Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 68: Diverging Paths

One figure is Wang Heng’s primordial spirit, representing the "spirit" form among the three bodies of essence, energy, and spirit, retaining Wang Heng’s original appearance. This form is distinct because using the Pacification Art reveals his true identity to the world.

The other two figures bear entirely unrelated faces.

Thanks to the Yin-Yang Furnace’s extraordinary power, they have been recreated within it, allowing for a division into three forms akin to a rebirth. Without forcibly altering their appearances, even magical attempts to trace their origins would only show their current appearances, oblivious to the fact that they are actually Wang Heng.

Moreover, all three forms have been separated according to a pre-planned arrangement.

The only imperfection lies in the "essence" form, destined to merge into darkness, bearing the blood of Wang Geng, an unchangeable source within the Yin Furnace.

The immortal kings of the alien realm would recognize Wang Geng’s blood in their dreams; once the "essence" form enters, it will be instantly discovered.

For this, Wang Geng has made preparations. He beckons the "essence" form to come closer.

Then, he acts, drawing out the blood from the "essence" form, purifying it, and then returning it to the body.

This so-called purification compresses his inheritance factors repeatedly until they vanish from the blood, at least outwardly appearing as if this being’s bloodline is not his descendant’s.

However, this is insufficient. He engraves a celestial king-level sigil in the blood of the "essence" form, capable of obscuring cause and effect, thoroughly hiding the inheritance factors.

Thus, for the immortal kings to uncover the secret origin of the "essence" form’s blood, they must compress the blood to the extreme and unravel the illusion constructed by the celestial king sigil to discern the truth.

But unless Wang Heng’s "essence" form provokes the immortal kings, no such scrutiny will occur.

With the bloodline issue resolved, Wang Geng assesses the "energy" and "spirit" forms, ensuring no mistakes, and then approaches the Yin-Yang Furnace, opening the door to the Yang Furnace.


The Yang Furnace door opens. Unlike the Yin Furnace, this inner furnace is empty, not even a trace of essence left.

Although Wang Geng had placed many miraculous antique herbs inside, some extinct and from the ancient realm of destruction, if shown publicly, even celestial kings would covet them.

Yet now, all the herbs have vanished without a trace, as if an illusion projected rather than actual objects.

Unexpectedly, Wang Geng smiles. The Yang Furnace corresponds to the Yin Furnace, symbolizing Wang Heng’s future fruition.

Its emptiness suggests these rare herbs have taken effect, perhaps bringing great benefit in the future. If any residue remained, Wang Geng would truly be alarmed.

"Father, what is it? Is there something in the Yang Furnace?"


Wang Geng shook his head, not wanting Wang Heng to learn of the events within the Yang Furnace. Such knowledge could burden him with karmic repercussions, potentially leading to failure in the future.

Let all the karma fall upon me, the father who is destined to die.

"I've mentioned before, the 'Essence' body has ventured into a foreign domain to comprehend the path of darkness, but where should the 'Qi' and 'Spirit' bodies go? What are your thoughts?"

Wang Geng shifted the topic, inquiring about the future paths of the 'Qi' and 'Spirit' bodies.

Wang Heng pondered the question before sighing, "I originally cultivated the Dao seed method, planting an unparalleled soul seed within me to achieve the ultimate Dao. However, the dark curse descended, eroding the seed until it withered and shattered.

Although the essence of the unparalleled soul seed merged into my primordial spirit before its demise, the Dao seed method ultimately failed.

Now, I wish to pursue the Dao seed method again, but Father lacks a soul seed comparable to the unparalleled one to aid me in fusion. Thus, the 'Spirit' body is unsuitable to remain in the ancient origin realm.

My idea is to send the 'Spirit' body to the Immortal Domain and leave the 'Qi' body in the ancient origin realm to retrace the Dao seed method."

He was clear-headed, understanding that the 'Spirit' body, formed from the primordial spirit source, required an imperfect soul seed to walk this strongest path.

The 'Qi' body, however, had a wider selection range for choosing a perfect seed. Currently, he had an ideal seed for the 'Qi' body — the Firmament Seed.

In conclusion, leaving the 'Qi' body to practice the Dao seed method and sending the 'Spirit' body to witness the brilliance of the Immortal Domain's cultivation civilization better aligned with his path.

Wang Geng nodded, agreeing with this plan, "This indeed seems the best path for you, but be warned, the Immortal Domain is not peaceful.

Traveling it as my kin, peace will only be more elusive.

Actually, having the 'Spirit' body under your real name stay in this realm is safest.

With my great achievements in quelling uprisings, even the Immortal Kings would protect you; no one would dare harm you.

But, is there truly a path that spares all? Perhaps, this is your destined path."

"I don't believe in destiny, only that my destiny is mine, not heaven's."

Wang Heng declared firmly.

Witnessing his son's ambition and resolute Dao heart, Wang Geng felt immense comfort.

"Even so, an additional layer of protection increases the chance of success.

I paid a steep price to slay an Undying King at the frontier, which the progenitors of our frontier clans owe me for.

They promised to shield you in danger.

Now, go to the frontier and meet them.

Those Daoists will leave means on you, ensuring you have protection for your journey to the Immortal Domain, without fear, even against Immortal Kings."

Wang Geng advised with heartfelt sincerity.

When Wang Heng heard him speak, his heart was deeply moved. As a father, Wang Geng had given far too much for this son, paving a magnificent path for him... A path of utmost distinction that was indescribably hard to repay.

"Father, you must hold on. Wang Heng will strive to become a king as swiftly as possible, to find a way to dispel the dark curse, freeing you from your suffering and bringing you back to the peak." Ultimately, these were the only words he could offer.

At present, he possessed no abilities, enveloped in a profound sense of helplessness. To cast off this feeling, he had no choice but to become stronger.

Wang Geng smiled gently.

"Your intention alone is sufficient; do not overly hasten yourself on account of my curse. This will only destroy you.

Remember, as long as you live, the Wang family is not doomed."

"Wang Heng will remember."

With that, his "Spirit" body prepared to leave, setting off for the borderlands. He wished to see the place where his father had vanquished the Immortal Monarch.

Suddenly, his "Spirit" body paused, turning back to ask a question that had been on his mind for a long time.

"Father, what of my mother? She went to the borderlands with you but never returned. Could it be..." Wang Heng hesitated, unwilling to utter the words.

In this world, he had experienced what was truly the unwavering love of a father, and from the memories of those ten years, a mother's love was no less. The celestial woman who bore "Wang Heng" was particularly devoted and attentive to her child.

Thus, Wang Heng sincerely hoped from the depths of his heart that his mother was safe.

"Rest assured, she is fine and has returned to her family in the Immortal Domain."

Upon hearing this, Wang Heng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Origin Blood Curse of the Foreign Realm is a matter of great cause and effect; you must imprint it in your heart."

Wang Heng's heart trembled, understanding that Wang Geng was reminding him to never forget the event where the Immortal Vine perished at the hands of the foreign realm.

"Father, rest assured, Wang Heng will not dare forget."

Not only due to the Immortal Vine's cause and effect but also due to Wang Geng's. Because of these two alone, peace between Wang Heng and the foreign realm was impossible.

His "Essence" body was sent into the foreign realm, not only out of necessity but also to learn its arts. Knowing oneself and the enemy ensures victory in a hundred battles.

Before departure, Wang Geng gave Wang Heng a spatial treasure he had long prepared and assisted him in integrating it into his body.

Waving goodbye, Wang Heng set out towards the border with the resources given to him by Wang Geng. Although Wang Geng could have easily transported him there directly, he chose not to, wanting Wang Heng to understand that from now on, he must rely on himself.

"Spirit" body departed for the frontier, leaving behind "Essence" and "Qi" bodies. Despite their unfamiliar appearances, the bond of father and son with Wang Geng remained strong.

He allocated a portion of resources to both, infusing them into their bones—a method far superior to the initial techniques of the celestial vine, befitting an Immortal King's craftsmanship.

“Far away from this land under our feet lies the Primal Ancient Realm, consisting of thirty-three skies. You can choose any of the remaining thirty-two skies as your starting ground.

Furthermore, from this moment on, the name Wang Heng must remain buried in your heart. Do not mention it to anyone, not even to your closest friend or confidante." Wang Geng instructed the "Qi" body. "From today, your name shall be 'Gu Wudi'. Remember that?”

“Gu Wudi has remembered,” the "Qi" body responded.

“Very well, stay here a little longer to plant your Dao before leaving. Otherwise, carrying a perfect seed can be risky.”

Within the Primal Ancient Realm, possessing a Dao Seed is paramount. A saying goes: "With a perfect Dao Seed, one masters their own destiny."

Thus, beings go to any lengths to seek out seeds. It's possible that as the "Qi" body passes by, the divine sky seed hidden within could be detected, inviting endless trouble.

Therefore, it's best to integrate it into the body early, preventing future issues."

Wang Geng then addressed the "Essence" body, advising it carefully.

“You must also bury the name Wang Heng deeply within you. From now on, your name is 'Gen Jin'.

I don't know much about the alien realm, so I can't provide much information. Once there, first rebuild your true form, erase the Dao of the Primal Ancient Realm, and then absorb the Dao of the alien realm into your body, fully integrating into that realm. This must be done quickly, or you risk being discovered by the beings of the alien realm.

In the years ahead, everything depends on you. Remember, avoid provoking Immortal Kings unless absolutely necessary, as it might expose the secret of your bloodline.”

“Gen Jin understands.” The "Essence" body nodded, acknowledging the instructions.

Wang Geng nodded. Suddenly, his back blurred, and an identical being stepped out.

“Let's go. The sooner, the better. While the attention of the alien beings is focused on the frontier battles, I'll guide you into their realm,” Wang Geng's avatar said.

The "Essence" body had no objections and immediately moved beside the avatar.

A burst of celestial light enveloped their figures, and then, they vanished without a trace.

“Time waits for no one. It's time to plant the Dao,” Wang Geng instructed the remaining "Aura" body.

Under Wang Geng's watchful eyes, Wang Heng's "Aura" body retrieved the Sky Vault Seed. It was a celestial blue, as though it contained the ancient sky itself, evoking a sense of vastness.

“The Sky Vault Seed is incredibly rare, a perfect ancient seed said to be left by the heavens for their descendants, shrouded in mystery. Every being that has fused with this seed is renowned.

It corresponds to another invincible seed, both destined rivals, intertwined across generations.

From what I know, the Purple Mansion’s Genesis Purple Qi Seed has chosen a new vessel after many years and remains hidden. Once you fuse with the Sky Vault Seed, a showdown with the young beings from the Purple Mansion is inevitable.”

“Father, I have already encountered this being at the South Sea's Purple Bamboo Grove's gathering of prodigies. His name is Zi Shiqing. Although I haven't fought him, I can sense his power. The Genesis Purple Qi Seed indeed lives up to its name,” Wang Heng mentioned the assembly he attended before the tumult in the Wang family.

At the gathering, they tentatively became friends. Wang Heng thought there would be no future conflict, yet now he must fuse with the Sky Vault Seed, marking Zi Shiqing as a destined rival. Destiny remains unpredictable.

“In any case, you need to be prepared. The Genesis Purple Qi Seed is extraordinary, and with your essence divided into thirds, you are not the same as you were,” Wang Geng reminded.

“Yes, Father.”

Perhaps the former Wang Heng could have defeated Zi Shiqing, but now it is not so simple. The "Aura" body no longer possesses the formidable spirit nor the extraordinary physical strength of his peers.

Having said that, with Wang Geng observing, the "Aura" body sat cross-legged, beginning preparations for planting the Dao.

Tens of thousands of celestial ancient characters emerged, swirling around the "Aura" body, as if he were seated amidst a resplendent galaxy.

This display encapsulated Wang Heng's astonishing skill in celestial ancient characters. Originally numbering in the millions, these Dao words were reduced to tens of thousands after merging with greater heavens during earlier Dao planting. The ancient characters now encapsulated greater Dao and power, a full level above before.

Now, this astonishing accumulation offered Wang Heng the strongest foundation to plant the Dao anew.

He proficiently guided the Sky Vault Seed into his body, sinking it into his lower Dantian.


A familiar sensation washed over him, causing Wang Heng's entire body to shiver. It was the Sky Vault Seed's reaction when it touched his flesh, reminiscent of the time when he first planted the supreme soul seed.

"What about the Dao Fruit of the Immortal Vine? Go ahead and take it out. The treasure within is just like a Dao Seed; it can accompany you as you grow together."

Even though naming the chapter was quite a struggle, in the end, it was simply, "Eternal and Invincible Throughout Time."

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