People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 91

Chapter 91 Super Reward For 500 Births! Sun God Body Lin Anyu!

Since forming an alliance with the Inhumans, Lin Feng seldom worries about other mundane matters.

Most of the family affairs are handed over to the housekeeper Lin Beixuan, and the factories and companies opened in various countries are also handed over to the adult children to manage.

More and more concubines are pregnant, and Lin Feng dotes on them very much, chatting with them every day to relieve their boredom, and their lives are ordinary and happy.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed, and several little loves are about to give birth.

Catherine, who lives in Fengyi Palace, recently had signs of childbirth. The female doctor in charge of nursing was a little cautious when she reported it. She said with trepidation that with Catherine’s body shape, she might be twins or even triplets.

Lin Feng was very happy to hear that, he had many twins, but triplets hadn’t appeared yet.

If Catherine really gave birth to triplets, it would be a double blessing.

The reward for twins is usually several times the reward for the birth of a Common child. For triplets, it must not be several times the reward for twins. In addition, he now has 497 offspring, and the number of offspring just reached 500 after the birth of the triplets. The reward of the system cannot Explosion!

As one of the concubines who have been with Lin Feng for the longest time, Catherine’s Xuannv Yulong Jue practiced to the golden core level, and the delivery process was unbelievably smooth, almost as soon as the amniotic fluid broke, the baby was crying in the delivery room.

Within a few minutes, another child was born, and a baby crying duet came from the room.

When Lin Feng was about to check the rewards of the two children, the female doctor ran out nervously.

“Master’s third child is relatively big, and may need surgery to assist in the delivery. Do you think we should perform the operation now?”


With the cultivation base of Catherine’s golden core, she can already control the changes of the body’s musculoskeletal muscles, so how big is the child’s size?

“You go to the doctor with the most experience in other palace operations to perform the operation on Catherine together, and make sure the child is safe!”

He didn’t worry about Catherine’s safety, a master immortal cultivator at the golden core level, she wouldn’t endanger her life because of dystocia.

The female doctor nodded and turned back to the main hall. After she made a few phone calls, three older female doctors came from another palace, and they entered the main hall together for surgery.

An hour later, there was a third cry of a baby in the delivery room. This sound was so loud that it overwhelmed the duet of the previous two children.

At this moment, the sun in the sky suddenly became brighter, and the beam of gold shrouded the delivery room.

“Natural vision, the birth of these 500 sons is extraordinary, is it another natural and sacred Constitution?”

Lin Feng guessed in his heart, pushed open the door of the main hall and walked in.

As soon as I entered the delivery room, I saw female doctors kneeling on the ground, and the last born child was radiating golden light, squinting and floating in mid-air.

On his forehead, between the brows, there is a symbol of a Gold sun. When he sees that symbol, he suddenly feels sacred and transcendent, as if seeing a god descending into the world.

No wonder these female doctors were kneeling on the ground, prostrating and worshiping piously, not daring to raise their heads.

Lin Feng took a few steps forward and hugged the child. There was not even a trace of mucus or blood on his body. As expected, the child born with a vision is not stained with any filth.

The system prompt sounded in his mind, which also confirmed the difference in this child.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host’s concubine Catherine for giving birth to triplets, the third child of which is the sun god body. The double reward is being recalculated. 】

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the birth reward of triplets, controllable nuclear fusion reactor information 1: nanomaterial production process information on the Chaos Monument in the universe and the construction blueprint of the space fortress Damage Dan*1000: Heavenly Spirit Pill*1000: Diameter+2: Appearance+5]

[Ding! The system has reached the upgrade conditions, 500 sub-achievement rewards will be issued after the upgrade, please wait patiently for the host!】

Hearing a series of rewards, Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile, and he didn’t care about the postponement of the 500 achievement rewards due to the system upgrade.

This time the dog system was rare and generous and gave 10 rewards, which was higher than the previous 400 rewards.

Old Rules first received the rewards of +2 diameter and +5 appearance. He only felt that the volume of the key parts swelled a little, and warm currents surged on his face, which was absorbed after a few seconds.

The value of controllable nuclear fusion reactor information is self-evident. Before he traveled, countries in the world had not yet achieved normal use of nuclear fusion reactors. HL-2M only achieved a plasma electric current ability of more than 2.5 megaamperes.

With these materials, the Lin family can not only immediately develop the second-generation nuclear hydrogen bomb, but also start the era of clean energy ahead of schedule and dominate the global new energy market.

Coupled with the blueprints for the construction of Battlestar, tsk tsk, the countdown to the interstellar age is already possible, and even if the earth blows up by then, he can still take his family to the sea of ​​stars.

With the size of Battlestar Space, which is large enough to accommodate an international metropolis, and the complete man-made ecosystem system on it, it can easily feed millions of people.

The value of the manufacturing process of nanometer is also very high, and the application prospect is very broad, such as nanoelectronic equipment, medical and health drugs, aerospace materials and space exploration equipment, environmental cleaning technology, resource reorganization and energy storage, biotechnology and so on.

However, what Lin Feng is most interested in is the cosmic chaos tablet and the method of heart refinement, especially the cosmic chaos tablet reminds him of Luo, who has the same name as himself.

Each Chaos stele records a large number of mysterious patterns of cosmic law, any of which leads directly to the most peak avenue. If you understand a Chaos stele, then becoming the strongest in the universe will not be a problem.

Definitely that refers to the world of someone in Luo. In the Marvel world, even if a small universe of 1 billion light years is bred, the strength can at most touch the threshold of the multi-universe, but it is still very good to use it as a reference to improve the small universe in his body.

There are eleven mysterious and esoteric pictures engraved on the cosmic Chaos stele. The first picture shows nine meteors running along nine wonderful trajectories in the deep space of the universe, containing the basic mysteries of space and time law.

On the second picture, dozens of stars are scattered in the deep space of the universe. If you look closely, there are thirty-six stars. They follow certain regular trajectories, forming a dynamic star map, which contains the previous time. In addition to the nine mysteries of space and time, there are twenty-seven more profound mysteries of time and space.

In the third picture, hundreds of stars form different Fixed Star systems, each orbiting in the universe with unique trajectories, and orbiting around unknown points with each other. It seems that the entire starry sky is constantly moving. Rotating, this picture contains the mysteries of the previous two pictures and the more profound seventy-two kinds of mysteries.

The tenth picture is an extremely condensed spot of light, as if it will explode in the next moment, bursting out with the energy to create the universe.

The eleventh picture is an ever-expanding universe, where planets, galaxies, nebulae, galaxy groups, and supergalaxy groups are condensed and formed, expanding at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

Lin Feng observed the cosmic Chaos stele in the system space, only the first picture could barely see three points of mystery, and he was confused from the second picture.

He understands that this is because he has never been exposed to law-like exercises before, and his own level is too low and he has too little understanding. He can see the mystery of the first picture. For the sake of familiarity.

“I have accumulated a lot of tea leaves from the ancient tea tree of Wudao. With its help, I believe I will be able to understand the mysteries of the Chaos monument in the universe, and understand the law of time and space.”

Lin Feng thought about it, and continued to read the introduction of the method of heart training.

The method of heart refinement is the foundational method of the Chongxuan sect. It can not only cultivate your own fire of heart flame, but also refine weapons with the fire of heart flame. It can also quickly restore true energy in battle, so you are not afraid of the enemy’s protracted battle. , The explosive power is also extremely powerful.

Good guy, the rewards of this dog thing in the system are really all-encompassing, from martial arts to cultivating immortals, and now they also give cultivation methods and law cultivation treasures.

Is this trying to make myself a hexagonal Warrior?

Shaking his head, Lin Feng continued to look at the pill reward.

The Ji Mie Pill is used when crossing the catastrophe. With this pill, it is equivalent to the help of two masters of the same level, and the success rate of surviving the catastrophe will increase in a straight line.

Li Fan Pill is a healing elixir, as long as a seriously injured person still has a breath, he will be brought back to life immediately after taking it, so it is also known as the life-killing pill, which means to take life from the hands of the king of hell

The effect of the Tianling Pill is extraordinary, it is a panacea to enhance wisdom, such as those who are mentally retarded, can open up their minds and become smarter.

After counting all the rewards, Lin Feng was very satisfied, wrapped the child and put it beside Catherine.

After comparing the three children together, the third child who was born later was a circle older than his two older sisters. No wonder he needed an operation to be born smoothly.

“Catherine, look, this is the brat who tormented you just now. When he grows up, I will beat him up hard to vent my anger on you.”

Lin Feng first used the healing ability to heal Catherine’s incision, and at the same time recovered a lot of physical strength and skills she had consumed. He pointed to the son of the sun god and said with a smile.

Catherine gave him a blank look, sat up and hugged the three children one by one.

“Master, you haven’t named the child yet? I want to have the same good name as Maria’s child, and I must have the name or character of the sage of Daxia.”

Lin Feng looked at the three children with some headaches. There are many historical celebrities in Daxia, and there are really not too many who can be called sages.

After pondering for a while, he hugged the boss and said.

“You were born weaker than your younger brother. Let’s call it Lin An Dan. I also took my original name as Li Dan. I hope you can live a long and healthy life.”

After putting down the eldest child, he picked up the second child. This girl is more lively than her elder sister.

“The second girl is lively and active, and she looks smart, so I’ll call her Lin An Zhai. I hope you will be a scientist and inventor like Mo Zi.”

When it was the third child’s turn, Lin Feng thought about it for a long time. The sun god body, who was born with a vision, might not be able to be restrained by an ordinary name.

“The third child is extraordinary, he will do great things with me to protect Mutant from now on, let’s call him Lin Anyu.

While he was holding his 3 children, GEM scanned their Constitution.

Lin An’s martial arts roots are good, but he doesn’t have the mutant Ability; Lin An’s martial arts roots are average, with huge amounts of energy hidden in his body, sometimes supple and sometimes strong.

Lin Anyu is the most special one. Not only is he excellent in martial arts, but when gravitational electromagnetics is scanned in his body, small and blazing white flames emerge from his small body, “Zi La Ri Sheng Bao was vaporized by the flames.


After the blazing flame appeared, it seemed that even the space couldn’t bear it, and there was a crisp sound like glass breaking.

Lin Feng rubbed his burned red palms and arms, and looked at him inexplicably surprised.

This child had Awakening mutant ability just after he was born, and it was still a flame ability that was very suitable for his constitution. Judging from the destructive power of the flame, it seemed to be very powerful.

Even his strong and tempered body, when he was not prepared, was reddened by the flames and had a burning feeling.

“Stinky boy is the same as your big brother Anhe, I hope he won’t be as naughty as Anhe when he grows up!”

Lin Feng poked his little cheek with a smile. Unexpectedly, Lin Anyu didn’t give his father any face at all. When the bird moved, the water column shot up into the sky. If it wasn’t for subconsciously blocking it with zhenqi, he almost peed on his father’s face.

“My lord, don’t

If you don’t tease the children any more, you’ll burn a blanket, so you’re not afraid that he will burn this palace down!”

Catherine glared at him, seeing that the flames on Lin Anyu’s body disappeared, she snatched the child from his hand and handed it to the female doctor to scrub the body.

After the two laughed and quarreled for a while, Lin Feng left Fengyi Palace. At the moment, there were more than a dozen concubines in the palaces of Daming Palace who were about to give birth.

He can’t patronize Catherine, he also has to visit other concubines who gave birth, a bowl of water must be level!

During this day, the concubines of various palaces gave birth to 21 offspring, and the children were all healthy and lovely.

When they heard that Catherine had given birth to their 500th child, the other concubines were a little disappointed, but under the comfort of Lin Feng, they all looked forward to the next pregnancy and childbirth, hoping to catch up with the whole year.

The name of the hundred sons.

Li Hanyi, the concubine of Qingluan Palace, is more than the top and the bottom is more than the bottom. Her child is the 510th child. She didn’t rank in the top 100 but ranked in the top ten, which is better than the Common child.

Compared with Catherine, who had triplets, giving birth was difficult, her delivery went smoothly, and the baby was born safely in just over an hour.

The rewards of the system are not bad, anti-satellite missile design drawing *1; artificial intelligence red queen *1; iron-blooded stealth armor *10; physical strength +1; PS4 *100.

After Lin Feng received the attribute rewards, all other rewards were sent to Lin’s Science and Technology Research Office, allowing scientists to study the principles of these technologies and improve their scientific theory level.

In the morning of the next day, no more children were born. The female doctors, who had been busy all day and night, could finally take off their white coats and go back to their rooms to have a good rest.


The meeting of the Lin family was held as usual, and the leaders of Shenwuwei, Foxhunting Corps, Jade Bird, Special Affairs Management Department and other agencies rushed to Ghana University, and none of the Advanced officials were left behind.

turn up.

Lin Feng sat on the head energetically, with a sharp look in his eyes.

Everyone bowed in unison and saluted loudly.

“I have seen the master, because the master!”

“I have met my father, congratulations to my father!”

The housekeeper Lin Beixuan took a red leather paper, handed it to the master, and stood with hands tied.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, raised his hand, and said loudly.

“Everyone, get up, don’t be too polite, An Guo, take the lead, don’t be so reserved!”

Seeing Zongli Lin Anguo get up and take his seat, everyone followed him and took their seats.

Slowly pulling away the red leather paper, Lin Feng continued.

“You should all know that my 500th son was born yesterday, sir, and 21 heirs were born on the same day. You are all old people who have worked for the Lin family for many years. You should

Understand the purpose of my calling everyone. ”

“Every time a hundred children are born, my lord, I will have fun with the people. The special decree this time is different from the previous ones. In the next three years, all walks of life in Ghana can enjoy tax exemption and reduction.

Tax policy, the preferential rate of the policy still follows the precedent. ”

After more than a year, there was another preferential tax exemption and tax reduction. After hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

Lin Jiahao, the new chief financial officer, froze for a moment, and made a bitter face with the director of the tax department, Rashidin, and dared not spoil the master’s elegance.

“I know that this will strain the Ghanaian government’s budget, so the new tax reform has to be put on the agenda. Individuals and companies with an annual income of more than 20 million pounds will be taxed at the original tax rate.

The tax rate is increased by 50% on the basis of this tax rate, which is used to make up for the fiscal deficit caused by preferential policies. ”

After Lin Feng finished speaking, Lin Jiahao and Laxidin laughed, and Eren, the director of the Ministry of Commerce, almost cried.

After the promulgation of this policy, it is conceivable that a lot of international hot money will flee Ghana, and many large foreign companies will choose to leave, and the performance of the Ministry of Commerce will definitely drop significantly.

“Master is wise, that’s exactly what it should be!”

“This is really great news. The influx of hot money has disrupted the normal operation of the financial system and exacerbated the inflationary pressure in Ghana.” I just want to advise my father to do this


“The master really loves the people like a son. It is a blessing to have a master in Ghana. The people are really blessed.”

Lin Feng pressed his hands together, and everyone stopped flattering and discussing.

“Let’s all go to Linde Hall, my lord, I’m throwing a wedding banquet today to celebrate the birth of your heir as a reward for you, don’t let anyone get lost.

“Thank you for the feast, Master Hail!”

Everyone – After saluting, they left the Hall of Martial Arts and went to the Hall of Linde.

After the banquet officially started, the homeowner had a great time.

This is exactly Lin Feng’s purpose. Appropriately showing favor can make them work more attentively. .

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