Persona: Hero x Villain System

Interlude: Notice

Interlude: Notice 

Kamar-Taj, Tibet 

Hidden from mortal eyes, a large ancient city with temple-like structures dotted the valley inside the hidden mountain range. This old archaic place was where the most powerful of the mystical world came to train and where the sole protectors of the magical world readied themselves for supernatural threats from beyond the stars. 

Around the world, every lay line or dragon vein, depending on who you were talking to, synergies with the awakening; the epicenter was evident to the sensitive, and even the multitude of the natural sensitive felt the unease briefly. 

New York, all minor of eyes shifted toward the state. To be precise, the city that never slept, scryers, and those with far sight sought out the naturalist who dared to alert the magical world.

Kamar-Taj's battle readiness was legendary; mystical warriors could be deployed in a matter of minutes, and the first wave of warriors could arrive within seconds utilizing the magical arts, yet now, at this moment, where the mystical shook, Kamar-Taj stood still... 

Masters stood before their acolytes, faces contorted into grimaces as their hands were clenched and unclenched, yet they remained standing, watching over their still-reeling acolytes. 





Karl Mordo 

He wanted that power. He needed it. A power that didn't come from study or mystical artifacts, the bloody aura seemed to be awakening from a long slumber, radiating an unnatural hunger! 

The bloody pulse passed through and over him. He cast his well-trained eyes over the acolytes, and scorn appeared and went before anyone noticed. Mordo's sense of the mystical was second to none but the Sorcerer Supreme. 

"Master," said an acolyte that drew him back to the waking world. "What was that pulse earlier?" He turned to his left and nodded in admiration. His assistant was at least somewhat decent. 

"Yaegar, that was an awakening.." Mordo said quickly but refrained from saying anything else. He sensed her, the Ancient One. A circular portal appeared inside the training ground. The murmurs ceased, and all kneeled before the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Ancient One." Hundreds of passionate voices said in unison, each bowing low as she stepped out of the portal. Mordo didn't turn, but he bent by the waist, his hands clamped to his sides. The Ancient One glanced around as if she needed to check something with her own eyes physically. She nodded before answering them all. 

"Senior Acolytes, that was not what I wish you to sense during your training, but fate is a fickle thing; even predicting the ebbs of time and space, I wasn't prepared for such," she said, tilting her head toward the senior acolytes. 

"What you felt was an awakening, one steeped in Blood." She lied like most felt the other aspects, and one that resonated with her was Freedom. She yearned to be free again, but her action had set her on a course that defied the natural world, and her time was nearing when she would pay dearly; she looked off into the distance and wondered. 

Mordo eyed the Sorcerer Supreme and the eye of aggamoto hungrily. 'I knew it. But Who was it? A natural awakening? Impossible. The power this person wielded would be in its infancy, and he would find and capture the person and take control of such force; like his grandfather, he would steal the abilities away from the natural. 

Mordo had no idea that his decision today would lead Kamar-Taj down a path of destruction.

Set upon his path, Mordo acted, "Foulness! We must head to New York Sanctum this instant.

Ancient One deflated at his words, and Mordo felt unease, but it was drowned out quickly. 

"Senior Acolytes, gather your juniors and lead them into the grand hall." She ordered. She raised her hand, forestalling the cacophony of voice. 

She made another portal utilizing the sling ring and gestured to Mordo; the two entered, vanishing from the senior acolyte's sights. 

Hours later…

"I suggest we apprehend the cause of the awakening. With that affinity, they can't possibly be a good person." Stated an African Magi whose body was floating above the chair.

"I concur." Said a man in a tuxedo 

"Agree." Said another.

"My clan will assist." The third Master said 

"The people are with Kamar-Taj," a fourth Master agreed.

Countless Masters voted in favor of apprehension.

"Who are we? The magical police? No!" He slammed his hand on the table and stared heatedly at the countless masters and other powerful Earth Magi. 

"Wong, calm yourself; your temper is unbecoming of a Master of the mystical arts." Kaecilius raised his hand placatingly. 

"Horse shit!" Master Wong said before taking his seat and receiving glares from the gathered.

"Your indecisiveness isn't a surprise to me, Wong." Hissed Mordo. 

"And your bloodthirsty ways are still prevalent even after all these years and your utter failure to become the Sorcerer Supreme," Wong said, glaring at the man that made him question his teacher's way of thinking.

"You.." Mordo began to stand, his hand on one of the two blades strapped to his back. Kaecilius raised, but before he or anyone could say anything, the Ancient One's eyes opened.

"No. We cannot weaken ourselves with inner turmoil. I agree with apprehension, but first, we need to find out who this person is and what power they are aligned with." Her voice was low but soothed the gathered in a way only a mother could, yet she had seen all these masters grow and even change their diapers. They all looked favorably, except one man sneered as his momentum was stamped down. 

Wong sat but continued to glare across the round table at Mordo. "Thank you for your wisdom, Ancient One. Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to trace the user; this wasn't a ritual; this was an awakening; it has been thousands of years since a blood Mage walked upon Earth." Admonished Wong.

"Indeed, " mumbled Kaecilius as he leaned into his seat, folded his hands before his chest, and closed his eyes, thinking. 

"That is true. You all know we don't need to track the person but the usage; when they used their powers, we would know, and then we fall on them with the full might of Kamar-Taj." Said Mordo, emphasizing his point but clapping his hands together loudly. 

"Ideally, that would be best, but I'm getting a bad feeling about this," he drew a deep breath. "Should, or could we approach and ask for this individual to come willingly? Offer training? A natural like that could be a shield the Earth may need in the trying times." Said Kaecilius. 

The discussion broke out eventually, and the gathered became split on the approach. Mordo and his cabal wanted to use force and intimidation, but Wong wanted to fall back on the ancient rites and offer tutelage; Kaecillus remained quiet and pondered on aspects of each side. The Ancient One listened and nodded to each side point, but she didn't commit; she didn't force others to follow her directions, at least not anymore; instead, her teaching and perspective pushed the decision to something she could favorably accept. 

"Could this be the person that is altering fate?" Kaecillus's voice rose above the heated bickering.

The Ancient One raised her hand. The table grew silent, and she spoke. "Interesting thought process, but I'm not sure; the individual has been eluding all traces, albeit magical and mundane. This awakening was sensed by more than just us. I can't say which course we take leads to the best optimal path, but I'm sure if we don't do anything, we won't have the chance to regret it." 

"We can't just sit around." Said Mordo. 

"Calm your mind, Master Mordo." Said the Ancient One.

"Kassicus, Ready the acolytes; refrain from muddying the time stream; at this time, we will observe and wait for them to use their newfound gifts. 

"Wong, contact other magical organizations in good standing and make them understand this is a worldly matter, and Kamar-Taj won't accept hindrances." 

"Mordo, come with me. Everyone else, return to your posts and remain ready. Dismissed." 

Sometimes, a leader had to step forward, and she needed to ensure things didn't go out of control.

Dan Marino, Daily Bugle 

"So, you're saying three citizens each choose to adorn red costumes and parade around like Halloween rejects and are supposedly protecting the community by vigilantism?" 

"Yes. Look at these." He spread out the photos. "This armored one is Red Hood. It's blurry and the only picture of him anyone has outside witnesses' sketches. He's the not-so-nice one; it's not confirmed, but he has at least six possible deaths attributed to his name. For some reason, the police aren't contributing kills to him, but I got the information from a reliable source." 

He swallowed loudly and adjusted his tie. He moved the other one. 

"This one is more of a neighborhood hero, fires, Petty crimes, and a few attributed police assistance. Unfortunately, he's been causing property damage lately, and it seems he's unfamiliar with his power. I suspect he's a teenager." Dan said, his index fix stabbing at the swinging Spider-Man caught in the still image of the photo. The name attributing the photographer in bold ink: Peter Parker.

Jonah Jameson huffed but didn't interrupt.

"And this one. The devil of Hell's Kitchen. Aka Daredevil. He is attributed to apprehending the Kingpin and thwarting local gang activities in Hell's Kitchen." 

Jonah stood and turned to stare out the large window. "You want to run a special about the 'heroes of New York with a murderer, one that uses explosives and illegal automatic weaponry and a nuisance that does more harm than good? What about our men and women in blue? What are they doing every day, and we're not running stories on them, especially with the crime rising to astronomical numbers." 

Dan paled. "I've heard things. We all have at this point. Things are changing; strange times are upon us; this will be a good time to shift the papers away from the usual coverage of crime and violence and police incompetence to these few individuals who are cleaning their neighborhoods." 

Jonah's hands slammed into the paned glass, "No credible newspaper in the country would run such a story; not even that cult ran Faux News." 

Jameson said, "I want you to Focus on the crimes committed by these vigilantes. Especially that damn Spiderman."

He whirled around. "You know he cost me hundreds of thousands to clean his damn webbings off this building. My great-great-father laid the first damn brick for what became the Daily Bugle. I won't let that Halloween reject ruin this building and not this lovely city. Scrap all that if you still won't be employed here and run this. 'Crimson Menaces are thwarting the rule of law.' 

Dan sagged but didn't respond but continued to listen to his boss's rant.

Tony Stark, Pentagon.

"Tony, that wasn't a smart move. You can't just tell the United States military no!" Colonel Rhodes groaned as he walked out of the meeting behind his friend.

"Militaries are all the same," Tony complained. He withdrew a cigarette before wincing at the pain from his right arm, which was in a cast and a sling.

"Tony, are you sure the board will do this?" Rhodes asked.

"You got a light, man," Tony asked a man walking past, who shook his head before realizing who it was, but Tony was already headed down the steps fast.

"Be careful, be careful of your steps." Rhodes appeared beside him and helped him down the steps as Tony began to stagger and strolled too fast with his injuries.

"Tony, you needed to get to the hospital. 

"Are you kidding? Let them tamper with this boy," he tapped the pulsating arc reactor on his chest, right above his heart, a device that kept him alive and shrapnel from pushing further into his heart.

Brother, I need a lighter and a drink, maybe six." Tony said jokingly as he winced in pain.

A limo pulled up, and a blonde, naturally beautiful woman leaped out. Rhodes helped Tony forward, but Tony struggled as the woman frowned and stomped toward him. 

With his good hand, he pulled the woman into a hug as she beat him lightly, but he still winced as he was still pretty banged up; the prototype was as comfortable as rolling down the hill in an empty barrel.

"Thank you, Rhodey," Pepper sniffed out. He gripped her hand and squeezed as they sat on the busy sidewalk; in the backdrop, the Pentagon sat imposing as people walked back and forth, not knowing a world-shaking decision was happening before them.

Tony wiped at her red puffy eyes. "Are you crying for your long-lost boss?" He teased. 

"Stupid," she hit him. "Take this seriously, Tony! I thought you were dead." 

His eyes hardened, and at that moment, one of the most feared protectors of Earth surfaced. 

"Rejoice, Pepper, Death rejected me, and Fate directed me. I'm sure you're aware of my new thoughts and decisions?" He was sure the board was already scrambling, and he could hear her phone vibrating continuously.

Pepper nodded and looked at the grumbling Rhodes. "Are you sure about this? The stocks..."

"I don't care about the money, Pepper, not anymore, the things I've seen and done," he shook his head, but before he could say anything else, a warm breeze blew through the surroundings, and the hairs on his neck stood. Foreboding presence pressed down on him, and he shivered, but looking at his two friends around him, he was sure only he felt that. He really may need to go to the hospital.

He refocused as Pepper's warm, welcoming hand pressed against his forehead. "You're shivering, Tony; come on, I hate finding a job because you succumb to a cold after your ordeal." 

"Well, the holidays are over, and you may be busier than before," Tony said in a way greeting Happy, who looked into the rearview mirror smiling at him.

"Good to see you, boss! Where to?" Happy said as Rhodes hopped in the passenger seat. 

"Hospital. That's an order, Happy." Rhodes said as he put on his seat belt. 

"I'm not that bad off." Tony pleaded.

"Happy, we're going to the hospital," Pepper said.

"Tony, you need to go to the hospital for a doctor's opinion; maybe something can be done and help." Frowning, Pepper couldn't help but say, "We don't know how your physical condition has changed with this.." 

"Arc reactor " was one of my father's and his scientist's ideas. He never could get it to work." He added, looking at something on his phone.

New York has changed. He thought, looking at the countless reports on crime and the unresponsive police force. It seems like I'm not the only one that has changed. 

"Are you okay, Tony?" Rhodes asked as everyone was turned, looking at him with concern.

He touched the arc reactor on his chest. Tony silently sighed in his heart, and after restraining his emotions, he immediately replied.

"I was imprisoned for more than three months, and the first month I was forced to build weapons for terrorists, my tech was already in their hands, through back door deals, deals that someone in my company approved." He looked at Rhodes, who stared at him with horror before his eyes hardened and he focused. 

"Whatever you need, Tony. The U.S. Military will assist you in this." 

Tony looked at his friend and smiled, but he continued. "I inadvertently killed my country soldiers ." He raised his hand, forestalling his friends from saying otherwise. He sighed, placed the phone in his lap, and looked out the window. The Daily Bugle was playing on the projector in the city, and a headline would have meant something if not for the painful memories he was reliving flashed across the projector. He should have paid attention to where and who he was selling.

"I'm back." He tapped his chest. "I was reborn inside that cave. I have so much to do and so little time; I can't waste it being confined to a hospital bed." 

Happy pulled over and turned toward him like the others, looking at him with rapt attention. Turning his head and speaking before Pepper interrupted what he wanted to say.

"Listen. It's not what you think. I want you to hold a press conference immediately, and then I'll go to the hospital." 

"Press conference, why?" Hearing this, Pepper couldn't help but blurt out.

"Speaking about this to those I trust and care about the most made me realize the world needs a big brother, a new, more immediate deterrent."

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