Pervert King Seong Gui Nam

Chapter 24

24. Head for the Queen’s Castle

Since then, drinking games have continued.

I was able to regain my vitality and melt into the original atmosphere, as I filled my sexual desire faster than anyone else.

And I realized.

The key driving force that makes everything in the world go smoothly is sexual desire.

Of course, I’ve never been a woman, so I can’t define all humans as that, but I bet that at least 80 percent of the energy that drives single men comes from sexual desire.

Many celebrities, including famous musicians, also said this. I started this job to look good on women.

If you exaggerate a little bit, you can express it like this.

“I’ll play the game if there is or not.”

Park Min-ho, who was caught in the Baskin Robbins game, said, drinking a glass of punishment and sticking his thumb forward.

It was a kind of truth game in which people who had experienced “I’ve had some kind of experience” put their fingers up and their fingers down if not.

“The one with fewer numbers is drinking punishment with loyalty games. Those who have it alone can drink it all alone.”

Park Min-ho’s first question began when he agreed to take turns asking questions.

“I have had sex with more than two people a day.”

As expected, the level of questions is Hollywood-level, perhaps because he has been drinking foreign water for 15 days.

“One, two, three.”

with a jerk

Of the nine, four people were still facing up without moving their fingers.

Me, Choi Tae-soo, Park Min-ho, and Jung Sung-ah.

Meanwhile, Jung Sung-ah’s

“What, aren’t you lying? If you’ve done it with more than two people, you have to raise it up or lower it down. You have to get down there. I’m a little suspicious of Tae-soo, too.”

Choi Mi-hyun tackled.

Hey, I played with three people today. And you’re going to do it with me soon. You’re lying down and spitting.

“There’s no way to check this, so you just throw it.”

No, I’ve done it before.

The four who got caught played rock-paper-scissors again because they decided to play a game of loyalty as a game of loyalty.

The result was Jung Sung-ah, Park Min-ho and Choi Tae-soo.

The queen, with her reputation, only slightly touched her lips and the rest of the people drank one-third of themselves.

The next question was Jung Sung-ah.

The fist with the thumb was gathered in the center of the table, and the eyes were on the queen.

Everyone’s face was full of curiosity.

I am not the only one who has expectations of what kind of questions she will ask.

Finally, Jung Sung-ah’s mouth opens.

“I have felt pleasure in suffering.”

Oh Seung Hwan is about to cry.

Is the queen’s screening process finally starting?

“One, two, three.”

Of course not.

With everyone’s fingers turned upside down, my thumb is only facing the ceiling.

I thought the children were out of their minds for a moment, but it turned out that I was confused with the direction of “Yes” and “No.”

“Oh? Never mind. Of course I’m this way.”

I tried to get down late, but the hyenas couldn’t have let it go.

There is a carpet bombing even though I know I made a mistake.

“Laughing, Chief, that’s your taste.”

“What’s the best time to get hit?” Your butt? Your cheek?

“Why didn’t you tell me at last. He’s good at slap-in the face. How can I give you a nice blow?”

“Oh man, it’s a mistake. All right, just give me a drink.”

I received 500 cups from Choi Tae-soo, and I rode a lot of soju because it was made for loyalty games. Have you ever had a ghost in your past life who couldn’t drink alcohol?

When I get a drink, I get a bad feeling.

I can’t guarantee this.

When I woke up again today, I thought it would be like this at home.

Still, the man had a Gabba, took a deep breath and drank.

It was then.

“I’ll be the black knight.”

Jung Sung-ah touched the table with one hand and leaned toward me and reached out her hand.

No, go back.

I don’t know if it’s anyone else, but you’re dangerous. If you need a foothold to stretch your legs, look for someone else.

“No, I’ll just drink it.”

After saying that, I was going to drink it neatly, but MC Choi Tae-soo said firmly.

“Uh, if you refuse after the black knight request, Sung-ah will drink two cups. Two cups of Jung Sung-ah.”

“Wow, Chief, that’s cruel. How can you ignore a woman’s kindness so much?”

“Bad guy.”

“Hey, what else would I be if you said that?”

“What do you mean, you’re a tactless, boring person.”

“I’ve never seen you refuse a black knight.”

“Me too.”

Public opinion is going badly.

Even Kim Song-hee, who is on my side, is criticizing me with a smiling face.

In the end, I couldn’t overcome the weight of public opinion, so I had no choice but to give up the glass.

Jung Sung-ah, who received the glass, doesn’t open her mouth and flows the bomb drink at once.

Except when we all drink together, I thought the alcohol was weak because I don’t usually put the glasses in my mouth, but I don’t think that’s it.

“What are you doing, you should give me some food.”

“Huh? Uh. Sung-ah, what can I get you?”


I picked up a pork cutlet and brought it to Jung Sung-ah’s mouth.

I really like the arrangement of white and neat teeth that can be seen through the slightly open mouth.

I took off my black hoodie and wore a loose seventh-part T-shirt, but as I leaned toward me, I saw a lettering tattoo that was not normally seen in the collarbone.

The piercing that’s stuck in his ears, and why is he bothering his pretty body when he says he likes Sadism?

Do you like to suffer, too?

Jung Sung-ah, who swallowed pork cutlet well, said her wish.

“Let’s have another drink together today.”

I…… I think I was chosen by the queen.


2 a.m.

Choi Mi-hyun’s ear was hit by a cricket. Even during the game, he kept checking the KakaoTalk window with an irritated look, and eventually said he would track the location and shave his hair if his father didn’t come in right now.

When the four women were given half, the eggs felt a little calmed down. Among them, the absence of Na Moon-jung and Choi Mi-hyun, who acted as mood makers, seems to have had a big impact.

I was also disappointed, but I consoled myself by accomplishing the minimum mission.

Choi Mi-hyun’s favorability was raised to B.

After Moon-jung left, it was important to link up with Song-hee, and Jung Sung-ah showed interest in me, so my perception of me seems to have changed.

Of course, the unique way of speaking and harsh tackle toward me did not change anything, but I couldn’t even deceive the way of interest in Chew-chang.

In return, he received a drink-shaped icon called Hercules S. It is called a nourishing tonic that restores all energy immediately.

Gamseongdae said that it is so effective that it said that it didn’t sleep and only had sex for three days.

Choi Mi-hyun’s absence from drinking eventually did not last long.

Choi Tae-soo whispered to me to check my Kakao Talk, so I looked at it and it was like this.

Choi Tae-soo. [I’m going to karaoke with Seok-hyun. Do you want to go with me? I’ve been drilling somewhere lately, and it’s cheap and nice to drink with a girl.

Go with me. I am so tired that I hardly slept last night.

There was no more recommendation if it was just a courtesy question.

In the meantime, Moon Jung-eun also sent a message.

I just washed up and lied down. I’m taking a shower and I’m getting tons of jelly from the chief.

I see. [He’s not checking it, so you still set it as silent. What a stupid chief!

I’m going to bed now. See you tomorrow.


I was going to reply but I thought I’d wake you up.

Finally, I decided to finish the first round and I paid for it.

All of us decided to come out and split up on our own way.

Park Min-ho was the first to take a taxi and disappeared, saying his friends were playing at a club in Gangnam.

Choi Tae-soo and Kim Seok-hyun took Jun-gu and walked toward the nearby karaoke room, and the rest were me, Kim Song-hee, Ko Sung-min and Jung Sung-ah.

Now it’s my turn to play the role of Cupid for Song-hee and Ko Sung-min.

“Sung-min, please take Song-hee home.”

“I’m going anyway, so I’m going with you.”

“I want you to take me home for sure. There are so many crazy people these days that I can’t even feel safe in front of my house.”

“Yes. Uh, a taxi is here. Then we’ll go first.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow.”

Song-hee’s expression on the taxi after Ko Sung-min is girlish. I send a silent glance so that I can only recognize myself as a sign of appreciation.

I hope it goes well.

Sungmin, you got it. Songhee is not a scratch-free lottery, but a sure winning lottery. Be sure to lose weight even if you lock him up somewhere. You’ll see a new world.

Although the mission achievement reward, which is given if you have first sex with Kim Song-hee, was a bit wasteful, Song-hee’s last expression made it fortunate that she didn’t have insert sex with him.

Yeah, if you have a vaginal rupture or uterine hemorrhage with someone you like, you won’t have the least amount of resentment. If I had ignored the warning of the emotional group and proceeded as it was, I would have hurt Song-hee with the pain and hurt of her first experience that she could not wash away.

“You should have another drink with me.”

Oh, Jung Sung.

He’s still here.

“Are you not tired?”

“It’s okay. Are you tired?”

“No, no, it’s okay.”

To be honest, I’m tired, but I don’t think I can just go home as I’m 100% sexually motivated right now.

I still have time at 2 a.m., and I was going to covet Jung Sung-ah’s naked body even if I wrote “Hercules S.”

“Where do you want to go? Is there something you want to eat? Beer or soju?

Jung Sung-ah, wearing a hood, stared somewhere in the air for a moment and answered.

“Would you like to just go to my house? We have drinks and snacks.”

A nuclear bomb-like suggestion that Kim Jong-il would come out of the coffin!

Let’s just go with someone we know. Is that it?

I’d love to. I’d love to.

“Do you live alone?”

“My parents are here, so I’ll ask them to go.”

Jung smiled and asked, “Why do you ask such a obvious question?” Then he waved his hand to call a taxi and got on the front seat first.

The house where Jung Sung-ah lives alone was a Jugong apartment about five minutes away by taxi.

“Go inside, please. 904 dong.”


The taxi soon stopped in front of 904.

When I try to put out my card to pay for the taxi, Jung Sung-ah quickly pulls out the bill and hands it to the driver.

“That’s enough change.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Shame on my hands, I shrugged my card in and got out of the taxi.

Jung Sung-ah walked one step ahead and I followed.

The sound of Jung Sung-ah’s walker’s heel rang out in the early morning apartment complex, where only street lamps were lighting alone.

She paused at the entrance of the apartment to check her mailbox and crumpled one into a cross bag.

with a gulp

I swallowed a dry saliva in the elevator and it made quite a loud noise.

[Relaxing] Relax. People who go to have sex can’t dance their shoulders, but why are you so stiff?]


Why am I so nervous?

Maybe it’s because I’ve never been to a house where a woman lives alone. It’s in a situation where the bunga bunga is certain.


The elevator stopped on the ninth floor.

As expected, Jung Sung-ah gets off first and takes the lead as if she is guiding.


It’s weird. My heart isn’t pounding, but there’s a lot of pressure coming in calmly.

In the short time walking down the corridor, I had all sorts of thoughts.

What if my feet smell? Should I wash my feet as soon as I get there?

I think my lower stomach is a little heavy, what if I have to go to the bathroom in the middle? Do I have to pack at the nearby shopping mall to buy something? What if the toilet gets clogged while you’re just packing at home? It’s awful just imagining it.

Oh. Come to think of it, I don’t even have a condom.

No, maybe I’m the only one drinking kimchi soup before that. Sexual activity doesn’t just mean insertions, but it could be thrown away while being locked up and subjected to one-sided sexual torture.

Perhaps because the image of Jung Sung-ah is so stuck in that direction, I don’t think sex will proceed normally. If you want to have a different experience at Chewchang, you should try it.

Shall we run away?

While thinking about this and that, Jung Sung-ah stopped at the house at the end of the corridor.

It opens the door with a key, not a digital door lock.

“Come in.”

Yeah. We should go in.

As I entered the porch where the sensor light was turned on, I smelled a mild lavender fragrance. Of course, I don’t know what lavender smells like.

It was an old-fashioned apartment about 15 pyeong.

Perhaps trying to look around the house, the emotional band that entered first walked around through the walls.

Two visits and sinks were facing each other on both sides of the front door, and a large room, which is seen as a living room and an inner room, is attached to the veranda.

I expected heavy metal posters on each wall, but it was just an ordinary home.

As I take off my shoes, I can feel the smell of the tail. Jordan, who hasn’t worn it a few times, seems to be sweating a lot because of its small size.

“Where’s the bathroom?”

“There’s the second door. Are you going to wash up?”

“Oh, I think I need to wash my feet.”

“Then take a shower altogether. I’ll give you comfortable clothes.”

“Well, shall we?”

Why is that one word of comfortable clothes so exciting?

This feels like a newlywed.

an end

ⓒ burn7

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