Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 64: Under the Name of Peace

Already, the news has spread and there is no going back now; spilled water cannot be gathered again.

At present, what he needs to consider is the future of the Wang family, and the future of his own offspring.

The dark curse has only been temporarily suppressed, and there's no telling when it might erupt and backfire with more ferocity than before. His severe injuries make it uncertain whether he can withstand such a backlash. It can be said that his situation is very precarious, teetering on the edge of calamity.

The five Immortal Kings spoke of Endless and Reincarnation before they left, but Wang Geng did not hold any hope in their words. He knew that, involving ancient artifacts of origin, even the two great overlords—should they arrive—might not be able to resolve the curse. Everything depended on him.

Now, his staunch allies—the immortal vines—have fallen, succumbing to the dark curse, and the collateral branch of several True Immortals has turned to ashes. The First Battle General, out of fear of being purged, chose to defect and was taken away by an immortal king-level being to cover the causal links and disappeared without a trace.

This might have been the work of his enemies, or perhaps beings interested in the Chaos Pacifying Art and the resources of the Immortal King family. In totality, the Wang family’s current situation could be described as fraught with danger.

Faced with the choice between forcibly holding up the Immortal King family to buy Wang Heng time to grow or allowing the Wang family to fall into history, he chose the latter—dispatching the family's nurtured mounts serves as a good testament to his decision.

Because the dark curse is an uncertain factor, he doesn’t know if he can withstand the backlash. If he chooses the former plan, and he meets with an accident, the collapse of the Wang family will pose a real threat to Wang Heng.

It is better to let this mighty family disintegrate directly, while he withdraws, hides in the shadows, and takes advantage of his remaining time before he falls, watching for those who dare not to see what is in front of them, clearing a path for Wang Heng in advance.

Acting from the shadows always offers more initiative than acting openly.

A powerful Immortal King hiding in the dark is definitely more intimidating than one out in the open.

As for the Wang family, as long as he and Wang Heng are alive, the Wang family of the ancient world has not truly fallen; there always remains hope for resurgence.


At the same time, across all thirty-three heavens of the primitive ancient realms, the exploits of the Wang Family’s Immortal King, who showcased divine prowess, vanquished the Immortal Emperor, repelled the foreign armies, and quelled the ten directions of turmoil, spread like a violent storm.

Previously, those who were worried sick about the border situation have now completely set aside their anxieties upon hearing this news, and everywhere, people are praising the invincible might and monumental achievements of the Wang Family’s Immortal King.

Whether it be the impassioned, young talents brimming with youthful enthusiasm, or the seasoned old supremes who joined the Tao long ago, or even the True Immortals, and quasi-Immortal Kings who have wandered the immortal domains for countless ages, all share in the glory of this moment.

This is a battle concerning an entire realm, a matter of honor, belief, and morale for its living beings; it is of paramount importance. Wang Geng's decisive intervention in such a battle to achieve magnificent victory naturally attracts the attention of the entire realm.

"That was an Immortal Emperor, an entity that has lived through infinite ages, gazing down from above, overseeing the rise and fall of epochs, the cycles of great eras, always undying—yet it was slain by our realm's Immortal King, blood spattered across the border, genuinely stirring one's blood!"

"It is unimaginable how shocking the scenes on the battlefield at the border must have been, a primordial sword of the soul emerging to annihilate the foe, quelling the chaos of the ten directions."

“In this battle, the alien realm not only lost an Immortal King, but also two quasi-Immortal Kings and several immortals; even more Immortal Kings were severely wounded, staining the battlefield with their blood.

They almost all perished under the Supreme Soul Sword Technique. From its inception, this unparalleled technique was destined to achieve a grand victory, as if born to quell chaos.

Rather than calling it the Supreme Soul Sword Technique, it would be more fitting to name it the Quelling Chaos Technique.”

In the primordial ancient realm, a quasi-Immortal King marveled, letting his voice spread across his dominion without concealment.

Soon, the name “Quelling Chaos Technique” spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the Thirty-Three Heavens.

The renown of this supreme sword technique reached unprecedented heights, sweeping across the vast ancient realm and endless beings. Everyone who heard of its feats was invariably amazed. Its fame far surpassed the two other parallel sword techniques, rising like a brilliant sun.

Countless beings yearned for such a sword technique. After all, the legend of one person and one sword defeating ten directions of enemies and driving an entire army out of the frontier is an invincible myth every cultivator dreams of.

Even the Immortal Kings of the ancient realm gave it high praise, lauding Wang Geng's formidable prowess.

In the alien realm, at the border, a massive army slowly retreated. Their steps were unified, their training evident, each one radiating murderous intent. Although a trace of lingering fear could be seen in their eyes, they did not fall into disarray.

This time, the alien realm gathered over a dozen Immortal Kings to launch a probing attack on the primordial ancient realm, expecting a victory as before, allowing their army to advance unhindered and annihilate the ancient realm.

Who knew that a powerful figure would emerge halfway, wielding an invincible method and a black sword embryo, slaughtering in all directions.

An Immortal King, two quasi-Immortal Kings, and many other immortals perished under this technique. The reason was they crossed the border and entered the ancient realm.

To that powerful figure, the border appeared to be a forbidden line—any who crossed it would meet their end by the sword.

Being driven back by a single being, this outcome left every being from the alien realm feeling involuntarily dejected and disheartened.

However, they remained confident, knowing the oldest supreme beings of the alien realm had yet to act. They believed that once these forbidden beings stepped forth, even the powerful figure with the black sword embryo would struggle to withstand their army's advance.

“The army morale seems a bit low,” a robust being spoke. Standing like an ancient demon mountain, his entire body was covered in symbols, exuding the aura of an Immortal King.

“We cannot allow the mood of despondency to spread; we must reinvigorate morale,” said another Immortal King beside him.

“Let me handle it.”

Amidst the shadowy figures that loomed like demonic gods, a singular being stepped forward. His name was Yutuo, an ancient and supreme existence, whose name had long become a taboo in the alien domain.

This moment, Yutuo stood before the great army, his towering figure like a monumental stele, instantly invigorating the spirit and morale of the alien beings.

He was an immensely powerful Immortal King, with a glorious battle record. Having led the alien forces in the bloody conquest of several ancient realms, his prestige was unmatched. Many beings would fall into a fervor just at the sight of him.

“This was merely a test of waters. Its failure was within our expectations. Although the strength of this realm does not surpass ours, it is by no means weak, with several undefeated beings holding the line, and a considerable number of Immortal Kings. It’s unrealistic to expect a decisive victory in one strike."

"Moreover, the being who wielded the Yuan Soul Sword Fetus was indeed an invincible one.

Yes, our own Immortal King has fallen, his body now lies in that realm. But he did not die in vain. He took the life of that invincible being in exchange. It won’t be long before we hear of the Sword Fetus' master's demise, so there's no need to be discouraged.

When the most ancient existences of our realm emerge from seclusion, that will be the moment for our full assault. Until then, we must rest and recover, quietly awaiting that day’s arrival.” Yutuo’s voice was ancient and hoarse, carrying a magical force that could rally the heart and massively boost morale.

Sure enough, after he spoke, the once despondent and low-spirited alien army's mood soared high, with all beings shouting in unison "Immortal King,” a majestic force that shattered clouds across all directions, giving no semblance of a recently defeated army.

Seeing this, the Immortal Kings nodded appreciatively in secret.

“That Immortal King Wang was hit by the Origin Ancient Weapon's blood curse and severely injured by several of us. He surely won't survive, right?

Throughout history, those cursed have met their end with no resting place, even a giant couldn’t escape such fate. Yet, I can't shake this feeling of unease; could there be a variance this time?”

"You worry too much, my Dao brother, we all know the terror of the Origin Blood Curse. It has claimed the lives of several invincible Immortal Kings.

After all, the technique is too formidable, possessing the power to instantly kill an Immortal King, a force even we find hard to confront.

Luckily, that clan is nearing extinction, and the Yuan Soul Sword Fetus will soon be a relic of history.” From within a well-marked war chariot came the voice of a youthful being, not at all aged, like a young man in his golden years speaking.

In front of the chariot, an old ox served as the beast of burden, possessing an eternal Dao practice, yet willingly drawing a chariot for a being, without the slightest reluctance, taking pride in it. With each step, the bells hanging on it chimed clearly, reaching the ears of every living being.

When the distant alien army gazed upon this chariot, their faces reflected devoutness and reverence, some fanatics even seeing it as a symbol of faith.

The supreme being seated within the chariot was named Anlan, like Yutuo, a taboo existence in the vast world of the alien domain. If someone dared mention their honored names, their weapon's phenomena would appear in the void, such is the power of true names, so formidable it sends chills down one's spine.

Anlan’s answer brought much reassurance to the Immortal King who had felt uneasy.

Indeed, the Origin Blood Curse has never failed, it has even felled dynastic giants, so why worry that the foe might survive?

“That person's influence in our realm has surely become known to all. However, this could serve as encouragement for them to move forward," lamented an Immortal King.


At the borderlands, within the Primal Imperial City, a towering aura of blood flooded the void, painting the sky in hues of color.

The rules of the great Dao were thrown into disorder, with innumerable sword and spear marks scarring the walls, alongside dense trails of blood.

Just moments ago, a cataclysmic battle had unfolded here; the army from the alien realm had charged into the city, slaughtering every living being that remained. Among them were quasi-Immortal Kings and True Immortals who hailed from the borderland tribes, whose ancestral lands were here. Their ancestors had long guarded this city, defending against invaders from the alien realm.

Throughout the long ages, the Primal Imperial City had been breached several times, yet each time it was reclaimed.

However, this battle cost dearly for the borderland tribes; the entire garrison stationed in the imperial city was wiped out, and countless reinforcements perished or were injured.

Were it not for the intervention of the Wang Family Immortal King, who fought fiercely and turned the tide, repelling the alien realm's forces, who knows how many more from the borderland tribes would have perished?

Despite their victory in the battle between the two realms, it was a hollow triumph, offering no cause for joy, leaving behind only gloom and a sky burdened with dark clouds.

Upon the mottled city walls, several imposing figures stood side by side; they were the founding ancestors of the borderland tribes, each standing at the Immortal King level.

At this moment, they all gazed anxiously in one direction.

“The alien realm is truly despicable, taking advantage of King Wang's unpreparedness to plant the Origin Blood Curse upon him," roared a red-robed Immortal King, his temper flaring and his face steeped in the desire for vengeance. He wished to immediately lead an army to retaliate against the alien realm.

His entire body was ablaze with flames, even his hair was red. He held a golden bone piece in his hand and carried a pair of divine avian wings, enveloped in light, emanating intense heat.

His fellow Immortal Kings were accustomed to his temper, having fought alongside him for countless years.


A white bone cudgel smashed heavily onto the ground, causing the entire segment of the city wall to quake.

Its wielder was a burly man clad in animal skins, with a wild beard, bare torso, exuding a rugged and primal aura as if he emerged from ancient tribes.

“In recent eras, the number of supreme beings who have perished under the Origin Blood Curse is innumerable; almost every era witnesses at least one fall—a being famed throughout the realms. King Wang is in grave danger.

We cannot sit idly by; we must swiftly repair the passage between the two realms and then make the journey to visit him."

“If it weren’t for the tremendous power displayed by Daoist Wang, we cannot imagine how much more bloodshed our borderland tribes would have suffered,” lamented the owner of the white bone cudgel.

“Humph, the most frustrating thing is that despite the battle spanning the two realms, none of the other tribes in the ancient realm, apart from the allies we ourselves called upon, lent a hand. It's heart-wrenching, as they've clearly decided to use us as the front line, letting us exhaust ourselves to the last drop.”

The hot-tempered Immortal King snorted coldly. “I say we should open the gates and let those wretches from the alien realm in, so they can teach the ones sitting comfortably on the sidelines a lesson.”

“Friend Zhuque, let’s not speak out of anger. This is our ancestral land, our homeland. How can we bear to let darkness corrode it, let foreign lands trample it?”

However, there is some truth in your words. Those major forces in the ancient realm owe us an explanation—a reason for the sacrifices of our kinsfolk,” remarked another being.

His form was wrapped in swirling elements of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning, rendering him a shadowy and indistinct presence within the chaos.

“Indeed, an explanation is warranted,” the other kings echoed in agreement.

For generations, they have defended the frontiers, their families, friends, and descendants lost to countless battles. The price paid is immense. Guarding against the alien realm shouldn’t rest on a few tribes alone; it concerns all life in the ancient realm.

Subsequently, several kings discussed the true motives behind the alien realm’s invasion of the ancient realm. Was it genuinely to seek relics abandoned in this world, or merely an excuse to slaughter the original ancient realm and seize its resources?

“I think the alien realm simply wants to breach the ancient realm and plunder everything. Finding relics is merely a pretext. Their world’s treasures couldn’t possibly have been left here. Even if they were, there’s no way we would let them take them away.”

Surrounded by external chaos and unseen tides of intent, the estate of the Wang Family Immortal King stood in stark tranquility and harmony, untouched by its recent turmoil.

Once vibrant and bustling, the grand mansion now lay empty and desolate, its fleeting vitality abandoned.

Time’s relentless wheel continues its forward march, never halting for any soul. What was once prosperity is now history, beyond our nostalgic grasp.

Within the Secret Domain of Chaos, Wang Heng remained in a deep slumber. He had enjoyed a restful sleep, his spirit feeling comfortably warm, as if basking in a warm spring, and he dreamt a vivid dream.

In the dream, he merged with a colossal world, becoming one with its grand path. He could sense the emotions—joy, anger, sorrow, and delight—of every being living in this world through their soul light, like the legendary heavenly way, observing time and life's myriad facets from above.

Through this process, he witnessed countless separations and reunions. Among the souls that perished, some dissipated into heaven and earth, while others lingered with their obsessions not fully dispersed.

Wang Heng found the experience extraordinary. He seemed to grasp the essence of souls, yet due to some enigmatic reason, a veil of mist prevented full comprehension.

Later, the dream shifted, and he found himself on a battlefield, wielding a black primordial sword embryo against a tide of incoming foes. Unflinchingly, he swung his sword, annihilating enemies across the expanses until the sun and moon faltered.

At last, it all concluded, and he slowly opened his eyes.

“You're awake.”

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