Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 75: The Grand Fealty, Divine Radiance Across Realms

At such a close distance, even with Wang Heng's calm demeanor, he couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart as he witnessed the presence of so many majestic figures at the level of Immortal Kings. For a moment, he found himself standing there, stunned.

Fortuitously, the voice of the Stone King reached his ear, pulling him back to his senses just in time. Yet, at this moment, it felt as though the air around him had frozen solid, making each step hard fought.

Only when Wang Heng gradually made his way to the sides of the Stone King and the other six Immortal Kings did that mountain-like pressure slowly ebb away.

During this moment, the King of the Disk from the Immortal Realm cast a gentle and approving glance in his direction, lightly nodding with a smile.

Wang Heng intended to respond, but the Stone King shook his head, signaling him to remain silent.

Receiving the directive from the Immortal King, Wang Heng naturally dared not act rashly. He stood obediently behind the Seven Kings, silent and not surveying his surroundings further.

Nevertheless, he could sense the gazes from some Immortal Kings of the Ancient Realm upon him, such as Immortal King Wuzhong, the Six Paths Reincarnation Immortal King, the Immortal King of Heaven and Earth, the True Dragon, the True Phoenix, the Immortal Monk King, the Golden Daoist, and others—all of whom shared a certain camaraderie with his father.

As for the notorious super beasts, they remained unfazed, eyes shut, as if oblivious to his presence.

Within the grand hall, the Immortal Kings sat encircling the central area, while the 33 Heavenly Lords of the Ancient Realm and emissaries sent by the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm were positioned a few meters behind them, seated on meditation cushions.

In this world, strength dictated seating; this was an eternal principle.

"Do you know why I called you over?" The Stone King's voice echoed within his mind.

Startled, Wang Heng replied internally, "Wang Heng does not know."

"The matter of conferring kingship could have proceeded once all the Kings arrived, but your Uncle Zhuque, Uncle Mu, and I discussed among ourselves and thought it would be beneficial for you to join the ranks of the crowned kings. After all, the blessing of myriad races and the grace of heaven and earth, forming the ancient symbol of honor, is no trivial matter and could be greatly advantageous to you."

"Some among us were against it, while others agreed. After ample deliberation, it was decided to include you in the cohort of crowned kings. However, to my regret, your father has just sent me a message, rejecting the proposal. I wish to hear your thoughts. Should you desire it, your uncles and I could try persuading your father once more. Perhaps we might sway his decision."

"Bear in mind, this opportunity wasn't easily won—it comes with significant difficulty."

"To be crowned king?"

Wang Heng gasped.

It meant he would partake in the blessings of all races and the grace of heaven and earth? And at that time, a "Radiance" character would be engraved upon his forehead?

His heart thudded fiercely. To become a member of the crowned kings' cohort would mean joining the same tribe commanded by the Seven Kings of the frontier—a deeply enticing offer. If left to just himself, Wang Heng might have accepted without much hesitation.

However, Wang Geng's outright refusal brought Wang Heng to seriously contemplate the pros and cons of the matter.

Now, he had become very close to the Seven Kings, calling each other uncle and nephew. They even promised to protect him on his path.

If he were to accept the consecration of the myriad races along with them, becoming part of the same kin, it would signify a deeper bond.

The geographic location of Daodaotian predestined it to be a place of war and turmoil. Perhaps Wang Geng considered this and did not want Wang Heng to get too close to the border clans.

Just like Wang Geng himself, who to repay a debt of karma, went to assist in battle, only to meet an unforeseen event, be struck by an origin blood curse, and almost fall on the spot, now facing a countdown to his life.

This served as a cautionary tale; Wang Geng only wanted his son to live well.

Remembering these things, Wang Heng deeply realized his father's well-intentioned care. Thus, he replied to King Shi, "Thank you, Uncle Shi and all uncles for your help. I think the matter of becoming a crowned king should follow my father’s will; if he says so, there must be reasons and rationale."

Hearing Wang Heng's response, King Shi understood his thoughts, nodding in agreement and ceasing to mention the matter of joining the ranks of the crowned kings.

Soon, the council of the kings concluded, and the grand ceremony was about to begin, with everyone heading outside the great palace.

Wang Heng followed behind the Seven Kings, suddenly feeling an unusual gaze on his back.

He turned back and saw a magnificent middle-aged man gazing at him intently, his features bearing some resemblance to Wang Heng.

Wang Heng immediately understood; this was his uncle he had never met—Wusheng Quasi-Immortal King.

"Heng'er, how is your father's injury?"

A strange voice came, it was Wang Heng's uncle speaking.

"Are you... Uncle? Father's injury is stable for now," Wang Heng cautiously replied, not knowing the nature of relations between his father and his mother's family.

"Is that so? That's good. As long as your father is alive, nothing major will happen," the Wusheng Quasi-Immortal King heaved a long sigh of relief and said.

"What does Uncle mean by that?" Wang Heng asked curiously.

"Your father and your grandfather are in the original ancient world and the celestial domain, watching each other's backs. Thus, the immortal king opposing the Wu clan doesn't dare to act rashly.

However, if your father meets misfortune, then the enemies of the Wu clan in the celestial domain might seize the opportunity to attack.

At that time, the Wu clan would be in jeopardy."

"Are the enemies of the Wu clan very powerful?" Wang Heng frowned. As he suspected, all Immortal Kings have their own foes, and his grandfather, the Wuji Immortal King, is no exception.

"Very powerful, indeed among the strongest in the celestial domain, extremely ancient. Moreover, he is not alone; he has allies."

“Uncle, can you tell me who this being is?”

“In truth, I shouldn't tell you. Knowing too much serves you no good. However, recognizing your extraordinary talent, you'll cross paths with those people eventually. Not knowing the details would put you at a significant disadvantage.

Hence, it's for your benefit that I tell you in advance. That ancient being is named Ao Sheng. This time, during the border ceremony, he even sent an envoy—probably to gauge your father's condition.”

“I see.”

Wang Heng understood immediately. In the original history, when Shi Hao took the Myriad Dao Tree, the being guarding it mentioned that the tree originally belonged to an Immortal King family that had conflicts with Ao Sheng's lineage. That family was defeated, leaving no one to claim the Myriad Dao Tree in later generations.

It now seems highly probable that this defeated family is the one Wang Heng's mother belongs to.

In other words, the downfall of the Wuji Immortal King occurred at the end of the Ancient Immortal Era, after Wang Geng's demise.

“Alright, now that you know his name, you should also know the names of this being's allies—Taishi, Yuanchu. Be especially cautious when encountering these clan creatures.” Wusheng spoke again.

“Thank you for the reminder, Uncle. I'll remember.”

“Your mother misses you dearly, always hoping to return to the Original Ancient Realm. However, due to current circumstances, she must remain in the Immortal Domain.

If your father recovers, she might return. Alternatively, when you're accomplished in cultivation, you can venture to the Immortal Domain, reuniting mother and son.”

Following this, Wusheng ceased transmitting thoughts, instead, he followed the various kings out of the grand palace.

Next, Six Paths and Wuzhong stepped forward, presiding over the royal sealing ceremony.

The first part of the ritual was to worship heaven.

Led by two towering figures and numerous Immortal King creatures, a group of Quasi-Immortal Kings and True Immortals stood upon a prepared altar, offering sacrifices.

Lighting Immortal Dao incense, they invoked the rules of the great Dao in deep communion.

Wuzhong Immortal King and Six Paths Reincarnation Immortal King stood at the forefront, holding a brilliant decree, chanting ancient and mysterious syllables that spread across the heaven of thirty-three days, as if communicating with the world, recounting the glorious deeds of the border clans to heaven and earth.

The sight of these leaders directly engaging the heavens, recounting cause and effect, was rare since ancient times. Be it Immortal Kings or lesser beings, all remained silent, intently witnessing this historic heavenly worship.

Terrifying Dao symbols and rules surged powerfully, like vast oceans ebbing and flowing.

Soon, the response from the Original Ancient Realm stirred, the great Dao shaking violently, unleashing resplendent divine radiance, shooting towards the heavenly great Dao, all descending upon the imperial city of the border.


The scene was overwhelming, the imperial city bathed in celestial radiance, sweeping across the heavens and the earth, blessing every creature at the borders with a precise and invisible grace.

At the same time, all the kings moved together, their mighty voices spreading across all thirty-three heavens.

Whether part of the great clans, ancient celestial dynasties, or humble tribal societies, all beings took out a section of scripture, chanting in unison with their kin.

It is unimaginable to picture the vast, primeval world with every sect and tribe chanting the same sacred words.

The scriptures affirmed and blessed the accomplishments of the border tribes.

Step by step, drop by drop, a vast river and ocean are formed.

At this moment, streams and rivulets from every corner of the thirty-three heavens flowed toward the celestial path, gradually merging into a vast sea.

Blessings from myriad races, coupled with the celestial radiance and divine grace, bestowed a cleansing baptism upon every creature of the border tribes, filling them with splendid brilliance.

The radiance from the Seven Ancestors of the Border Clans shone brightest, like seven blazing suns lighting the borderlands, dispelling the deep darkness.

Finally, all the luminescence and splendor condensed into a single word "Glory", hiding within their foreheads, latent in their bloodlines.

From now on, whenever the beings of the border tribes engage in combat, the ancient character of glory in their bloodlines will manifest, providing strength and protection.

It stands as proof of supreme honor, offering not only power and shelter but also the ancient techniques of the ancestral progenitors, which are entrusted to the ancient character, to be passed on to future generations, enduring forever.

In addition to the tribes of the Seven Ancestors, many other branches were also granted kingly titles, honoring their ancestors who sacrificed their precious lives defending the imperial city, ensuring these contributions were not forgotten.

Even now, some tribes lack celestial kings, or even true immortals, yet they still enjoyed the honor of coronation. The strongest in the tribe could claim the title of "King", and should the first "King" fall, the strongest of their descendants would inherit the title.

When the character representing glory was formed, deeply imprinted in their bloodlines, the entire city rejoiced, and the atmosphere in the imperial city grew vibrant.

Following this, the grand celebration moved into its next phase.

The imperial city turned into a revelry, with races celebrating and immortal kings seated at the feast. A true immortal-level white ape courteously served wine, while celestial spirit monkeys placed divine fruits on a chaotic stone table for the immortal kings to savor.

Immortal music resonated, melodious and enchanting, with golden lotuses of the path taking root in the void, sacred heavenly springs emerged from beneath the earth, exuding immortal mist.

The ancient imperial city, having endured endless ages of war's baptism, transformed into a mortal paradise at this moment.

Cultivators relished this rare moment, celebrating the success of the grand coronation, while some discussed the great victory at the border war, all sharing in pride and honor.

Only Wang Heng observed silently, out of place amidst the fervent atmosphere.

He seemed like an outsider, watching from afar as the Primordial Imperial City stepped into its most dazzling moment in history.

Bathed in the divine radiance of the realms and blessed by myriad races of the ancient world, with heroes of the immortal domain coming and going, the Imperial City was undoubtedly magnificent, resplendent, and sure to leave an indelible mark in the annals of time.

But what happens after the glory fades? What comes next?

Wang Heng pondered, growing wary.

"Kid, while others are celebrating the grand event of kingship, you're looking troubled. What's the matter? Is it perhaps the situation concerning that person isn't looking optimistic?"

The dark shadow reappeared—Black King had arrived, standing before Wang Heng like a towering mountain.

"It has nothing to do with my father. I'm just wondering if after reaching such heights of grandeur, we might slowly decline? Glory reaches its peak, only to fall thereafter, isn't that so?" Wang Heng responded, thoughts drifting to the tragic fate of the Primordial Imperial City in a perfect world.

Black King heard these words, furrowing his brows and wanting to retort. After all, the border imperial city was guarded by seven immortal kings, as impregnable as ironclad defenses. But when he thought about it, glory reaching its peak only to decline was an unchanging truth of the world. Hence, he found himself unsure of what to say.

"Are you really only ten years old? Why do I feel you're like the 'King Ancestor' they mention, an ancient monster who hasn't shown themselves for ages? Could it be that person is reincarnated, borrowing their offspring's body to be reborn?" Black King mused, his gaze at Wang Heng shifting instantly, a mix of dread and reverence in his eyes.

Wang Heng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Senior, where did that idea come from? If that were true, you would've already been lying on the ground, dazed and incoherent when you first called me 'kid.'"

"Indeed," Black King nodded in agreement.

At the same time, outside the Imperial City, two great Burial Kings stood side by side, witnessing the entire event.

One of these Burial Kings meticulously recorded the grand occasion into the Ancient Burial Book.

Meanwhile, within the reinforced passage between realms, a hollow, blood-red giant eye silently observed the entire process.

The enormous eyelid blinked, slowly disappearing into the darkness.

In a distant realm, within an ancient palace, several vast figures sat cross-legged, engaging in conversation.

"Let them revel for a while; when people are most complacent, their vigilance is often at its lowest."

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