Pervert King Seong Gui Nam

Chapter 302

257. Open! Jiyuklim Royal Rumble!

Time makes things old and soft-hearted. Passion becomes inertia and freshness becomes cliche. Adaptation turns into inertia and experience into pessimism.

The same is true of sex. In the early days of dating, lovers who coveted each other’s bodies with the intention of writing anatomical papers, stick, shake, groan, and assess according to their habits over time.

It gets worse if you move on to the relationship between husband and wife.

They make fun of and rationalize the unhappy situation of sexless, saying, “We don’t do that with family members,” or even “we don’t have sex with our mother-in-law’s daughter.”

In that respect, Na Mun-jung and Min Ha-yeon are the best.

I’m not tired of it.

I’ve emphasized this several times, but I have to emphasize it again.

Every time I do something new, the more I open it, the more I keep getting something.

I’m going to fall on a deserted island soon, so if you tell me to pick two things I need, I’m going to pick up the lighter and the knife. I’m going to take Na Mun-jung and Min Ha-yeon. I’ll just have sex and then I’ll go through it.

That’s the will of S, the pride of sex.

I am human, I am sexual.

Sex does not betray sexual desire.

Sex does not persecute the deceased.

Sex does not turn a blind eye to a man without sexual desire.

Sex does not yield to reality.

Sex does not make a shameful noise to God.

Sex pays off caress and pleasure.

Sex protects the innocent genitals.

I swear to God, we prove our own flesh and blood by the law of this sex.

“Come, Na Mun-jeong and Min Ha-yeon. Burn it——!


“Whoow, whoow, whoow, ········.”

I pulled Junior out of Ha-yeon’s Ppozzi and closed the cuckoo hole with tissue.

Moon Jung, who reached his peak through self-defense while I was with Ha-yeon, relaxed his rigid body and leaned his head on my thigh.


Ha-yeon murmured a sentimental sentence that might come from a romance novel.

“I wish time would stop like this. I don’t want to go in.”

“Me too. I just want the three of us to go down the countryside and live until we die.”

So, it has already been two hours since the Moonjeong X Ha Yeon collaboration began.

I made a total of four assessments.

First is double awkward, second is Munjeongjilssa, third and fourth is deep in Hayeon’s womb.

As we swore to God, we didn’t give in to reality and alopecism, but we still looked for flesh like Silicon Valley venture entrepreneurs and put our heads together for novelty.

By constantly changing gears from S to M and from M to S, they were able to pressure and push each other in a fluid manner, resulting in pleasure.

Over the middle of the year, Ha-yeon, who seeks challenging and deviant colors, led the board and revitalized the bed, among which she introduced one thing that shows her wit to the extent that she has to receive royalties and pass it on to the Japanese AV community.

A gale balloon.

After completing the third assessment, we were talking about the mystery of the elasticity of women’s quality.

At that time, Ha-yeon went into the shower booth with a condom, apparently something flashed. Then, he put a condom on the head of a slim-type shower that looks like a microphone and squatted down to push it into the pocchi.

“Huh-huh ··········.”

Putting a shower in Pozzi was nothing new because it was a program that Moon Jung and Joo Se-hee enjoyed sometimes, but Ha Yeon went through a step further there.

The water was turned on while the mouth of the condom was blocked.

So what will happen? What do you mean! A condom water balloon is created in the vagina.

Ha-yeon exclaimed with a marvelous look, as if she had seen a miracle of sitting up.


“There, there!”

“What are you doing?”

When the limit was reached, Hayeon loosened the lid of the condom and poured water out of the ppocchi.

“Wow, awesome. Moonjung, come here too.”

“Oh, what if it explodes inside?”

“It’s not working. It’s not working. Just turn the water on.”

“Then try!”

Soon after, a condom-covered shower came in to Moonjeong’s Porchi, and Ha-yeon controlled the lever and spilled water little by little.

The balloon must have started to swell inside, and Moonjeong’s eyes and mouth were wide open, making a fuss.

“Baaaaa ········ feels weird. I’m going to pee!

“Should I turn it off?”

“Woman, the lumpy crab ·····························, is not bad.”


“Oh, my God. Sister, do you think it’s like this when you’re pregnant? Feels like a water pump!”

“Well, the amniotic fluid is made from the inside. In the womb.”


They added and drained water and continued to play with gale balloons. It was quite interesting, saying that the calm vibrations from the pressure of the shower and the feeling of water blowing in the condom were different from vibrator and Dildo.

I thought.

See? You guys are not normal either. Compared to what you guys are doing right now, they’re so young.

Hayeon also offered a new position.

The so-called Centaurus trio.

First, I’m going to burn Hayeon’s throat.

It’s not a typical horse riding behind my neck, but a station where I ride with a crotch in front of my face.

I hold his hips and waist safely and give him a kiss, and Moon Jung-eun puts his hand in front of me in a post-piling position and falls down and combines his genitals.

Then, Min Ha-yeon, who has a very creative attitude in the form of Kentaurus, isn’t this like a Chinese art troupe, not a sex body?

Still, the moment I made it with them, I was so happy.

Three days later, you have to roll the dice of the worst or the worst, but in the worst case, you have to put this stable routine behind you, but if there is a God, you won’t make that shit happen.

“Now it’s time for Moonjeong, right?”

“Yes, but do you still have tadpoles?”

“Hey, I’m Sung Gwi-nam. When did you see I was short of tadpoles?”

“Phhhhhhhhhh, tadpole is cute. Did Moonjung make that up?”


“Oh, I don’t want to go in.”

“Don’t go. Go underwater.”

“Should I?”

“I won’t go to work if you go underwater. Give up your work, Gwi-nam.”

“I can’t get out of here until one of you fainted today.”

“Let’s all faint!”

“Male, let me faint!”

“Lazier. It separates the bones from the flesh.”

[Really try it] How far can we go?]

Oh, I’m so excited!

On this day, during the 14 hours spent at a motel in Yongin, I made 15 assessments, and Moonjeong and Ha Yeon recorded 57 peaks in total.

Moon Jung-yi was married for three minutes and Ha-yeon was married for five minutes, but there was no problem in returning to daily life after Jini’s buff.

– List of rewards for achieving the Ssipchang Mission

1. Compensation for 1000 internal assessments: Skills and item manuals

2. Rebate for monthly assessment renewal: Bisexual pheromone release coupon (1 hour) – produces a pheromone dome with a radius of 10m that makes Puck screen registrants bisexual. No skill rules and penalties.


The time remaining for the worst-case bad dice D-1 is 17 hours and 31 minutes.

There were times when I was nervous and anxious, but I decided to keep my mind calm and believe in the probability of five-sixths.

[The late Sung Gwi-nam, you have to use the bomb of Jiju Yook-rim pheromone even if you do it when you return to Korea’ That’s such a waste.]

“Are you treating me like a dead person already?”

Do you want me to sing it in version 1.0?]

“No, don’t patch me up. I’ve barely managed to get myself together, but you’re sitting there doing shit!”

[Always think of the worst, isn’t that what you said?]]

“So what?”

[Let’s call all the girls we’ve met so far] Let’s get the bomb and the bisexual pheromones out there and make a bonanza. Except for Moonjung and Hayeon.

“Hey, you son of a gun!”

[Good idea, right?]]

“Oh, that’s a really good idea, but how do you get them together?”

Trust me. Use the coupon and say it’s your birthday. It’s okay to say that you’re going abroad to study. We’re not going to see each other, but we’re going to see each other after collections.]

“Is it a given that I’m going back?”

Wouldn’t it be more convenient to think that way? If you don’t do that, it’s a good thing. And that’s what the Jiuyuk-rim Pheromon bomb is for.]

That’s what happened.

Even if you return, you can meet your family and friends again, so you don’t have to pay attention to that.

I called each of the members of Harlempool, except for Moon Jung and Ha Yeon, to go abroad to study next week, and I made an appointment saying that I have no time to meet them unless it’s tomorrow. I sent kakaotalk to the kids who didn’t answer the phone.

I explained to Sunkyung and asked her to invite actress Kim In-na of the Jinseong Reds.

– We shouldn’t be excited, but we’re looking forward to it. So he’s the only one?

“Yes, I’m going to be the only one to eat. I don’t think it suits my taste to mix…·········.”

Okay, eight o’clock tomorrow evening.

Maybe a six-sixth chance to get back to me at Jiuji Forest Gangbang Party.

The following members are confirmed to attend:

Location: Jisunkyung House

1. Yumi Lee (Yum)

2. Kim Song-hee (Baekchia Da)

3. Kang In-young (old girlfriend)

4. Cha Bo-ha (Annal Queen)

5. Kim In-na (Reds Actor)

6. Lulu (anti-human load)

7. O-Gee (shopping mall Maudel)

8. Joo Hyun-seo (boxing trainer)

9. Hello Seo (DJ Hello)

10. Lee Soo-mi (Haeundae Flower Snake 1)

11. Yoon Cho-hee (Flower Leaf Fairy)

12. Jung Yoon-hee (Night Ulsan Woman)

13. Ji Sun-kyung

Although the two top of the soul and some of the first-tier members are missing, it is a super luxurious group that will enjoy 23 nights and 24 days even if it is gathered like this.

Unlimited Royal Rumble, transcending status and age!

Who will be the one who survives to the last!


The next day.

Even if the place was like that, it was natural for women who arrived one by one around 8 o’clock to be embarrassed because they said it was a farewell party for studying abroad, but only a black old man and a black.

In an awkward situation where I didn’t even know each other’s faces except for the members of Amazones, I took care of them one by one and waited for all the members to gather.

It’s 8:30 in the evening.

With Hello, the last to arrive, 13 members finally gathered at Ji Sun-kyung House.

I gathered the girls in the living room that had spread everywhere. Even though their faces were all different, their faces were similar, with their boundaries and curiosity.

Celebrities Kim In-na and Lulu are the most eye-catching.

Many people are also interested in DJ Hello, who exudes a special aura with mixed-race elf Lee Yu-mi.

In particular, Jeong Yoon-hee, a young man in Ulsan, looked around her like an audience invited to the awards ceremony.

Something cute.

He treated me without any awkwardness, as if we had met yesterday, despite seeing each other for the first time in months since the night.

“Thank you so much for gathering like this. Let’s have a glass first.”

I stood in the middle of the living room with a glass of champagne and announced that the party had begun.

The women watch me, picking up champagne glasses that were on a nearby table.

I raised my glass above my head first and shouted a false toast.

“For Sung Gwi-nam’s successful study abroad!”

There is no one who shouts after each other.

They just smiled awkwardly and brought glasses to their mouths.

“Bottoms up and shaking your head!”

Only three people, Jung Yoon-hee, Lulu and Song Hee, took a one-shot shot and shook the glass on their heads according to what I said.

[Brother, let’s just pop it!]

The scope of the application of the Jiju Yooklim Pheromone bomb, which has a nearly hallucinogenic effect, is above B in terms of preference, sexual desire, and gender openness.

Of course, it is also influenced, but it says that low-stats can be less effective.

Yeah, let’s just pop it and watch it.

Sunkyung also said she would raise the mood with her items, so she’s doing it and watching.

Two pheromones spread around my body.

an end

ⓒ burn7

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