang in the air.

A few steps spanned dozens of meters, and afterimages were dragged behind him, and they came to the crowd surrounding the city.

The team members who were eating in the restaurant and those who watched the two captains wrestle their wrists all looked sideways, cursing and accusing some starving ghost for using the method of bursting gas in the restaurant.

Lin Guodong, who was wrestling his arms, looked up and was startled by Lin Baoqiang’s expression.

“Baoqiang, what’s wrong with you, have you been kicked out by ghosts?”

Lin Baoqiang burst out with a powerful aura, and asked in a cold and serious tone.

“Captain, have you not gone out since you arrived at the restaurant?”

“Quickly answer me, the matter is urgent, please forgive me if I offend you!”

Lin Guodong was a little confused, but he didn’t dare to waste time, so he replied immediately.

“Yeah, if you don’t believe me, ask them!”

He pointed to his own players and the captain of Team B.

Everyone nodded again and again, Lin Hao, the captain of Team B, realized something was wrong and asked back.

“What happened to Baoqiang?”

Lin Baoqiang nodded and spoke extremely fast.

“When I finished writing the equipment use record and went out, I saw that Captain Guodong had just completed the fingerprint and bone verification, and said that he wanted to go back to the special affairs management department to get the things he had forgotten.

“Now it seems that the person somehow cheated the verification equipment and entered the headquarters. Captain, please activate the Red emergency alarm! The headquarters building is closed, and no one can be allowed to enter the headquarters.”

That man escaped!”

“By the way, everyone must act in a group of 3590 people. Don’t leave alone to avoid being searched by that person’s disguise. The person’s disguise ability is very strong, not only the appearance is the same as Captain Guodong

Same, even breath sensing. ”

It was hard to hide the surprise in everyone’s eyes, but they all reacted quickly. While running to the headquarters building quickly, they pressed the special alarm device on their wrists.

Ring ring ring!

A loud and rapid alarm sounded in the Special Affairs Management Department building, all the room doors were instantly locked, and the aisles, vents, and sewers were all lowered and sealed with alloy steel plates.


The alarm system of Lin’s Manor also went off at the same time.

Lin Zhengwei, the leader of the Shenwu Guards on duty patrolling near the Daming Palace, had a gloomy face, and pressed the earphones on his ears to give orders again and again.

“Shenwuwei immediately blocked all passages of the Daming Palace. The Fox Hunting Corps checked the artificial lake and the royal garden, and no one was allowed to enter or leave except for the master. Madam, miss, and young master are here

Outsiders, monitor and protect on the spot!”

After his order was issued, teams of Fox Hunting Corps soldiers armed with guns and live ammunition entered the artificial lake and the royal garden, holding life detectors to search for the intruders.

Shenwuwei divided his troops into various passages and entrances of the palace, handcuffed the handcuffs made of titanium alloy on the spot when encountering servants walking outside, and the wife, lady, and young master politely invited them into a room.

She was monitored and protected by several Shenwu guards.

In the Hall of Martial Heroes, Lin Feng heard the siren and immediately activated his supernatural senses.

It is impossible for a Common spy or agent to trigger a Red alarm. It must be an intruder with supernatural powers, which will make the Special Affairs Management Department feel like a formidable enemy.

Sure enough, a strange star appeared in the range of his senses, and it was located on the 8th floor of the Headquarters Building of the Special Affairs Management Department.

There is a 084 special equipment library, as well as a scientific research room that is cracking the equipment of the man in black.

“Who can fool the fingerprint and bone verification on the gate? Fortunately, each room in the headquarters has its own energy characteristic verification. Now who can fool the energy characteristic verification

It shouldn’t have appeared yet!”

After a while, housekeeper Lin Shuhao arrived and reported with a serious expression.

“Master, the mysterious intruder has been trapped in the building of the Special Affairs Management Department. The alarm was triggered by Lin Guodong. I have already asked him what happened.”

“The mysterious intruder used unknown means to disguise himself as Lin Guodong. Not only did he deceive the team member Lin Baoqiang, but he also successfully passed the fingerprint and bone verification. However, the abnormality was first discovered.

It was also Lin Baoqiang, who made meritorious service and atonement for his sins. ”

Lin Feng nodded, the members of the Special Affairs Management Department were all specially trained by him.

This time the performance is not bad, slightly flawed but flawless.

“You go and inform Shenwuwei to lift the security around the Daming Palace and escort the ladies back to their own palace. My lord, I’m going to see the true face of the mysterious intruder.

Who is so bold as to stroke the tiger’s beard!”

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