Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 56: Betrayal

Wang Yue's pupils widened in shock as he realized that all their actions had been under the watchful eyes of the Immortal King.

“The lord intended to give you a chance for redemption, but you failed to seize it. Instead, you connected with the Wang Family of the celestial realm. In the face of this revelation, the first to be eradicated must be your lineage,” Sun Yang declared.

Wang Yue recalled the previous events in his mind. He had originally been invited to the South Sea Purple Bamboo Forest for the gathering of prodigies. After Wang Heng, riding in a chariot drawn by nine-headed heavenly steeds, departed, Wang Yue followed in his own carriage.

As fate would have it, he encountered people from the celestial Wang Family halfway and ultimately never reached his destination.

Soon after, the leadership of his lineage engaged in secret discussions with the celestial Wang Family, discussing unknown matters.

To his dismay, all this was observed by Sun Yang.

At this moment, Wang Yue despaired, knowing he was doomed with no chance of salvation.


He spat out a mouthful of black blood, his abdomen collapsing. The ancient cosmic seed within him, once full, was now completely devoured by black curse symbols, shriveling into emptiness.

“What a pity for a perfect ancient seed—it was intended as an opportunity for your lineage. Alas, how sad and lamentable,” Sun Yang sighed at the sight, shaking his head.

Wang Yue was in too much pain to speak, tears and mucus streaming down his face, his breath weak as though he were on the verge of death.

In this moment, he deeply regretted not heeding the words of the Immortal King. Ever since Wang Heng descended into the world, the collateral branches of the family began to change. At that time, the Wang Family's Immortal King had sensed something amiss and issued warnings.

However, the higher-ups of their lineage paid no attention to these warnings, indirectly leading to the calamity of today.

Even without this terrifying curse, they might have met their end at Sun Yang's hands.

Soon, Wang Yue's breath ceased. Like his clan members, he turned into a mass of human-shaped ashes.

Thus, all living creatures of the collateral branch perished under the eerie curse.

Sun Yang silently observed the tragic scene, saying nothing. If it weren't for his high regard for this young being, he would never have said so much. Now, with the dust settled, there was no remedy for regret.


Within the Chaotic Secret Ground, where the Immortal Vine took root,

Wang Heng was still struggling, using every means to fend off the curse's power.

Even the Supreme Soul Seed he had integrated into his body was forced out to block the disaster, prolonging his life.

Not far away, only a small portion of the Immortal Vine remained uncorroded; its demise was already a foregone conclusion.

Suddenly, the dying Immortal Vine spoke to the void, its tone unusually calm.

“Since you're here, why hide?” The voice resonated as a robust figure emerged from the void, stepping before the Immortal Vine.

It was none other than Sun Yang, the quasi-Immortal King who had just confirmed the complete eradication of the collateral branch.

Having completed the King’s bidding, he had rushed to the Immortal Vine's origin. Yet, for some unknown reason, he concealed his presence until the Immortal Vine exposed him, forcing him to reveal himself.

“How are you, my friend?” Sun Yang inquired nonchalantly, showing no hint of embarrassment, facing the Immortal Vine.

“On the brink of demise, my friend, why the needless question?” replied the Immortal Vine, remaining calm as if knowing Sun Yang’s true intentions.

“You're here for the Chaos Gourd, aren't you? I've given it to this child, bonded it with his blood. It’s entirely his now.”

“You've misunderstood, my friend. As the Wang family’s foremost warrior, I would never commit such a heinous act.

Just moments ago, I was fulfilling the Immortal King’s command, witnessing the extinction of the collateral branch,” Sun Yang shook his head, denying any malicious intent.

“Sun Yang, you're a smart man, no need for pretense. The Immortal King hasn’t returned yet. What are you afraid of?”

"When Master Immortal King and I subdued you back then, we foresaw the possibility of such a day. However, human plans often fail to match the whims of fate. Who would have thought the Master would fall victim to a curse from an otherworldly realm, erupting with his blood as the medium?"

The Chaos Immortal Vine spoke with such unnerving calm, tranquil enough to arouse suspicion.

Sun Yang naturally did not genuinely entertain such thoughts.

An Immortal King of unparalleled stature, even if severely injured beside the border and faced with mortal danger, could not be easily challenged by someone like him, merely a quasi-Immortal King.

At this moment, a single misstep would mean annihilation and burial at the very least.

"You jest, fellow Daoist. Back then, had I not joined the Wang family, assisted by Master Immortal King, I would have never achieved today’s accomplishments. How could I repay such kindness with betrayal?

Everything I have done is merely to survive.

If fellow Daoist Chaos Immortal Vine were unharmed, I, Sun Yang, would never think of leaving the Wang family. With you present, even if something were to happen to the Master, he could be assured in entrusting his legacy to you. I would support you.

However, if you were to fall, the Master would surely not trust his descendants to me.

What should become of someone like me, a quasi-Immortal King fully informed of the Wang family's affairs and details about the young prince? The Master wouldn’t leave such a clear threat and risk for the young lord, would he?

As for the Master’s safety... I believe if he were safe and sound, he would never have allowed the curse to proliferate in his bloodline, endangering his offspring."

The Chaos Immortal Vine sighed.

The other's words were indeed true. The Wang family, being a clan of the Immortal King, had numerous enemies. When the Immortal King of the clan fell and needed to entrust his heir to another, it was essential to find someone trustworthy. Otherwise, it would only harm Wang Heng.

Obviously, Sun Yang was not among those trusted.

In such a case, the best solution for the Wang family’s Celestial King was to eradicate all risks and eliminate the enemies altogether.

"So, what are you planning to do? I've already sent Wang Mian to invite the Immortal King. You don't have much time," the Chaos Immortal Vine inquired.

Sun Yang’s eyes flickered as he glanced at Wang Heng, who was mostly covered by dark symbols, and then at the Chaos Immortal Vine, whose flames of life were nearing extinction. He felt a sense of conflict and hesitation within.

Ultimately, reason prevailed over desire. The formidable presence of Wang Heng's father had left an indelible impression deep in his heart, making him reluctant to take any excessive actions, fearing it might cost him his life.

"Your misunderstandings about me run too deep. Sun Yang is not that kind of person. Farewell for now; we shall meet again if fate allows," Sun Yang announced with a clasp of his hands, turning away resolutely without looking back. He needed to escape before the Immortal King arrived; otherwise, it would be too late.

Watching Sun Yang depart, the Chaos Immortal Vine let out a sigh of relief. Part of the reason it stayed behind while the Immortal King went to the frontier was to deter Sun Yang, thinking that with it holding the fort, the Wang family wouldn't suffer even if something were to happen to the Immortal King.

Who would have thought that the otherworldly forces would be so malicious, launching such a terrifying curse? Despite all calculations, this outcome was unforeseen.

Luckily, Sun Yang feared the might of the Immortal King and did not act recklessly, avoiding a grave mistake.

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