People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Mutant Practices Theory Of Evolution! Doomsday Ark In The Rocky Mountains!

In the Great Rocky Mountains of Ghana, Mount Robson is majestic and tall, and the white snow on the top reflects the glare of the sun.

A Harrier jet approaching at breakneck speed.

The seemingly tight rocks on the mountainside quickly opened silently, and the fighter plane flew into the huge exposed cave and landed slowly.

Lin Feng got off the plane with Aesir Zuo and Raven, and then saw James with a bright smile on his face.

“Father, you are here!”

James first greeted his adoptive father respectfully, then turned to hug Aesir, looked at Raven and said teasingly.

“Aesir helped you really grow up, this girl is good and suitable for you, take good care of her.

After speaking, he shook hands with Raven again, and said with a smile.

“Welcome Raven, you made a wise choice.~”

Raven looked him up and down and asked in disbelief.

“My God! Didn’t the news say you were dead? Looks like you’re dying of old age syndrome, but you look like you’re in your twenties.”

There was surprise in her eyes.

Before sneaking into the Special Affairs Management Department of Lin’s Manor, I saw the news of the death of the person in front of me on the Ghanaian Evening News. Not long after, I saw that the “Deadman” in the population was not only alive and kicking, but even rejuvenated into a young man in his twenties .

The corner of Aesir Zuo’s mouth twitched, seeing that Raven was curious about James, and subconsciously inserted between the two.

“I’ve grown up already, James, you old man, don’t talk so badly! I would have let you stay in the coffin for a few more hours if I knew it, and you don’t care about the young people, hum, there is a generation gap between us!”

No need to think about it, the father must have told James about the matter between himself and Raven.

But he didn’t dare to get angry at his father, so he could only yell at the ‘big brother’ James, and he didn’t dare to be too loud, after all, the ‘big brother’ loves an iron fist.

Lin Feng gave him a strange look, and couldn’t bear to tell Aesir that Mystique Raven was actually not young.

“How is the construction of the Ark base? Are the fortifications and air defense systems complete?”

He looked at the tall and far-reaching cave. High-power lighting has been installed on the roof of the cave. Many machinery and equipment are hoisted on the crane on the steel structure roof. Driven by the motor, they slide along the track to a distance, and the workers carefully pull the To the appropriate position, fasten the bolts, and then untie the sling.

On the square not far away, many of the latest fighter planes and tanks are parked, as well as many armored vehicles, missile vehicles, rocket launchers, etc. An air defense command center has been established in a corner of the square, and the mountain is disguised as trees or rocks. The radar scanning signal is transmitted here and processed [shown on the screen as feedback from Flight objects in the nearby airspace.

Once an unidentified or enemy flight device is found, the air defense command center will lock the incoming enemy according to the radar signal and activate the air defense missiles deployed around the mountain to destroy all targets that invade the air defense area.

The inside of the cave is very busy, with transport vehicles frequently transporting equipment, instruments, and building materials. Under the guidance of traffic controllers, they drive to the corresponding blocks. Dozens of transport routes are guarded by soldiers of the Fox Hunting Legion.

Those who can work in this secret base in the middle of the mountain include soldiers from the Fox Hunting Corps, construction engineering teams, scientific researchers, elites in the education industry, loyal servants who have served the Lin family for generations, and so on. The one thing they have in common is their brains. Central capital laid the ideological stamp of absolute loyalty.

James frowned slightly, and said unsatisfactorily.

“The overall progress of the Ark Base has reached 65%, and there are still several large physics laboratories that have not been completed, and the final defense system instruction set system has not been completed. The fortifications are mainly due to the insufficient strength of the inner wall of the cave. Dr. Lanlost is researching The method of inlaying special alloys improves the strength. The air defense system has been deployed, the radar can scan all flight targets within 300 kilometers, and the extinction lock can track B0 targets at the same time.”

Lin Feng nodded, and under his guidance, entered the teaching area of ​​the core area of ​​the ark base – Mutant practice school.

The construction of this ark base began two years ago, but the previous year was mainly used to excavate caves in the hard mountainside rocks of Mount Robson. A full 20 tons of explosives were used to pull out 100,000 tons of rock fragments. Scum, expanded the cave to what it is today.

That is to say, the Lin family controlled all the officials of the Dominion of Ghana, moved all the residents within 500 kilometers away in advance, and let go of their hands and feet on Mount Robson before no one found out.

I also want to thank that there are no satellites in this era, and the air power of nearby countries is weak, so that they can quietly build such a large amount of secret bases,

Raven followed Lin Feng and walked into the depths of this huge base hidden in the mountainside.

Aesir tried his best to strike up a conversation beside her, but Raven, who was patronizing the star base, didn’t hear her, which made him quite discouraged and listless.

He doesn’t understand what’s so good about this dilapidated base. Not only has it not seen the sun for many years, but the people who come and go are as boring as boring gourds. How can there be a city full of feasting and feasting?

The entire Ark base has a file size of more than one million square meters, enough to fit a standard football field of 150 yuan, and almost emptied half of Mount Robson.

The Ark base is divided into 6 functional areas, living area, training area, armament test area, armament training area, teaching area, and research area. Each area has a variety of facilities due to different functions.

In addition to the Mutant Practice School, the core area also has a research area and an arms test area. The management of these three areas is very strict, and cross-regional movement is not allowed among each other [people who can pass through different areas must have extremely high authority.

Definitely these restrictions do not apply to Lin Feng, he can go to any area unimpeded.

Aesir and Raven were only allowed to enter these areas after following him. Otherwise, even if the soldiers of the Fox Hunting Corps knew that he was the adopted son of the master, they would still firmly refuse him to enter, let alone the stranger Raven, who would be shot on the spot once found.

Not long after everyone entered the school gate, Raven stared dumbfounded at the unique Mutant practice school. In this huge cave, there were actually large artificial lawns and rows of dense trees.

On the playground, a woman in casual clothes floated in the air with her arms outstretched, and the strong wind surrounded her body to offset the impact of gravity.

In front of her was a group of children. These children were all abandoned babies adopted by the Lin family from all over the world, or adopted from orphanages for disabled children. Most of them had deformities of varying severity, and they belonged to the lowest level of Yi Among the Pusilon-level Mutants, a few of them are stronger and have reached the Delta level (6). Only a few special children are Gamma level (y) and Beta level (B).

They exclaimed from time to time, widening their innocent and childlike eyes.

“Ms. Laura is too powerful, she must have Awakened a very powerful Ability, I guess it is at least level!”

“No, no, it should be A-level, the Ability of the level is not that strong!”

The children started arguing as they talked, but even though they were blushing, none of them fought.

Seeing Lin Feng and the others approaching from a distance, Luo La quickly lowered her body and landed lightly on the ground.

“Teacher is not born to be so strong. At first, my Ability was just a breeze, much weaker than an electric fan!”

“Fortunately, the teacher met a noble person and got the Promise True Kungfu taught by him, so he has cultivated to such a powerful level, which is probably equivalent to an A-level ability.

The children are very curious. They just came to this school, and they have never heard that Mutant can improve their mutant Ability through practice.

Someone raised his hand curiously and asked.

“Teacher, isn’t the Mutant Ability innate? Acquired practice can really improve the Ability level?”

“Teacher, can you tell us, who created such a great exercise?”

This class is an interactive class, the purpose is to let students understand Mutant Ability, not to reject their own Mutant identity and body distortion caused by Mutant Ability Awakening.

So facing the students’ questions, Laura nodded with a smile.

……… Ask for flowers…

“Definitely yes, the natural level of Mutant’s Ability is high or low, just like there are geniuses and Common people among Common humans. Common people may not be able to surpass the achievements of geniuses through hard work and hard work.”

“As for the founder of the exercise you asked about, he just came to school today. Students, look back!”

The children heard the words and turned around to look.

Lin Feng waved at them, with a sunny smile on his face.

These children are Mutants who have been hurt by family members or others to varying degrees. They are very inferior and sensitive, so every time he comes to school, he will restrain the majesty of the purpose of the Ten Kingdoms and the anger of being a powerful warrior.

“Wow, what a handsome big brother!”

The little girls were jumping and cheering.

The little boys shouted in admiration.

“It’s Lord Lin Feng, his portrait is hanging in the classroom, and there is a statue in the practice room.”

The children laughed and shouted, and rushed forward in a swarm.

Lin Feng hugged them one by one, stroked the tops of their heads with his big hands, and nodded slightly to Luo La.

“Kids, be quiet, you can’t hear a word of me when you talk together!”

“How about we talk slowly? Well, since you’re in such a hurry, let’s talk first!”

He saw a little fat man who was less than 1.2 meters tall and had a thick waist. He was so excited that he had difficulty breathing, so he chose him.



The little fat man was stunned, and he groaned nervously for a long time, unable to utter a word.

When he became emotional, his waist became thicker again, and his panting became more severe.

Lin Feng hurried over, pressed a burst of zhenqi on his shoulder, and suppressed the out-of-control mutant Ability in the little fat man’s body.

“Take your time and don’t rush. I have a lot of time today. I promise to answer all your questions.”

After the children got his assurance, they became quieter, and then remembered that the teacher was still behind, and shyly stepped aside to let Luo La pass by.

“Mr. Lin, thank you for saving me and saving so many children!”

Lin Feng waved his hands and said softly.

“It’s nothing, I’m a Mutant myself, and I know what kind of terrifying future we’ll face in the future! Since I have enough abilities, I have to do something for my fellow Mutants. The Ark Base is just a precautionary measure. What I really want to do is Let Common humans and Mutants live in harmony.”

“The foundation of Mutant is Common people, and the future of Common people lies in Mutant. This is a unity of contradiction and unity. However, many Common people and very few Mutants don’t understand, which will trigger various problems.”

” Mutants come from Common humans. Without Common humans, humans are water without source and trees without roots; Common humans have Mutant genes lurking in their bodies. Once Awakening is activated, they will become Mutants. Therefore, Mutants are the future of Common humans. Leaving Mutant Common Human beings have only one path of so-called science, and have lost the other path of civilization and sublimation of evolution itself.”

The children were ignorant of what they said, but Laura, James, Aesir and Raven were thoughtful, reflecting on whether their previous thoughts were wrong.

It didn’t take long for James to figure it out, after all his beloved wife Rose O’Hara

He is from Common, which makes it easier for him to understand the good intentions of his adoptive father.

Because of their childhood experiences, Aesir Zuo and Raven still had grievances and didn’t want to understand it, but they were also greatly shocked and willing to face up to the connection between Mutant and Common people.

On the other hand, Luo La’s eyes were shining, and she stared at Lin Feng intently, her little heart beating faster and faster.

This man is so perfect, handsome, kind, profound knowledge and lofty ideals, he is the perfect other half in her mind.

Lin Feng’s Telepathy reflects everyone’s thoughts, and he doesn’t care about the children’s ignorance, as long as they remember these words, they will naturally understand when they are old and experienced.

On the contrary, Laura’s reaction was beyond his expectations. After all, this visit was mainly to inspect the Ark base, and the focus was on the operation of the Mutant practice school, and he didn’t come here specifically to pick up girls and accept Xiaoai. .

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