People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 I Want To Build A Satellite! The 400Th Son Was Born!

Soon, the time came to February 13, 1915.

The concubine Louise Anna of the Lama Temple was the first to have a sign of giving birth. The female doctor in charge of the care hurriedly reported to the higher authorities, but she herself was very unhappy. The birth at the moment meant that the 400th child could only be another child. The sister’s child is gone.

But fortunately, her child is the 390th child, not ranked in the hundred but ranked in the ranks of the ten, and it is better than the Common child.

Thanks to practicing the Xuannv Yulong Jue, Louise gave birth smoothly. Just 2 hours after entering the operating room, there was a loud cry of the baby.

When the first baby cry sounded, the system in Lin Feng’s mind also issued a reward.

[Ding, congratulations to the host concubine Louise for giving birth to a son, and get rewards: Xinkang 3 Communication Satellite Design Drawing*1; Internet Technology Encyclopedia*1; Bamboo Dragonfly*20; Iron Blood Warrior Shoulder Cannon*10; Physical Strength+1 ;FPS*100]

Hearing the system prompt, Lin Feng couldn’t help curling his lips.

The rewards of the system are just like that, if not, there are still many tricks.

Physical Strength +1 After he received it, he only felt a surge of heat inside and outside his body, which was absorbed within a few seconds. Compared with his physical body, which was already hard-resistant to missiles, the improvement was minimal.

What made Lin Feng speechless the most was the reward of the bamboo dragonfly. This gadget is not low in technology, but its shape is too childish. I am afraid that no matter whether it is a man from the Fox Hunting Legion or Shenwuwei, he will not like this equipment.

Really let them wear bamboo dragonflies to perform tasks, the enemy on the opposite side may not be killed but laughed to death.

From now on, he can only throw it to Lin’s Kindergarten, and use the Famicom as a toy for his young offspring.

The useful rewards are communication satellite blueprints, internet technology encyclopedia, and Jagged Warrior shoulder cannons. Especially the former two have extraordinary functions. After the communication satellites are built, not only can the wireless communication industry be developed, but also can be matched with The Internet technology encyclopedia brings the information age ahead of schedule.

As for Iron Blood Warrior’s shoulder cannon, it must be deciphered by the scientists in the Science Research Office. Not to mention the energy weapon technology contained in it, the automatic fire control system alone is enough to make the envious eyes of armies all over the world turn red.

And this automatic fire control system involves many new technologies, such as the miniaturization of the target tracking radar, the miniaturization of the fire control computer, the intelligentization of the system console, the integration of the shooting control instrument, etc. After thorough research, Lin The family’s scientific and technological level will reach a new height.

After receiving the reward, Lin Feng rushed to Lama Temple to comfort the lost Louise.

“Don’t be sad, we didn’t get our turn for 400 children, so we still have 500 children. Even if we missed 500 children, we still have 600 or even 700530 children. Master, am I still afraid that you will have more births?”

After what she said, Louise couldn’t laugh or cry, and lightly punched Lin Feng a few times, her depressed mood eased a lot.

In fact, he was right. The Lin family, with a big family and a big business, is really not afraid of having too many children. Even if they have 10,000 children, the money spent is not as much as the family property earns in a month.

Seeing that Louise’s mood improved, Lin Feng hugged the child, named the child Lin Anxin, and handed the two of them over to the maid to take care of.

It’s not that he is ungrateful, but that at the moment, in the various palaces of the Daming Palace, several concubines are about to give birth.

Among them, Li Youzhu, the concubine of Yi’an Palace, has already seen popularity, so he can only go to Yi’an Palace as if rushing.

Within one day, the concubines of various palaces in Daming Palace gave birth to 5 young masters and 5 young ladies successively, and each child was healthy and lovely.

Although Lin Feng was a little busy running back and forth between the various palaces, he was very happy in his heart. These are the continuation of his blood, and every child who is born can receive system rewards, and this joy is super doubled.

For children born after Lin Anxin, the rewards given by the system are a bit stingy, basically they are daily necessities, antique jade, and some civilian technology and equipment.

But Lin Feng didn’t dislike it either, he was used to the system’s stingy rewards for Common children, so he simply didn’t think so much, just pretended not to hear those reward prompts.

In addition to the joy, he also feels that the responsibility is getting heavier.

As the actual controller of Ghana, he naturally has no worries about raising children, but this is the Marvel world!

All kinds of annihilation crises are numerous, ranging from Thanos, the remnant of the Eternal Titan who wants to wipe out half of the life in the universe, to the Mutant extinction crisis.

“I must continue to work hard, take in more concubines, and have more children. Use the rewards of the system to continuously improve the strength of myself and the Lin family. When the time comes to fight against fate with the great momentum, I can give myself and my children a front line.” vitality.”

Lin Feng secretly made up his mind to turn things around, change the future of Mutant extinction, and prevent Thanos from snapping that damned finger.

As hard as it all is, he has to do it!

That night, no more children were born, and the female doctors, who had been busy all day, were finally able to take off their white coats and return to their rooms to have a good rest.

The concubines who have not yet given birth are relieved. Counting Louise’s son Lin Anxin and the next 9 children, the master’s heirs come to 399, and the 400th son has not yet been born. Have the opportunity.

On the second day, the meeting of the Lin family was held in the Hall of Martial Arts. The heads of organizations such as Shenwuwei, Fox Hunting Corps, and Blue Bird rushed to the meeting, and officials from the Dominion of Ghana were also present.

(chdd) Lin Feng was full of ambition, sitting on the head seat, with a sharp look in his eyes.

All the people bowed and saluted one after another.

“Meet the master, congratulations for the master!”

Lin Feng nodded slightly, raised his hand, and said loudly.

“You don’t need to be too polite, you all sit down!”

After seeing everyone taking their seats, he continued to speak.

“You should all know that yesterday, my lord, I was happy to have 5 sons and 5 daughters. It is a great thing to have 10 children in one day! Moreover, there are 26 wives in the palaces of Daming Palace. About to give birth.”

“My lord, I have decided that when the 400th son is born, he will have fun with the people. The special decree when he was promoted will be extended for another year, and the preferential policy period will not end until 1917.

After listening to the crowd, except Lin Yuanfeng, the chief financial officer, and Lasitdin, the director of the tax department, they were immediately overjoyed.

“Congratulations, Master, Master He!”

“This is really great news. The people of Ghana will support the master even more when they know about it.”

“From now on, the prosperity of the Lin family is the blessing of Ghana and the people!”

Everyone said something to each other, everyone looked happy, the tax exemption period was extended, and they could save a lot of taxes and fees. Who asked Lin Feng to pay them high salaries.

Eren, the director of the Ministry of Commerce, and Abigail, the director of the Ministry of Finance, even flattered them repeatedly, sending more than a dozen auspicious words without money.

Lin Yuanfeng and Laxidin looked at each other and found that the other’s face was ugly, but right now everyone is beaming, and the master is also in high spirits, so it’s not good to pour cold water to avoid public anger

“Okay! It’s enough to say a few nice words. Instead of flattering me here, why don’t I go down and do my job well!”

Lin Feng pressed his hands together, and everyone stopped flattering and discussing.

“The person in charge of the science laboratory, Delan von Braun, will stay here for a while, and the others will go to the Linde Hall to wait for a while, and hold a small banquet later to celebrate the birth of the master’s first child,

“Thank you, master, for the banquet, and my subordinates will take their leave first.”

Everyone—after saluting, they left and went to Linde Hall.

Derain von Braun didn’t know why the master left him, and he felt a little anxious in his heart.

“De Lan, how’s the interstate ballistic missile research going?”

Lin Feng asked straight to the point. In fact, his Telepathy had already got the answer from Delan’s mind.

However, although he secretly imprinted his ideological stamp on the scientists in the science laboratory, he didn’t want to reveal his telepathy and mind control abilities in front of these people, lest these smart people think too much and delay the progress of scientific research.

The interstate ballistic missile research project is a new research project established in 1908 after the successful research of short-range missiles and medium-range missiles. In the past five years, countless money has been consumed, but there is no good news.

After hesitating for a while, De Lan decided to tell the truth.

“At present, there are still problems, that is, the terminal cannot be accurately guided, and the accuracy of terrain matching guidance is not high enough, and the error is more than 400 meters.”

“Laser guidance technology is immature, and it cannot be used to guide intercontinental missiles after reentry into the atmosphere.”

Lin Feng took out the blueprint of the communication satellite, handed it to him and said.

“You only mentioned the issue of terminal guidance, so it should be no problem for missiles to break through the atmosphere and enter space. After reading this information, the research lab will temporarily put down other projects and focus on this technology.”

“I need you guys to build this satellite, use interstate ballistic missile technology to modify the rocket, put it into low earth orbit, can you do it?”

De Lan took the information and flipped through a few pages, his expression changed from concentration to madness, and his face was flushed with admiration.

“It’s really an epoch-making technology. The person who invented this communication satellite has mastered more knowledge than me for 20 years. If you give him to me, I will definitely develop a navigation satellite, and the terminal guidance problem of intercontinental missiles will be easily solved.”

Lin Feng touched his nose and remained silent without speaking.

The blueprints are given by the system, master, where can I get you the person who invented the communication satellite?

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Delan thought he was touching on a confidential issue, so he quickly shut up and continued to look at the design drawings.

The longer I work in the Lin family, the more I understand that knowing too much is really not a good thing.

This huge family involves a lot of secret research. I heard that there is a life science laboratory in it, which is studying the subject of immortality, which is simply too crazy.

Lin Feng knew that he had misunderstood, but he didn’t explain, but asked again.

“Delan, you haven’t answered me, is there any problem with the current technology to build this satellite and put it in low earth orbit?”

After thinking for a while, De Lan nodded confidently.

“There is no problem, sir, don’t worry, I will guarantee that the satellite will be launched within this year!”

It is not difficult to transform interstate ballistic missiles into rockets, and the technology of building satellites is not too difficult for Lin’s scientific research laboratory. It can be done within one year.

Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction, and brought him to the Linde Hall, drinking happily with everyone.


“Bei Xuan, what’s the matter?”

“It’s like this. Mrs. Martha is about to give birth. Shall we start preparing invitation cards? And tell the officials of the Dominion to issue special decree No. 2 immediately after your 400th son is born?”

“Well, you can do it, master, I will go to Qingluan Palace first.”

Lin Feng put down the documents in his hand, and recently stared at the progress of the scientific research room, almost forgetting such an important matter.

His 400th son is about to be born, and the dog system does not know how many good things will be rewarded!

Lin Beixuan looked at the master who disappeared in the blink of an eye, shook his head and hurriedly sent an order to the Zongli Mansion of the Dominion, and at the same time arranged for his subordinates to send invitations to all parts of Ghana, inviting local dignitaries and business partners of the Lin family business.

“What? The viscount’s 400th son is about to be born? Is this true?”

“Don’t be merry again, come on

The first time I said it was going to give birth, but I waited for more than half a month in vain. ”

“It’s different this time. The news was sent from the Viscount’s mansion to Zongli’s mansion. There is absolutely no mistake.”

In Edmond City, there are well-informed people discussing with relatives and friends in surprise.

“Not long ago, my nephew who worked in Zongli’s mansion said that Mr. Viscount’s No. 2 special decree has been sent to Zongli’s desk.”

“You said that if the 400th son of the Viscount is not about to be born, what else can the Viscount issue a special decree?”

“Hey, that’s really possible! But didn’t the Viscount say that he was old and sick? Why are there more and more children, and last month, he took in 25 new concubines!”

“You don’t know that. It’s a long story. I heard from my grandfather that since he was young, Lord Viscount has sent many people to find the treasure that prolongs life.

Let the adults find it, maybe. ”

Lord Viscount’s 400th son is about to be born!

The news was like a storm, but within a few hours, it swept through the entire city of Edmond, and the news was also received in all parts of Ghana, and the people fell into ecstasy and excitement,

I am a hundred times happier than having a baby by myself.

After all, having a child by yourself means increased family expenses, but the birth of the Viscount’s 400th son will bring a lot of tax reduction and tax exemption policies, which can save a lot of money.

“I’ve been pregnant for a year and a half, will I finally be born today?”

“Yeah, those who have been waiting are anxious, but it can be regarded as the end of their expectations.”

“It would be great if Lord Viscount could live forever. I’m really afraid that there will be no preferential policies from special laws in the future!”

In Edmond City, countless people who heard the news were overjoyed, but there were also many people who were worried, thinking that Lord Viscount was getting old after all, maybe the 40th

0 child is the last chance to enjoy the special decree discount.

Lin Feng was ignorant of all the turmoil from the outside world. He was pacing back and forth at the entrance of the main hall of Qingluan Palace.

“It’s been an hour, the cervix has opened early, why haven’t you given birth yet?”

With hundreds of children, even if he doesn’t usually pay attention, he knows that in the current situation, it will be a sign of difficult labor for a Common woman.

But Martha also practiced the Xuannv Yulong Jue, so there shouldn’t be any dystocia, maybe this child is special.

While Lin Feng was a little restless, the female doctors in the main hall directed the maids to disinfect the surgical instruments and the environment in the hall, and prepare for the caesarean section.

Several concubines who have a good relationship with Martha and have many birth experiences gather around the bed to cheer for the good sisters.

“Use a little force!”

“Good sister, try harder!”

“I see the baby’s little feet!”

“Hurry up, the calf is coming out!”

“The body is also out, work harder!

“Don’t relax, hurry up, hurry up!”

Encouraged by her sisters, Martha persisted and did not let the doctor start the operation.

After another half an hour, the eyes of the female doctors lit up.


“It’s a young master, come out!”

The concubines around the bed were extremely surprised and shouted excitedly.

“Come out! Really come out!”

“Why doesn’t this child cry? There won’t be any problem, right?”

“Look, doctor, what’s going on here?”

The female doctors were also very strange. First, they skillfully cut the umbilical cord and looked at the blood-stained baby.

I saw that child opened his big round eyes just after he was born, and was looking at the people and the environment curiously. If it weren’t for the innocence in his eyes, everyone would think it was evil.


The oldest female doctor was a woman in her forties who frowned and slapped his little butt twice.

“Whoa whoa!”

The little baby was beaten and forced, and burst into tears.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and hurriedly carried him to wash off the dirt in warm water, and wrapped him tightly.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Lin Feng’s mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host concubine Martha for giving birth to a son, and get rewards: smartphone design blueprint*1; congenital fire date*1; classic animation collection*1; Lego building blocks*10


Congenital jujube?

This is a very rare reward, if Lin Feng remembers correctly, it is the treasure of Daoist Taiyi. After giving it to Nezha, he swallowed it with fine wine and cultivated into a three-headed and six-armed dharma body.

The reward for the birth of a child alone is such a high level, and he is looking forward to the achievement reward for the 400th child even more.

Why can’t it be lower than this reward?

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